Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Allison Gaubatz

IT 500-701

Design Project

NTeQ Model

Description of the Unit

• Basic Description- Aunt Geegi is coming to town and she lives in Sicilia, Italy. You are in charge of deciding where to go for the vacation with Aunt Geegi. Where are you going to take her?

Lesson 1: Locate and document the temperature of a large city in each region of the United States for one week and create a line graph of the data. The students will work in groups and present their data to the class.

▪ Task Sheet: Temperature

▪ Rubric: Temperature

▪ Evaluation: Temperature

Lesson 2: Create an advertisement describing 2 landmarks and location of the region using Microsoft Word. Landmarks are chosen from the website and permitted by the teacher before research begins. Students will work in groups and present their advertisements to the class.

▪ Task Sheet: Advertisement

▪ Rubric: Advertisement

▪ Evaluation: Advertisement

Lesson 3: Create and present a PowerPoint presentation describing a trip though the United States. Locate a landmark in at least three region of the United States. Calculate the amount of miles from one landmark to another. Determine the amount of time needed for transportation. Finally plan a trip using the following websites: , and . Each group will present their PowerPoint Presentations to the class.

▪ Task Sheet: Trip Maker

▪ Rubric: Trip Maker

▪ Evaluation: Trip Maker

• Purpose- The NTeQ model is necessary for this unit because learning about the United States through technology creates a more interactive educational approach. It intertwines technology with the textbook so the students are using anchored knowledge to complete each task.

• Developmentally Appropriate- The activities provided meet the Illinois Standards for 4th grade Social Science and the NETS Standards for students. Adapting the lessons to meets the needs depends on the students’ capabilities. Each lesson can be altered to meet the needs of the student.

• Goals and objectives-

o Goals

▪ Students will use technology to create and publish information gained through the Internet to supplement the textbook in the classroom.

▪ Students work collaboratively and be effective communicators.

o Objectives

▪ Students will use the Internet Favorites to locate websites.

▪ Students will maneuver through websites to locate information.

▪ Students will create Excel worksheet based information located on the Internet.

▪ Create a line graph of the data.

▪ Print documents

▪ Create an advertisement using Microsoft Word

▪ Type a paragraph using Microsoft Word

▪ Cite resources

▪ Plan a trip

▪ Create a PowerPoint Presentation

▪ Present the information gained.

▪ Work collaboratively.

Available Resources

The computer lab is available to the students during Technology class. The lab consists of 30 computers equipped with Microsoft Word, and Excel, Internet connection, a projector for teaching, and a printer.


Each lesson is graded by a rubric. The students work in groups for the unit. They will complete each task with the same group for the whole unit. After each lesson the students will complete and evaluation of the lesson. Rubrics, worksheets, and evaluations are all included.


At the end of each lesson the students will complete an evaluation based on what the students enjoyed and what seemed difficult. Then discuss ways to change what is not working for the students. The final evaluation asks questions about what was learned and what was still confusing.

Other Criteria

Research and Standards

After reading The Media Versus Methods Issue from Educations Technology Research and Development, Clark states that learning is more influenced by the content and the instructional strategy rather than by the medium. The instructional strategy I have chosen is the use of technology which builds more interest on a particular topic, especially with the proper planning. I also read an article titled A Brief Analysis of Research on Problem-Based Learning. Based on Artoni, Jr.’s (2008) articled he stated that PBL (Problem-Based Learning) represents the clearest application of constructivist theory in practice. Students construct knowledge in a meaningful way so it may be used at some later time. Collaborative learning is built and student involvement increases. Lastly, anchored instruction is described by Bransford, Sherwood, Hasselbring, Kinzer, and Williams (1990) states students use problem situations to experience changes in their perception and understanding. The focus of anchored instruction is the relevancy of the problem.


Illinois Learning Standards

Social Science-

17.A.2a- Compare the physical characteristics of places including soils, landforms, vegetation, wildlife, climate, and natural hazards.

17.A2b- Use maps and other geographic representations and instruments to gather information about people, places, and environment.


