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COAPRT 7 Series TemplateName of Course: Course Number: REC 378_Recreation Management7.01 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the following entry-level knowledge: a) the nature and scope of the relevant park, recreation, tourism or related professions and their associated industries; b) techniques and processes used by professionals and workers in these industries; and c) the foundation of the profession in history, science and philosophy.Course Specific Learning Outcome: What is the learning outcome identified in the course syllabus that meets this standard?REC 378 Exam with Syllabus Objectives as evidence meet the learning outcomes for 7.01 Course ObjectivesComprehend the leisure service delivery system.Understand administrative policy makingUnderstand the legal aspects of operating an agency or department, i.e., liability and negligenceBe aware of procedures of risk management, for example: insurance, contracts, accident prevention, risk minimizing, and corporationsUnderstand fiscal management.Learn the sources of funding, the budgeting process and be able to develop a budgetUnderstand how human resources are managedAbility to organize and conduct leisure program and services in a variety of settings.Understanding of and the ability to use various leadership techniques and strategies to enhance the individual's leisure experiences for all populations, including those with special needs.Write an effective personnel policy manual.Understand the collective bargaining processLearn the office management process.Recognize and develop records and reportsEvidence of Learning Opportunity (7.01.01) How are students given opportunities to show they have learned the outcome? Example is from Page 1 of first exam in REC 378.NAME _______________________Recreation Management & LeadershipExam 1 (Example of items from the test)Matching (3 point each)1. _____Management2. _____Recreation3. _____Organizational goals 4. _____Output goals 5. _____Positional goals6. _____Scientific Management7. _____Human resources Management8. _____Quality9. _____Great Man Theory10. _____Trait Theorya. Desired outcomes toward which a leisure service system is directed.b. Maintain standards for high-quality programs, response to trends, & unique qualitiesc. Industrial revolution, Increase productivity, Calculations, Reward based on output $$$d. Human activity, free time, personal needs, no practical purposee. Decision making by managers that impacts employeesf. Person possesses traits that are ideal for leadership role.g. Events provide individual w/ opportunity to lead.h. Creation of services for behavior change in participanti. Perception of excellence that is usually measured against standards.Responsible for policy, planning, coordinating, & supervising.True/False (2 points each)11_____The Group Exchange Theory states that the manager is given rewords based on the benefits they produce for an agency._____Behavior Theory states that there are no common goals for an organization and little cohesion amongst employees._____The Servant leadership Model does not create a team environment._____Policies are guidelines that organizations are meant to follow as closely as possible under “normal” circumstances._____Organization policy does not include any particular rules related to the hiring of staff.Performance Measure (7.01.02) What is the method by which the outcome is being measured? How are students showing that they are learning the outcome? Exam questions, assignment rubrics, portfolios, alumni surveys, etc.REC 378: For Exam 1 in REC 378 for learning outcome 7.01, the assessments were created by a Dr. Confer, Dr. Pinckney, and Dr. Wickham. After each semester the course is offered, exams are reexamined to determine their continued effectives at achieving the desired learning outcomes goals. The exams are used strictly to assess student learning in the areas of management skill preparation in the parks and recreation profession.Performance levels/metrics: What is the level of compliance by which the program agrees the standard has been met? (i.e. 80% of the students will get a score of 80% or higher on the assignment)For most major assignments/projects and exams we want two-thirds of the students to achieve a “B” or higher for their grade. A grade of 80% or higher is needed to get a “B” at CAL U of PA.Assessment Results (7.01.03) Based on the performance levels/metrics set above, at the end of the semester, what were the results?REC 378: Exam 1 for this class is used for learning outcome 7.01 that every Parks and Recreation major completes when they enroll in REC 378. These exams absolutely aid students in understanding the nature and scope of the profession. See exam example as evidence of measures for learning outcome 7.01. Also, tables provided below are included as evidence of student achievement related to learning outcome 7.01. Many students struggled early in the class on Exam 1 in REC 378.REC 378: EXAM 1_Spring 2013ScoreNF (59.99 or below)1D (60.00 to 69.99)6C (70.00 to 79.99)13B (80.00 to 89.99) 10A (90.00 to 100)1Total 35Average Score75.16REC 378: Exam 1: Fall 2014ScoreNF (59.99 or below)0D (60.00 to 69.99)9C (70.00 to 79.99)6B (80.00 to 89.99) 5A (90.00 to 100)1Total 22Average Score69.73Evidence of Programmatic Decisions (7.01.04) Based on the assessment results above, how is the program using the results to drive their curricular decisions? REC 378: The Parks and Recreation Management program uses Exams for 7.01 to ensure students graduating from the program are able handle or development management level skills in the workplace. Through faculty program meetings that discuss student results in the classroom, faculty in the Parks and Recreation Management program believe that students will need to be exposed to a variety of class assignments that aid in management skill development as well as testing on exams. Student achievement on class exams seen above are reviewed as part of the decision making process. Generally, students did well on the exams though this is room for improvement. Dr. Confer and Dr. Wickham further discussed the results of the course as well as all courses at the end of each semester or academic year.ABSENTEMERGINGPRESENTThis