Project Details - IMSciences

Table of ContentsS.NoDescriptionPage No.1Reward Money for Research Publications22Fee for Research Publications in Journals23Processing/Evaluation Fee for publication in Journals34Research Grants for Research Activities Funded by the Institute35Travel Grants/Registration Fee for Paper Presentations at International Conferences36Conference Registration Fee for participation in National Conferences47Remuneration for the evaluators of the research proposals seeking grants from the IMSciences Research Fund48Remuneration for Development of Local Case Studies49Procedure for Application of Research Grant5-6 Annexure 1: Research Grant Application Form Annexure 2: Project Proposal Evaluation ProformaWith the advent of Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC), the focus of HEIs in Pakistan has shifted toward research and knowledge creation. In the past ten years, the research output of Pakistani universities has increased exponentially. IMSciences, in this regard, has been no exception. The rise in the number of research publications in IMSciences is due to commitment of our dedicated faculty and support of the top management. To promote and encourage the faculty members to do research and to acknowledge their contribution, the IMSciences Research Committee introduced research rewards for publishing in reputable journals. However, to meet the challenges faced by the researchers and to further encourage R&D culture at the Institute, the R&D Policy has been revised. The future plan is to promote industry driven research so that the Institute can play its role in the socio-economic development of the region. The Institute’s R&D policy is given below:Reward Money for Research PublicationsIn order to encourage the faculty members and students, the Institute shall pay cash award for publishing papers in reputed national & international Journals as per the following breakup:Rs. 50,000 for publishing in “W” category journalsRs. 30,000 for publishing in “X” category journalsRs. 15,000 for publishing in “Y” category journalsFee for Research Publications in JournalsThe Institute shall pay Publication fee for publishing in W, X, & Y, category journals. However the payment shall vary depending on the following cases:Case 1: Full payment for publication of research paper in national & international journal shall be made if all the author(s) is/are affiliated with the IMSciences.Case 2: In case where Principal Author does not belong to IMSciences, the proportionate share of the author/authors affiliated with IMSciences and constituting not more than 50% of the total cost of the publication will be paid only. Case 3: In case of multiple authors with Principal Author being affiliated with IMSciences and co-authors from both IMSciences as well as other HEI’s, 50% of publication cost will be paid on behalf of the principal author belonging to IMSciences. Remaining cost of 50% will be shared by the remaining authors. However if there is/are co-author/s from IMSciences in the remaining authors, their proportionate share not exceeding more than 50% of the total cost will be paid by the IMSciences. A visiting faculty affiliated with IMSciences shall be paid the publication fee in the manner mentioned in the above cases if he/she desires to share the credit of publication with the IMSciences.A research student shall only be paid fee (as a PA), if there is at least one faculty member of IMSciences included in the co-authors list.In order to avail the registration fee for publications, authors shall be required to submit following documents:Acceptance letter from the journalCopy of paper {with all authors along with their affiliations}ISSN no. of the journalCopy of the registration feeProcessing/Evaluation Fee for publication in JournalsProcessing/Evaluation Fee shall be paid once a year to the Principal Author who is full-time faculty member or research student of IMSciences.Research Grants for Research Activities funded by the InstituteThe Faculty of the IMSciences shall be awarded upto Rs.500,000/- for carrying out research projects.The students enrolled in MS and PhD programs shall be awarded upto Rs.300,000/- for carrying out research projects. Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator shall not be paid any remuneration. Students enrolled in BS Computer Science/Software Engineering/I.T program shall be paid upto Rs.30,000/- for the procurement of Hardware/Equipment not available at the laboratory/facilities of IMSciences for undertaking final year projects.Travel Grants/Registration Fee for Paper Presentations at International ConferencesApplications for travel grants/registration fee should be submitted to the HEC.If the HEC does not approve the case, the researcher will be reimbursed the registration fee by the Institute.In case of inability to attend a conference due to official reasons, the applicant will be reimbursed the registration fee only.In case of inability to attend a conference due to personal reasons, the case will be decided by the Research Committee for reimbursement or otherwise.No advance amount shall be sanctioned for any case. All the approved amounts will be payable through reimbursement.Conference Registration Fee for participation in National ConferencesThe applicant must be a full time faculty member of IMSciences.The payment for participation in National Conference will be decided by a subcommittee of the Research Committee nominated specifically for this purpose.The payment for participation in National Conference will be subject to condition of the quality of the conference.The participant will only be reimbursed the registration fee, accommodation and traveling charges upon production of receipts of payment, attendance/certificate, and proof of presentation.The