Northern Virginia Family Service - Nonprofit Organization


CARE Awards Winners Social Media Kit

Congratulations on winning a 2019 CARE Award! We developed this social media kit as a resource to help you share your accomplishments on social media. Within this document we share social media best practices, sample social media posts, engagement ideas, and recommended hashtags. Feel free to use this material as-is or customize it to fit your brand. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Kathleen McMahon at kmcmahon@.

Social Media Best Practices

Social media is an essential tool for businesses and a great way to engage both your customers and your potential customers. Here are some general social media best practices to keep in mind as you post about winning a CARE Award.

• You are doing great work, you won a prestigious award, and you should share about it! Help your followers recognize this and talk about the good things you are doing for your employees and the community.

• Try to tie your winning of the award with an important part of your business. Focus on why you won the award and how it is making the community better. More and more consumers prefer to do business with socially responsible companies.

• Use this as an opportunity to talk about a specific project or initiative that you implemented and how it is benefiting your employees and/or the community.

• Include images, photos, or videos when possible. Social media platforms prioritize posts containing these items and more people will see your posts.

• Consider posting at least weekly on your social media platforms. Typically, businesses post more often on Twitter than they do on other platforms.

• If someone responds to one of your posts it is a good idea to respond and engage them.

Sample Posts

Here are some sample posts you can use as-is or modify for your needs. Fill in the blanks as appropriate for your company. We encourage you to post at least weekly across your social media platforms.


• We are excited to announce that we are a #CAREAwards winner! Our great work related to ____ helped us land this prestigious award. [link to a page on your website about the work] #NVFS

• We are excited for the #CAREAwards breakfast on November 15th! We will have the opportunity to celebrate and talk about making #Northern #Virginia a better place for everyone to work, live and play. Learn more at . #NVFS

• Thank you to all who helped [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] become one of the #CAREAwards winners. #NVFS

• We are being recognized as an outstanding company proactively making our region a better place for everyone to work, live and play as a 2019 #CAREAwards winner! Learn more at . #NVFS

• #CAREAwards winners are selected based on their performance in the categories of community involvement and impact, health and wellness benefits, work-life programs and policies, and development and education programs. We are a #CAREAwards winner for our ____ program. [link to a page on your website about the program] #NVFS

• Join us and @NoVAFamilyService on November 15th at the @SheratonTysons for the #CAREAwards breakfast! We will be discussing ideas for improving workplaces in #Northern #Virginia. Learn more at . #NVFS.

• Our implementation of the ____ program is improving the lives of our employees and helped us become one of the #CAREAwards winners! Learn more about this program at [link to a page on your website about the program]. #NVFS

• We care about our employees and our community. We implemented our ____ program to help our employees (community) ____. We are excited to share more about this program at the upcoming #CAREAwards breakfast on November 15th. #NVFS

• We are excited to be among the elite group of #CAREAwards winners for our work in ____. Check out the full list of winners at . #NVFS

• Employees increasingly want a great work/life balance. To that end, we implemented our ____ program to help improve the lives of our employees. This program helped us become one of the 2019 #CAREAwards winners! #NVFS

• Corporate social responsibility #CSR is more than just a buzz term – it’s a psychological shift in the workplace, resulting in greater productivity and retention among employees. Our ____ programs are being recognized by #NVFS as a 2019 #CAREAwards winner!

• We are proud to be a part of an elite group of companies selected to be a 2019 #CAREAwards winner! Our programs are helping improve the communities in which our employees live and work. #NVFS


• We did it! We are a 2019 #CAREAwards winner! Our great work related to ____ helped us land this prestigious award. [link to a page on your website about the work] @nvfs #NVFS

• We’re excited for the @nvfs #CAREAwards breakfast on 11/15! We will have the opportunity to celebrate and talk about making #Northern #Virginia a better place for everyone to work, live and play. Learn more at . #NVFS

• Thank you to everyone who helped [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] become one of the @nvfs #CAREAwards winners. #NVFS

• We’re being recognized as an outstanding company proactively making our region a better place for everyone to work, live and play as a @nvfs 2019 #CAREAwards winner! Learn more at . #NVFS

• #CAREAwards winners are selected based on their performance in the categories of community involvement/impact, health/wellness benefits, work-life programs/policies, & development/education programs. We are a #CAREAwards winner for our ____ program. [link to a page on your website about the program]#NVFS

• Join us and @nvfs on 11/15 at the @SheratonTysons for the #CAREAwards breakfast! We will be discussing ideas for improving workplaces in #Northern #Virginia. Learn more at . #NVFS.

• Our ____ program is improving the lives of our employees and helped us become one of the @nvfs #CAREAwards winners! Learn more about this program at [link to a page on your website about the program]. #NVFS

• We care about our employees and our community. We implemented our ____ program to help our employees (community) ____. We’re excited to share more about our program at the upcoming @nvfs #CAREAwards breakfast on 11/15. #NVFS

• We are excited to be among the elite group of #CAREAwards winners for our work in ____. Check out the full list of winners at . #NVFS

• Employees increasingly want a great work/life balance. To that end, we implemented our ____ program to help improve the lives of our employees. This program helped us become one of the 2019 #CAREAwards winners! #NVFS

• We’re a 2019 #CAREAwards winner and among the best of the best! @nvfs #NVFS

• Join us and @nvfs at the 27th annual #CAREAwards breakfast to learn about what local companies are doing to improve work-life balance and our communities! #NVFS

Engagement Ideas

It is a good idea to share about your award, it is an even better idea to engage your followers around why you won the award or what you can do to further improve your work environment and/or the community. You can try to get your followers talking about:

• A specific project or initiative you implemented that is having a positive impact on your work environment and/or the community. Include a sentence or two describing what you are doing and ask for feedback or ideas on what else you could do to enhance that area.

• Encourage your followers to share ideas for what family-friendly or community-friendly policies you should consider implementing. Areas to consider:

◦ Characteristics that make a company the best place to work.

◦ Flexible work arrangements.

◦ Work/life balance.

◦ Robust benefits policies.

◦ Community involvement.

• Ask your followers what needs they see in the community. Consider implementing programs/policies that may positively impact those needs.

Depending on your followers you may or may not get a response. Some followers simply don’t want to engage, but the process of asking will show people that you are open to feedback and improving your business.


Hashtags allow people to more easily follow topics and can increase social media engagement. We encourage you to use the hashtags #CAREAwards and #NVFS in your posts. If possible integrate them directly into your posts, if not feel free to include them at the end of your post.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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