3.A.2 Write paragraphs that include a variety of sentence types; appropriate use of the eight parts of speech; and accurate spelling, capitalization and punctuation

3.B.2a Generate and organize ideas using a variety of planning strategies (e.g., mapping, outlining, drafting).

3.B.2d Edit documents for clarity, subjectivity, pronoun-antecedent agreement, adverb and adjective agreement and verb tense; proofread for spelling, capitalization and punctuation; and ensure that documents are formatted in final form for submission and/or publication.

3.C.2b Produce and format compositions for specified audiences using available technology.

National Educational Technology Standards (NETS)

2a. Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work, collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.

2b. Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.

3a. Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students plan strategies to guide inquiry.

3b. Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.

3c. Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.

4b. Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.

4c. Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.

5a. Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.

Legal/Ethical Issues and Safety

Internet sites are available to find the information and are provided with each lesson. The students are to stay on those websites provided. I discuss the proper use of the Internet at the beginning of the year. Student and parents must sign an Internet Use Form at the beginning of the year.

Model Technology Integration

As required for the NTeQ unit, each lesson includes a before computer, during computer, and after computer activities. During the before computer activities I will be modeling the use of the technology so when the students are at the computer they have an idea of what they are supposed to do to complete each objective for the lesson. Modeling in very important for the students because it acts as a guide for the students.

Alternate Plans

If for some reason the technology lab is unavailable I would take the students to the Library to look for books and maps of the regions of the United States. Discuss what they found.

NTeQ Lesson - iNtegrating Technology for inQuiry

Regions of the United States

Lesson 1

Lesson Title: Temperatures

Subject Area(s): Social Studies and Technology

Grade Level: 4th Grade

Time Required: 5 days at 12:00pm 10-20 minutes required.

1 day of 45 minutes for creating the line graph

Author: Allison Gaubatz

Lesson Summary:

The goals of this lesson are to encourage the use of technology for multiple purposes. Students become effective communicators and locate information with the use of technology.


It would be helpful to create group folders to hold all information gathered for the whole project

• Internet

• Website:

• Microsoft Excel

• Printer

• Paper

• Rubric (1 for each group)

• Task Sheet (1 for each group)

• Temperature Log (I for each group)

• Evaluation (1 for each student)


• Locate Internet websites from favorites. (application)

• Maneuver through the website to locate information to complete the chart. (application)

• Create an Excel worksheet. (synthesis)

• Create a line graph. (synthesis)

• Print the document. (application)


• Social Science

o 17.A2b- Use maps and other geographic representations and instruments to gather information about people, places, and environment.

• National Educational Technology Standards (NETS)

o 3c. Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.

o 4c. Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.

Identify Computer Functions:

|Learning Task |Computer Functions |

| Identify different temperatures in different regions of the |Internet skills, use of Microsoft Excel, and graphing skills |

|United States | |

Problem Statement:

We have to decide where to take Aunt Geegi for vacation so we are going to start doing research of prominent places in the United States. This includes knowing the temperature before you go on vacation. Why would you want to know the temperature of a place before you go? We are going to learn about the temperatures in different regions of the United States. First we will locate some regions of the United States and discuss the large cities in each region. As a group you will choose 4 large cities in each region. Then you will come to me, the teacher, for approval. Next, we will use a website to determine the temperature for each city at 12:00pm every day for 5 days. When we complete the Task Sheet we will use Excel to create a line graph of al the cities. This information will help use to determine where we should take Aunt Geegi on vacation.

Data Manipulation:

*Determine specifically how students will use the identified computer functions to help SOLVE the problem. Think carefully about the problem to be solved and how the data needs to be manipulated to find a solution. Briefly describe each manipulation activity. (Example is for a kindergarten class.)

|Computer Function |Computer Application |Data Manipulation |

| | | |

|Use a spreadsheet to make a chart |Microsoft Excel |Create graph from information gained on a |

|Use the Internet |Internet Explorer |website |

| | |Locate information on the website relevant |

| | |to the task |

Results Presentation:

Students will display the information in the classroom for future use of the project.

