Community Counseling Center is a leading provider of ...




• Child and Family Outpatient Counseling Services

This core program provides outpatient behavioral health counseling to children and their families, utilizing individual, couples, family, group and play therapy modalities. Services include addressing a broad range of diagnostic presentations, especially depression, anxiety, ADD, and conduct disorders; substance abuse assessment and counseling; teens requesting services for themselves; unplanned pregnancy; and parenting support. Treatment is family centered, focusing on inherent strengths, unmet needs, and strategies to strengthen familial and social support networks. Counselors are trained in a wide variety of treatment modalities to effectively respond to individual and family needs.

Family Intervention Response and Support Team (FIRST)

The FIRST program, works in collaboration with the Maine Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS), to provide treatment for families involved with DHHS because of child abuse or neglect. FIRST provides an office based Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) parenting program, which includes a skills training group. The FIRST program provides stabilization services to families where there is danger of abuse or neglect so that the children can stay in the home safely.

• Sexual Abuse Treatment Team (SAT)

SAT serves children who have suffered the effects of sexual abuse, usually within the family, and provides an array of individual, group, and family therapy for the child, his or her non-offending caretaker, and other family members. This program originated in 1978 with a direct grant from the Maine Legislature, and continues to this day. The major goals of the treatment program at to protect the child from further abuse, to provide treatment to the family where sexual abuse has occurred and to reduce the effects of trauma. Specialized treatment is also made available for children and adolescents who are sexually acting out and abusing others.

• School Based Counseling Services

Through collaboration with local public high schools, Community Counseling Center provides coordinated mental health counseling and psychiatric services in Deering, Portland and Casco Bay High Schools. By providing services in the schools, students are provided with flexibility in scheduling appointments during natural breaks and study hours throughout the school day.

• Psychiatric Services

Psychiatric services with board certified physicians and a nurse practitioner are available for adults and children coping with mental health and behavioral problems. Our psychiatric services provide medication management and counseling, and are offered in collaboration with outpatient counseling and case management services.

• Adoption Counseling Search and Reunion

In growing numbers, individuals touched by adoption – adults who were adopted, their birth parents and their siblings – are making efforts to reconnect with one another. Community Counseling Center assists adult adopted persons, birth parents and birth siblings by using the information that we have available in adoption records to learn more about their medical and social histories. For those interested in reconnection, we make confidential contact on their behalf to learn whether there is mutual interest in reconnecting, and/or provide counseling and resources to facilitate their own search process. Community Counseling Center acts as an intermediary for some families, and also facilitates reconnection meetings when desired by all parties.


• Children’s Case Management (CCM)

Case management services are designed specifically for children with mental health or behavioral problems. The program provides case management services in the home, school and agency. The goal of the program is to help children succeed at home, school and in their communities. Case managers work with families to design and carry out a service plan tailored to meet the individualized needs of the child. Case managers help locate and coordinate resources, advocate for needed services and assure that the family’s needs are addressed.

• Refugee and Immigrant Case Management (RICM)

Community Counseling Center’s Refugee and Immigrant Case Management Program works with children between the ages of 0 and 20 who may be identified with having emotional and/or behavioral difficulties due to transition, trauma history or other adjustments and would benefit from culturally sensitive and competent services. Services are designed to meet the individual's needs and may include connecting families to community supports, helping families understand and work with the school system, advocacy, as well as parenting and family support. Case management staff are multilingual and multicultural, and provide case management services in 14 different languages, including: Somali, Swahili, Sudanese Arabic, Bari, French, Lingala, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Persian, Khmer, Turkish, Spanish and Kingazidja (Comoros Islands).

• Case Management for Children with Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities (CM MR/DD)

This program offers children ages 0 - 16 and their families, individualized services designed to address the unique challenges that a MR/DD diagnosis presents. Beginning with a thorough needs assessment, case managers focus on identifying individual and family strengths and needs. They then help to develop strategies that encourage positive growth and development. The program places emphasis on providing support in gaining access to needed medical, social and educational services. Referrals to the CM MR/DD program may be made by a variety of sources: parents, guardians, special education professionals, teachers, school administrators, physicians or psychologists. At the heart of the program is a desire to provide eligible individuals and their families with the help and information they need to navigate the challenges of everyday living with a disability and to help them begin the process of long-term planning.


