Vocabulary Study – Words in Use

Vocabulary Study – Words in Use

The approach to learning vocabulary this year will be different than in years past. You will be required to collect ten new words every three weeks. Where will you get these words? Well, a great question indeed. The words you record on your log can come from the following sources:

• Unfamiliar words you see in outside reading.

• Unfamiliar words you hear adults use (parents, teachers, etc).

• Unfamiliar words you hear from TV or radio.

• Unfamiliar words you may pick up elsewhere.

Notice the theme in the above bullets is that the words you use on your log must be unfamiliar to you. The key to this process is to stop when you come across an unfamiliar word and make note of its meaning. The reasoning behind this method of vocabulary study is simple. You will not only understand what you are reading/hearing better, but you are more likely to use the words again. Thus your vocabulary will grow!! Each three-week log must adhere to the following guidelines (loss of points for those not followed):

• No spelling errors…look them up or ask someone.

• Write the correct definition of the word as it is used in context.

• Do not use a form of the word in the definition.

• Neatness counts! If I can’t read it… you don’t get credit.

• You must have a synonym and antonym for each word…if you absolutely cannot think of one…see me.

• No proper nouns.

• No words from any language other than English.

• A dictionary is not an accepted source from which you can find a word

• Each word must be used in an original sentence on a separate sheet of paper. Make sure to use it in the same context as the stated definition.

At the end of six weeks, you will choose one word from your list to teach to the class. All words will be compiled to create a class list and you will be tested over each class list. The vocabulary teaching will be a separate grade based on your knowledge of the word and how well you are able to teach it to the class.


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