- University of Memphis

University Schools at the University of Memphis

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The University of Memphis is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action University. It is committed to the education of a non-racially identifiable student body. UOM531-FY1920


Campus School is a laboratory school which promotes excellence in teaching and enthusiasm for learning. Campus School has consistently been recognized as ranking in the top 5% of elementary schools in academic achievement. Campus School was recognized as an Exemplary High Performing 2019 National Blue Ribbon School by the United States Department of Education.

Campus School utilizes a variety of instructional methods to improve the teaching and learning process and is a leader in using brainbased research strategies to provide high-quality instruction and meet individualized instructional needs.


Programs from K through 5th grade

400 students

100 Students of UofM Staff & Faculty Enrolled

Established in 1912

Top 5% of Tennessee Public Schools

TN Reward School 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2018


Campus School, in affiliation with the University of Memphis, is dedicated to the development and demonstration of exemplary programs from first through fifth grade. In fulfillment of its mission, the goals of the school are to:

? To provide best practices in elementary education learning

? To implement innovative educational designs

? To serve as a laboratory for educational redesign and research

? T o offer clinical teaching experiences and mentoring for pre-service teachers


Collaboration, Research, Excellence in Teaching, Enthusiasm for Learning, Diversity

Campus School promotes excellence in teaching and enthusiasm for learning. Through integration of research into an innovative curriculum, the school can offer its best to aspiring teachers and to the urban community it serves. A diverse school population allows for valuable relationships and collaborations -- educational, cultural, social and personal -- among the stakeholders who are involved. Teachers, students and parents working together can maximize outcomes to the benefit of all involved. For students to function productively in society, education should provide opportunities for them to be curious and creative; to exercise initiative; to handle responsibilities; to test ideas; to establish opinions about controversial matters; and to develop aesthetic values.

At Campus School, we incorporate these opportunities into the school experience each day. Our students will meet high academic expectations because their learning is enhanced by best practices offered by dedicated and capable teachers. The teaching and learning atmosphere of the school will prepare students for their eventual place in the larger world.


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