column for visitors use only7.02 Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and evaluate services that facilitate targeted human experiences and that embrace personal and cultural dimensions of diversity.Course Specific Learning Outcome: What is the learning outcome identified in the course syllabus that meets this standard? REC 378 with Syllabus Objectives as evidence meet the learning outcomes for 7.02Course ObjectivesComprehend the leisure service delivery system. Understand administrative policy makingUnderstand the legal aspects of operating an agency or department, i.e., liability and negligenceBe aware of procedures of risk management, for example: insurance, contracts, accident prevention, risk minimizing, and corporationsUnderstand fiscal management.Learn the sources of funding, the budgeting process and be able to develop a budgetUnderstand how human resources are managedAbility to organize and conduct leisure program and services in a variety of settings.Understanding of and the ability to use various leadership techniques and strategies to enhance the individual's leisure experiences for all populations, including those with special needs.Write an effective personnel policy manual. Understand the collective bargaining processLearn the office management process.Recognize and develop records and reportsEvidence of Learning Opportunity (7.02.01) How are students given opportunities to show they have learned the outcome? REC 378: Syllabus from REC 378 has been provided as evidence for the learning outcome 7.02. Also, students must complete an online assignment in REC 378 (called Social Equity Assignment) that includes:Alcohol Abuse Prevention for Higher EducationThe Clery Act and Campus Security AuthoritiesPreventing Discrimination and Sexual Violence: Title IX and the Save ActEEO Laws and Discrimination Prevention for Higher EducationUnlawful Harassment Prevention for Higher Education The Social Equity test is taken through the Office of Social Equity. The assignment purposefully targets learning outcome 7.02 so that students are able to understand and appreciate cultural dimensions of diversity. Performance Measure (7.02.02) What is the method by which the outcome is being measured? How are students showing that they are learning the outcome? Exam questions, assignment rubrics, portfolios, alumni surveys, etc.REC 378: For the assignment in REC 378: Social Equity Assignment, the assessment is created by a professional business specializing in these issues. Online training is provided by WorkplaceAnswers. WorkplaceAnswers will save student work. Once a student has completed each course, students print out the Certificate of Completion for their records. WorkplaceAnswers also retains student courses, records and certificates, so students can access them at any time during the fiscal year.Performance levels/metrics: What is the level of compliance by which the program agrees the standard has been met? (i.e. 80% of the students will get a score of 80% or higher on the assignment)For most major assignments/projects and exams we want two-thirds of the students to achieve a “B” or higher for their grade. A grade of 80% or higher is needed to get a “B” at CAL U of PA.Assessment Results (7.02.03) Based on the performance levels/metrics set above, at the end of the semester, what were the results?REC 378: The Social Equity assignment that students must complete is an extensive online program that every Parks and Recreation majors takes when they enroll in REC 378. This assignment absolutely aids students in understanding cultural and diversity issues in the workplace and better prepares them to deal with complicated social situations with co-workers and clients in the workplace. See Assignment as evidence the measurement. Also, the table provided below is included as evidence of student achievement related to learning outcome 7.02. Social Equity Assignment: Fall 2014ScoreNF (59.99 or below)1D (60.00 to 69.99)0C (70.00 to 79.99)0B (80.00 to 89.99) 0A (90.00 to 100)21Total 22Average Score = 95.54Evidence of Programmatic Decisions (7.02.04) Based on the assessment results above, how is the program using the results to drive their curricular decisions? REC 378: The Parks and Recreation Management program uses the social equity assignment to ensure students graduating from the program are better prepared to handle issue of diversity in the workplace. Through faculty program meetings that discuss student results in the classroom, the faculty in the Parks and Recreation Management program believe that students need to be exposed to issues of diversity in a variety of classes including REC 378: Social Equity Assignment. The new social equity test is quite extensive and requires students to complete five different modules. The difficult part of the assignment as it stands is assessing a grade for the assignment. Of the students completing the assignment, 100% received an “A” for the assignment. There is currently no way to give a grade based on how well they answered the questions so they either receive no credit for not completing the assignment or full-credit for completing the assignment. One method that we believe that we can use to further assess student comprehension is to have them write a short reaction paper of 2-3 pages to the assignment. This approach would allow us to determine student understanding of how this training can impact their personal and professional life.ABSENTEMERGINGPRESENTThis column for visitors use only7.03 Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate entry-level knowledge about operations and strategic management/administration in parks, recreation, tourism and/or related professions.Course Specific Learning Outcome: What is the learning outcome identified in the course syllabus that meets this standard?REC 378 with Syllabus Objectives as evidence meet the learning outcomes for 7.03 Course ObjectivesComprehend the leisure service delivery system. Understand administrative policy makingUnderstand the legal aspects of operating an agency or department, i.e., liability and negligenceBe aware of procedures of risk management, for example: insurance, contracts, accident prevention, risk minimizing, and corporationsUnderstand fiscal management.Learn the