Chapter 8: Great Walls of Over-Densities

Great Walls of Over-Densities

Our exploration of the universe finds the largest structures ever observed: the Great Walls of “Over-densities.” Beginning in 1989, astronomers noticed that the most massive galaxies were distributed in large, mostly flat configurations.

To date, astronomers have identified six (6) of these huge walls, which also contain many less massive galaxies. They also found massive galaxies in several long, thin “filaments” (ribbon shaped). The Great Walls and filaments contain all of the most massive elliptical galaxies with the largest black holes and possibly half of the universe’s stars and mass.

As scientific detectives, we must recognize this distribution as a huge clue in solving the mystery of the universe’s creation. Obviously, this arrangement is neither random nor accidental, so let’s investigate further.

Most of these walls are near us, but one of them, the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall1 (HCB wall) is located 10 billion light years away. Since the HCB wall is so far away, its light was emitted 10 billion years ago.

The HCB wall is the furthest of these walls from us and thus appears the youngest from our vantage point because its light and radiation have taken so long to reach us. We observe the HCB wall when it was about 4 billion years old, which is much closer in time to the beginning of the universe than the other walls.

Being earlier in time, the HCB wall is presumably more similar in shape to the universe’s original structure. Naturally, we wonder what is the HCB wall’s shape and how is it different from the other walls.

The HCB wall measures 10 billion long by 6 billion high by 1 million thick in terms of light years. This wall length is 10,000 times its thickness and is proportionally similar in shape to a single sheet of paper. The more mature walls are less flat.

The nearby Coma (cfA2) great wall2 is at least 500 million light years by 200 million light years, but only 16 million light years in thickness (30 times longer than it is thick). Our local Pisces-Cetus filament is 1 billion light years long and 150 million light years thick. Its length is less than 7 times its thickness.

It is significant that these nearby walls are both A) observed later in their development and B) less planar than the HCB wall. Thickening across time may be a progression away from an original flat form. If we extrapolate back in time from the HCB wall, it seems that the original shape of the universe was even flatter, possibly a 2 dimensional structure. No clue this amazing can be ignored.

If the great walls are becoming thicker across time, this effect probably resulted from residual momentum away from their planar origin. The reduction in the length and height of the great walls could result from either gravity or separation into smaller sections.

Minimal Required Time to Develop

Becoming 10 billion light years long in only 4 billion years, the HCB wall’s existence probably disproves the Big Bang Theory’s galaxy growth from a cloud of highly ionized gas via gradual gravity. Being 10 billion light years in length, the HCB wall could not possibly form by gravity in its 4 billion years.

We are able to better study our nearby Sloan great wall3 (1.37 billion light years long) which would have required over 150 billion years to assemble by gravity. All of the other walls would require between 80 and 250 billion years by action of gravity, yet these walls are all less then 14 billion years old.

The existence of these walls refutes the Big Bang Theory’s accumulation via gradual gravity, leaving open the question of how these walls could have formed in our universe’s 14 billion year history.

Absent some imaginary Dark Matter on steroids or Tinkerbell’s magic wand, a more likely scenario is that the source of these walls was originally also a flat structure.

My White Hole Theory proposes that the 3rd dimension emerged when the 2nd dimension bent and broke into numerous sections. These sections retained their initial flat shape and formed the observed giant wall structures. Across time, these overly dense walls spread out away from their initial flat form.

While these walls could not possibly accumulate by gravity in this limited time, these overly densities could have been built internally by separate galaxies, like bricks making a wall.


1. In November 2013, Istvan Horvath, Jon Hakkila and Zsolt Bagoly found the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall, also known as the “NQ2 – NQ4 overdensity.”

2. In 1989, Margaret J. Geller and John Huchra discovered the first “Great Wall”, technically CfA2 Great Wall.

3. The Sloan Great Wall was discovered in 2003 by J. Richard Gott III and Mario Juric.


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