Honors World History

CP World History

2012 – 2013


This is your research paper work packet. You will use it as a guide, an assignment record, and a calendar of due dates during this research paper project.

1. To acquire points toward your research paper preparation grade, you will turn in the assignments in this packet. You will be given points for meeting deadlines and for handing in quality work.

2. You will receive two test grades on the quality of your final research paper (see rubric).


1. Print your name on this packet cover.

2. You will need a folder. Put your name on the folder. Put this packet inside the folder.

3. Do not lose this packet. You only receive one. If you misplace your packet, you must print another from your teacher’s blog.

4. Bring your packet to class on all work days and whenever there is a due date.

5. Enter every due date in your student planner as they are provided to you.

6. USE THE JTHS RESEARCH PAPER GUIDE! This document will assist you with formatting, writing a thesis, creating a works cited page and more!

Your teacher be available after school to answer any questions and to help with any problems that you might encounter. Please let your teacher know in advance that you need assistance.

Plagiarism (paraphrasing, copying or failure to cite sources) is unacceptable and will be graded as a zero.

← Students often fear including too many citations in their papers. You could face failure and expulsion for plagiarism, but you cannot be penalized for having too many citations.

Research Paper Timetable

Steps One through Nine will be graded in marking period 3. Your final paper will count for 2 test grade in marking period 4.


| | |GRADE |

|2/18 |Step One: Defining the Task |Complete or Incomplete |

| |Topic Selection Form |(ungraded checkpoint) |

| |Students that do not submit a topic selection sheet will have a topic selected for them | |

| |Step Two: Exploratory Research |Quiz |

| |Working Bibliography in NoodleTools |(50 points) |

| |Please ask your teacher if they would also like a printed copy | |

| |Step Three: Annotated Bibliography |Test |

| |A copy must be submitted to and printed |(100 points) |

| |Step Four: Note Taking |Homework |

| |Creation of notecards in NoodleTools OR by hand |(15 points) |

| |Each World History teacher has a different preference, please highlight the method your teacher | |

| |requests | |

| |Step Five: Final Thesis |Homework |

| |A copy is to be submitted to and printed |(15 points) |

| |Step Six: Outlining |Quiz |

| |You must have a digital copy and print |(50 points) |

| |You may create a digital copy in Word (or other program) to upload to OR you can create | |

| |an outline in NoodleTools | |

| |Step Seven: Rough Draft |Complete or Incomplete |

| |A copy is to be submitted to and printed |(ungraded checkpoint) |

| |Step Eight: Editing |Homework |

| |A copy is to be printed and marked up by yourself, a peer, or an adult |(15 points) |

| |Step Nine: Evaluation |Complete or Incomplete |

| |Print and complete checklist in the JTHS Research Guidelines |(ungraded checkpoint) |

| |Submission of Final Paper |Test x 2 |

| |A copy is to be submitted to and printed |(100 points) |

| | |see grading rubric |

Timetable Rules

1. You will lose points for late submission.

▪ Homework and quiz grades

← 1 day late = ½ credit

← 2 days late = 1/3 credit on homework; 1/4 credit on quiz

← Over 2 days late = 0 credit

▪ Final paper – your grade will be dropped one full letter grade for each day the paper is late.

▪ Any final paper submitted after 5 days will receive a ZERO.

▪ An absence on the final paper due date is still considered a late paper. You can submit your work to .

▪ If you hand in a hard copy via my mailbox or the main office, you must have a secretary sign and date the paper.

2. It is YOUR responsibility to strictly adhere to all deadlines.

3. All work MUST be submitted when due. When in doubt, turn it in early.

4. It is your responsibility to let me know ahead of time if there is a problem that makes meeting a deadline impossible.

▪ Please schedule a time to meet with me after school and discuss the problem.

DO NOT FORGET that you must turn in your folder, this packet, your original and revised thesis proposal, your outline, your annotated bibliography, at least one edited/marked up draft, and your copies of documents with your final paper. Your final paper should include a works cited page.

Research Paper Requirements

1. Follow the MLA guidelines as established in the Jefferson Township Research Guide.

▪ Use NoodleTools! It helps.

