Inventors and Inventions

|Lesson Synopsis: |

In this lesson, students learn about the life and contributions of Thomas Alva Edison, one of the most prolific and famous inventors of the modern era. His curiosity, perseverance, commitment, and the impact and importance of his inventions are highlighted in this lesson.


|1.2 |History. The student understands how historical figures, patriots, and good citizens helped to shape the community, state, and nation.|

| |The student is expected to: |

|1.2B |Identify historical figures including Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Garrett Morgan and Richard Allen and other individuals who|

| |have exhibited individualism and inventiveness. |

|1.16 |Science, technology, and society. The student understands how technology affects daily life, past and present. The student is expected|

| |to: |

|1.16B |Describe how technology changes communication, transportation, and recreation. |

|1.16C |Describe how technology changes the way people work. |

Social Studies Skills TEKS:

|1.17 |Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of valid |

| |sources, including electronic technology. The student is expected to: |

|1.17B |Obtain information about a topic using a variety of valid visual sources such as pictures, symbols, electronic media, maps, |

| |literature, and artifacts. |

|1.18 |Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The student is expected to: |

|1.18B |Create visual and written material including pictures, maps, timelines, and graphs. |

|Getting Ready for Instruction |

|Performance Indicator(s): |

• Choose two of Thomas Edison’s inventions that have had an effect on everyday life. Make drawings of the inventions and describe the effects they have had on your life. (1.2B, 1.16B, 1.16C; 1.17B; 1.18B)

[pic] 3H

|Key Understandings and Guiding Questions: |

• Las personas pueden contribuir a la sociedad creando nuevos inventos que ayuden a las personas a hacer cosas que antes no eran posibles.

— ¿Cómo ayudaron los inventos de Thomas Edison a las personas?

— ¿De qué maneras impactaron a la sociedad los inventos de Thomas Edison?

— ¿Cómo afectaron sus inventos la manera en que las personas trabajan y juegan?

— ¿Cómo afectaron sus inventos la manera en que las personas se comunican?

— ¿Cuál de sus inventos tuvo el mayor impacto en el mundo?

|Vocabulary of Instruction: |

• tecnología

• invento

• impacto

|Materials: |

• Refer to Notes for Teacher section for materials.

(Appropriate materials may be substituted as needed to incorporate district resources and availability.)


• Teacher Resource: Explore Pictures KEY

• Handout: Light Bulbs for K-W-L (1 per student)

• Teacher Resource: PowerPoint: Thomas Alva Edison

• Handout: Lifetime Timeline (1 per group, cut apart and placed in an envelope)

• Teacher Resource: Phonograph Advertisement KEY

• Handout: Edison’s Inventions (1 per student)

|Resources and References: |

• None identified

|Advance Preparation: |

1. Become familiar with content and procedures for the lesson.

2. Refer to the Instructional Focus Document for specific content to include in the lesson.

3. Select appropriate sections of the textbook and other classroom materials that support the learning for this lesson.

4. Preview any websites included in the lesson according to district guidelines.

5. Gather teacher-selected books that are needed for the lesson.

6. Locate and prepare to display pictures of inventions that have changed peoples’ lives (e.g., telephone/mobile phone, computer, light bulb, microwave, etc.).

7. Bring a light bulb to class.

8. Copy student handouts and teacher resources needed for lesson.

9. Print the Teacher Resource: Explore Pictures KEY.

10. Make copies of the Handout: Light Bulbs for K-W-L (1 per student).

11. Make six copies of the Handout: Lifetime Timeline. Cut sentences apart and place each set in an envelope.

12. Make copies of the Handout: Edison’s Inventions, or have students draw their own. (one per student)

13. Prepare Teacher Resource: PowerPoint: Thomas A. Edison for display. Adjust this resource as needed, paraphrasing information, adding other pictures, etc. or choose a grade-appropriate book describing the life and inventions of Thomas Edison.

14. Create a K-W-L on board or chart paper for Explore activity on Suggested Day One.

|Background Information: |

Technology – anything invented by humans to solve a problem. Technology is the application of processes, methods, or knowledge to achieve a specific purpose. Scientists and engineers develop technology with positive outcomes in mind such as increasing production and improving communication. Products of technology including computers, telephones, radios, and scientific equipment affect human conditions. Many believe the influences are positive, but some consider the negative ramifications of technology. For example, citizens differ in their viewpoints of nuclear energy. Does it provide safe fuel, or do the risks of disaster override its potential?

