Time of the Quickening

Time of the Quickening

Exposing the direction of the global climate treaty—

Exposing Lucifer’s plans from ancient times to our near future!

This article pulls research from many sources, and gives a clear picture of how the world is being drawn into one great union under gods and goddesses of the ancient world. These mythological gods were real beings that are now surfacing to take their roles in the great end-time battle of the armies of Lucifer and the “Gideon 300” of Yahuweh. Here is absolutely amazing information—but it is all backed up by what our Abba Yahuweh warns us about in His Word!

Not long after the May 9-11, 2009 message of the Dragon, (written about in the “Word Fellowship Newsletter of June 12, 2009”, quoted below) demanding that we clean up Mother Earth of else die with it, Barack Obama introduced the “Climate Bill” to the U.S. Congress. If passed it will drastically change life for all Americans. Obama’s Climate Bill passed the House but got hung up in the Senate, where it is now.

But, from December 7th through the 18th, in Copenhagen, Denmark, there was a meeting of representatives from 192 nations who came together to formulate a global climate bill. On December 18th, for the first time Barack Obama attended the Conference with the President of China, now called the G-2. Together they gathered five economic regional representatives together to draw up “The Copenhagen Accord”, which is not yet politically binding, but it will be in 2010. It calls for fast, intense, and drastic measures to clean up Mother Earth. (Refer to my December 7th news update: “The Copenhagen Global Climate Treaty Conference”, in which I include an article describing the US Climate Bill)

In 1987, while teaching a weekly class on end-time prophecy in Texas, I told the people that one evening that there would be a global crisis that would unite the world’s people under its agenda, that would unite them for the coming of anti-messiah. Well--this is it! -- The “save Mother Earth” movement.

Along with Lucifer, his fallen angels, the rising Nephilim (Genesis 6:2, 4—the half demon, half human giants who became the gods of ancient cultures), and all their human duped pawns, are the simple people of the earth whose ancestors knew the sky gods as persons. That word of mouth knowledge, passed down through the ages, fits well into Lucifer’s plan for world take over. Because of the lying messages of the Nephilim in ages past to them, the ancient people-groups and tribes, are calling for Lucifer and his fallen angels (demons) to return—without knowledge of who they really are. Most of the ancient people groups can be traced to the travels of Israelites and Phoenicians along the South American, Central American, and coast of Mexico, who sailed around the world at the command of Solomon and King Hiram of Phoenicia to find goods to build Solomon’s house and the Temple in Jerusalem. The

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northern tribes of Israel were not just into idolatry, but into human sacrifice, and most likely DNA manipulation, which caused Yahuweh to scatter them into all nations, so that the DNA of the tribes would be preserved. Their knowledge of pyramid building from Egypt went with them, as well as Egyptian knowledge of the Nephilim gods, and their lust for human blood. (Nephlim after the Flood: Numbers 13:31-33, Anakim; I Samuel 17:4, Goliath; Deuteronomy 3:13, Og)

The great pyramids of Mexico, Central and South America, like the pyramids of

the Giza plateau, were not built by mere human beings, for like the Egyptian pyramids, and the great one in Ba’albeck—Lebanon—fitting sixty ton blocks

perfectly in place is impossible. It is impossible using our modern building

technology. But, the ancient Nephilim (Rephaim) were giants--some as tall as 35’, and incredibly strong—as well as the anti-gravity technology they had.

Early on, what they called the “sky gods” came to them and gave them great knowledge, especially the Maya, of mathematics and the future. Now their knowledge has surfaced and joined with Lucifer’s modern-day plan for global takeover of all the world’s people under the agenda of saving the earth.

The US and Russian technology of weather manipulation, given to scientists like Nikoli Tesla by Lucifer’s angels (Tesla said he got his knowledge from sky gods) and the destruction of the earth’s outer atmosphere (ionosphere) and the radiation belts, and the core of the earth, is fooling the world into thinking there is global warming, and that Mother Earth is not happy. Yes, mankind is destroying the earth! Revelation 11:18 says that when Messiah comes, He will destroy those who destroy the earth. But, their destruction of the earth is for one purpose—to make the world’s people think there is a crisis, so that they will join together under one world ruler, under one agenda, under one message—the message of the Dragon--“feathered serpent” Quetzalcoatl.

The uniting of the world’s people is beginning based on fear that unless we act now, the earth will die soon, and us with it. Thus we have the “Green Peace” movement, and all the other hundreds of movements all calling for help from an outside source—the world of Lucifer and his “aliens”.

My friends, this is not hocus pocus or a movie—it is reality. When the anti-messiah comes to power, he will come with an entourage of fallen angels in their space ships, with a message that will be hypnotically given to all in their own language—that will cause the earth’s people to lay down all resistance and worship the Dragon and the Beast (Revelation 13). Right now, waves coming off digital TVs in homes around the world, carrying a beam called “the sound of silence” that has hypnotic properties—with the ability to totally tranquilize a person’s mind. (Refer to the article; “Beware Digital TV”)

Right now, the concentrated calling of the earth’s people for the sky gods to return is opening new portals to the planetary region--where they were thrown to by Yahuweh’s angels. Revelation 12: Michael the Archangel of Yahuweh will throw Lucifer into the earth soon and then will go after the set-apart ones immediately.