total cost of participation should not exceed Rs.50, 000/- including registration fee, travelling and accommodation charges. A faculty member can apply for reimbursement of charges for participation in National Conference twice/fiscal year only.Remuneration for the evaluators of the research proposals seeking grants from the IMSciences Research FundThe faculty member of IMSciences shall be paid remuneration at the rate of Rs.2,000/- per proposal.No additional amount shall be paid for re-evaluating the same proposal in case where changes have been recommended and the proposal is being re-evaluated.Remuneration for Development of Local Case StudiesAn amount upto Rs.500,000/- shall be paid for the development of local case studies.The case studies will be classified into two categories with award money being paid as follows:Category A: Rs.100,000/-Category B: Rs.50,000/-A Sub-Committee comprising of three faculty members nominated by the Research Committee shall evaluate the case studies for categorization into “A” or “B” category.Procedure for Application of Research GrantThe applicant shall be a full time /part time faculty member or enrolled student of MS/PhD programs at the Institute.The applicant shall submit two hard copies and one soft copy of proposal via email to ORIC Office on the prescribed Proforma at (Annexure 1) available at ORIC Office on request from Secretary Research Committee.The applicant shall be informed of the receipt of proposal by Secretary Research Committee.The application shall get evaluated by internal reviewers as per criteria developed for the purpose (Annexure-2).Evaluation shall be performed by at least two evaluators, expert in the relevant disciplines.The applicant shall be informed of the changes/amendments recommended by the evaluators to make necessary changes and re-submit the research proposal.The evaluations submitted by the reviewers/experts along with research proposal shall be discussed in the quarterly held meetings of Research Committee.The decision of Research Committee accepting or rejecting the proposal for research grant with contingent reason shall be considered final.The applicant(s) shall be informed of decision of the Research Committee by Secretary Research Committee.In case of changes recommended by the Research Committee, the applicant(s) shall make the necessary changes accordingly and resubmit research proposal within seven working days.The revised proposal shall be re-evaluated by a sub-committee to ensure that changes have been made in accordance with the recommendations of the research committee.Funds will be released to the Principal Investigator in the form of cross cheque upon request in writing by the Convener Research Committee to the Controller finance.The applicant (s) shall be bound to complete the research project within the stipulated time.Upon completion of the research project, the Principal Investigator shall submit the project deliverables as mentioned in the research grant form.The deliverables must be in one of the following forms:ReportResearch publicationPrototype Aproject completion report duly signed by the Principal Investigator shall be submitted to the Secretary Research Committee after settling all the financial requirements with the accounts section of the Institute.ANNEXURE-1RESEARCH GRANT APPLICATION FORM (ORIC)(Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar) COVER SHEET FOR PROPOSALA.TITLE OF PROPOSED PROJECT: B.WHETHER PROPOSED RESEARCH IS BASIC APPLIED C1.RESEARCH DOMAIN Sciences Engineering & Technology Social Sciences FinanceC2.STATE FIELD OF RESEARCH AND SPECIALIZATION (For example; Major: Chemistry, Specialization: Organic)Major : Specialization : D.PROJECT DIGEST. Describe the proposed research geared to the non-specialist reader.E1.PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR NAME (full with no initials)E2.HIGHEST DEGREEE3.POSITION/TITLE(with BPS/TTS)E4.DEPARTMENT/SECTIONE5.UNIVERSITY/INSTITUTIONInstitute of management sciences E6.MAILING ADDRESS32746951651000E7.Telephone:(Office) CNIC / Passport No.Mobile No. Email:E8.Previously applied grant under as PI/CO-PI (if any)Project Title &No.F1.CO-PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR NAME F2.HIGHEST DEGREEF3.POSITION/TITLEF4.DEPARTMENT/SECTIONF5.UNIVERSITY/INSTITUTIONInstitute of management SciencesF6.MAILING ADDRESS 32746951651000E7.Telephone:Office:CNIC / Passport Mobile No.Email:F8.Previously applied grant as PI/CO-PI (if any)Project Title &No.G1.PROPOSED DURATION OF PROJECT: G2.PROPOSED STARTING DATEH.TOTAL FUNDS REQUESTED CERTIFICATESCertified that the PI is a full time Faculty Member/Foreign Professor/ Eminent Scholar/Eminent Researcher of the University / Degree awarding institutes. Certified that the equipment(s) demanded for the subject project is / are not available in the University / Institute.Certified that the project under reference has not been submitted to any other funding agency including HEC.Certified that No portion of the project has been funded by any other funding agency including HEC in the past.SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORSIGNATURE WITH STAMP THE HEAD OF INSTITUTION(Vice-chancellor/Rector of University, Director of Degree-awarding Institutions)Project DetailsPROJECT SUMMARYPROPOSED GOALS/OBJECTIVES (please identify quantifiable goals)GOALS/OBJECTIVES (please quantify your objectives in case of Applied research)INTRODUCTIONSignificance of the study/research3A.BACKGROUND OF THE RESEARCH PROBLEMS TO BE ADDRESSEDLiterature ReviewResearch Gap3.B.1Type of Research and Research Design 3.B.2 Selection of the study area3.B.3 Data Collection and Information3.B.4Data Analysis3B.RESEARCH PLAN/ METHODOLOGY: SCHEDULE/PHASING REFERENCES 5. Phase Division of the project Activities??????6. IMPACT (of proposed research on teaching/training of manpower, institutional capability building and on local industry)7. COLLABORATING ORGANISATIONS 8. FACILITIES AND FUNDING 8A. Facilities: equipment available for the research project IN THE HOST UNIVERSITY/INSTITUTION8B. Scientific PersonnelAvailableRequired**Involvement of research students is encouraged.8C. Other funding available for the proposed studies (if any)9.PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORA brief resume of research accomplished in the last 05 years. Please specify title of the research proposal(s), duration, funding source(s) and award amount(s).Detailed CV is attached.9.1Please attach C.V.9.2Number of Publications during the last five years & page National:__ ______Please see pages___________ of CVnumbers on the C.V. where these publications are listedInternational: _ _____ Please see pages : __________ of CV9.3Number of research projects completed & page number Basic: _________ Please see pages ___________ of CVwhere this information appearsApplied: _______ Please see pages___________ of CV10A.ESTIMATED BUDGET FOR THE PROPOSED RESEARCH PERIODDESCRIPTIONUnit CostNumber of UnitsTotal Cost10. B JUSTIFICATION (Please justify your request in a background of the existing facilities available at the host Institute.)11.ENDORSEMENTSIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORDate:SIGNATURE OF CO-PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORENDORSEMENT OF THE HEAD OF INSTITUTION (Stamp & Signature)(Director, Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar)Signature & StampName & Title:Address:Institute of Management Sciences 1-A, Sector E-5, Phase VII, Hayatabad, Peshawar- Pakistan ?Phone:+92-91-9217451E-mail: ANNEXURE-2PROJECT PROPOSAL EVALUATION PROFORMABackground:?Has the author clearly explained relevant prior research? Is the proposed research clearly grounded in past work on the topic???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Objectives and Significance to the body of knowledge: Is there a clear statement of the research hypothesis/goal of the project??Is the objective aligned with research hypothesis/research question??How important is the proposed activity to advancing knowledge or understanding within its own field or across different fields? What are the basic and applied significance of the project??? Does???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Methodology: Is the method(s) of approach to addressing the primary research question appropriate and clear? Is it clear how the data will be analyzed? Is there sufficient access to resources?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Dissemination strategy/work plan: Has the author clearly stated how the results will be disseminated to enhance scientific and technological understanding?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Budget:?Did the author follow the budgetary guidelines of the grant? Are all budget lines adequately justified, including specific equipment, supply cost, estimates of number of hour/pay scale for personnel (e.g. students; other personnel), travel, and publication cost? Does the narrative adequately justify the requested funding???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Outcome:Does the activity promote teaching, new course development, student learning, new concept development? Does the proposed activity enhance the infrastructure for research and education, such as facilities, instrumentation, networks, partnership or outside funding?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Written Quality of Proposal: Is the proposal well written? Has the author described the topic in a way that is comprehensible to people who are not experts in his or her field???PROPOSAL EVALUATION PROFORMAComplete the form in the light of the above mentioned guidelinesTitle of PaperComments:BackgroundObjectives and significance to the body of knowledgeMethodologyDissemination strategy/work planPre and post completion work planBudgetBroader ImpactOutcomeWritten Quality of ProposalAccepted/Rejected/ModificationsEvaluated by:Name:__________________Signature:_______________INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, PESHAWARMINUTES OF MEETING OF RESEARCH COMMITTEE HELD ON FEBRAURY 7TH, 2018 AT 1:30 PMThe meeting of the Research Committee was held on February 7th, 2018 at 1:30 pm at the office of the Joint Director’s Office.1Dr.Usman GhaniJoint Director2Dr.Awais AdnanCoordinator ORIC3Dr.Muhammad NawazCoordinator PhD IT/CS4Dr.Muhammad RafiqCoordinator PhD Economics5Mr.Waqar AhmadManager P&D6Dr.Atta ur RehmanAssociate Professor7Waheed JalalInternee/ Research AssociateThe meeting started with the name of Allah Almighty. The Committee was apprised of the work of our faculty with regard to their contribution in the field of research through publication of books. Some of these books have been applauded and are recommended as course material by some of the international Universities.Therefore, to encourage such publications the Research Committee recommended the following award money.Details:The Award Money per book is recommended as One Hundred Thousand Rupees Only (Rs 100,000).The Award Money for Monograph is recommended as Fifty Thousand Rupees Only (Rs 50,000).The Award Money would be given to Primary Author in case of more than 1 Authors.Pre-Conditions:The Book should be of at least 150 pages.The Monograph should be of at least 100 pages .Publishers who publish the book should not be in the HEC/Government/IM Sciences Blacklist or Banned List.An ultimate decision about the Award money will be taken by a Sub-CommitteeThe meeting ended with the vote of thanksApproved-Sd-Usman GhaniJoint Director/ Convener ................

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