Invention – a new device, process, or item; something new that a person makes or thinks of

The main points that students should walk away from this lesson with include:

• People invent things to solve problems. (Edison invented – actually improved upon – the light bulb, discovering the filament that produced light but did not burn up quickly.)

• Success often involves qualities such as hard work, persistence, and commitment.

• Inventions can have far-reaching effects. (Edison also built and operated the first power station that successfully delivered electricity to homes and businesses. The impact of this has been immense.)

Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors of all time, received more than 1,000 patents for a range of items including the automatic telegraph machine, the phonograph, improvements to the light bulb, a modernized telephone, and motion picture equipment. He concentrated on electrical inventions and opened his first “invention factory” in Newark, New Jersey, in 1870. In 1876, he opened his lab in Menlo Park where he and his workers developed and patented the incandescent light bulb, a transmitter for the telephone, and the phonograph, his favorite invention. He operated the world’s first electric power station on Pearl Street in New York City, opened in 1882. By 1887, He expanded operations to West Orange, New Jersey, where workers averaged one patented invention every five days.

Definitions courtesy of the Social Studies Center [defunct]. (2000). Glossary. Austin: Texas Education Agency.

Biography courtesy of the Social Studies Center [defunct]. (2000). Biographies. Austin: Texas Education Agency.

|Getting Ready for Instruction Supplemental Planning Document |

Instructors are encouraged to supplement and substitute resources, materials, and activities to differentiate instruction to address the needs of learners. The Exemplar Lessons are one approach to teaching and reaching the Performance Indicators and Specificity in the Instructional Focus Document for this unit. Instructors are encouraged to create original lessons using the Content Creator in the Tools Tab located at the top of the page. All originally authored lessons can be saved in the “My CSCOPE” Tab within the “My Content” area.

|Instructional Procedures |

|Instructional Procedures |Notes for Teacher |

|ENGAGE – What is an inventor? |NOTE: 1 Day = 30 minutes |

| |Suggested Day 1 – 5 minutes |

|Display pictures of inventions that have changed peoples’ lives (e.g., telephone/mobile |Materials: |

|phone, computer, light bulb, microwave, etc.). |Light bulb |

|Ask: | |

|What do you think these items have in common? Possible answers could include that they |Purpose: |

|are things that make life easier. |The purpose for this section of the lesson is to introduce the concept of|

| |inventors and inventions |

|Display the words inventor and invention. | |

|Ask: |TEKS: 1.2B; 1.17B; 1.18B |

|What is an inventor? An inventor is someone who creates or makes something for the first| |

|time. | |

|Why do people invent things? People typically invent something as a way to solve a | |

|problem. | |

| | |

|Display a light bulb. Ask the students to identify it. | |

|Ask: | |

|Do you know who invented the light bulb? If no response, tell the students Thomas Alva | |

|Edison. | |

| | |

|Discuss the following information about Thomas Edison: | |

|Thomas Edison is considered one of America’s greatest inventors. When he was born in | |

|1847, there were no electric lights, televisions, cars, trucks, or electric appliances | |

|such as dishwashers, refrigerators, or ovens. | |

|EXPLORE – K-W-L Chart |Suggested Day 1 (continued) – 15 minutes |

|Display the Teacher Resource: Explore Pictures KEY. Ask students to describe what they |Materials: |

|see in the pictures. Students work in small groups to conduct visual analysis. |Light bulb |

|Ask these or similar questions: |K-W-L chart on chart paper (example below) |

|What do you think life was like before the light bulb was invented? Answers may vary. |Photo of earth from space showing how the lights are visible from space |

|What did people do to see at night or in the dark? Used candles, oil lamps, fireplaces, |(conduct an Internet search) |

|gas lamps, etc. | |

|What would the world be like if there were no light bulbs or electric lights today? |Attachments: |

|Answers may vary. |Teacher Resource: Explore Pictures KEY |

|What problems did the invention of the light bulb solve? The need for light at night. |Handout: Light Bulbs for K-W-L (1 per student) |

|Many people went to bed as soon as it got dark. | |

|In what ways did it make life easier for people? People could continue working, reading,|Purpose: |

|or enjoying time together doing activities after dark. |The purpose for this section of the lesson is to analyze pictures that |

|If we did not have electricity, what things would not work today? TV, lights, computer, |show life before light bulbs were used and to begin K-W-L chart to |

|fan, air conditioner, heater, microwave, hair dryer, water heater, vacuum cleaner, etc. |organize information. |

|Edison was instrumental in developing how electricity was used. | |

|How would our lives be different without light bulbs? Our lives would be significantly |TEKS: 1.2B; 1.16B; 1.16C; 1.17B; 1.18B |

