The French Revolution

The French Revolution


France’s government was an ____________________________. England had a ________________________. The great thinkers in France were jealous of the freedom in England. Lots of people wanted to change France, but they could not agree on how to do this. If they had it to do over again, they would NOT have made the same choices.

This Unit is interesting because:

-Economic problems in a country can lead to REVOLUTION. Economic problems continue today.

-THE REIGN OF TERROR—How could this be boring?

-Military dictators (like Napoleon, Hitler, and others) take advantage of turmoil and chaos

-Napoleon controlled almost all of Europe, then he didn’t, what happened???

-The decisions made at the Congress of Vienna have a lasting impact today.

We will break this unit into 6 parts:

1. The Old Regime (pre-1789 France)

a. What was wrong with France before 1789?

2. The National Assembly and the Legislative Assembly (1789-1792)

a. Rule of the Moderates

b. Change from Absolute Monarchy to Constitutional Monarchy

3. The National Convention (1792-1795)

a. Rule of the Radicals

b. Change from Constitutional Monarchy to Republic

4. The Directory (1795-1799)

a. Rule of the Conservatives

b. Constitution of 1795

5. The Age of Napoleon

a. Back to Rule by ONE

b. The Rise and Fall of Napoleon

6. The Congress of Vienna

a. Restoration of Stability

b. Political Changes in Europe

French Revolution and Napoleon Review


Old Regime



National Assembly

Tennis Court Oath

Great Fear

Declaration of the Rights of Man

Legislative Assembly




Committee of Public Safety

Reign of Terror

Coup d’état


Napoleonic Code


Battle of Trafalgar


Continental System


Peninsular War

Scorched Earth Policy


Hundred Days

Congress of Vienna

Balance of Power


Holy Alliance

Concert of Europe


Louis XVI

Marie Antoinette

Maximilien Robespierre

Olympe de Gouges

Jean Paul Marat

Napoleon Bonaparte

Klemens von Metternich

Questions you will be able to answer:

1. What problems existed in pre revolutionary France?

2. Explain the causes of the French Revolution.

3. Describe the Reign of Terror.

4. Was Napoleon good or bad for France?

5. Why was Napoleon defeated? (3 big mistakes)

6. What important accomplishments came out of the French Revolution?

7. How did the Congress of Vienna insure peace in Europe?

8. How did France and the Catholic Church get along during this period?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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