Matt Wolf - Central Bucks School District


|Lesson |HW # |HW Assignment |Learning Goals |

|Intro to Derivatives |3.1 |Pg. 124 #5-10 |Define derivative and how it relates to functions and graphs |

| | | |Use the limit definition to calculate derivatives of polynomials |

|The Difference Quotient |3.2 |Pg. 124 #11-15, 17 |Use the limit definition to calculate derivatives of rational functions |

| | | |Use the limit definition to calculate derivatives of square root functions |

|The Power Rule |3.3 |Pg. 135-136 #4, 13 (dy/dx only), 55, 57a., 63a., 64a. |Calculate derivatives of constants, multiples, sums, and differences |

| | | |Apply the Power Rule to calculate derivatives of functions |

| | | |Calculate the slope of the tangent at a given point |

| | | |Identify points where the slope of the tangent is equal to a given value |

| | | |Write the equations of tangent lines |

|Product and Quotient Rules |3.4 |Pg. 135 #18-20, 23, 24, 26 |Apply the Product Rule to calculate derivatives of functions |

| | | |Apply the Quotient Rule to calculate derivatives of functions |

|Calculating Derivatives I |3.5 |Pg. 135-136 #3, 12, 14 (dy/dx only), |Apply the Power, Product, and Quotient Rules to calculate derivatives |

| | |17, 27, 37 | |

|The Chain Rule I |3.6 |Pg. 165 #15-18, 23, 24 |Apply the Chain Rule to calculate derivatives of functions |

|The Chain Rule II |3.7 |Pg. 165 #35-38, 41, 42 |Apply Chain Rule combined with other rules to calculate derivatives |

|Higher Order Derivatives |3.8 |Pg. 136 #37-39, 41, 42, 44 |Calculate higher order derivatives of functions |

|Differentiability |3.9 |Worksheet |Calculate one-sided derivatives |

| | | |Define the relationship between continuous and differentiable |

| | | |Determine whether a function is differentiable/continuous at a point |

|Derivatives and Graphs |3.10 |Pg. 124-125 #37-42 |Relate properties of function graphs to properties of derivative graphs |

| | | |Identify graphs of functions and their derivatives |

|Calculating Derivatives II |3.11 |Pg. 195 #5-8, 15, 27 |Apply the Power, Product, Quotient, and Chain Rules to calculate derivatives and higher order |

| | | |derivatives. |

|Unit 3 Pretest | |Unit 3 Study Test |All of the above |

| | |Complete Unit 3 Study Book | |

|Unit 3 Test | |None |All of the above |


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