



Appreciation for a Friend Tips

Sample Appreciation for a Friend

Appreciation for a Friend Template

Appreciation for a Friend



It is an old saying that Friend in need is a Friend indeed. Friends hold a special place in our heart as

they are the ones who always stand by us whenever we need them and that too without any motive.

Therefore, it becomes our moral responsibility to write an appreciation letter to our friend who has

helped us in crisis. Through this letter, we are expressing our gratitude towards him.

Appreciation for a Friend Tips

Following points should be considered for writing an appreciation letter to a friend:


First and foremost it is vital to make your friend feel that he hold a special place in your

heart through this letter.


You must appreciate him for his support with sincerity.


You must mention in your letter that how his support has helped you.


Tone of the letter should be polite and have a personal touch.


You must enclose a small gift with the letter as a token of appreciation.


Once you are through writing the letter, please recheck the same for corrections, if


Appreciation for a Friend


Sample Appreciation for a Friend


Henry Wilson

144 South Avenue Apartments


Date (Date on which letter is written)


Peter Louis

122 Central Greens


Sub: Token of appreciation

Dear Henry,

I am writing this letter to share my achievement with you. I have scored merit in my examination and

made my College ranked no.2 in the city. I have got lot of applauses from everyone and this has

happened all because of your support. I whole heartedly appreciate the way you have helped me in

my studies and clear my doubts with so accuracy. I felt so comfortable during the examination as if I

know each and every answer. Thanks a lot for your help and kudos to our friendship.

As a token of appreciation, I am enclosing a wrist watch for you. Hope you like it.

Please be in touch forever.

Take Care,

Peter Louis

Appreciation for a Friend


Appreciation for a Friend Template



Date (Date on which letter is written)



Sub:__________________________________________________Dear ________________(Name of the friend),

I am so fortunate to have a friend like you and I wish that our friendship should go a long way. I am

writing this letter to appreciate your efforts for _______________ (reason). Your timely help has

settled my mind to rest. If you were not there, I would not be able to ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­..(mention how help

was useful). You took care of my¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ just like yours and I really express my gratitude towards you

for the same.

As a token of appreciation, I am enclosing a ____________ . Hope you like it.

Please be in touch forever.

Take Care


Appreciation for a Friend



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Appreciation for a Friend



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