Forces Gravity - AQA

012674600042100554038500Name: ______________________________Date: _______________________________ Explain the way in which an astronaut’s weight varies on a journey to the moon.Know-16510457202002-3255010457201001ApplyIdeas-1460546548K100K1Mass and weight are different but related. Mass is a property of the object; weight depends upon mass but also on gravitational field strength.-1651046355A100A1Explain unfamiliar observations where weight changes.-1651057150A200A2Draw a force diagram for a problem involving gravity.-1460549040K200K2Every object exerts a gravitational force on every other object. The force increases with mass and decreases with distance. Gravity holds planets and moons in orbit around larger bodies.-1651052070A300A3Deduce how gravity varies for different masses and distances.-1651053340A400A4Compare your weight on Earth with your weight on different planets using the formula.Skill-1460548895K300K3Use the formula: weight (N) = mass (kg) x gravitational field strength (N/kg).-15240175387A500A5Facts-1460539635K400K4g on Earth = 10 N/kg. On the Moon it is 1.6 N/kg.Key words-1460548260K500K5Weight: The force of gravity on an object (N).-1524064262A600A6-1460548260K600K6Non-contact force: One that acts without direct contact.-1460533655K700K7Mass: The amount of stuff in an object (kg).-1460547040K800K8Gravitational field strength, g: The force from gravity on 1 kg (N/kg).-1460545778K900K9Field: The area where other objects feel a gravitational force.-14605118403003Extend-1460559055E100E1Compare and contrast gravity with other forces.-1460550020E200E2Draw conclusions from data about orbits, based on how gravity varies with mass and distance.-1460547625E300E3Suggest implications of how gravity varies for a space mission.-1397043180E400E4-1333541910E500E5 ................

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