We know from the Word that the anti-messiah will be the embodiment of

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Apollyon, king of the pit--the Destroyer--who comes up out of the pit. (II Thessalonians 2:3, Revelation 9:11, Revelation 17:8) I advise you to read Tom Horn’s Nephilim Stargates and his new book Apollyon Rising 2012—both can be purchased on Amazon.

A good soldier has to know what the enemy is doing. A good soldier keeps watch on the enemy’s activities. A good soldier lays down all personal

agendas and ambitions to please his commanding officer—and to accomplish his

assigned duties (II Timothy 2:3-7). A good soldier is trained in wisdom.

From The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls (copyright 2002) – excerpts from pages

335-361: Authors Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas had been investigating the origin and history of the fifty-two crystal skulls. They were invited to a native Indian gathering in Guatemala (the ruins at or near Tikal) to call for the coming together of the fifty-two ancient crystal skulls, which supposedly will bring the full knowledge of the universe together into one place. They write about what the Maya and their forefathers taught, that the skulls came from the sky gods. At the gathering, they called for the return of the sky gods. In their investigative journey, without knowing it, they reveal parallel knowledge with Yahuweh’s Word, that let us see clearly where the sudden surge of the “save the planet” movement is going. (Refer to the movie: “Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”--listen to the dialogue. The movie has correct information as to where this is all leading. The lust for knowledge is driving man to seeking it from demonic sources--aliens). Leaders of several nations are insanely trying to find the knowledge of the pre-Flood Nephilim—so that they can conquer the world for themselves…the leaders in this lust-filled craze are America and Russia.

In 2010, it is said that world knowledge will double every 2 months. This is impossible, unless this knowledge is coming from an outside source—and it is, from Lucifer.

Beginning with page 335, notes at the conference in Guatemala: “Jamie explained that a time would come when everything would appear to be speeding up. This is called `the time of the quickening’…We are now entering the time of the quickening. That is why it was time for me to tell you about the crystal skulls…It was apparently also said that at the time of the quickening the human race would start to become more and more obsessed with purely physical and material things, particularly with those aspects of the material world that we believe we can control. It was prophesied that we would become more and more dependant on our own physical technologies as part of our belief…that all the answer somehow lay in the world outside. …the people’s prophecies also spoke of a time when technological development would come to grip our world. The prophecies said that technological advancement and material development would begin to happen at an increasingly accelerated rate and far too quickly for our own good…and now even the experimentation with our own genetic structure and that of plants and animals…humanity had begun to use technology to create a totally new life

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form”. Quoting from the main speaker at the gathering—an Indian leader named Patricio: “His opinion was that this new life force--this being that would emerge from the technologies we were creating--would come to be our master, and ultimately it would live and feed off us, and we would give it our flesh.

… According to the Mayan calendar, the current Great Cycle of time is due to

run out on 21 December 2012, when a new era is due to begin…He explained

that where we are now is in a unique cosmological period, the transition

between the old and new eras of time. This period is a crucial one…one of the signs that we are in this transition period is that changes will begin to

happen in our environment. Weather patterns will become disrupted and extremes of temperature will be experienced. Rainfall patterns will also change…This is a sign that we need to take action. Others call the time we are entering `The time of the Quickening’ … `Humanity has a choice about which direction to take. Right now, it is as though we were standing at a fork in the road…We can take a new path by changing our awareness of our role here on Mother Earth. If we don’t change it is going to have some grave consequences. Most people don’t realize that we only have until 2012 to get it right’. [See opening speech at the Copenhagen Climate Treaty Conference, below]

`If we get it right, we will help to ensure that the end of this world of separation will lead into the beginning of a new world of co-operation and peace…If humanity changes, and it must, and starts treating Mother Earth in the right way, then the knowledge to come from the skulls will be used for the benefit of all’.

`Now is the time of the return of the elders. Now is the time of the return of the wise ones…for the final warning has come to pass and the Warriors of the Rainbow are now beginning to be born’ ”. (Nephilim/the “crystal children” appearing around the year 2000)

Regarding the skulls, page 346: “He said we must realize that they were not made by human hands, but by being from another dimension from another planet, from the stars. These being the four prophets of Mayan legend had come from the Pleiades long ago. Many thousands of years ago at the start of the current age (5, 125 years ago) they came, and they left the crystal skulls behind. They brought this knowledge to help us at a time of great need, at the Time of Warning that comes between the ages, between the old world and the new.

NOTE: We are in the time of the quickening of time---Daniel 12:4. We are in the time of final warnings. We are in the time of transition. We are in the time when we have to get it right with Yahuweh, or we’ll die outside His Kingdom. Spiritually, we are in the time of T’shuva—that time of preparation for Yom Teruah, when Messiah Yahushua will return for His set-apart ones.

The ancient Maya calendar says time is broken into eras and ages. An Era is 26,000 years, made up of 5 Ages of 5,125 years each. They say that each new era starts with a major catastrophe and ends with a major catastrophe—

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like the birth pangs of a woman in labor. We are in the time of the “birth pangs of the Messiah”. All of true Israel (the Virgin) is in travail for Him to return. (Revelation 12) The History Channel in the U.S. reported on NASA’s findings about December 21, 2012. It is the day of the Solar Maximum—where sun flares are at their peak. This happens every nineteen years as part of the sun’s cycle.

