Write a letter to The Hero Hall of Fame or The Villain ...

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: _________

We will be reading and watching To Kill a Mockingbird, one of the best film versions of a truly great book.

Write a letter to “The Hero Hall of Fame” or “The Villain Hall of Fame”. Campaign to get of one of the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird into the Hero or Villain Halls of Fame. How does one of these characters rank amongst the world’s greatest heroes and villains? Give a couple of examples of current members of either the villain or hero club. Your letter is to be written like a persuasive essay with a minimum of four paragraphs: first, introduction; second, body paragraph #1 detailing one reason why this character deserves to be in the hall of fame; third, body paragraph #2 detailing another reason why this character deserves entrance; fourth, a call to action and a conclusion.

Final letter to = 150 points Completed packet = 50 points

Final letter due: ______________ Packet due: ____________

A hero is usually recognized in a work of literature or film as someone with great courage and strength (most of the time, not always). The hero may risk or sacrifice his or her life for the greater good.

What are the characteristics of a hero? List a minimum of eight qualities that make someone a hero.

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________

4. _______________________________

5. _______________________________

6. _______________________________

7. _______________________________

8. _______________________________

A villain is an evil character in a story, whether historical or in a work of fiction. Official definition: a cruel person who intends to do harm and is devoted to wickedness or a crime. Most villains still have some redeemable characteristics. Usually, there is a reason why they have become so evil—a moment or situation in the past that turned them bad.

List eight characteristics of a villain.

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________

4. _______________________________

5. _______________________________

6. _______________________________

7. _______________________________

8. _______________________________

|Greatest Heroes of all time in fiction and history |Greatest Villains of all time in fiction and history |

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Character you intend to prove is a hero or villain. (More than Bob and Atticus are available). _________________________________________________________

Thesis Statement:_______________________________________________________


Possible topic sentences to prove Bob Ewell is a villain….

If you use any of the topic sentences listed below, max grade you can earn on your essay is a B. If you use any of the topic sentences listed below and quotes provided in the packet rather than ones you found, max grade you can earn on your essay is a C.

o Bob Ewell in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is one of ugliest characters in print, because he is a drunk who abuses his children.

o Bob Ewell is a nasty villain, because he wantonly seeks revenge on an innocent, black man.

o Bob Ewell’s blatant racism and ugly language proves he’s a truly evil character in To Kill a Mockingbird.

o Bob Ewell proves himself a villain by seeking revenge after being shown as a liar and a low-life.

o Bob Ewell is a lazy piece of trash who thinks he’s better than others simply based on skin color and not on character in the classic, To Kill a Mockingbird.

Possible topic sentences to prove Atticus Finch is a hero….

o To Kill a Mockingbird features one of fictions finest heroes, Atticus Finch, a man who stands up for what’s right even when it means jeopardizing his safety and reputation.

o Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird is a patient father who listens to his children.

o Atticus Finch fights racism when it is not the popular thing to do.

o Atticus Finch treats all people with fairness and respect in the classic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird.

Possible quotes to prove Atticus is a hero.

“I simply want to tell you that there are some men in this world who were born to do our unpleasant jobs for us. Your father’s one of them,” Miss Maudie said (218). Red book

“I’m no idealist to believe firmly in the integrity of our courts & in the jury system… Gentlemen, a court is no better than each man of you sitting before me… I am confident that you gentlemen will review without passion the evidence you have heard…In the name of God do your duty” (208).Red book

“Mr. Cunningham’s basically a good man… he just has his blind spots along with the rest of us” (159). Red book

“Calpurnia said, ‘This was all round the back steps when I got here this morning. They – they ‘preciate what you did Mr. Finch… tell them I’m very grateful… tell them- tell them they must never do this again. Times are too hard…’” (216).Red book

“One more thing gentlemen before I quit. Thomas Jefferson once said that all men are created equal…” (207).Purple book

Possible quotes to prove Bob Ewell is a villain.

“Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him” (217).

