Texas State University

Minutes of Staff Council Tuesday, June 14, 201110:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Flowers Hall, 230Attendees: April Barnes, Susan Davey, Dwayne Geller, Krista Haynes, Grace Johnson, Silvia Martinez, Brad McAllister, Lene Richards, Aaron Sinkar, Joe Sumbera, Raquel Voytowich, Jennifer, Wiley, Joyce Wilkerson, Kay Yaklin, Linda Lovelace for Tina Schultz.Absentees: Vicky Sue Daniels-Robles, Phil Holden, Joe Prado, Jose Robles, Angelika Wahl.Guest: Russell Clark EHS/RMCall to Order and WelcomeThe meeting was called to order by the Chair, Krista Haynes.Guest: Russell Clark of Environmental Health, Safety & Risk Management Office came to Staff Council to request a Staff Council member to be appointed to the newly reorganized – University Safety Council. At the University Safety Council the board members would discuss:University wide Safety IssuesAnimals on campusThe Safety Council will meet quarterly and the first meeting will take place in September, 2011.Approval of Minutes: Joyce Wilkerson motioned to approve the May, 2011 minutes. Motion seconded and carried unanimously.Election of Parliamentarian: Jerry DeLeon who held the Parliamentarian position stepped down from Staff Council, therefore, a new Parliamentarian had to be voted in for the remaining 2 months of Fiscal year 2011. Brad McAllister announced he would take on the task for the remaining 2 months. Joyce Wilkerson motioned to accept Brad McAllister as the new Parliamentarian. April Barnes seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Committee Reports:By-Laws/UPPS: Joe SumberaJoe Sumbera reported that the committee has been reviewing 04.04.16 Overtime and Compensatory Time Policy. One major change to be noted: Allowing a supervisor to require the use of FLSA overtime before the use of vacation to help manage leave balancesCouncil member asked how Staff Council felt about that?Krista Haynes encouraged the council to read the UPPS and forward any comments to Joe pensation: Susan DaveyMs. Davey handed out a first draft/worksheet of TX State University System Benefit at a Glance. The council has expressed an interest in comparing Texas State University-San Marcos to other universities within the system. Ms. Davey continued. “We are looking for continuity throughout the system” Furthermore, the council requested information about UT and A&M. Ms. Haynes suggested that the council choses only one other university, either UT or A&M. Ms. Haynes continues, “We have to be able to prove and backup what’s written in the document.” Ms. Davey “It’s exploratory, and not about one certain department but as a university as a whole.” The council asked about adding Epidemic Leave/Leave policies to the spreadsheet. To collect accurate information, Ms. Davey will make phone calls to the appropriate Vice Presidents offices within the universities. The question was asked if the committee could go through the other universities Staff Council. To which Ms. Davey replied, that the other universities within our system might not have the alike Staff Council. Elections: Joyce WilkersonJoyce Wilkerson introduced the new Elections Chair, Raquel Voytowich, and Co-Chair, Dwayne Geller. Ms. Voytowich reported that the committee has been busy getting the election up and running. The dates are as follow:Nominations – June, 14 – 22, 2011Voting – June, 27 – July 8, 2011Furthermore, Ms. Voytowich reported that a lab in the Geography Department has been made available to the custodial staff and maintenance staff who does not have access to a computer. Ms. Voytowich and Ms. Margie Brownsberger will work together to arrange for staff to use the lab. If necessary, a ITAC student worker will be available at the lab. Mr. Geller asked the council to spread the word about Staff Council election.Fundraiser: Brad McAllisterNo report. However, fundraising was discussed as a whole.The question was asked if the fundraiser committee would consider raising funds/items for other causes than the Scholarship fund. Brad McAllister will call a meeting with his committee. Joyce Wilkerson motioned to have a fundraiser for the Hays/Caldwell Women’s Center. Ms. Voytowich seconded the motion.Scholarship/Awards – Kay YaklinLast day to apply for the Miguel Hernandez Scholarship is June 17, 2011Online Technology – Joyce WilkersonNo ReportOrientation – April BarnesOrientation for Staff Council has been set for August 9, 2011 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Freeman Ranch. Dr. Gratz and Dr. Bourgeois have agreed to speak at the orientation. Ms. Barnes reported that the orientation will be different this year, as an example – new and existing members have already been assigned to the committees they will be serving. Ms. Barnes also requested that all Bylaws and Operating Procedures should be updated by July 26, 2011. Reason being, binders with Bylaws and Operating Procedures will be gathered and provided to the members of the 2011/2012 Staff Council.Venue, transportation and food was also discussed at the meeting.Public Relations: Dwayne GellerThe Staff Council logo for a poster and “items” are still being discussed. Communications via email with different logos was shared with Staff Council. Joyce Wilkerson and Grace Johnson had a t-shirt made with a logo that had been voted on in a previous meeting. The shirts were purchased with the council members own funds. Ms. Johnson gave a rundown of the cost of T-shirts if anyone would be interested in purchasing one.The council is still debating what logo to use, therefore, Joyce Wilkerson motioned to start over with a new logo design for Staff Council. Kay Yaklin seconded the motion. Furthermore, Ms. Yaklin will take with her all the logos that have been created so far to Instructional Design’s Graphic Designers to see what they can produce for Staff Council. Transportation & Parking – Jennifer WileyNo ReportExternal Committee Reports:Krista Haynes reminded the council, if a committee member serves on an External Committee; make sure you are listed as a member of Staff Council.Old Business:No ReportNew Business:The Dean of Liberal Arts, Dr. Ann Marie Ellis, had sent a letter to Staff Council asking for more mentoring among staff. April Barnes brought with her a first draft of a form to give to new employees at New Employee Orientation. This is what Staff council has to considerShould Staff Council head up the Staff Mentoring Program or should it be HRDoes Staff Council Members sign up as volunteersHow many times do the new employee and the staff member meet?Should we seek other staff members to help out as volunteers?Joyce Wilkerson will contact Rose Trevino and discuss the mentoring program with her.Chair – Krista Haynes made the comment: If a committee chair has something they would like to share with campus they have the ability to get their information in the HR Bulletin. All they have to do is emailing Dwayne Geller and he will forward the information to HR. The council discussed if HR Bulletin should have a Hot Topics section with information from Staff Council. Annual Report will be on the July’s Meeting Agenda.Meeting Adjourned The next staff Council meeting will be Tuesday July 12, 2011, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, 230 Flowers HallThe next Executive Council meeting will be July 5, 2011, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. LBJSC 3-7.1 ................

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