


Bazzell Banner

October 2012

Welcome to the first edition of our 2012-13 Bazzell Banner. This will be a monthly newsletter to keep you apprised of what’s going on in our school and offer information to help you better understand the “Middle school age child”.

As I pen this message, I find it difficult to believe that we have already finished a quarter of our school year! We have had an excellent start to 2012-13 year. Our 8th graders have stepped up to be excellent leaders and our 7th graders have made the adjustment to middle school life very well. Both groups are accepting the rigorous, thought provoking challenges their teachers are providing in their daily lessons, pushing themselves to be exceptional learners. Having high expectations of our students has proven time and again to produce excellent results.

As we embark on this year, we have impressive plans as a school community.

• We want to continue to increase individual student growth in all academic areas.

• Make sure that students are adequately prepared for the high school curriculum and have an idea of the direction he/she wishes to go in a post-secondary college/career program.

• Have students demonstrate PRIDE (Preparedness, Respectfulness, Involvement , Dependability and Ethical behavior ) Without these characteristics, they will not be ready for whatever life they choose as they become members of our community.

These plans will require extensive work by all involved but we feel very confident that we are up to the challenge!! This monthly newsletter will keep you informed of the steps involved to help our students be the best they can be.

October will be a busy month for us at JEBMS. The Student Showcase, which is Thursday, Oct. 25th, will be a great opportunity for you to see your child’s work and meet with teachers. We also have other great events such as Red Ribbon Week and the Book Fair going on as well!! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call.    -Best Regards, Melissa Towery

Locker Room

Upcoming Activities

Scholastic Book Fair…October 18-26 Student Showcase…October 25

Patriot and Lady Patriot Basketball Starts…November 1


for more information



The monthly newsletter for the James E. Bazzell Middle School

JEBMS Athletics OCT 2012

Coach Vanous Brown “couldn’t be prouder” of his softball girls. JEBMS softball girls were 17-14 overall. They were virtually competitive in every game played (5 losses were by one run). Coach Brown sees lots of returning talent for next year.

Football season packed a punch this year. The 8th grade team finished 5-3 and gave the best teams in the conference a “run for their money.” Coach Little sees this group’s potential to be “sky high.” Coach Little went on to say that the 7th grade, who finished 3-5, will be much improved and that their final season victory over Barren is indication of what is to come.

The month of October serves as time to get amped up for basketball season. Nov 1 will mark the debut of the 2012-2013 boys and girls Patriots versus rival Glasgow. Boys’ Coach Trevor Carver sees this as “a year of growth for our revamped roster and new seventh graders.” Coach Carver said that he “is excited to see his teams grow this year through practice and hard work.” Girls’ Coach Tonya Tuttle reiterated the same sentiments except she added “we are ready to work hard and make a ‘run’ within the conference for the championship.” Clearly this will be an exciting year for basketball at JEBMS.

And finally, last but not least, the JEBMS Cheerleading squad has been perfecting their craft as they ready for the KAPOS Competition on Nov 3. First year coach, Cynthia Stovall, said that the team has “worked hard in preparation for this event” and “is very excited to compete.” JEBMS wishes our cheerleaders the Best of luck in their upcoming competition.

-Wes Pardue, Assistant Principal, JEBMS

From the

Principal’s Pen

Dates to Remember

October 18th –Picture Retakes -$5

October 18th - 21st - Scholastic Book Fair

October 18th - Pumpkin Decorating Contest

Book Talk By Lauren Keown

The Hunger Games is one of the most popular young adult books being checked out at JEBMS. It is full of suspense, romance and violence. Katniss Everdeen is her family’s backbone, but when her beloved sister Primrose is selected for the Hunger Games, Katniss volunteers to take her place. Faced with her daily struggle of survival, Katniss knows that in order to go back to her family, she must stay alive to win “The Hunger Games”.

