Great Depression Fictional Interview Project

Barker- US2

Great Depression Fictional Interview Partner Project (Chapters 22 & 23)

worth 1 or 2 Test Grades (your individual choice when you turn it in)

Your assignment is to create a fictitious, yet historically accurate interview between an older character (main) who lived through the depression and younger character (minor) who is doing a class project. The Depression survivor (main) should refer to his or her grandparents, parents, and siblings as well as friends and work colleagues to help tell the story of American families through the Thirties, emphasizing the impact of the Great Depression.

The younger character may ask as many questions as needed to meet the above requirements. The interview must be in first-person narrative, and the Depression survivor should be a real story-teller and a collector of memorabilia. It should sound as though the main character really lived through the Great Depression and remembers the related events of the time. Your main character’s thoughts, feelings, and reactions should be evident. Please remember the value of entertaining your reader! Partners are a team, but NOT playing the role of one or the other character as that will NOT be a balanced effort.

Your main character was born between 1911 and 1916 (ages 13-18 at the time of the Crash.) The time period in which the interview is conducted is inconsequential, but enough years should have passed for the main character to have had grandchildren. The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the period by presenting a perspective of someone who lived through the Great Depression.


1. ____Must be created as a Google document that is shared with your partner. All work is to be done on the Google word document. The purpose of this is to track what each partner has contributed and to see evidence of proofreading each other’s work.

2. ____ Partners must share the roles of BOTH characters.

3. ____Typed and double spaced.

4. ____Do NOT use your own names. Use a ‘pen name.’ (NO REAL NAMES ANYWHERE ON PROJECT including headers- minus one-third grade for including names)

5. ____ Use computer grammar check, in addition to reading each other’s work. When complete you should read the paper to yourself out loud; this should help you HEAR grave writing errors. The interview can have common everyday language, but it still must be proofread for spelling and grammar.

6. ____Optional: informal bibliography to confirm outside research.

7. ____Remember cheating/plagiarism is a serious issue. Do not go there! Beware of using too many phrases from the text book! This will show up on as plagiarism, so use your OWN words. For the most part you should be writing this informally, so you shouldn’t need citations, but give credit if credit is due.

8. ____I estimate that to do this well and be worthy of a test grade it should be 6-9 pages.

9. ____When complete you must share the Google.doc with me: tflybarker@, but a file must be submitted to for review as well.



The final project MUST address, but is not limited to the following criteria (each * must be met): _√__(check off as you complete)

___* an explanation of the downfall of the economy

___*the hardships endured by families and the changes in the way people lived during the Great Depression

___*a reaction to Hoover and his policies

___*reaction to FDR and his policies

___*explanation of the court-packing attempt by FDR.

___*explanation, effects, and your opinion of the following New Deal Programs (at least one program from each line)

___-WPA (Ms. Barker’s favorite-cover this one well!)

___-CCC or NYA

___- (farmers) AAA or FCA or TVA or REA

___- (workers) CWA or PWA or NLRB or Wagner Act

___- (direct relief) HOLC or SSB or FHA or FERA

___* an explanation of the Dust Bowl

___*opinion of Eleanor Roosevelt

___* an account of one of the following AND a general comment on racism during the 1930s

___Joe Louis OR Marian Anderson OR Jesse Owens (these cannot be counted for pop culture of the 30s)

___*American pop culture of the 30’s: must include explanations of at least THREE of the following: ___an athlete, ___an artist, ___a musician,___ a movie star, ___ a writer, ___ a cartoon figure, ___ a movie, ____ a mobster

___* role of WW2 in ending the Depression

___*thoughts on the long term impact of the Great Depression and the New Deal on American Society and living ( both ___personal impact (his/her family), and ___general impact(America as a whole))

___* a commentary on whether or not this current recession is comparable to the Great Depression

___* 2 Primary Sources: Gramps or Grams or whomever (your main character) must be a collector of photos and news articles, etc. You must include at least one news article (try proquest) and one photo or audio/video file (try elibrary) from the time period and have the character give some sort of explanation of each of the items. The 2 primary sources should be about different topics.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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