The Great Gatsby test is tomorrow

The Great Gatsby test is tomorrow. It will cover the whole book. There will be matching questions, quotes for you to tell me who is speaking, short answers questions, and two paragraph (not essay) answers. Today, you will discuss the five paragraph questions. Of these five questions, three of them will be on the test tomorrow. You only have to write about two of them on the test though, but you don't know which three you will have to choose from tomorrow (HA HA HA HA HA !!!!! - It's fun to be a teacher!!!) In your groups, discuss your question; then you will have a chance to talk about it with the class. I know you will do just fine. I hope all is well, and I'll see you on Friday!!!! Remember - don't answer what you think I want to hear. Write/say what you feel, and as long as you can back up your answers with specific details from the book, you will be correct! There are many correct answers here.

Group 1

Was Gatsby's dream worth it? Was all the work, time, and patience worth it for him? Find specific reasons or quotes that prove your point.

Group 2

Why is the book called The Great Gatsby? We know a lot about Gatsby now, and not all of it is great. Think of reasons why Fitzgerald calls him great, and find specific examples that prove your point.

Group 3

Discuss how women are portrayed in The Great Gatsby. Do women in the novel have real power, or are they victims of the men around them? Find specific examples that prove your point.

Group 4

Is there any couple in The Great Gatsby that has true love? Think carefully about your answer, and find specific details that prove your point.

Group 5

Who is the most admirable character in the Great Gatsby? Which character can we like the most? Think carefully about your answer, and find specific reasons that prove your point.


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