However, also, NASA says that for the first time in 26,000 years the sun will

pass through our galaxy, from top to bottom. The Maya say that on that day, the new Era of 26,000 years begins. I have the NASA articles. Movies like “The

Knowing” are telling about the potential of the sun’s flares, but also Revelation 16:8-9 and many other Scriptures tell us the same thing.

It’s not Mother Earth that we must get right with—it is with Abba Yahuweh--”The fear of Yahuweh is the beginning of wisdom”.

We have been continually warned by the His prophets and watchmen since at least the late 1980s--for we are in the time of separation unto Yahuweh. The Maya say we are in the time of separation from the last Age to the finality of the Era. But, Yahuweh says for us to be more set-apart and separated from the world than ever before, for He is coming to judge the earth.

The world’s insider elite are calling for the return of the sky gods—the Nephilim—those real beings of DNA mixing that were the gods of Greece and Rome—the sun gods, like Zeus, Jupiter, Osiris and Apollo, like Isis and Diana—Queens of heaven--and the half-goat half human Pan. We are calling for the return of Yahushua—“The Spirit and the Bride say `COME’ ”.

From pages 348-350 ff: “The skulls will only transmit knowledge if that knowledge is to be used for the good of Mother Earth…It is prophesied that the Time of the Thirteen Heavens will soon be upon us. The Mayan prophets predicted the Time of the Nine Hells They prophesied a great time of darkness, and for nearly 500 years we lived in the vale of tears--When the Spanish arrived… But, the prophets said the Nine Hells would end between the days you call 16 and 17 of August 1987, that the Time of Warning would come to pass and that now is the time to prepare for the Thirteen Heavens”.

[***My interjection: 1987 was the time when Yahuweh began to set His prophets and watchmen in place to declare His Word about the coming of Messiah, to prepare His people, to warn His people, and to bring to light all that has been hidden—It began the time of the beginning of “the restoration of all things—Acts 3:19-21]

“The Thirteen Heavens will begin after sunset on 21 December in the year 2012…the date when the new world will begin…The skulls are returning for the Time of Warning as the great legend said, because now is the time that what is written must be fulfilled…because now is the time to awaken the world. Now is the time for the people to come together… It is time for all

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the governments and all the peoples now to build peace…But now the calendar says our knowledge must be shared with the world for the Time of Awakening is upon us…It is written in the calendar that now the world will listen to us, that the world will now hear the heartbeat of Mother Earth”.

From pages 252 ff: “`We need the help of all peoples, all cultures, all religions and all nations…If we continue as we are going, the current cycle

of time will end. Dusk will come in 2012 and a new day will not dawn...If

Mother Earth dies, it will mean death to us all.

If humanity decides to stay the same and does not start to change during

this period, then the Earth as we know it will start to wane and die. This is already starting to happen. People are beginning to notice the changes in the weather, the Earth changes, which were prophesied to start around now. What happens if we don’t change is that the disruptions in the weather patterns will become more severe. This will have been caused directly by squandering of the Earth’s natural resources, leading to what scientists call `global warming’. There will be droughts and floods, the global economy will collapse, there will be famine, earthquakes and widespread devastation. Ultimately, you could say that we, as a species, will be killed by our own greed. If the desire for material riches continues unabated, then it will, in the end, destroy us’ ”.

Page 355: “`People will wake up to the fact that is the Earth dies, we also die…there will be a time when humanity is prepared for the knowledge that is to come from the crystal skulls. But, that time has not yet arrived….But, the reunion of the skulls can only happen after the initial work has been accomplished and after all the people have been properly prepared.’ ”

Page 360 ff: “Patricio now told us that the gathering was intended not only to facilitate the return of the ancestor’s knowledge, but of the ancestors themselves…All we have to do is to remind the spirits of the ancestors to return to his Earth, to remind that that it is now time to come back…we are now calling for them again. You can begin to see them now and you will be able to see more of them in the future as they are being born back into the physical world to carry out the new work that is needed of them now as we enter the new era here on Earth.

“…when it came time for the ancestors to leave, they rafted down the river where they reached the sky, where they ascended to the stars of Orion and the Pleiades. This is why the Achuar had used the movement of these planets to devise their calendar, which they still use to organize their daily lives, while they await the prophesied return of the ancestors. (Job 9:9; 38:31; Amos 5:8)

Author Ceri Thomas speaking: A member of the Yaqui tribe from the deserts of northern Mexico came forward. He said that the ancestors had already begun to return as prophesied. He told how he was wandering alone in the desert one day when a `craft from the heavens’ had descended to Earth and he had been taken on a flight in this `spaceship’ and shown how the Earth was beginning to die…We were reminded of what we had heard in Mexico City, where sightings of UFOs, which the Mexicans call `Ovnis’, are commonplace. More people there

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seem to have seen them than not. Mass sightings have been a prominent feature of the Mexican news over recent years.”

[My insert: The U.S., England and the Vatican funded the hideous experiments by the NAZI doctors on Jewish and Christian women, men and children. They did a lot of DNA experiments to create monstrosities. Because they were the

first to receive anti-gravity knowledge, and space travel technology, from the fallen angels of Lucifer, they most likely experimented with bringing back the

Nephilim, using human women in the concentration camps. After World War II, the Allied nations vied for the Nazi doctors, and the U.S. got the best and the

most. “Google”: “Operation Paperclip”. But, to continue the most demonic experiments, the U.S. took their operation to Mexico City. The Nazi doctors that remained in the U.S. brought their experiments with vaccines, mind and body-altering drugs, experimental diseases, DNA manipulation knowledge, as well as psychological and emotional experiments. The American people have suffered greatly by being used as guinea pigs for all sorts of evil experiments from the 1940s WWII years onward.