Adult Outpatient Counseling Services

Adult Outpatient Counseling Services provides time-sensitive individual, couples, and group therapy to help people who may be struggling with a wide variety of personal and family issues such as relationship concerns, traumatic events, military deployment, emotional difficulties mental illness or problem behaviors. Adult Outpatient Counseling Services also provides specialized trauma treatment, including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

• Community Integration

Our Community Integration program provides personalized case management services to individuals to help them stay in their communities and as close to their primary home environments as possible. Our case managers are trained in behavioral mental health practices and are experts in local resources and rehabilitative programs and supports. Participants in this program are assisted in developing their own recovery plans. They receive ongoing support from their case manager to connect with the services and resources they identify as being essential to their recovery. The goal of this program is to assist individuals in the development and achievement of their own customized client centered recovery and stabilization plan.

• Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Community Counseling Center’s EAP Program offers skilled, professional services to Greater Portland businesses and organizations and their employees. These services include employee and family assessments, counseling, supervisory training for the use of EAP within a company, stress management and coordination with outpatient substance abuse services. EAP can also provide critical incident stress response services when employees have experienced a workplace traumatic incident, as well as provide referrals and follow-up for services not provided by Community Counseling Center.


Deaf Counseling Services

Through this highly specialized statewide program, Community Counseling Center provides outpatient mental health counseling to Deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, and late deafened adults and children statewide, as well as services to hearing children of Deaf parents. Services are provided by clinicians who are fluent in American Sign Language and knowledgeable of Deaf culture and the unique needs of members of the Deaf community. Deaf Counseling Services offers counseling for a wide range of issues, especially those specific to the Deaf community, including histories of institutional abuse.

• Deaf Targeted Case Management

This specialized program provides case management services; for Deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, and late-deafened children statewide. The goal of the program is to help individuals succeed at home, school and in their communities. Case managers work with families to design and carry out a service plan tailored to meet their individualized needs. Case managers help locate and coordinate resources, advocate for needed services and assure that the family’s needs are addressed. 

• Deaf Community Integration

Our Deaf Community Integration program provides specialized case management services to adults who are Deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, and late deafened statewide to help them stay in their communities and as close to their primary home environments as possible. Our case managers are trained in behavioral mental health practices and are experts in local resources and rehabilitative programs and supports. Participants in this program are assisted in developing their own recovery plans. They receive ongoing support from their case manager to connect with the services and resources they identify as being essential to their recovery. The goal of this program is to assist individuals in the development and achievement of their own customized client centered recovery and stabilization plan.


Older Adult Counseling Services (OACS)

Counselors specializing in the unique needs of elders provide outpatient counseling services to older adults and their families. Through prevention, early intervention and education, OACS helps elders remain active and vital members of the community.

• Case Management for Elders

Case Management for Elders provides services to older adults who are challenged by daily functioning and have long-term mental health needs. Case Managers help clients connect with health and mental health resources in the community and serve as advocates to ensure that clients maintain their independence for as long as possible.


Elderworks is a day treatment program for older adults with long-term mental health needs. Elderworks is designed to provide individualized treatment within a group therapy environment. Primary care physicians and psychiatrists frequently refer clients to this program to enhance their coping skills and optimal functioning. Services provided by the program empower, enable and enrich participant’s life. This is done in a therapeutic, supportive environment where older adults have the opportunity to participate in expressive therapeutic activities, gain pertinent information and have a productive experience.

• Project Gateway

Project Gateway offers mobile outpatient counseling to homebound elders with a mental health diagnosis in the comfort of their own homes.


• Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is an evidence-based treatment program that consists of individual therapy, a skills training group and telephone consultation, as well as a consultation team for participating therapists. DBT is designed for people who have suicidal or self-harming behaviors or thoughts and/or behaviors that seriously interfere with the quality of their lives. The therapy balances support and acceptance with the need to change behaviors that interfere with the participant’s quality of life.

• Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

TF-CBT is a psychotherapeutic intervention designed to help children, youth, and their parents overcome the negative effects of traumatic life events such as child sexual or physical abuse; traumatic loss of a loved one; domestic, school, or community violence; or exposure to disasters, terrorist attacks, or war trauma. The goal of TF-CBT is to help address the unique biopsychosocial needs of children with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or other problems related to traumatic life experiences, and their parents or primary caregivers. TF-CBT is a model of psychotherapy that combines trauma-sensitive interventions with cognitive behavioral therapy. Children and parents are provided knowledge and skills related to processing the trauma; managing distressing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; and enhancing safety, empowerment, interpersonal trust, parenting skills, and family communication.

• Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a therapeutic method used to reduce the negative effects of traumatic events. EMDR is a cognitive behaviorally based therapy that involves therapist-guided eye movements or bilateral stimulation that allows traumatic memory to be processed and integrated into memory that is less emotionally “charged” and reduces or eliminates intrusive memories or “flashbacks”.

