
|USII.4 | |

| | |

|What did new inventions and machines lead to? | |

| |Industrialization |

| |- access to natural resources & energy |

|What else led to industrialization? |sources |

| |- plus a growing work force |

|What machine reduced the need for labor on the farm? | |

| |mechanical reaper |

|How did people in rural areas often find out about consumer goods? | |

| |mail order catalogues |

|What city was the center of the meat packing industry? | |

| |Chicago |

|What city was the center of the steel industry? |Pittsburgh |

|What city was the center of the automobile industry? | |

| |Detroit |

|What area was the center of the textile industry? | |

| |New England |

|What made it easier to move products & natural resources to markets? | |

| |railroads |

|Who used the assembly line to lower the cost of production? | |

| |Henry Ford |

|Who was the leader of the steel industry? |Andrew Carnegie |

|Who had a monopoly over the oil industry? |John D. Rockefeller |

|Who was a railroad tycoon? |Cornelius Vanderbilt |

|How did many businesses make customers aware of their products? | |

| |advertisements |

| |- oil |

|Name the 3 BIG businesses |- railroad |

| |- steel |

|How did immigration effect the population of cities | |

| |populations increased |

|Many people left the farm and rural areas and moved to the: | |

| |city |

|Who perfected the light bulb? |Thomas Edison |

|Who invented the telephone? |Alexander Graham Bell |

|True or False. There were not enough workers in the big cities | |

| |false |

|What is another name for a rundown apartment? | |

| |tenement |

|Immigrants often segregated themselves in poor | |

|neighborhoods called |ghetto |

|Corrupt officials who ran the government were called: | |

| |Political Machines |

|Who was the leader of New York’s political machine? | |

|What was the name of Jane Addam’s settlement house? |Boss Tweed |

| | |

| |Hull House |

|Religious freedom, oppressive governments, and better opportunities? |reasons for immigration |

|Many immigrants on the Transcontinental Railroad came from | |

| |China |

|Many immigrants worked for |low pay in unsafe conditions |

|Where were many European immigrants processed at? | |

| |Ellis Island |

|Famous monument that greeted the immigrants | |

| |Statue of Liberty |

|What kind of test did immigrants have to pass? |health test |

|How did children of immigrants learn about American culture? | |

| |going to school |

|Why did immigrants from the same country often live near each other? | |

| |to keep customs and traditions |

|Why were the Irish immigrants discriminated against? | |

| |mainly because they were Catholic |

|What was the first attempt to limit immigration? | |

| |Chinese Exclusion Act |

|What law effectively ended immigration? |Immigration Restriction Act |

|Were African Americans the only group discriminated against? | |

| |No |

|What legalized racial segregation? |Jim Crow Laws |

|Who did the Jim Crow Laws try to separate? |Blacks and Whites |

|T/F: Jim Crow Laws gave blacks and whites full equal rights | |

| |false |

|What two things were used to keep blacks from voting? | |

| |poll tax and literacy test |

|Who believed blacks should learn skills and trades to gain equality? | |

| |Booker T. Washington |

|What school did Booker T. Washington start? |Tuskegee Institute |

|Who believed blacks should be given full equal rights? | |

| |W.E.B. Du Bois |

|Who disagreed with Du Bois and accepted social segregation? | |

| |Booker T. Washington |

|The construction of the________ was the event that was credited with the | |

|uniting of the eastern and western portions of the United States |Transcontinental Railroad |

|Traveling to the West offered a new beginning for | |

| |former enslaved African Americans |

|Settlement Houses |were an effort to solve immigration problems |

|Congress passed legislation that encouraged people to settle The Great |- 160 acres of free land, |

|American Desert (Great Plains). The provisions of the Homestead Act of 1862 |- live on land & build a house, |

|included |- stay& live on land for 5 years |

| |- pay a small filing fee |

| |-hope for better opportunities |

| |- escape from oppressive governments |

|Reasons for increased immigration included |- religious freedom |

| |- adventure |

| |- electric light bulb & use of electricity invented by Thomas|

|Two inventions that helped industrialization in the United States |Edison - |

| |telephone service invented by Alexander Graham Bell |

| |- meat packing in Chicago, Illinois -steel production in|

|The movement of Americans from the rural (country) areas to the urban (city) |Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |

|areas helps to explain specialized industries located mainly in the cities, |- automobile production in Detroit, Michigan |

|such as |- textiles in New England (including Boston, Massachusetts) |

|Indian reservation would have most likely have been found in the | |

| |the Plains area &points West |

|The need for farm labor was reduced due to |mechanization in farming |

| |- a new beginning for former enslaved African Americans |

| |- opportunity for land ownership - possibility for |

|Reasons for Westward Expansion |wealth - technological |

| |- desire for adventure |

| |were anxious to experience the adventure that awaited |

|The discovery of gold in the West changed that area because people |travelers to that area |

|who led 40,000 of his people on a 2,000 mile trek to escape the United States | |

|Calvary that were tracking him to put his people on a reservation, said, ”I am| |

|tired of fighting …It is cold and we have no blankets. The children are |Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce Indian tribe |

|freezing... I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now | |

|stands, I will fight no more | |

|Poor, crowded, hazardous, unemployment, unhealthy could BEST describe |tenements |

|Segregation of the races was directed at |other groups as well as African Americans |

|The battle that resulted from conflict between white soldiers and Native | |

|Americans in the Black Hills region was the |Battle of the Little Bighorn |

|Life changed after the Civil War because Cities grew due to the dramatic | |

|increase in ________, _______grew due to its growing meat packing industry and|Immigration |

|____ grew to its growing steel industry |Pittsburgh |

| |Chicago |

|America’s first attempt to limit the number of immigrants entering the United | |

|States began in 1882 with the beginning of the |Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 |

|Discrimination using the “Jim Crow” laws was based on |race |

|With regard to discriminatory laws, W.E.B. Du Bois believed in complete rights|all African Americans in political, civil and social areas |

|for | |

|Businesses enjoyed rapid growth because of more |modern transportation became available |

|Americans became aware of items to purchase through |advertisements |

| |- Andrew Carnegie (steel) |

|Captains of Industry |- Henry Ford (automobile) |

| |- John D. Rockefeller (oil) |

| |created a need for more labor (workers) in the city |

|A rapidly growing industry | |

| |- child labor |

|Negative effects of Industrialization were |- low wages |

| |- long hours |

| |- unsafe working conditions |

|In an effort to protect the common worker ____ were created | |

| |labor unions |

| |- picket lines |

|During a labor dispute, many methods are used by the workers including |- strikes |

| |- boycotts |

|Trust-busting, Suffrage and Muckraking were terms associated with the | |

| |Progressive Movement |

|Concerning Women’s Suffrage Horace Greely wrote, |“The best women I know do not want to vote” |

|In the late 19th century there was a movement to deny people the right to |“Temperance Movement” |

|produce, buy and drink alcohol | |

| | |



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