Richmond County School System

The Monroe Doctrine was meant toestablish US colonies.invite European nations to settle in the Louisiana Territory.protect US interest from European powers.end negotiations with France for the purchase of their American territory.Henry Clay’s American System was designed todefeat the British in the War of 1812.improve the nation’s infrastructure.find a water route to the Pacific Ocean.provide guidelines for new states.Andrew Jackson would have been most supportive ofa slave’s right to freedom.woman’s suffrage.the Federalist Party.the “common man’s” voting rights.“If any foreign power attempts to claim territory in the Americas, this nation will view such action as an act of aggression.”The above quote most likely refers to The Declaration of Independence.The Missouri Compromise.Manifest Destiny.The Monroe Doctrine.Which of the following can be attributed to the presidency of Andrew Jackson?the Alien and Sedition Actsfavorable laws for businessesthe spoils systemfair treatment of Natives6. Which statement best describes the impact of the Declaration of Independence?It created the US government by dividing power into three branches.It made the colonies’ split with England official.It has been used by other countries to put down rebellions.It revolutionized political thought by rejection the Enlightenment ideas. 7. A colonist wanting to settle new lands acquired from France would be upset byThe Proclamation of 1763.The Stamp Act.The Intolerable Acts.The Boston Tea Party.8. Which statement would be associated with the writings of Thomas Paine?“Long live the King!”“The colonies must be independent!”“Parliament’s laws must be respected.”“The colonies should reconcile with the British Crown”9. Someone who supported ratification of the Constitution as it was without a Bill of Rights would likely be a member of theFederalist.Anti-federalist.Sons of Liberty.Tories.10.Which of the following was added to the Constitution to protect citizen’s rights?the Articles of Confederationthe Electoral Collegethe Great Compromisethe Bill of Rights11. What role did the French play at the battle of Yorktown?Their army allowed Cornwallis to escape.Their navy blockaded Cornwallis preventing his escape.They had no role because they came too late.Their navy did not actually assist the Patriots militarily, they only provided supplies to help12. Under the Constitution, Congress passes laws, the president enforces laws, and the Supreme Court rules on law is evidence that the government is established on what principle?limited governmentseparation of powersdemocracyfederalism13. What problem did the Great Compromise resolve at the Constitutional Convention? Individual rights under the lawHow many representatives’ states haveHow slaves count toward populationThe powers of the president 14. He was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence.Ben FranklinJohn LockeThomas JeffersonGeorge Washington15. Which of the following battles started the Revolutionary War?Lexington and ConcordSaratoga and TrentonYorktown and Valley ForgeValley Forge and ConcordWhich compromise will settle the debate on how slaves count toward population?the Connecticut Compromisethe Three-fifths Compromisethe Slave Trade Compromisethe Great Compromise17. Committees of Correspondence would have been devoted to:enforcing the Stamp Act.protecting the King’s reputation.sowing discontent in the colonies.implementing the Quartering Acts.18. Identify the President of the United States of America during the infamous “XYZ Affair and the Alien and Sedition Acts.”A. George WashingtonB. John Quincy AdamsC. John AdamsD. Thomas Jefferson19. Use the information below to identify the correct historical figure:Raised in poverty but became wealthy as a lawyer and land owner in TennesseeVeteran of War of 1812; led Americans to victory over British in battle of New OrleansU.S. Senator from TennesseeServed as President of the United States from 1829-1837A. Andrew JacksonB. Stephen A. DouglasC. Henry ClayD. James K. Polk20. Which of the following describes Washington as a military leader?He was weak and had trouble winning his men’s respect.He was a gifted leader who never lost a single battle.He was a mediocre leader who played a small part in the US victory.He was exceptional and overcame defeats and hardship to win.21. Identify the historical figure that made the following quote in the aftermath of the Boston Massacre:“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”A. Benjamin FranklinB. Samuel AdamsC. John AdamsD. Thomas Jefferson22. African-American Patriot who fought at both