• Children’s Systems and Treatment Enhancement Program (Child STEPS)

Child STEPs is a model that brings evidence-based treatments to youth and families in community mental health centers. Maine is one of two states participating in the implementation of this model, and Community Counseling Center is one of three agencies selected to pilot Child STEPs. This program utilizes a new psychotherapy, Modular Approach to Therapy with Children (MATCH) that combines elements of all evidence-based treatments for the most common and important mental health problems of youth: anxiety, depression, oppositional behavior, and reactions to traumatic events.


• Greater Portland Trauma Assistance Network (GPTAN)

Community Counseling Center is the lead agency for GPTAN, which is a community collaborative and advisory group made up by providers of trauma service, first responders in the Greater Portland Area and concerned citizens. GPTAN was formed in partnership with the Junior League of Portland. The first GPTAN initiative was the launching of the Trauma Intervention Program (TIP) in February of 2005. GPTAN also serves in an advisory capacity for the Cumberland County Disaster Behavioral Health Plan and the SAMSHA Children’s Initiative.

• Trauma Intervention Program (TIP)

TIP is a volunteer program that provides emotional and practical support to victims of traumatic events and their families in the first few hours following a tragedy. TIP volunteers respond to the scene at the request of a first responder within 20 minutes, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. TIP Volunteers receive 55 hours of training and ongoing monthly continuing education. TIP was launched in Portland in February 2005 in cooperation with TIP National, Portland Police Department and Portland Fire Department. Since that time, TIP has expanded its services to the South Portland, Gorham, Westbrook, Falmouth, Windham and Scarborough.

• Cumberland County Behavioral Health Disaster Plan (BHDP)

Community Counseling Center was contracted by DHHS as the lead agency for the Cumberland County BDHP. First responders and local service providers developed a plan for Cumberland County, and developed the Cumberland County BDHP Resource Manual. Community Counseling Center staff participated in two days of Disaster Behavioral Health training as part of this initiative and are key members of Cumberland County Disaster Behavioral Health response team.

• The Children’s Initiative

The Children’s Initiative is a four year $1.6 million project funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to develop a community-wide trauma-informed system of care for children who are suffering as a result of witnessing violence in or out of the home and/or experiencing violence outside of the family. The Children’s Initiative, as part of a coalition of 24 organizations in Greater Portland provides a full range of trauma-informed services: outreach, community education, assessment and triage, training and treatment. The Initiative utilizes the evidence-based Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Model (TF-CBT) and serve male and female children, between the ages of five and eighteen residing in twelve cities and towns in southern Maine.

• Co-Occurring Initiative (COSII)

Community Counseling Center is a Pilot Center for the states priority COSII initiative to promote the integration of Mental Health Treatment and Substance Abuse Treatment. Research indicates that well over fifty percent of the people who present with Mental Health Issues or Substance Abuse issues have cross over co-morbidity. Traditional treatment centers and practices have worked with one or the other in isolation. This initiative provides training and support to help Mental Health workers learn to assess and treat both conditions in an integrated and client centered way. Core strategies employ a review of agency practices and protocols to facilitate easy access to services, integrated comprehensive assessment, stages of change theory, and integrated treatment planning and outcome measurements.

• Project Safe and Strong

Community Counseling Center received a two year federal grant (’09 – ‘10) from the Federal Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice Programs to support anti-bullying efforts in our community. Community Counseling Center in partnership with schools and community groups will develop and implement a bullying and harassment education and intervention program that will complement existing community efforts and address current unmet needs. Safe and Strong will provide clinical treatment for children who have suffered from bullying and their families, including addressing issues of substance abuse and traumatic stress.

• Trauma Awareness Project (TAP)

Through a 2009 federal grant awarded this fall from the U.S. Department of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Community Counseling Center, will expand activities on trauma related mental health early intervention and treatment, to include prevention, education and outreach through its Trauma Awareness Project. Expansion will include public awareness of trauma-related mental health issues, workplace and community specific training, and disaster preparedness training for businesses and residents of twelve cities and towns in southern Maine.


Education for Living

Through the Education for Living (EFL) program, Community Counseling Center provides educational opportunities to individuals and organizations. This program helps participants to better understand and anticipate the normal patterns and stresses of individual, family and parent/child relationships throughout all stages of the life cycle. Through a group learning experience, the EFL program strives to reduce or prevent crises and to expand the range of coping skills.

• Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine (PRYSM)

PRYSM provides a safe and positive space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people that offers social support, leadership development and community education. Volunteer advisors help staff a twice weekly drop-in, and provide support to participants. PRYSM also provides needed information and referral services, as well as HIV prevention and education.


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