Thanks! A Strengths-Based Gratitude Curriculum for Tweens ...

嚜燜hanks! A Strengths-Based Gratitude

Curriculum for Tweens and Teens

Four lessons to help students understand the

meaning of gratitude and how to cultivate it in

their everyday lives.

Thanks! A Strengths-Based Gratitude

Curriculum for Tweens and Teens

Table of Contents



Lesson 1: Discover Your Grateful Self


Lesson 2: See The Good Challenge


Gift of the Magi每Reading

Gratitude Challenge每Activity

Gratitude Journal每Activity

Good Week Reflection每Activity

Subtracting Good Things每Activity

Lesson 3: Seeing The Good In Others


Go Out And Fill Buckets每Activity

Lesson 4: Thank You For Believing In Me

Gratitude Letter



Thanks! A Strengths-Based Gratitude

Curriculum for Tweens and Teens


Over the past two decades, studies have consistently found that

people who practice gratitude report fewer symptoms of illness,

including depression, more optimism and happiness, stronger

relationships, more generous behavior, and many other benefits.

Further, research convincingly shows that, when compared with their

less grateful peers, grateful youth are happier and more satisfied with

their lives, friends, family, neighborhood, and selves. They also report

more hope, engagement with their hobbies, higher GPAs, and less

envy, depression, and materialism.

That*s why the Greater Good Science Center launched the Youth

Gratitude Project (YGP) as part of the broader Expanding the Science

and Practice of Gratitude, a multiyear project funded by the John

Templeton Foundation. In addition to advancing the knowledge of

how to measure and develop gratitude in children, the YGP created

and tested a new gratitude curriculum for middle and high schoolers.

The main idea of the YGP curriculum is that varied gratitude

practices should help students feel more socially competent and

connected, be more satisfied with school, have better mental

health and emotional well-being, and be more motivated about

school and their future. For example, practices like journaling that

genuinely build on students* strengths and guide them to have more

meaningful interactions and regular discussion with peers, teachers,

and other adults.

Preliminary evidence for the effects of the gratitude curriculum

indicate that it is helping to decrease depression, anxiety, and

antisocial behavior and increase hope, emotional regulation, and

search for purpose.


Thanks! A Strengths-Based Gratitude

Curriculum for Tweens and Teens


In describing the design of the gratitude curriculum, lead researcher

Dr. Giacomo Bono writes:

Gratitude interventions for students should start by

identifying and engaging students* character strengths and

interests, and they should let students appreciate the different

benefits and benefactors in their lives for themselves. Let*s go

beyond lists and dry journals. When people ※get§ us and help

us through tough times, gratitude grows.

Schools participating in the YGP curriculum have shared anecdotes

about students* and parents* enthusiasm for the gratitude lessons.

Indeed, the character strength and gratitude exercises have not only

been affirmational〞strengthening pride in students* achievements

and building a sense of community〞but, according to Dr. Bono, they

have also been hijacking much of the wall space at Open Houses!

We sincerely hope that, as students begin to practice gratitude,

they will begin to see the value of altruistic choices and recognize

the good intentions of others, helping them to feel supported in

reaching for the better.

How To Use

The Lessons

Each lesson follows a consistent format:

Time Required: The time required is a suggested time based on

feedback from educators who have taught the lesson. For the full

benefit, lessons should be taught in their entirety, which may take

one or two class periods.

Grade Level: The lessons were designed for both middle and high

school students; however, teachers should feel free to adapt the

lessons to meet the needs of their students.


Materials: The materials listed for each activity are deliberately

simple and low-cost. An internet connection and a TV or projector

will be required to show the videos. Links to PDFs of handouts and

PowerPoint slides are included with the curriculum.

Thanks! A Strengths-Based Gratitude

Curriculum for Tweens and Teens


How To Use

The Lessons (cont*d)

Learning Objectives: The learning objective describes the knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes that are developed in each activity.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies: Social and

Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which children learn

and apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to:






Understand and manage emotions

Set and achieve positive goals

Feel and show empathy for others

Establish and maintain positive relationships

Make responsible decisions

Five social-emotional competencies have been identified by

the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning

(CASEL) as foundational. The table on the next page lists those

competencies, and ways in which gratitude practices can support

their development.


SEL Competencies

How Gratitude Practices Support

This Competency

Self-awareness: The ability to

accurately recognize one*s emotions

and thoughts and their influence on

behavior. This includes accurately

assessing one*s strengths and

limitations and possessing a wellgrounded sense of confidence and


Students develop a deeper awareness

of their thoughts and feelings when

they reflect mindfully on their

experience of gratitude. Choosing

to express gratitude also enhances

students* confidence and optimism.

Self-management: The ability to

regulate one*s emotions, thoughts,

and behaviors effectively in different

situations. This includes managing

stress, controlling impulses, motivating

oneself, and setting and working

toward achieving personal and

academic goals.

Choosing to respond with gratitude,

when experiencing kindness from

others, requires students to regulate

their thoughts, feelings and actions.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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