Multidimensional Activities:

Activities Prior to Computer: (Activities will determine the location of the implementation)

• Break into groups.

• Determine 4 cities for each group based on a map of the United Sates

• Determine roles (which student will do which city)

• Discuss activity and learning objectives

• Demonstrate Excel

• Demonstrate how to create a line graph

• Discuss rubric

• Discuss Evaluation

Activities While at Computer:

• Determine the temperature for each city using the internet site provided under favorites for 5 days at the same time.

• Insert data into a spreadsheet

• Create a line graphs

• Print the document

Activities After Using Computer:

• In groups discuss the most important observation made about the data.

• Which two cities look the most interesting so far? Would this be a place to take Aunt Geegi?


• Rubric included


Lesson 1

Task Sheet

We will be checking the temperature at 12:00 each day.

• Go to the Favorites button on the toolbar at the top of the page.

• Find and click on the National Weather Service on the left side of the page.

• Write the temperature for each day on the Temperature Log provided.


• Open the Excel program from the Start Menu.

• In column A, type Date.

▪ Resize any column by clicking in the cell divider in the Column Header.

o Font Size: 26, Times New Roman

• In cell A2, type the date for Day 1.

• In cell A3, type the date for Day 2.

• In cell A4, type the date for Day 3.

• In cell A5, type the date for Day 4.

• In cell A6, type the date for Day 5.

• In column B, type Temperature.

▪ Resize any column by clicking in the cell divider in the Column Header.

o Font Size: 26, Times New Roman

• In cell B2, type the temperature for Day 1.

• In cell B3, type the temperature for Day 2.

• In cell B4, type the temperature for Day 3.

• In cell B5, type the temperature for Day 4.

• In cell B6, type the temperature for Day 5.

Insert the graph

• Choose insert from the toolbar.

• Choose a line with markers chart, 2-D.

• Move Graph away from the data.

• Type group Number and Names in any readable cell.

• Print document.


Lesson 1

Temperature Log

• 1 city from each region.

• Must be approved by the teacher before research begins.

Location (city, state) ______________________ Region ______________

|Date |Temperature |

|Day 1. | |

|Day 2. | |

|Day 3. | |

|Day 4. | |

|Day 5. | |

Location (city, state) ______________________ Region ______________

|Date |Temperature |

|Day 1. | |

|Day 2. | |

|Day 3. | |

|Day 4. | |

|Day 5. | |

Location (city, state) ______________________ Region ______________

|Date |Temperature |

|Day 1. | |

|Day 2. | |

|Day 3. | |

|Day 4. | |

|Day 5. | |

Location (city, state) ______________________ Region ______________

|Date |Temperature |

|Day 1. | |

|Day 2. | |

|Day 3. | |

|Day 4. | |

|Day 5. | |


Lesson 1


|Objective |Excellent |Good |Needs Improvement |

| | | |1 |

| |3 |2 | |

|Locate Internet website from |Students go the Favorites and click|Students go the Favorites and click |Students go the Favorites and click |

|Favorites |on the correct website with no |on the correct website with little |on the correct website with a lot of |

| |help. |help. |help. |

|Maneuver through the website |Students type in the city and state|Students type in the city and state |Students type in the city and state |

|to find the correct |with no help. They find the |little to no help. They find the |with a lot of help. They find the |

|information |temperature for 5 days and write it|temperature for 4 days and write it |temperature for 0-3 days and write it|

| |into the Temperature Log. |into the Temperature Log. |into the Temperature Log. |

|Create an excel spreadsheet |Students create a spreadsheet for |Students create a spreadsheet for |Students create a spreadsheet for a |

|with the data from the |each city with all of the |most cities with 4-5 of the |few city with 0-3 of the following: |

|Temperature Log |following: |following: |Columns titled |

| |Columns titled |Columns titled |Times New Roman |

| |Times New Roman |Times New Roman |Font Size 16 |

| |Font Size 16 |Font Size 16 |Dates (5 Days) |

| |Dates (5 Days) |Dates (5 Days) |Temperatures (5 Days) |

| |Temperatures (5 Days) |Temperatures (5 Days) |Columns resized |

| |Columns resized |Columns resized | |

|Create a line graph of the |Students have a line marked line |Students have a line marked line |Students don’t have a line marked |

