AFRICA HISTORY POWERPOINT – Include dates whenever …

AFRICA HISTORY POWERPOINT – Include dates whenever possible.

1. What was the first African kingdom?

2. What were they known for?

3. What kingdom flourished along the Nile River from 700-300 BC? They were known for their iron smelting and trade routes that spread into West Africa. They were the first to use elephants for warfare.

4. Which kingdom was known for tin mining and taught iron smelting to the Kush? They flourished from 500BC to 100AD in present day Nigeria.

5. Which kingdom in Ethiopia and Arabia was known for religious tolerance? It became Christian in 333AD – the first official Christian state.

6. When was the Bantu Migration? Where did they migrate from? Migrate to?

7. When did Islam spread to East Africa?

8. Which group of Muslims conquered Spain from Africa and ruled from 740 – 1492AD?

9. What kingdom was at its height around 750 AD in West Africa? They became wealthy because they taxed the caravan trade across the Sahara desert. Flourished for 300 years until gold source ran out.

10. Which kingdom arose as Ghana fell? They were known for capturing the trade city of Timbuktu and their artistry with gold. They converted to Islam. Defeated by Tuareg.

11. Which kingdom was located close to the Niger River and defeated Mali in 1464? Ruler believed to be magic. Defeated by the Moroccan army in 1591

12. Who were the Ife?

13. What does Zimbabwe mean? What was Great Zimbabwe?

14. How did Zimbabwe gain its wealth?

15. What kingdom flourished around 1440AD in West Africa? They were known for their 5 great warrior kings. Built good roads and defensive walls. Had a strong army and a legal system. Sons inherited the throne and daughters were married to rivals.

16. What European nation “discovered” the people of Benin in 1486?

17. Why did the Benin trade with the British and not the Portuguese?

18. Why were Africans needed in the New World?

19. What fraction & percentage of slaves reached the US?

20. Where did the majority of slaves go?

21. What kingdom was made of 16th century Yoruba tribes? This group’s wealth came directly from the slave trade. They traded 20,000 slaves a year.

22. Which African kingdom controlled the important trade routes to the West coast at the beginning of the 1700’s? Taxes from the north paid in slaves and from the south paid in gold. All males were educated in the capital city. Professional army and police force.

23. How many Africans were forcibly removed from Africa as slaves?

24. When was slavery abolished in Britain?

25. Which kingdom was made of Bantu-speaking people in Southern Africa around 1800AD? They were able to defeat the British 2 times. Fierce warriors would conquer neighbors and keep the soldiers and cattle. Britain eventually defeated them with superior firepower.

26. What happened in 1822?

27. What happened in 1867?

28. What happened in 1869?

29. What was the Berlin Conference?

30. What riches did the Europeans want in Africa?

31. Why did the Europeans decide to travel inland?

32. Why were most early African cities coastal cities?

33. What 3 reasons did Europeans have difficulty traveling inland?

34. What is a tse tse fly?

35. What is quinine?

36. What is Africa’s main physical feature? What is an escarpment?

37. How were Europeans able to defeat the Africans?

38. What is it called when a European country gives rights to African land and resources to private companies investing in that colony?

39. Which country first colonized Africa? What was their goal?

40. Who was the member of the Portuguese royal family that encouraged exploration and helped develop a faster and safer sailing ship called a caravel?

41. What was the name of Dutch farmers that settled in South Africa? Why did they make the Great Trek?

42. What is Apartheid?

43. What is the name of the open grassland in the central plateau of South Africa where much of the gold and diamond wealth is found?

44. How did the Bantustans plan keep Black South Africans from voting?

45. When did South Africa ratify a new constitution banning Apartheid?

46. What were Britain’s interests in Africa? How were they able to gain the most land?

47. Why did France control land mostly in North and West Africa?

48. Why did Spain have little land in Africa?

49. Why did Germany wait until 1871 to colonize? What land did they control?

50. What kingdom did Italy conquer and control? What other land did they have?

51. When did most African countries gain independence from colonial rule?

52. What were the results of colonialism in Africa?

53. Who was Jomo Kenyatta?

54. What happened in 1957?

55. Who is Nelson Mandella?

56. When was the first free election in South Africa? Who won?

57. Which country is the most recent to gain independence in Africa? From which nation?

58. What happened in Rwanda in 1994?

59. When did the UN withdraw from Somalia? Why?

60. What happened in Zimbabwe in 2000?

61. In 2001 the Organization of African Unity became the African Union which would like to become similar to which organization?


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