From their meeting in February 2008, the United Nations has been getting more and more antsy. There have been so many UFO sightings that they can’t keep a lid on them much longer. (Refer to the article: “The Vatican and Extraterrestrials”, to see how the Vatican’s astronomers are welcoming aliens as friends, and even calling them Christians and friends of the pope).

Obama is supposed to make a public announcement in early 2010 regarding receiving them as friends. The whole alien agenda is breaking out all over the world and the global hierarchy has to reveal their legitimacy as tactfully as possible. TV programs and moves now are almost all about aliens and monsters, DNA mutates, mixtures of human and reptile. As usual TV movies and theater movies have been telling us the truth since the 1930s, but everyone thinks it is just a good movie—fantasy—and does not see that it is revealing truth.

Excerpts from Tom Horn’s Nephilim Stargates, pages 46, 48-49: “The Greeks began with the Dorians who came out of the north by the tens of thousands…They were nearly invincible Indo-European invaders, riding in horse-drawn chariots of war. Between 2800 and 2000 BCE they conquered most of the indigenous inhabitants of the Middle East…and they did it in the name of their sky god—the thunderous and fearsome Zeus…We find particular interest in the character of the king of the gods, Zeus. There was scarcely any part of Greek life in which Zeus was not involved…The cult of Zeus and Leto (his lover)…was curious in its own right because it connected the ancient elements of earth worship (the children of Gaia conversing through various nature manifestations and transsexualism”…the argument could be made for a Pergamum connection between Zeus and the biblical Satan, as both were considered descending gods of thunder…Altars were discovered near Pergamum dedicated to Zeus Kataibates, which more accurately means `Zeus who

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descends”, reminiscent of Messiah who said `I beheld Satan as lightening descending from heaven’ ”. (Luke 10:18) (Italics mine)

Revelation 2:12-13, addressing the assembly at Pergamum, Yahushua speaks of the altar of Zeus being the seat of Satan. He goes on to speak of his faithful witness Antipas, who was killed there—most likely for not worshipping Zeus, or the Roman Emperor. Pergamum was also a center for Roman Emperor worship. Zeus was the sun god of ancient Greece. And as stated above: “There was scarcely any part of Greek life in which Zeus was not involved”. He was known

as “the savior!” Perfect counterfeit!

When the Hellenistic Jews of the first century (whose ancestors had bought

into the culture and gods of Greece at the time of Antiochus Ephiphanes to save their lives) heard the teachings of the Apostles, they knew they had to do something to stamp out their teaching—because it not only taught about a Savior other than Zeus, but also promoted the Torah, which was outlawed by Greece, and later by Rome. They tried to kill the Apostle Sha’ul. But, at Antioch, Hellenistic Jews succeeded in creating an Egyptian/Greek religion with a blend of Zeus and Christos. It was a Torahless counterfeit of what the Apostles taught, calling themselves the same name as the worshippers of Serapis in Alexandria, Egypt—Christians. “Christ” or “Christo” was a general god for both Egyptians and Greeks. So, to insure that their god Zeus was still supreme, even though he was worshipped by a different cult, they called their counterfeit “Iesous”—(Yesu—Jesus—“hey-Zeus”)—Christo. The “J” is only 500 years old in the English language and is an exclusive letter and sound to English, but it hides well the real name of the counterfeit. (John 5:43) The Apostle Sha’ul (Paul) said that “the mystery of iniquity is already at work” in speaking of this counterfeit. This “mystery of iniquity” is one of the expressions describing the anti-messiah to come.

From page 48, Tom Horn: “In Pergamum, perpetual sacrifices were offered to Zeus upon his towering and famous forty-foot high altar, and the same—the same artifact that now stands inside the Berlin Pergamum Museum. Some scholars believe Antipas…was slain for resisting the worship of Zeus. Tradition holds that Antipas was slowly roasted to death inside the statue of a bull—the symbol and companion of Zeus”. In mythology Zeus rode a bull and then raped the goddess Europa, from which the continent name Europe came.

Excerpts/Tom Horn/pages 46, 63-66: “As the famous gods of Greece came to dwell above the towering Mount Olympus in the north, the gods took various roles under Zeus, including Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Dememer, Apollo, Artimis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hermes, Athena, Hephaestus and Hestia (later replaced by Dioysus). A complex system of lesser deities developed beneath them…While much is still unknown about the mysteries of these deities, the basis of Demeter’s popularity was almost certainly rooted in her divinity as a mother-earth goddess. Demeter actually means `earth mother’. (De or Da `earth’ and meter `’mother’) Without a doubt, the worship of the earth’s `spirit’ as a mother and the incarnation of the earth’s fertility forces within specific

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goddesses, was one of the oldest and most widely held religious ideas in antiquity…every civilization had a sect based on the embodiment of the earth’s spirit as a mother-goddess…the Hebrews idolized the Queen of heaven.” (Jeremiah 7 and 44)