Lexington and Bunker Hill:A. Peter SalemB. Crispus AttucksC. James ArmisteadD. Austin Dabney23. The 1824 U.S. Presidential Election was known for an alleged infamous “corrupt bargain” that took place between Henry Clay and this eventual winner of the election. Since no candidate received the minimum number of electoral votes to win the election, Clay used his influence in Congress to ensure victory for this candidate. In exchange this gentleman appointed Clay to serve as his Secretary of StateA. James MadisonB. James MonroeC. John Quincy AdamsD. Andrew Jackson24. Use the information below to identify the correct historical figure:Served as a young officer alongside the British during the French and Indian WarMember of the Virginia House of BurgessesLed troops through the harsh winter at Valley ForgeAppointed Alexander Hamilton to serve as Secretary of TreasuryGeorge WashingtonJohn AdamsThomas JeffersonJames Monroe25. Known as the “Father of the U.S. Constitution” also served as Secretary of State for Thomas Jefferson; President of the United States during the War of 1812.John Quincy AdamsJames MadisonJames MonroeAndrew Jackson26. Along with John Quincy Adams, this 19th Century politician was the primary advocate of the American System which supported the Second National Bank and major improvements in American infrastructure.Henry ClayStephen A. DouglasJohn C. CalhounJames Madison27. President that signed the Indian Removal Act to ensure the movement of Cherokee off of their land formerly known as the Cherokee Nation:John Quincy AdamsAndrew JacksonMartin Van BurenWilliam Henry Harrison28. In his opposition to the Second National Bank, President Andrew Jackson took the following actions in an attempt to hinder the Bank’s success: He refused to re-charter the Bank and withdrew American funds and placed them in banks in Great BritainHe refused to re-charter the Bank and withdrew American funds and placed them in banks in MexicoHe re-chartered the Bank and the withdrew American funds and placed them in “pet banks”He refused to re-charter the Bank and withdrew American funds and placed them in “pet banks”29. American President that warned against the dangers of political parties in his farewell address, as he witnessed these problems between two of his most famous Cabinet members, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton:George WashingtonJohn AdamsJames MonroeAndrew Jackson30. Founder of the Sons of Liberty; one of the leaders at the Boston Tea Party: Brewer by tradeA. John AdamsB. Samuel AdamsC. Paul RevereD. John Quincy Adams31. Protest led by farmers in western Massachusetts who did not want to pay taxes they viewed as unfair. Federal government under the Articles of Confederation had no authority to quell this rebellion.A. The Whiskey RebellionB. Daniel Shay’s RebellionC. Bacon’s RebellionD. Nat Turner’s Rebellion32. War that lasted from 1754-1763; the British and their American Colonists fought against the French and their Native American allies. British won the war: French were essentially removed from North America.A. The American Revolutionary WarB. The American Civil WarC. The French and Indian WarD. The Mexican-American War33. Violent event that was a culmination of an ongoing conflict between the Redcoat and a group of Bostonians. Five colonists were killed on the night of March 5, 1770.A. The Boston Tea PartyB. The Boston MassacreC. The Boston SlaughterD. None of the Above34. American diplomat that utilized his “charisma” and patience to convince the French to assist the Americans’ bid for independence after the Patriot victory at Saratoga.A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. Benjamin FranklinD. John Adams35. Document that forbade the American Colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains after the French and Indian WarA. Treaty of Paris (1763)B. Treaty of Paris (1783)C. Proclamation of 1763D. Treaty of Ghent36. Acts passed by the British government in the aftermath of the Boston Tea Party. One of its provisions called for the closing of the Boston HarborA. Intolerable ActsB. Townshend ActsC. Punishment ActsD. None of the Above37. Document signed on September 17, 1787 that serves at the supreme law of the land in the United States of America. Has three separate branches, Legislative, Executive, and JudicialA. The Magna CartaB. The Declaration of IndependenceC. The Articles of ConfederationD. The U.S. Constitution38. This British lawyer wrote a famous pamphlet called Common Sense that made the case for Americans to seek independence from Great BritainA. John LockeB. Thomas JeffersonC. Paul