|data. |graph and each axis is labeled. |graph or each axis is not labeled. |line graph and/or each axis is not |

| | | |labeled. |

|Print the document |Students needed no help printing. |Students needed little to some help |Students needed a lot of help |

| |Group number and names are |printing. Group number and/or names |printing. Group number and/or names |

| |included. |are not included. |are not included. |


Lesson 1


1. This lesson helped me to learn about temperatures in other regions of the United States.

Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree

2. This lesson helped me to find the temperature of a place by using the National Weather website.

Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree

3. This lesson helped me to learn how to use Excel.

Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree

4. This lesson helped me to understand a line graph is used for a frequency of numbers that continue on in some relationship.

Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree

5. Add any suggestions to improve the lesson.

NTeQ Lesson - iNtegrating Technology for inQuiry

Regions of the United States

Lesson 2

Lesson Title: Advertisement

Subject Area(s): Social Studies and Writing

Grade Level: 4th Grade

Time Required: 1day of 45 minutes for research

1 day of 45 minutes to create the advertisement

1 day of 45 minutes for presentations

Author: Allison Gaubatz

Lesson Summary:

The goals of this lesson are to encourage the use of technology for multiple purposes. Students become effective communicators and locate information with the use of technology. Lastly, they present information with knowledge gained from researching on the Internet.


• Internet

• Website:

• Microsoft Word

• Printer

• Paper

• Rubric (1 for each group)

• Task Sheet (1 for each group)

• Evaluation (1 for each student)


• Locate Internet websites from favorites. (application)

• Maneuver through the website to locate information to complete the chart. (application)

• Create an advertisement using Microsoft Word. (synthesis)

• Type a paragraph. (application)

• Print the document. (application)

• Cite Internet resources. (application)


• Illinois Learning Standards

o Social Science

▪ 17.A2b- Use maps and other geographic representations and instruments to gather information about people, places, and environment.

o Writing

▪ 3.A.2 Write paragraphs that include a variety of sentence types; appropriate use of the eight parts of speech; and accurate spelling, capitalization and punctuation

▪ 3.B.2a Generate and organize ideas using a variety of planning strategies (e.g., mapping, outlining, drafting).

▪ 3.B.2d Edit documents for clarity, subjectivity, pronoun-antecedent agreement, adverb and adjective agreement and verb tense; proofread for spelling, capitalization and punctuation; and ensure that documents are formatted in final form for submission and/or publication.

▪ 3.C.2b Produce and format compositions for specified audiences using available technology.

• National Educational Technology Standards (NETS)

o 2a. Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work, collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.

o 3b. Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.

o 3c. Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.

o 4c. Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.

o 5a. Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.

Identify Computer Functions:

|Learning Task |Computer Functions |

| Create advertisements |Create an advertisement of 2 landmarks in the United States using|

|Collaborate |Microsoft Word |

|Collect Information |Use Microsoft Word to collaboratively create advertisements. |

| |Use the Internet to gather and collect information. |

Problem Statement:

Now that we have started locating temperature in the different regions of the United States, we are going to look at 2 different landmarks in different regions of the United States. Why would you want to know about different landmarks before you plan a vacation? We are going to learn about landmarks in different regions of the United States. First we will locate different landmarks of the United States using a website. As a group you will choose 2 landmarks in different regions. Then you will come to me, the teacher, for approval. Next, we will use a website to determine learn about the landmark and print a picture. The Task Sheet will help you to find information. When we complete the Task Sheet we will use Word to create two advertisements to present to the class. This information will help use to determine where we should take Aunt Geegi on vacation.