“In Greece, the Queen of the Olympian goddesses and wife of Zeus was Hera, the benevolent earth mother. Before her was Gaia – the Greek creator-mother earth…The principle is that the earth is a living entity…the earth was perceived as a feminine force, which incarnated itself at various times to different people with the goddess mothers.” Names of mother-goddesses worshipped as such:

Hera, Gaia, Minerva, Venus, Diana, Proserpina, Ceres, Juno, Hecate, and

principally the Queen of goddesses--mother/wife of Osiris--Isis. The New Age and Wicca believers go along with the pronouncements of the Vatican, in saying that Mary is the Queen of heaven—the new Isis—the goddess incarnate—that she is co-redemptress with her son Iesous (Jesus). This belief goes back to Nimrod as the sun god who died, and his wife/Queen Samaramis who gave birth to his reincarnation Tammuz. (Refer to my documented exposing of the roots of Christianity in the mini-book The Foundation of Deception).

The secret behind the all-seeing eye over the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill—the flip side of the Great Seal of America—is that it is Nimrod’s eye, under the name of Osiris/Apollo/Horus -- who has been cloned to receive the spirit of Nimrod, the Apollyon of Revelation 9:11—king of the pit--in a resurrected body—the one we call “anti-messiah”.

Tom Horn/Pages 65-66: “In the ancient hymn `To Earth the Mother of All’ Homer illustrates how the earth-spirit was universally involved in the affairs and lives of nations. Through Homer’s dedication to the earth, one discovers how far reaching and omnipresent the mother-earth spirit was thought to be. (The Hymns of Homer, XXX, Chapter 11:1-19)

Do you see where the global leaders are taking the world’s people—the earth-mother is once again rising to be involved in the affairs and lives of nations! Are you getting a clearer picture of this driving force of the nations to appease this earth-mother who is “dying”? These ancient beliefs in the god are surfacing, but also the resurrection of the spirits of these ancient gods—beings that were called Nephilim or Rephaim—and placing them in cloned bodies to once again walk this earth is overwhelming, but real. The incarnation of Zeus—Iesous—the One—will sit on the Temple Mount to be worshipped as God. (II Thessalonians 2)

When Antiochus Ephiphanses took over Israel and tried to force all to worship Zeus and the other Greek gods, he sacrificed a pig on the altar of the Temple in contempt of Yahuweh, and placed a statue of Zeus on top of the counterfeit replacement ark that was in the “Most Set-Apart Place” behind the “veil”. Thus symbolic prophetic action of what is to come very soon—a representative of Zeus who will sit in that very spot on the Temple Mount declaring himself as God. (Matthew 24:15) Thus, the anti-messiah comes as the new Zeus. Hanukkah is the story of the victory of the Jews over Antiochus. When Messiah

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Yahushua comes, He will triumph as “the Lion of the Tribe of Judah” over the coming “Antiochus”! (Revelation 19)

When the puzzle pieces are put together, we see a clear picture forming. In my article: “The Rising of the Beast System and the Rising of the Beast” I refer you to a list of articles I’ve written in sequence since late 2008 that hold many puzzle pieces so that one can begin to see a clear picture. From May 2009, the puzzle pieces are coming together more rapidly. I have placed puzzle pieces in place, taking the whole Word of Yahuweh from Genesis to Revelation,

and research material that Yahuweh has brought to me, and the picture is getting so clear it is startling. I am happy to have much confirmation on what Yahuweh’s Spirit has been showing me! For a full picture, read all my articles on this subject. I have asked to take them off the web, due to their being so ultra clear, and thus dangerous to the “powers that be”. But, if you have been getting my articles since at least January of 2009, you should have them. Be aware that like with Tom Horn’s material, to jump in the middle of it without going back to the foundational information, is like reading a mystery novel beginning on page 150.

The symbol of Europe is of a woman riding a beast—a bull. Revelation 17 speaks of this woman—Mystery Babylon—Mother of Harlots. This is the Roman Catholic Church. Historically, the religion of Nimrod (sun god, Queen of heaven, and savior worship), and desire for uniting the world as one started in Babylon (Genesis 11), went to Pergamum, then to Rome, then to Western Europe, then to New York and America, as Christian Rome ruled the world. “St.” Augustine made the statement: “Rome is the second Babylon”. This is why America is end-time Babylon—a combination of Rome/Vatican control, and the incubator of the one world government. Thus Europe’s symbol of Zeus riding the bull with the woman on top (and the Vatican does control the world government) is basic Zeus worship. Rome added Jupiter and Mithra to the mix. Zeus/Jupiter became the counterfeit of Yahuweh and his son Apollo became the counterfeit for both Yahuweh and Yahusua. It is Apollo/Apollyon who will incarnate the Beast, as is clear from Scripture. It is amazing that the worship of Apollo and Isis has grown to be huge in America and Europe. These ancient gods were real people—Nephilim! See Genesis 6:2, 4 – “men of renown”.

Before Barach Hussein Mohammed Obama’s election, he went to Berlin. (Refer to the article, “Its All About Worship” for a picture of the Zeus altar, taken from Pergamum in the 1880s by German archeologists, and a transcript of his speech in Berlin). Obama made a speech in Berlin near where Hitler had his bunker. The audience returned his Nazi salute—which is illegal in Germany. It was a speech that Hitler would have been proud of. Obama is following Hitler’s

pattern. He used outdoor rallies and appealed to the youth to gain his popularity, just like Hitler did, riding on a “change” platform in the midst of economic woes.

