Due Date:: 11th Nov,09 (Wednesday)

Q 1:: Read any grayscale image from MATLAB and save it in an array.

a) Implement a FindBitPlanes function to return any of the 8 bit plane images of the grayscale input

image. The prototype of the function should be:

function varargout = FindBitPlanes(inputIm, bitplanes)

where inputIm is the original grayscale image and bitplanes is a vector containing the bit plane numbers, whose corresponding bit plane images are to be returned. Here, an integer of 1 indicates the least significant bit and an integer of 8 indicates the most significant bit.

b) Call function FindBitPlanes to obtain the four most significant bit plane images. Use these four most significant bit plane images to reconstruct the original image (i.e., all the four least significant bits are set to 0’s and all the four most significant bits are kept intact). Display the original image and the reconstructed image side-by-side in figure 1 with appropriate titles. Does the reconstructed image resemble the original image? Explain the rationale for your answer on the Matlab console.

Q 2:: What are the differences between two Matlab built-in functions hist and histc? Which function

should be used to generate the histogram of an image?

Q 3:: Take any grayscale image from MATLAB

a. Find and display the histogram of the image

b. Implement Histogram Equalization

c. Display the result histogram and image

Q 4:: What is the role of image enhancement in Medical Image Processing, Printing & Publishing industry and space industry.


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