|different. Students brainstorm ways. | |

| | |

|Display a photo that shows how the Earth looks from space because of light given off by |What We Want |

|electrical lights. Ask: |What We Know to Know What We Learned |

|Had a satellite been available before the light bulb was invented, how would this | |

|picture have looked? Completely dark. | |

| | |

|Display the light bulb again. | |

|Ask: | |

|What kinds of light bulbs are there? | |

|What are some other tools or machines that use light bulbs? List these on the board or | |

|chart paper. | |

| | |

|Distribute the Handout: Light Bulbs for K-W-L (1 per student). Students cut apart the | |

|light bulbs. Post a blank K-W-L chart. | |

| | |

|Ask students to think about what they already know about electric lights and light | |

|bulbs. Students write one thing they already know about electric lights and light bulbs | |

|on one of the light bulbs and one thing they would like to learn on another light bulb. | |

| | |

|Students place their completed light bulbs under the correct columns on the large, | |

|teacher K-W-L chart. | |

| | |

|Read the statements aloud and save the chart for later. | |

|EXPLAIN – Drawing about Light Bulbs |Suggested Day 1 (continued) – 10 minutes |

|Distribute paper. Students draw a picture that shows what life might have been like |Materials: |

|before the invention of the light bulb. |Drawing paper, 8 ½ X 11 or similar size |

| | |

|On the back of the paper, students make a list of 3 objects that need light bulbs to |Purpose: |

|operate or to enhance the ability of the object to help us. For example, lamps, ovens, |The purpose for this section of the lesson is to demonstrate an |

|flashlights, streetlamps, headlights on cars, etc. |understanding of what life was like before light bulbs by drawing a |

| |picture and listing common objects we use that require light bulbs. |

|Teacher circulates, guiding and redirecting if necessary. | |

| |TEKS: 1.16B; 1.16C; 1.18B |

|ENGAGE – Learn about Thomas A. Edison |Suggested Day 2 – 10 minutes |

|Display Teacher Resource: PowerPoint: Thomas A. Edison OR read a selected book about | |

|Edison’s life and inventions. Provide background information about the life of Thomas A.|Attachments: |

|Edison. Paraphrase and elaborate as needed to ensure students’ understanding. Quotes by |Teacher Resource: PowerPoint: Thomas A. Edison |

|Edison illustrate his hard work, drive, and persistence. Focus students’ attention on | |

|these. |Purpose: |

| |The purpose for this section of the lesson is to acquire information |

|Ask these or similar questions to encourage students to focus on Edison’s impact on |about Thomas Edison in order to learn about his life, his inventions, and|

|technology: |the character traits of an inventor. |

|Are Edison’s inventions examples of technology? Absolutely, anything that makes a task | |

|easier or improves something is an example of technology. |TEKS: 1.2B;1.16B; 1.16C; 1.17B; 1.18B |

|How did Edison’s inventions change communication? He worked to improve the telegraph and| |

|telephone, and he invented the phonograph and a motion picture camera. | |

|How did Edison’s inventions change transportation? He worked to develop the use of | |

|electricity which impacted transportation. | |

|How did Edison’s inventions change recreation? Again, his development of the use of | |

|electricity made a big impact on recreation, as well as some of his inventions, such as | |

|the phonograph and movie camera and the improvement of the telephone | |

| | |

|EXPLORE – Timeline of Edison’s life |Suggested Day 2 (continued) – 15 minutes |

|Students work in groups of four. Distribute an envelope to each group with copies of the|Materials: |

|Handout: Lifetime Timeline sentences (1 per group, cut apart and placed in an envelope.)|Envelopes |

| | |

|Students read the sentences, discuss the possible order of the sentences, and arrange |Attachments: |

|them in chronological order. |Handout: Lifetime Timeline (1 per group, cut apart and placed in an |

| |envelope) |

|When groups are finished, read the various sentences and review the correct order. | |

|Ask questions such as: |Purpose: |

|Where do you think this sentence belongs? |The purpose for this section of the lesson is to place the events of |

|What clues in the sentence make you think that? |Thomas Edison’s life in chronological order and complete the K-W-L chart.|

| | |

|The timeline sentences should follow the order of information in the PowerPoint or |TEKS: 1.2B; 1.16B; 1.16C; 1.17B; 1.18B |

|selected book on Edison’s life. Students can restate the order in their own words and/or| |

|tell how they know one item follows another while the teacher creates a large |Instructional Note: |