Purple book

“I seen that black nigger yonder ruttin’ on my Mayella” (173). Purple book

“Old Mr. Bob Ewell accused Tom Robinson of rapin’ his girl an’ had him arrested and put in jail” (124).Purple book

Shaping for Paragraph #1

|#1 Topic Sentence: | |

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|#2 Anticipated Argument and | |

|Shut Down (AASD)—Use as either| |

|sentence 2 or 6, not both | |

|#3 First CD (one must use TLQ,| |

|other can be an event from the| |

|story) | |

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|#4 First CM: |Think “This shows that …”, but just begin the sentence or replace with something more varied (This demonstrates or |

| |these actions establish). |

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|#5 Second CM: |Think “This is important, because …”, but just begin the sentence. |

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|#6 Anticipated Argument and | |

|Shut Down (AASD)— | |

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|#7 Second CD (one must use | |

|TLQ, other can be an event | |

|from the story) | |

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|#8 First CM: |Think “This shows that …”, but just begin the sentence or replace with something more varied (This demonstrates or |

| |these actions establish). |

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|#9 Second CM: |Think “This is important, because …”, but just begin the sentence. |

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|#10 Conclusion Sentence | |

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Shaping for Paragraph #2

|#1 Topic Sentence: | |

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| | |

|#2 Anticipated Argument and | |

|Shut Down (AASD)—Use as either| |

|sentence 2 or 6, not both | |

|#3 First CD (one must use TLQ,| |

|other can be an event from the| |

|story) | |

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|#4 First CM: |Think “This shows that …”, but just begin the sentence or replace with something more varied (This demonstrates or |

| |these actions establish). |

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|#5 Second CM: |Think “This is important, because …”, but just begin the sentence. |

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|#6 Anticipated Argument and | |

|Shut Down (AASD)—Use as either| |

|sentence 2 or 6, not both | |

|#7 Second CD (one must use | |

|TLQ, other can be an event | |

|from the story) | |

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|#8 First CM: |Think “This shows that …”, but just begin the sentence or replace with something more varied (This demonstrates or |

| |these actions establish). |

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|#9 Second CM: |Think “This is important, because …”, but just begin the sentence. |

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|#10 Conclusion Sentence | |

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Sample introductory Paragraph

You have the power to select and immortalize the most evil people in history and characters in fiction. It is truly a great responsibility. The world should never forget the extreme cruelty of Hitler. Voldamort and Cruella DeVille are excellent examples of villains you have recognized for their devilish ways in film. Today, I would like to bring to your attention a character that deserves entrance into the Villain Hall of Fame. Although, she has had a rough life, living in poverty and raising her younger siblings, her behavior is awful and inexcusable. She is the reason a kind, guiltless man is falsely accused, taken from his family and ultimately killed despite the best efforts of a noble lawyer who fights for what is right and true. Mayella Ewell in the American classic, To Kill a Mockingbird, must be included amongst the world’s worst characters, because she condemns an innocent man to save herself, and she prods the community into following her lies by calling them cowards.

Introduction Paragraph (1. Compliment the reading/acknowledge the difficulty of their job 2. General info on heroes or villains 3. Summary of To Kill a Mockingbird 4. Thesis)


Sample Conclusion Paragraph

In total, Mayella Ewell is an irresponsible, mean liar who dares a racist town to kill the man who wouldn’t have her. Regardless of her rough upbringing and the abuse of her father, what she wantonly did to Tom Robinson was evil. Mayella Ewell must be included in the Villain Hall of Fame. If you do not add Mayella to the Villain Hall of Fame, you will be ignoring truly cruel, intentional behavior. Mayella is a villain like all villains, because she is manipulative, hateful and cowardly. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. I know you will make the right choice and add the dastardly Mayella Ewell.

1. Reminder of thesis or info in body ¶s.

2. Tell the reader they must put the person in H of F.

3. Remind them of their duty.

4. Why character does what he or she does.

5. Characteristics of H or V your character has.

6. Thank the reader.

The order of steps 3-5 can be switched around.


Remember to thank the reader for their time and sign your letter.


Alfred K. Student (use your real name, please)


•Write about why your chosen character is one of the greatest heroes or villains

•Make your writing interesting to the reader

•Make sure that your ideas are clear and easy for the reader to follow

•Write about your ideas in detail so that the reader really understands what you are saying

•Check your work for correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and sentences


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