Shortly after that, he made his acceptance speech for the Democratic

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nomination in Denver. The backdrop for the speech was a replica of the Zeus altar from Pergamum (now in modern Turkey). Hitler made a copy of this altar from which he delivered his famous speech in Nuremberg about “the final solution”—the killing of the Jews.

The whore—the Vatican and all her Protestant daughters—rides this beast/bull. Zeus—god of the Vatican and all her daughters—as Iesous—has ridden the beast in murdering more of Yahuweh’s people through the last 2,000 years than died in all the wars up until now.

In all sorts of propaganda and Obama worship paintings, pictures and cartoons, he is portrayed as “Jesus” – Iesous—and called “the savior”. Zeus is associated with Gaia—Mother Earth. Saving Mother Earth (Gaia) is the basis of the worshipful gathering of the world’s people under one leader (Revelation 12-13).

Who is the one promoting, first and foremost, the agenda of Gaia—the agenda message of the Dragon—the Quetzlcoatl? --The one who has associated himself with Zeus and Iesous -- Barack Obama. If Zeus is connected to Lucifer/Satan so closely – in the worship of the ancient gods – think…! It is the son of Lucifer, Apollyon, who empowers the Beast. Lucifer is called the Dragon in Revelation 12 and 13—and the people of the earth who have been programmed into this deception, are calling for the Dragon to come, and for mankind to appease mother Gaia or else the Dragon will destroy the earth. The Dragon, Lucifer/Satan, Zeus, Iesous, Gaia, and the Beast—all interconnected as one unit! Let us call for our Yahushua to come!

What Yahuweh’s prophets have told us for over 2,500 years is now coming to pass. The Watchmen have been on the wall for a very long time. But, on the evening of December 13, 2009, Abba spoke clearly to me: “IT IS TIME FOR THE WATCHMEN TO COME OFF THE WALLS, FOR THE ENEMY IS AT THE GATE”.

In the War Scroll of the Qumran Essenes--the “Dead Sea Scrolls”, they prophesied of our time—the war of the sons of light against the sons of Belial (Satan). They speak about the enemy at the gate, and how the gate has to be opened so that the footman and the horsemen can go out to battle.

In Isaiah 28:5-6, there are Yahuweh’s promises to those that “turn back the battle at the gate”. It is the time for the Gideon 300 to rise and go forth—the trained and watchful warriors, whom Yahuweh backs with His authority. (Refer to the article: “Gideon’s 300—How Yah Separates”) (Refer to my article I wrote after going to Qumran: “A Radical View of Set-Apartness”)

Intercession must be done in the spiritual garments of the High Priest, and no one has the right to intercede who is not wearing on his forehead the golden

diadem that covers the turban—that reads: “Set-Apart to Yahuweh”. (Exodus 28; Ephesians 6:10-18)

Gate opening intercession begins with hearing Yahuweh’s instructions, and then going out and proclaiming it—as Eliyahu did in I Kings 17:1. Yahuweh backs only His Word with His Authority!

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Spiritual warfare is not about yelling at the Devil. It is about firmly proclaiming what Yahuweh has already said for you to proclaim—only then will He back you. In Zechariah 3:2, Yahuweh uses His own Name to rebuke Satan. He does not say “I rebuke you”, He says: “Yahuweh rebukes you—Yahuweh who has chosen Yerushalyim rebukes you”. There is no more powerful rebuke in the universe-- if spoken through the mouth of one that Yahuweh trusts and backs. Otherwise, beware—if you are not His humble, obedient servant that He trusts and backs with His authority, DO NOT use His Name in the face of demons—they know if you are for real, or if you are a “son of Sceva!” (Acts 19:14-16)

I hear almost every day, either via e-mail or from someone in person, “the time

is short” or “time is flying so fast”, or “I don’t know where the time went”.

Abba Yahuweh admonishes us in Ephesians 5:15-16: “See then that you walk exactly, not as unwise, but as wise, redeeming the time for the days are

evil”. Don’t waste time! Guard it—let go of all time-wasting activities! Prioritize your life to make the purposes of Yahuweh #1. Be consistent in prayer—talk to Abba as you would to a friend. Who needs religious or formal prayers—He is not impressed. Speak to Him from your heart. He wants to communicate with you. But, He won’t compete with your TV, your telephone conversations, your worldly lifestyle, your obsession with making money, etc.

We, who are in tune with the moving of the Spirit of Yahuweh and the moving in the enemy’s world, are well aware that we are in the last seven-year cycle before the return of Messiah. We are in the second year of the last seven, moving quickly forward. The Beast system is rising, and so is the Beast himself in preparation for taking the throne of Yahuweh in Jerusalem. (Timing: Refer to: “The Shmittah Year Prophecy” and “The Forty Eight Hour Transition”, and related articles written afterwards, like “Pole Shift” and “What Are The World’s Elite Doing to Prepare Their Ark?”)

We are also watching the rising of the set-apart remnant that is being empowered to stand against the Beast and his cohorts. This remnant is “morphing” quickly into the image and likeness of Messiah, and He is granting His authority to them. They are blameless before Him, for He has known them since the foundation of the world, and, by His foreknowledge, has chosen them to do His will in the face of tremendous opposition. (Refer to: Morphing Into Two Different Types of Humans”)

Those ancient people groups, whose ancestors have seen and worshipped the ancient gods—the Nephilim—the sky gods—the mixtures of human and demon—are calling for the return of their gods.