sources of funding, the budgeting process and be able to develop a budgetUnderstand how human resources are managedAbility to organize and conduct leisure program and services in a variety of settings.Understanding of and the ability to use various leadership techniques and strategies to enhance the individual's leisure experiences for all populations, including those with special needs.Write an effective personnel policy manual. Understand the collective bargaining processLearn the office management process.Recognize and develop records and reportsEvidence of Learning Opportunity (7.03.01) How are students given opportunities to show they have learned the outcome?REC 378: Syllabus from REC 378 has been provided as evidence for the learning outcome 7.03. Also, students must complete three assignments in REC 378 that helps meet the standard of 7.03. The assignments are: 1) Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives; 2) Budget; and 3) Personnel Policy Manual. All three assignments have been provided as examples of instructional learning opportunities to apply classroom materials related to standard 7.03. Performance Measure (7.03.02) What is the method by which the outcome is being measured? How are students showing that they are learning the outcome? Exam questions, assignment rubrics, portfolios, alumni surveys, etc.REC 378: For the three assignments in REC 378 for learning outcome 7.03, the assessments were created by Dr. Confer and Dr. Wickham. After each semester the course is offered, assignments are reexamined to determine their continued effectiveness at achieving the desired learning outcomes. The assignments are used strictly to assess student learning in the areas of operations and management in the parks and recreation profession. Performance levels/metrics: What is the level of compliance by which the program agrees the standard has been met? (i.e. 80% of the students will get a score of 80% or higher on the assignment)For most major assignments/projects and exams we want two-thirds of the students to achieve a “B” or higher for their grade. A grade of 80% or higher is needed to get a “B” at CAL U of PA.Assessment Results (7.03.03) Based on the performance levels/metrics set above, at the end of the semester, what were the results?REC 378: The three assignments used for learning outcome 7.03 that students must complete are wide ranging topic assignments that every Parks and Recreation major takes when they enroll in REC 378. These assignments absolutely aid students in understanding operation and management issues in the workplace and better prepares them to deal with complicated situations in the workplace. See assignments as evidence of measures for learning outcome 7.03. Also, tables provided below are included as evidence of student achievement related to learning outcome 7.03. A total of 90% of the students received a “B” or higher for the Mission, Goals, and Objectives assignment. For the Budget assignment, 72% of the students received a “B” or higher on this assignment. Lastly, for the Policy Manual assignment, 90% of the students received a “B” or higher.Mission, Goals, & Objectives: Fall 2014ScoreNF (59.99 or below)0D (60.00 to 69.99)0C (70.00 to 79.99)2B (80.00 to 89.99) 16A (90.00 to 100)4Total 22Average Score87.36Budget: Fall 2014ScoreNF (59.99 or below)0D (60.00 to 69.99)4C (70.00 to 79.99)2B (80.00 to 89.99) 13A (90.00 to 100)3Total 22Average Score78.55Policy Manual: Fall 2014ScoreNF (59.99 or below)0D (60.00 to 69.99)0C (70.00 to 79.99)2B (80.00 to 89.99) 9A (90.00 to 100)11Total 22Average Score90.82Evidence of Programmatic Decisions (7.03.04) Based on the assessment results above, how is the program using the results to drive their curricular decisions? REC 378: The Parks and Recreation Management program uses the three assignments under 7.03 to ensure students graduating from the program can handle issues of operation and management in the workplace. Through faculty program meetings that discuss student results in the classroom, faculty in the Parks and Recreation Management program believe that students need to be exposed to a variety of class assignments. Student achievement on class assignments seen above in tables are reviewed as part of the decision making process. Students tend to perform better on the written assignments than they do the budget assignment. Perhaps one way to make sure that students become more familiar with the budget process is to have onsite internship supervisor spend time reviewing the budget and the process during the internship. Another reason students may have performed slightly worse on the budget assignment is that it is due at the end of the semester and based on the instructor’s observation (Dr. Wickham), the end of the semester “blues” were potentially at play despite repeated warnings to work on and complete the budget assignment.ABSENTEMERGINGPRESENTThis column for visitors use only7.04 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate, through a comprehensive internship of not less than 400 clock hours and no fewer than 10 weeks, the potential to succeed as professionals at supervisory or higher levels in park, recreation, tourism, or related organizations. Course Specific Learning Outcome: What is the learning outcome identified in the course syllabus that meets this standard?Evidence of Learning Opportunity (7.04.01) How are students given opportunities to show they have learned the outcome?Performance Measure (7.04.02) What is the method by which the outcome is being measured? How are students showing that they are learning the outcome? Exam questions, assignment rubrics, portfolios, alumni surveys, etc.Performance levels/metrics: What is the level of compliance by which the program agrees the standard has been met? (i.e. 80% of the students will get a score of 80% or higher on the assignment)Assessment Results (7.04.03) Based on the performance levels/metrics set above, at the end of the semester, what were the results?Evidence of Programmatic Decisions (7.04.04) Based on the assessment results above, how is the program using the results to drive their curricular decisions? ABSENTEMERGINGPRESENTThis column for visitors use only ................

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