|chart-paper version of the timeline. |If a book on Edison was read, rather than the PowerPoint, the sentences |

| |on the Handout: Lifetime Timeline may need to be adjusted depending on |

|Direct students’ attention to the K-W-L chart. Using information gathered in the |the information provided in the book. |

|PowerPoint and book about Thomas Edison, students assist in filling in the “What We |During this activity, it may be helpful to make the PowerPoint or the |

|Learned” column of K-W-L chart. |selected book on Edison available to students as a resource. |

|EXPLAIN – Inventor Qualities |Suggested Day 2 (continued) – 5 minutes |

|Begin a discussion about inventors and the characteristics they possess. Encourage the |Purpose: |

|use of the PowerPoint and/or the textbook for reference. Ask these or similar questions |The purpose for this section of the lesson is to help students apply what|

|to encourage students to think about inventors: |they learned about Edison in order to draw conclusions about the common |

|Was inventing things easy for Edison? Why or why not? How do you know? |characteristics of inventors. |

|Was Edison usually successful or did he experience failure? | |

|What do you think he did when he failed? |TEKS: 1.2B |

|Do you think Edison was lazy or a hard worker? Why? | |

|Where did Edison find his ideas? | |

|How do Edison’s inventions affect our lives? | |

| | |

|Pause after each question and allow groups time to discuss answers. | |

| | |

|Teacher circulates, probing with questions, encouraging students to use academic | |

|language, correcting misinformation, adding background information, and identifying | |

|areas that will need more attention. Encourage students to identify characteristics | |

|needed by inventors, such as original ideas, hard work, persistence, curiosity, drive to| |

|improve things, desire to solve problems, etc. Assist students in concluding that Thomas| |

|Edison exemplified these attributes. | |

|ELABORATE – Advertising Inventions |Suggested Day 3 – 30 minutes |

|Thomas Edison invented many things. He invented the electric light bulb, the phonograph,|Materials: |

|the movie camera, an electric vote recorder, and an electric pen. He even invented a |Samples of print advertising from magazines, newspapers, and mailings |

|doll that could talk. Sometimes he had difficulty selling his inventions. |Construction paper, 12 X 18 (one per group of 4 students) |

|Ask: | |

|What could have helped him sell his inventions? |Attachments: |

| |Teacher Resource: Phonograph Advertisement KEY |

|Display various samples of print advertisements from magazines, newspapers, and | |

|mailings. Advertisements tell the advantages of the product. They often explain how |Purpose: |

|people’s lives will be different or better if they use the product. Point out the |The purpose for this section of the lesson is to introduce advertising as|

|features of the advertisements, such as the art work or photographs, the bright colors, |a way to sell inventions or other products. |

|and the wording. | |

| |TEKS: 1.18B |

|Demonstrate how to create a simple example of a poster advertising something like an | |

|apple. Draw an apple on the board. Write some descriptive words and something that | |

|encourages people to buy apples. For example: “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” | |

| | |

|Divide the class into groups of four. Give each group a large sheet of construction | |

|paper. | |

| | |

|Write a list of some of Edison’s inventions on the board: electric light bulb, the | |

|phonograph, the movie camera, an electric vote recorder, an electric pen, and a doll | |

|that could talk. | |

| | |

|Explain that we are going to pretend that Thomas Edison has hired us to make posters to | |

|advertise his inventions. Each group chooses an invention and makes a poster advertising| |

|it. Students include a title, a big picture of the invention, and explain how it helps | |

|people. | |

| | |

|As students work on their posters, circulate and facilitate. | |

| | |

|When students have completed their advertisements, post them and allow students to share| |

|information about their posters. | |

|EVALUATE – Performance Indicator |Suggested Day 4 – 35 minutes |

|Choose two of Thomas Edison’s inventions that have had an effect on everyday life. Make |Attachments: |

|drawings of the inventions and describe the effects they have had on your life. (1.2B, |Handout: Edison’s Inventions (1 per student) |

|1.16B, 1.16C; 1.17B; 1.18B) |Teacher Resource: Performance Indicator Instructions PI |

|[pic] 3H | |

| |Purpose: |

|Refer to Teacher Resource: Performance Indicator Instruction PI for instructions |The purpose for this section of the lesson is to allow students to |

|regarding implementation of the Performance Indicator. |demonstrate an understanding of the impact of Edison’s inventions on the |

| |lives of people and society. |

| | |

| |TEKS: 1.2B; 1.16B; 1.16C; 1.17B; 1.18B |



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