This is because the time of the throwing of Lucifer into the earth is near, and very likely CERN will be the star gate to receive him when Michael throws him

out (Revelation 12). He will go immediately after the set-apart ones, knowing “his time is short”. A large number of the earth’s people are calling in unison for Lucifer to come—under different names of course. How often do you call for Messiah Yahushua to come? Along with the praises of Yahuweh, that should be your main prayer. Yahuweh is opening His portals for the set-apart ones to

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enter into His secret place … and all the while the majority of the earth’s people go about life as usual, not knowing that the war of the ages has begun.

As of November 19, 2009-December 1, 2009, with the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, the Revived Roman Empire united as one Federal State--with additional light on the subject from “Last Trumpet Newsletter” January 2010: “The man selected [as their President] is Herman Van Rompuy, who was the Prime Minister of Belgium. In his acceptance speech, Van Rompuy, [Illuminati member] stated the following: `2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G-20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.’ (Italics mine)

Indeed, everything is moving quickly now. I recently received a letter from one of our subscribers in the United Kingdom, and she wrote the following words: "Well, the United Kingdom is now officially not a sovereign state anymore. As of midnight last night, we became integrated into the European Federation…." The nations of Europe are now one, and this is most certainly a latter day revival of the Roman Empire. The original Roman Empire fell in the year 476 A.D. No king or emperor was ever able to revive that empire. In 1534 King Henry VIII of England caused an even greater rift by breaking away from the Roman Catholic Church and starting the Church of England. Thus, there was a physical and a spiritual rift, a deadly wound, which seemed impossible to heal. When we add those numbers of 476 and 1534 together, we have the number 2010, the first full year of the revived Roman Empire.”

Isn’t that amazing math? I keep going back to Daniel 2:20-22 and Mark 4:22-25-“He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those that possess understanding” – but to the willfully ignorant, the lazy, the disobedient, He says He will take away even what little they have.

“The Copenhagen Accord” is a major part of the Roman Empire’s uniting of the world under a false belief, just as Emperor Constantine, to unite his fragmented empire in 325 CE, created the Roman Catholic Church, a blend of Greek and Egyptian paganism and Roman and Persian paganism, and forced everyone to join it, bow to him as Emperor and Pontifix Maximus over the Church, and acclaim him as God incarnate, or die. Rome knew well that to unite a people, it had to be through religious unity.

The “Save Mother Earth” – Green Peace movement is a religious movement, involving the worship of Gaia—Mother Earth. The Vatican is leading this new religion. It is also uniting all religions under itself. It is the great whore of Babylon—the Mother of Whores. (Revelation 17) In its history it has been the

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greatest murder of mankind in general than anything else…including all the world wars together.

The Maya and other Indian groups calling for the sky gods to restore the earth, and bring peace, might seem like a fringe bunch of goofy people. But, take note--the world’s billionaires and trillionaries who worship Lucifer and his fallen ones are saying the same thing, along with all the 200 plus Illuminati

organizations worldwide. We must go to the Word of Yahuweh and see what He has to say about it. And, believe me, He has a lot of say about it! I stay in His Word daily, and He is showing me what is happening day by day. Why does He favor me so much? I take time for Him… I treat Him as the most important Person in my life—for so He is!

From my Word Fellowship Newsletter June 12, 2009, pages 3-4, regarding

the May 9-11, 2009, and the June 7th World Invocation Day, calling for the return of the sky gods, the rising of the Dragon, and his message to Earth:

“Have any of you noticed that since about May 9-11 there seems to be an increase of spiritual enemy attacks on the set-apart ones that are manifesting in all sorts of physical ways--confusion, chaos, unrest, oppression, anger and division, and etc.? If so, you are not alone. During these three days, the Maya and the whole New Age/Luciferic community announced that we entered the 6th cycle—in preparation for the return of the feathered serpent--the Dragon, the Quetzalcoatl. They report that the Dragon is very unhappy with mankind,

and we have a short time to get the planet back in good shape, or else. As we know from Scripture, the Dragon (Revelation 12) is Satan. The feathered serpent represents Lucifer/Satan—the shining one, the beautiful serpent of the Garden of Eden.

Briefly: the Maya long calendar, given to them by the sky gods, is accurate to .00007 of a second. It sets each Era at 26,000 years, with each Era containing five Ages of 5, 125 each. According to the information they received from the “sky gods”, we have now reached the end of the final Era, which began 26,000 years ago and the final Age—and are now entering the next Era and Age of the new 26,000-year cycle. But, this closure, they say, is the final one as we know it in human understanding, for it will bring us into a new dimension of life. Lucifer gave the ancients information that was very close to truth—but hid the Yahuweh factor. This might sound unusual, or new to you, but all this was on the History Channel lately. They quoted from NASA (an occult organization under the Pentagon), physicists and other scientists, as well as the Maya. Not only the Maya calendar but ancient calendars from Egypt, India, China and other ancient nations, also put December 12, 2012 as the end of the Age, and

life on earth as we know it—not the end of the world. Father created this world for us to live on with Him—He is not going to let man totally destroy it.

