[Pages:5]Lovereading4kids Reader reviews of

The Great Chocoplot

by Chris Callaghan

Below are the complete reviews, written by the Lovereading4kids members.

Llew Harrison, age 9 HA HA HA! When everyone thinks chocolate is over, Jelly isn't so sure. So when Jelly and her Gran follow some clues to see why people think that chocolate is on the verge of extinction, they come to a conclusion that.......Well you will have to read the book to find that out. When it was time to turn off the light I wanted to read more. I read the pages as quickly as I could, so I could find out what happened. I have 2 words to say - EPIC BOOK!!! So, from frilly pink knickers to chocolate filled lunch boxes this is a book for all the family. HA HA HA!

Anya Fuller, age 8 This book is very funny and exciting. I really enjoyed reading it. I would recommend it to Year 4 and up. `The Great Chocoplot' is all about a girl called Jennifer Wellington (Jelly for short) who lives in a town called Chompton-on-de-Lyte. One day she finds out that in six days there will be no chocolate! Her gran and her work as a team to find out what's going on. I really like this book because it is very funny. My favourite part was when Jelly

and her gran found out why all the chocolate was disappearing. My favourite character was Jelly because she loves Blocka Choca bars. The drawings are very funny and the writing describes them very well. I especially liked the pages which had a tablet picture on them with the chocopocalypse app news updates, they were really funny. I would recommend this to all my friends in Year 4 and above. I like the look of the book too as it looks like a chocolate bar.

Bethany Urquhart, age 9 I enjoyed reading the `The Great Chocoplot'. It is funny and exciting. Although it is clear who the bad guy is and who are good, some people aren't what they seem. My favourite character is Gran because of the humour and characteristics she is given. I like how the author wrote it so that you can picture everything that is going on, especially when Gran is in the ball pit.

Daniel Bisland, age 8 Once there was a girl called Jelly, who was watching the "Seven Show" on TV and it said "In 6 days there will be no more chocolate ever!" This is the worst thing that could EVER happen! Can you imagine a universe with NO chocolate? Her dad loses his job from cutbacks at the Big Choc Lot factory and soon her mum's shop has to close down their Pick & Mix section because of fighting over chocolate. So, Jelly starts investigating by putting a Blocka Choca Bar into a box to see if it disappears. But what happens? Every day, there is less chocolate, but how? Read the book to find out! I give it 100/100. I recommend it to 7+ imaginative book lovers.

Ellen Cox, age 9 I loved this book! It's really funny and made me laugh a lot! A girl names Jelly, who loves chocolate, is worried when the TV says chocolate is coming to an end. What will she do if it is true?! Anyone could enjoy this book but.....Warning!! This story contains a threat to chocolate which some readers may find disturbing!

Tomasz Hawryszczuk, age 10

A world without chocolate? That would be a disaster in my eyes! What a brilliant book. A really unique story which made me laugh out loud and smile as I was reading.

A truly brilliant book, like no other I have read. The front cover even looks like a block of Dairy Milk which makes you want to pick it up and read it. When Jelly and her Gran find out that there is soon going to be an end to all chocolate forever they set of in search of why and see if they can stop it. Mr Garibaldi Chocolati (what a hilarious name), owns a posh chocolate shop and Jelly and her Gran soon find themselves following the clues which lead them to his shop. I really liked the little illustrations of chunks of chocolate on random pages. Great idea! I think this book would appeal to boys and girls even though the main character is a girl.

Nicholas Butler, age 10

One of the best books I've ever read! It's really funny and full of suspense.

11 year old Jelly is devastated when it's announced that it is soon to be the end of chocolate! So she sets out on a mission with her Gran to investigate why. Their search leads them to Garibaldi the owner of a posh chocolate shop. He's not all he seems to be though.

My favourite bit was when Jelly slipped over some melted chocolate!

I would really recommend it to people who enjoy adventure stories and I would also rate the age of this book at 7+.

Toby, age 9

A great story about a town where chocolate is their world. It looks like a disaster is about to happen but can Jelly and her Gran solve the mystery of the Chocopocalypse?

This book is a good read with a comical topic, however it shows how people react in different ways to the news that something they love (chocolate in this case)is going to be no more!!

Jelly, an ordinary girl from a working class family is a little unsure when she hears on 'The Seven Show' that all of the chocolate in the world is going to run out in six days, NO MORE CHOCOLATE.

She works out her own plan to see if chocolate will really be no more, which handily doubles as her science project. Also along the way she comes across a few suspicious characters including her dad's friend 'Dodgy Dave' and the owner of the posh chox shop 'Garibaldi Chocalati'. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone who likes a light hearted mystery book.

Bella Perez, age 10 The Chocopocalypse is here! Jelly and her gran are gobsmacked; they love a choca bloka or two. But who is behind it? This is a book I think is a range for more experienced reader's aged 8-11. This hilarious book has more than one reference to the famous one show. This book took me roughly 3 hours in total to read. It is a must read for chocaholics!

Joseph Harris-Hart, age 13 This is a story about a girl named Jelly and her family who love chocolate. Great characters like Dodgy Dave and Mrs Bunstable, the nosey neighbour, make it a really hilarious story and I laughed lots! One night Jelly and her family were watching television and there was a news report saying that in one weeks' time there would be a chocopocalypse and no more chocolate... forever. This book is about their survival during the chocopocalypse and their adventures. I liked the way it was written because of the funny things they said. It had lots of funny bits in it which made me laugh. A lot of the story is about Jelly finding pieces to the puzzle of her investigation on the chocopocalypse. The characters were really funny and I could imagine people like them. I would rate this book 7/10 and is probably for the age of children somewhere around aged 10.

Matthew George, age 7

This is a funny and exciting book in which a girl called Jelly and her gran have to save the world of chocolate from Garibaldi Chocolati, owner of the most posh(and horrible) chocolate shop in town that just happens to be called Chox. And, the night before the chocopocalypse (disappearance of all known chocolate) Jelly decides to sleep in her gran's caravan not knowing what lies before her...

Sky Hopkins, Year 7 - Great Torrington School

This book was very good and adventurous. It had great detail and left you on a cliff-hanger, I hope he writes a second book in the series. When I was reading this it made me want a huge chocolate bar because every single page seemed to have the word chocolate in it. I would highly recommend this book to the younger generation as well as the older generation.


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