2. Your paper is to be 3-5 typed and double-spaced pages.

3. Use size 12, Times New Roman font.

4. Be sure to set all of your margins to 1”.

5. Your works cited page should follow your paper. If your last page is page 4, then your works cited page will be labeled page 5.

▪ The works cited page DOES NOT count towards your page minimum.

6. Your paper should use at least 4 sources; at least 1 of your sources MUST be a primary document.

What Will I Write My Paper About?

You will submit 3 topics that you are interested in researching. I will tell you which choice has been approved. Be sure to list your choices in the order of preference.

1. Six Day War: How has the Six Days War of 1967 impacted the Middle East today?

2. Gandhi: How were Gandhi’s methods of protest effective in terms of gaining Indians rights?

3. Great Leap Forward: Was Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward a success in terms of modernizing China or failure for modernization?

4. Communist Russia: How did the Bolshevik Revolution impact Russia?

5. Women’s Rights: Compare the ideas of Islam in regards to women’s rights to fundamentalist Islamic views.

6. Female World Leaders: How did Golda Meir inspire future female political leaders?

7. Globalization: Benefits the world or contributes to international problems?

8. Peace in the Middle East: Is the goal of peaceful coexistence between Israeli’s & Palestinians realistic?

9. Palestinian Liberation Organization: aided in the Palestinian’s cause or hurt their movement for at nation.

10. Berlin Wall: In what ways did German society change as a result of the Berlin wall falling?

11. Healthcare: Is mandatory healthcare for all citizens a beneficial policy to implement?

12. Nuclear Weapons: What problems do nuclear weapons present for the world?

13. Mexican Drug Cartels: What policies should be recommended to end this violence?

14. Millennium Development Goals: Select one of the eight goals and defend its global importance and evaluate the effort to realize the goal by 2015.

15. South Africa: How did the ending of apartheid impact the continent of Africa?

16. Pol Pot: Was Pol Pot a villain or a hero to the Chinese people?

17. French in Vietnam: Why did the Vietnamese want to rebel against the French colonial rule?

18. Mengele’s Medical Experiments: What do the experiments of Dr. Mengele demonstrate about the cruelty of the Nazis during the Holocaust?

19. Tiananmen Square Massacre: How was the Tiananmen Square demonstration a reflection of the discontent of the Chinese people toward their government?

20. European Union: Why have most of the countries of Western Europe agreed to come together to cooperate with the formation of the European Union?


| |

|PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is not giving credit to the author of your research. This means either the historian who wrote the research you are |

|quoting, or the classmate from whom you may have “borrowed” the information. Plagiarism is academically dishonest and will be treated as |

|prescribed in the student handbook. |

| |

|Because plagiarism is so serious, it is important to know exactly what it is and what you can do to avoid it. |

| |

|Here is a simple test to determine whether something is plagiarized - Ask yourself: “Is this information, idea, or statement common knowledge?” |

|If the answer is no, then ask yourself: “Did this information, idea, or statement come from a source outside myself, or did it come from my own |

|experience or as a result of my own creative activity?” |

| |

|If the information, idea, or statement is not common knowledge, and if it came from an outside source, then you must credit that source. Failure |

|to do so constitutes plagiarism. |

All papers will be submitted to .

No research paper will be read until it has been submitted to . Not uploading your research paper could potentially result in a ZERO.

← See pages 17 and 18 of the Jefferson Township Research Paper Guidelines for information on avoiding plagiarism.

Topic Selection Form

You will select 3 possible research paper topics. You can pick from the options on page 4.

Your teacher will approve 1 of these topics.

Be sure to list the topics in the order of interest (1=most interested).


1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

Your signature below states that you are committed to researching your assigned topic:

____________________________________________ ____________________________

Signature (do not sign until given your topic) Date

____________________________________________ ____________________________

Teacher’s Signature Date


← Please see pages 5-9 of the Jefferson Township Research Paper Guidelines for more information on how to select your topic and appropriate resources.


NAME: _________________________________________

PERIOD: ____________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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