On May 9-11, 2009, they have given the message of the Dragon—which is the same message of the “crystal skulls”--that Mother Earth is angry and unless we

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clean up our act, the world will be destroyed. In another article, “2012: End of the 5th Sun” by Will Hart, 2008, we read that the Maya long calendar is based also on the cycles of Venus. The cycles are called “suns’ – and the 6th sun, or cycle, was thus predicted to begin between 2004-2012.

It is a world movement – hidden in the “green” movement. It is being hidden

under “false flags”--lies and deceptions of our world government to promote their agenda—such as overpopulation and global warming.


Regarding World Invocation Day June 7, 2009, quote from a New Age site:

“Today the reappearance of the World Teacher is expected by millions, by

those of every faith who expect the Avatar, under such names as the Christ, the Lord Maitreya, Krishna, Messiah, Imam Mahdi and the Bodhisattva. The use of the Great Invocation is one of humanity’s most potent tools in preparing human consciousness for the reappearance of this World Teacher.”

Soul search: What are you doing to prepare the world’s people to receive the One, True, Only Creator of the universe, the Only Savior and Redeemer—El Elyon—Yahuweh--and His Messiah, Yahushua? Are you calling for Him to come daily—telling as many as He leads you to about His Torah, His Kingdom, and His reign on earth? Is your lifestyle attracting others to you by His Spirit, so that you can bring them to His truth? If not, what do you expect for yourself when He comes?

An excerpt from the opening speech of the Copenhagen Conference:

Copenhagen climate conference opens to dire warnings

By Richard Ingham and Marlowe Hood (AFP) – December 7, 2009 opening day

COPENHAGEN — A landmark conference on climate change opened in Copenhagen on Monday, with grim warnings of the apocalyptic dangers for mankind if world leaders fail to agree a way to stave off global warming.

The impact on humanity of man-made drought, flood, storms and rising seas were spelt out at the start of the 12-day meeting, which will climax with more than 110 heads of state or government in attendance.

Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen warned that the world was looking to Copenhagen to safeguard the generations of tomorrow.

"For the next two weeks, Copenhagen will be Hopenhagen. By the end, we

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must be able to deliver back to the world what was granted us here today: hope for a better future," he said.

Opening ceremonies began with a short sci-fi film featuring children of the future facing an apocalypse of tempests and desert landscapes if world leaders failed to act today.

"Please help save the world," said a terrified little girl at the end of the film. Poll: Public want action. A choir of Danish youngsters then sang a plaintive song to delegates, accompanied by a brass ensemble.

The negotiation marathon gathers members of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the fruit of the 1992 Rio summit.

Its roll call of 192 nations was joined this year by Iraq and Somalia, the conference heard.

Delegates must craft a blueprint for tackling manmade "greenhouse" gases blamed for trapping solar heat and disrupting Earth's fragile climate system. Reducing carbon emissions: the options

They must also put together a funding mechanism able to channel hundreds of billions of dollars to poor nations most exposed to the effects of climate change.

If all goes well, world leaders on December 18 will agree a political deal that sets down the course of action, including a roster of national pledges.

Further negotiations are expected to take place in 2010 to fill in the details. A legally binding treaty would take effect from the end of 2012.

Analysts, though, stress the deep gap between the demands of developing countries and the willingness of rich countries to dig both into their pockets and into their carbon emissions.

Connie Hedegaard, a Danish politician elected to chair the talks, said political clout will never be stronger. "This is our chance. If we miss it, it could take years before we get a new and better one -- if ever."

Across the globe, 56 newspapers published the same editorial telling their leaders to agree on action to limit temperature rises to 2.0 degrees Celsius (3.6

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degrees Fahrenheit) or risk seeing climate change "ravage our planet". Copyright © 2009 AFP All rights reservedMap


What a show! Lucifer and all his cohorts applauded, I’m sure. The conference ended on December 18th with a very strange ending. Barack Obama and the Chinese President just marched in, got delegates on their side representing five of the ten regions (ten toes, ten horns of Daniel 2 and 7, and Revelation 13) and turned the whole thing around. The hold up was the billions required of First World nations to fund the development of Third World nations. Since the Climate Bill is before the Senate, Obama didn’t want to face an angry America when he got back. You have to give him credit for tap dancing. But be assured, that this bill must be finalized early in 2010, and implemented by the end of 2012, or else Mother Gaia will get us all – yea right! -- smile.

As is being reported by many, there has been an increase the raising of the portal openings for the hierarchy of the demonic world to enter, beginning with December 7th and continuing on. Watch the revving up of CERN, and the coming Revelation 12 scenario. With the whole world’s Luciferic elite, coupled with the ancient people groups calling for their sky gods to return, the Illuminati Jesuits doing human sacrifice in the Vatican, and the human sacrifice via abortions worldwide (which America is funding), and the sacrifice of the Third World people through created wars, famine, disease, and creatures carrying disease -- Lucifer is being energized for his grand entrance. He demands the sacrifice of the people of the earth—he is lusting for the blood of humanity, created in the image and likeness of Yahuweh.

We are in the final throws of take over worldwide, not just in America. And yet the fools of the earth watch another TV program and with their dead heads, dead hearts and dead spirits, go to bed and sleep. Sound the alarm—the enemy is at the gates! Stay in His Word—Let the Spirit show you things to come (John 16:13)



December 31, 2009

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