Middle School Favorite Reads

Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins

Speak – Laurie Anderson

The Maze Runner – James Dashner

Found – Margaret Peterson Haddix

Secret War – Matt Myklusch

Things Not Seen – Andrew Clements

Ranger’s Apprentice Series – John Flanagan

Scholastic Book Fair

JEBMS will host a special Book Fair from Scholastic om Oct 18-26, 2012, to help raise funds for the JEBMS library. Purchases can also be made online at fair.

The Book Fair will be open each school day from 7:45 am to 2:45 pm and feature a wide range of books for young teens and adults, including mystery and adventure novels, fantasy series, sports guides, graphic novels, and the latest bestsellers from more than 100 publishers. Parents, children, teachers, and the community are invited to attend.

On Thursday, October 25th from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m., the Book Fair will open extended hours during our Student Showcase. Each time your son or daughter purchases $10 dollars worth of items at the book fair, their name will be entered into a drawing for door prizes to be given away on Friday, October 26th.

Students can enter the “Book Character Pumpkin Decorating Contest”. (No carvings please) Fair attendees can also help build classroom libraries by purchasing books for teachers through the Classroom Wish List program. -Cynthia Stovall, Library Media

Volume 1, Issue 1

Today’s middle school student has unprecedented access to a virtual world of internet sites, social media options, and cell phone texting. While these conveniences open a world of knowledge at our fingertips, they also present some very serious dangers and potential bullying situations as well.

What happens with cyber bullying?

While most students never experience cyber bullying, some students endure hurtful comments or threats from their peers. Facebook and even texting open up an easy avenue for students to hide behind the computer or phone and say mean things to others. In fact, students who would never find the nerve to bully in person will often join right in with their peers to “put someone in their place,” or tell them what they really think of them. These comments can range from mild to very humiliating and demeaning. Whoever said, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me,” was a bit misguided. Middle school students are very self- conscious of their changing voices, bodies, and popularity, and degrading comments from their peers can have a devastating and lasting effect on their self- esteem and self- worth. We aren’t talking about constructive criticism here; we’re talking about purposefully hurtful words meant to inflict pain and embarrassment.

What are options to help a student who is being bullied?

A common issue is the students sending the ugly comments have a hard time realizing that what they are doing is bullying and also illegal because it is “harassing communication.” Middle school students notoriously live in the moment and they don’t stop to think about the consequences of their actions because they often view the situation as just an argument. Others are on a power trip and enjoy the effect they can have on another person. However, for the student being bullied there are several options for recourse. First, parents should print copies of all harassing communications and depending on the situation, turn them in either to the school administration or the police department. If the student is being bullied to the point that he or she is not able to concentrate in class or feels threatened at school, then the school has a legal and vested interest in helping solve the problem. Local police departments take all types of bullying seriously as well and students who bully others through any means can find themselves in serious trouble.

How is bullying handled at Bazzell Middle School?

Bazzell Middle School staff is committed to the safety and well- being of every student. We know that students who are bullied have trouble learning and suffer lasting damage from the emotional trauma brought on by any type of bullying. We value the dignity of each student and work hard to find the right solution for every situation. We are focusing on all types of bullying throughout this school year. Often the best remedy for any situation is education and counseling for both students being bullied and those who bully. Our students are also participating in classroom guidance sessions where all types of bullying are discussed. In addition, our STLP students are researching, surveying, and creating videos which deal with this all too common problem.

What can parents or guardians do to help?

1. Please encourage your child to stand against bullying of any kind and help us provide a safe, comfortable learning environment for every student at our school.

2. If you know students who are being bullied, please make administration aware so that we can address the situation.

3. Monitor your child’s internet, face book, and texting. Middle school students are still growing, learning, and finding their place in this world. We must remember that they are not adults. They still need parental guidance and supervision, especially in areas where their emotions can get tested.

4. Do not assume that your child is neither being bullied or bullying someone else. Good kids make mistakes and at the same point, some children are adept at hiding the fact that they are being bullied. We want to help all students enjoy a comfortable learning environment. -Pat Jackson, Guidance Counselor, JEBMS


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