Data Manipulation:

*Determine specifically how students will use the identified computer functions to help SOLVE the problem. Think carefully about the problem to be solved and how the data needs to be manipulated to find a solution. Briefly describe each manipulation activity. (Example is for a kindergarten class.)

|Computer Function |Computer Application |Data Manipulation |

| | | |

|Create 2 advertisements of 2 landmarks in |Microsoft Word |Create 2 advertisements of 2 different |

|the United States |Microsoft Word |landmarks in the United States using |

|Collaboratively create advertisements. |Internet Explorer |Microsoft Word. |

|Use the Internet | |Using Microsoft Word, collaboratively |

| | |create 2 advertisements. |

Results Presentation:

Students will present the information to the class. The advertisements will be displayed around the room for future use on the project.

Multidimensional Activities:

Activities Prior to Computer: (Activities will determine the location of the implementation)

• Break into groups.

• Determine 2 landmarks for each group based on a map of the United Sates from the website

• Determine roles (what each student will do to complete the task)

• Discuss activity and learning objectives

• Demonstrate Word, Draw, AutoShapes, Textboxes, and more

• Demonstrate how to create an advertisement

• Discuss Task Sheet

• Discuss rubric

• Discuss Evaluation

Activities While at Computer:

• Locate the landmarks

• Complete Task Sheet

• Create Advertisements

• Print the advertisements

Activities After Using Computer:

• In groups, discuss the presentations and who will participate when during the presentation. Everyone must speak.

• What important facts did you learn?

• Which landmark would be interesting to take Aunt Geegi to for vacation?


• Rubric included


Lesson 2

Task Sheet

← Go to Favorites and locate The Amazing United States.

← Choose 2 Landmarks and take them to the teacher for approval.

← Search for information about the following:

o Landmark 1: Name of Landmark: _________________

▪ Where is the landmark located? (city, state) _____________________

▪ Describe the landmark (1 paragraph): __________________________





o Print one picture of the landmark.

o Site the source here: ________________________________________

o Landmark 2 Name of Landmark: _________________

▪ Where is the landmark located? (city, state) _____________________

▪ Describe the landmark (1 paragraph): __________________________





o Print one picture of the landmark.

o Site the source here: ________________________________________

← Open Microsoft Word

← Change the Page Orientation to Landscape.

← Insert WordArt and AutoShapes.

← Insert Textboxes.

← Type a paragraph describing each landmark. (2 paragraphs)

← Change font color and font size.


Lesson 2


|Objective |Excellent |Good |Needs Improvement |

| | | |1 |

| |3 |2 | |

|Locate Internet website from |Students go the Favorites and click|Students go the Favorites and click |Students go the Favorites and click |

|Favorites |on the correct website with no |on the correct website with little |on the correct website with a lot of |

| |help. |help. |help. |

|Maneuver through the website |Students click on a landmark in |Students click on a landmark in their|Students click on a landmark in their|

|to find the correct |their region and complete all the |region and complete some of the |region with assistance and complete |

|information |questions on the task sheet. |questions on the task sheet. |0-3 of the questions on the task |

| | | |sheet. |

|Create an advertisement using|Students create an advertisement |Students create an advertisement with|Students create an advertisement with|

|Microsoft Word |with all of the following: |6-7 of the following: |0-5 of the following: |

| |Landscape Page Orientation |Landscape Page Orientation |Landscape Page Orientation |

| |WordArt |WordArt |WordArt |

| |AutoShapes (2) |AutoShapes (2) |AutoShapes (2) |

| |Textboxes (2) |Textboxes (2) |Textboxes (2) |

| |2 paragraphs |2 paragraphs |2 paragraphs |

|Type a paragraph. |Students type a paragraph that |Students type a paragraph that |Students do not type a paragraph that|

| |locates the landmark (city, state) |locates the landmark (city, state) |locates the landmark (city, state) |

| |and describes the landmark. Correct|and/or describes the landmark. |and/or describes the landmark. |

| |grammar and punctuation is used |Correct grammar and punctuation is |Correct grammar and punctuation is |

| |throughout. |used mostly throughout. |not used throughout. |

|Cite the websites |Students site each Webpage used for|Students site 1 Webpage used for the |Students do not site any WebPages |

| |the advertisement. |advertisement. |used for the advertisement. |


Lesson 2


1. This lesson helped me to learn about landmarks in other regions of the United States.

Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree

2. This lesson helped me to use a website that can be useful in other areas.

Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree

3. This lesson helped me to learn how to use WordArt and AutoShapes.

Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree

4. Add any suggestions to improve the lesson.

Trip Maker

Lesson 3

Task Sheet

← Aunt Geegi will be in town for one week (7 days). Decide three different landmarks you could take her to visit, how many miles to each destination, and a source of transportation. Work together as a group.