RevereD. Thomas Paine39. Period that lasted from 1777-1778; very harsh weather conditions in Pennsylvania. Prussian born General Fredrich Von Stuben trained Patriot soldiers during this time period. A. The Period of Salutary NeglectB. The Winter at Valley ForgeC. The Battle of YorktownD. The Battle of Saratoga40. Last MAJOR battle of the American Revolutionary War; Patriot and French forces surrounded the British here and forced them to surrenderA. Lexington and ConcordB. Bunker HillC. SaratogaD. Yorktown41. American Revolutionary War Battle that served as the turning point for the Americans; Patriot victory convinced the French to assist Americans effort for independence from the British. A. Lexington and ConcordB. Bunker HillC. SaratogaD. Yorktown42. 1794 uprising of farmers and distillers in western Pennsylvania in protest of a whiskey tax enacted by the federal government. Protest was put down by George Washington personally. He had the full authority to do so because Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution gave him the authority to do so.A. The Whiskey RebellionB. Daniel Shay’s RebellionC. Bacon’s RebellionD. Nat Turner’s Rebellion43. Acts passed during the administration of John Adams that punished recent immigrants and others that were openly critical of the Federal Government. Adams’ support of this measure could have possibly cost him the 1800 Presidential ElectionA. The Alien and Sedition ActsB. The Intolerable ActsC. The Sedition and Fraud ActsD. The Espionage Acts44. The appointment of a Cabinet, support of a national bank, and only serving two terms as President of the United States were precedents established by A. George WashingtonB. John AdamsC. Thomas JeffersonD. James MadisonPlease read the passage below and use it to answer questions 45-47The period of salutary neglect in layman’s terms is defined as the time in American Colonial history that the British government did not spend much time managing the day to day affairs of their subjects in North America. As a result, the Colonists established their own governments, and made their own choices regarding their economies and religious practices. However, after the French and Indian War, the British government began to issue a series of proclamations and taxes that would anger the American Colonists. This new involvement by the British government would forever alter the relationship between Great Britain and the colonists, sowing the seeds for the American Revolutionary War. 45. Period in Colonial history when the British government did not pay much attention to the affairs of the American Colonists. This period would end after the French and Indian War.A. Period of NeglectB. Period of Salutary NeglectC. Period of RelaxationD. Period of NO supervision46. Describe the ways that British became more involved in the lives of their subjects in North America according to the preceding paragraph.A. The British government forced the colonists to abolish their colonial governmentsB. The British government took religious freedom away from the ColonistsC. The British government began to issue a series of proclamations and taxes that angered the ColonistsD. The King appointed a new executive officer to manage the affairs of all 13 colonies. 47. The discord that would ensue after the period of salutary neglect would sow the seeds for A. The French and Indian WarB. The American Revolutionary WarC. The War of 1812D. The Mexican-American War48. The information below best describes which American PresidentServed as Secretary of State under James MonroeSon of a former U.S. PresidentWon election of 1824 through “questionable” meansServed in Congress after leaving the PresidencyA. James MadisonB. James MonroeC. John Quincy AdamsD. Andrew Jackson49. The information below best describes which American PresidentServed as Secretary of State under George WashingtonWrote the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 Served as Vice-President under John AdamsLouisiana Purchase made during his AdministrationA. John AdamsB. Thomas JeffersonC. James MonroeD. John Quincy Adams50. The information below best describe which American PresidentRose to prominence due to his leadership at the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812Lost the election of 1824 to John Quincy Adams, but would later be elected in 1828 & 1832Despised the National Bank and sparred with John C. Calhoun over protective TariffsSigned the Indian Removal Act of 1831A. Andrew JacksonB. Martin Van BurenC. William Henry HarrisonD. John Tyler ................

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