Loudoun County Public Schools

World History 2 – Study Guide1. Which of the major religions is considered polytheistic? Hinduism2. Which religion is associated with the Torah? Judaism3. Which religion is associated with the Koran? Islam4. The Eightfold Path is practiced in which religion? Buddhism5. Who is the founder Buddhism? Siddhartha Gautama6. Which of the major religions had an impact on Japan? Buddhism7. What were the beliefs of Humanist? Study of human nature and human potential8. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are Polytheistic religions.9. The Bible is to Christianity as theTorah is to Judaism.10. Which artist is associated with David and the Sistine Chapel? Michelangelo11. Which artist is associated with the Mona Lisa? Da Vinci12. Who was the important Catholic Reformer who founded the Jesuit order? Ignatius Of Loyola13. What was a major cause of the Reformation? Selling of Indulgences14. Who was the man who helped spread Humanism? Petrach 15. The Renaissance was a rebirth in art, literature and the humanities16. What were the major beliefs of Martin Luther? Faith Alone with save you, bible is ultimate authority 17. What did Martin Luther do to protest the selling of indulgences? Wrote the 95 Theses18. What was the Edict of Nantes issued in an effort to do? Solve religious conflict between Catholics and Protestants19. What was the impact of Johann Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press? The written word was spread faster and literacy increased20. What were the major empires of the Eastern Hemisphere? Ottoman, Mughals and Safavids 21. Descendants of the Mongols, the Muslim Mughal (Mogul) rulers established an empire in northern India.22. The Ottoman Empire is affiliated with what religion? Islam23. Why did Shah Jahan order the building of the Taj Mahal? To honor his wife 24. Who captained the first European ship to sail around the tip of Africa and get to India? Vasco Da Gamma25. What type of policy did Japan institute to control foreign ideas? Closed door policy26. The family that ruled much of Spain, Austria and Germany prior to the Thirty Years War. Hapsburg27. Where was the empire of Songhai? Africa28. What were Europeans' main motives for making voyages of exploration? Gold, Glory, and God29. What were China's reasons for rejecting British offers of trade? 30. How did Prince Henry of Portugal influence exploration? He opened a school for navigation31. What were the motivations for exploration?32. What was the purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas signed by Portugal and Spain? To prevent further tensions between Spain and Portugal over claiming new lands33. What explorer conquered the Aztec empire? Hernando Cortez34. During the 1600’s, England became a Constitutional Monarchy as a result of what major event? The English Civil War35. What concept was the belief in "divine right" used to support? Absolutism36. The first expedition to circumvent (sail all the way around) the world was that of Magellan37. What is Mercantilism? Idea that a nation should export more than it imports38. What did ships transport on the "middle passage"? African slaves and gold39. This disease killed many Native Americans (Indians) when Europeans came to the Americas. smallpox40. The exchange of goods such as potatoes, corn, and tobacco between Europe and the Americas was called the: Columbian Exchange41. The long ruling French monarch known as the Sun King was Louis XIV42. What political purpose did the splendid palace at Versailles serve? Show how powerful an absolute monarch was43. What was Peter the Great the first Russian ruler to make an effort to do? Westernation44. The heliocentric, or sun-centered, theory was proposed by Copernicus45. Francis Bacon helped to develop The scientific method46. The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson47. Galileo was forced to recant many of his ideas (support of the heliocentric theory and his invention of the telescope) by the… Catholic church48. What were the major ideas expressed by Baron de Montesquieu 3 branches of government49. Thomas Jefferson based much of the Declaration of Independence on the ideas of John Locke50. Isaac Newton explained the Law of gravity51. Which of the following men led a revolt of enslaved Africans in Saint Domingue, Haiti? Toussaint L’Ouverture52. The Bill of Rights was influenced by…John Locke, Voltaire, Jean Rousseau53. A primary cause of the French Revolution in 1789 was the unrest and dissatisfaction of the 3rd Estate54. Which country in Europe did Napoleon fail to conquer during his reign as emperor of France? Great Britain55. What was one of the biggest changes Napoleon made while he was Emperor? Napoleonic Code56. Which of the following was an important goal of the Congress of Vienna? Restore the balance of power in Europe57. The independence movement in Latin America was spearheaded in large part by…Creoles58. Camillo di Cavour expanded Piedmont-Sardinia's power and also Unified Italy59. He unified Germany. Otto Von Bismarck60. The leader of Germany unified the country by using this tactic, meaning he justified all means to achieve and hold power Realpolitik61. What is Nationalism? The idea that the country’s best interest go before your own. Use the MAP below to answer questions 62-6480010049974562. What is the religion of the majority of the people living in the shaded area on the map? Hinduism63. Which empire is does the shaded area of the map represent? Mughal64. What modern day country falls largely within the shaded area on the Map? India65. In the first half of the 1800’s, which of the following was most likely to be a political liberal? Educated middle class, students66. The Carlsbad Decree would be considered Reactionary on the political spectrum. (very oppressive, took away peoples rights)67. The Reign of Terror can be described as Radical on the political spectrum.68. Which political philosophy would best describe the views of the leaders who met at the Congress of Vienna? Conservative69. In 1848, European working class radicals and middle class liberals wanted to….go against Metternich’s plan (conservative)70. The Declaration of Independence is to the American Revolution as Declaration of Rights of Man is to the French Revolution. 71. The English poet Lord Byron fought in the war for the independence of…Greece72. Which country lost the most territory in the unification of Italy? Papal States73. How were the unifications of Italy and Germany similar? Used diplomacy alliances, and war to achieve unification74. What are three characteristics of Nationalism? Same culture, history, and ethnicity ESSAY: Worth 20 PointsIn a well written 5 paragraph essay, with a clear thesis statement and specific factual arguments in support of your position, answer the following: Explain how the ideas of the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution impacted Revolutionary and Independence Movements throughout the world.Points Breakdown:5 ptsIdentification of 4 or more Scientific Revolution or Enlightenment Thinkers/Philosophers5 ptsTwo or more scientific discoveries made during this period5ptsTwo or more Enlightenment ideas that had a profound effect on politics, religion, or government5 ptsIntro, closing and grammar1st Paragraph: Introduction2nd Paragraph: Define Enlightenment. Identify 2 Enlightenment thinkers and explain their beliefs/philosophies3rd Paragraph: Define Scientific Revolution and name 2 scientists/inventors and their inventions/theories4th Paragraph: Explain how these ideas affected revolutions around the globe. Give 2 examples of revolutions that were fueled by the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution.5th Paragraph: Closing/Conclusion ................

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