Plan Sheet

|Start Location |Region |End Location |Region |Number of Miles |Total Estimated Time |

|(city and sate) | |(city and sate) | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

← Determine a Day to Day schedule for the trip. (7 will be needed… 1 for each day.)

Day ____- Goal for the day: ___________________________________________________

|Time |Event |Elapsed Time |Number of Miles |Time |Event |

PowerPoint Presentation

The following items must be included in the PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint will have 9 slides

← 1 Title Page

← 7 Information Pages

← 1 Sources Page

← 7 Pictures and/or ClipArt

← 2 or more WordArt items

← Information about the trip on the 7 information slides

← Background on every slide

Trip Maker

Lesson 3


|Objective |Excellent |Good |Needs Improvement |

| | | |1 |

| |3 |2 | |

|Locate 3 landmarks using the |Students go the Favorites and click|Students go the Favorites and click |Students go the Favorites and click |

|Internet websites from |on the correct website with no |on the correct website with little |on the correct website with a lot of |

|Favorites |help. |help. |help. |

|Maneuver through the websites|Students click on a landmark in |Students click on a landmark in their|Students click on a landmark in their|

|to find the correct |their region and complete the Plan |region and/or complete the Plan Sheet|region and/or complete the Plan Sheet|

|information |Sheet with no help. |with a little help. |with a lot of help. |

|Complete the schedule for the|Students complete the Schedule |Students complete the Schedule |Students do not complete the Schedule|

|7 days collaboratively. |completely. The can work in a group|completely. The can work in a group |completely. They struggle with group |

| |and make decisions about the trip |and make decisions about the trip |work and make decisions about the |

| |collaboratively. |with few disagreements. |trip with many disagreements. |

|Create a PowerPoint |Students include all of the |Students include 5 of the following: |Students include 0-4 of the |

|Presentation |following: |1 Title Page |following: |

| |1 Title Page |7 Information Pages |1 Title Page |

| |7 Information Pages |1 Sources Page |7 Information Pages |

| |1 Sources Page |7 pictures or ClipArt |1 Sources Page |

| |7 pictures or ClipArt |2 or more WordArt items |7 pictures or ClipArt |

| |2 or more WordArt items |Background on 9 slides |2 or more WordArt items |

| |Background on 9 slides | |Background on 9 slides |

|Presentation |Students interest the audience, use|Students interest the audience, use |Students do not interest the |

| |correct grammar and punctuation, |mostly correct grammar and |audience, use incorrect grammar and |

| |and the presentation is easy to |punctuation, and/or most of the |punctuation, and/or most of the |

| |read with the choice of font colors|presentation is easy to read with the|presentation is difficult to read |

| |and sizes, Every member presents |choice of font colors and sizes, Most|with the choice of font colors and |

| |the information to the class. |member presents the information to |sizes, Most member presents the |

| | |the class. |information to the class. |

Trip Maker

Lesson 3


1. This lesson helped me to locate the different regions of the United States.

Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree

2. This lesson helped me to learn about landmarks in other regions of the United States.

Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree

3. This lesson helped me to use a website that can be useful in other areas.

Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree

4. This lesson helped me to learn how to use PowerPoint.

Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree

5. Add any suggestions to improve the lesson.

Final Evaluation

1. What was the most interesting fact you learned from this project?

2. What computer skills did you learn from this project?

3. What was your favorite part of the project?

4. What was your least favorite part of the project?

5. Include any suggestions you have for the project.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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