April 2019

Issue 1

The Day The Aliens Attacked

Chapter one: their arrival.

Running, running, running. I look back, and I can't stop running. The terror is coming. Any minute they might be sending soldiers to come and get me. I just keep running. I can't let them catch me. I don't know how, but somehow I have always felt as if I had a higher purpose. You know, how you wish you could save the ones you love but you don't know how. Well, I had the power to, but it was locked away, because I had never felt there was a threat.

Let me tell you my story. I am writing this from my deathbed. I am now old, and the world needs new heroes. I write, because these are my memoirs. A detailed, chronological record of my past and my deeds. It is my hope that my story may inspire future heroes to take seriously their responsibility to protect people and this planet. All writing really is just, if you've never experienced something yourself, all it is, is really just acting. It is like performing the part of a character in a play, the things you pretend you are doing didn't really happen, but you feel as if you are that person. That's how writing is. When you are writing about a fictional character, you have to put your mind in that character, feel what he feels, see what she sees, hear what they hear. Anyway, on with my story.

I was born on a bright, warm, sunny day right in the heart of los Angeles. I had a fairly standard childhood. One day, when I was seventeen, the earth came under attack. I can still remember the day. I had always been told I had an exceptional memory. On that day I had just turned seventeen. It was bright and sunny out, so I decided to go for a walk. I hadn't gone far when I noticed a weird cloud shaped object floating through the sky. I didn't know it yet, but this was the beginning of chaos. As it got closer I realized it was a giant ship of some kind. It was coming in hot, way too fast for the crew to survive the landing. As it headed the ground it shuddered. Seconds away from impact, it was rent in two, and a blast wave swept across the land. It plowed into me, knocking me out cold. As it swept toward me, I could see the land changing. Everywhere the blast touched inanimate objects came to life, becoming bizarre monsters. Rocks, trees, even old rusted cars became man eating sharp toothed monsters. The ship floated upright, suspended in time. It was then that the shockwave hit me.

When I came to, I was lying on the ground. The earth was burning all around me, small fires slowly burning themselves out. To Be Continued By Travis Bowen



The clock had struck mid-night. She should have been home by now. I went out to sit on the curb I opened the door and eased it closed it was a warm night with a breeze. As I sat there a growing feeling of dread filled me I sensed... something but when I turned to look, nothing. A breeze stirred the wind chimes I shivered a little, a growing feeling of fear becoming more and more menacing. I got up and shuffled back toward the safety of the house. My peripheral vision caught movement near the corner of the house, I stopped walking and looked to where the movement had been. Nothing. As I got to the door it slammed shut the locks sliding into place! Something brushed past me! I turned around desperately trying to catch sight of it, I tried to calm my beating heart and stop myself from hyperventilating. I looked around trying to focus on something besides the feeling in the pit of my stomach I looked toward the house next door. A light was on in one of its windows, a shadow cast onto the walkway below the window, it disappeared as soon as I had seen it, only to be replaced by an unearthly sound. I ran! It, no doubt pursuing me. I ran past the mailbox down the road, I tripped and fell and as I looked back I froze.....

To be continued By 5iction


Nearly 4000 years ago, prophecy was partially fulfilled from the book of Exodus.

God Himself performed a miracle in the land of Egypt, freeing the children of Israel from 430 years of slavery.

He caused 10 plagues to fall on the land of Egypt and to proclaim that God is the only God over all the gods of Egypt.

10 plagues fell on the land of Egypt, but none fell on the children of Israel.

The greatest miracle happened in the spring, and fell on the 14th day of Aviv.

A commandment is given by the Lord. You are to celebrate each year, as a permanent ordinance for all eternity.

A perfect lamb or goat one year old, without spot, wrinkle, or blemish, is to be killed at twilight on the 14th day of Aviv.

The lamb or goat is to be roasted, and eaten with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. Not one bone is to be broken.

Take the blood and put it on the door post of each house of the children of Israel, on the lintel and on the two sides of the door.

I will pass over each house that has the blood on the door post.


If I see no blood on the door post, I will take the life of the first born of man and cattle.

There is a wailing in the land of Egypt; Pharaoh's first born and his servants have been taken.

The mixed multitude hurriedly leave Egypt, Israel and God fearing Egyptians obey the Lord.

As they exit Egypt, the only possessions they take are their animals, the clothes on their backs, valuables given to them by the Egyptians, and their kneading bowls with unleavened bread.

God instructs Israel to celebrate two other Holy Days in the Spring, with Passover, to show His Plan of Salvation for all the nations.

The 15th day of Aviv, called Unleavened Bread, you are to eat only bread with no leaven for 7 days.

The 17th day of Aviv, called First Fruits, you shall bring the first sheaf of the barley harvest to be waved before the Lord.

Passover, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits were to be fulfilled at the first coming of Messiah.

1230 years after the Exodus, Jesus fulfilled the 3 Holy Days in fulfillment of the Bible.

Jesus, the Lamb of God, has His last Passover meal with His disciples at twilight of the 14th of Aviv, telling them what was going to happen to Him over the next 3 days.

Later that night, He was arrested, mocked, beaten, spit upon, and sentenced to death for being the Son of God committing no sin.

His sentence of death was the Roman cross. This instrument of His death was foretold by the door post of Exodus - the lintel being the top of the door post and the two sides of the door . Together, they create the sign of the cross.

He was bloodied, nailed in the hands and feet, and pierced in His side by a spear, but not one bone in His body was broken.

Jesus died at the exact time the Passover lamb was sacrificed in the Temple- at the 9th hour.

He was quickly taken off the cross, buried in a rich man's tomb, just hours

before the sun set, on the 14th of Aviv.

His body was covered with stripes. His hands and feet, as well as His side, were pierced. He died perfect and sinless. This fulfillment happened on the15th of Aviv - Unleavened Bread.

Jesus rose from the dead just as the sun had set, before the beginning of the17th of Aviv, First Fruits.

He fulfilled this day by rising from the grave and conquering sin and death. Jesus would become the first of many to be resurrected from the dead.

The resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Holy Day of First Fruits.

He completed the Plan of Salvation by being the Lamb of God, perfect and spotless, who shed His blood for the forgiveness of sins.

Today, we have total forgiveness of our sins, which leads to the receiving of eternal life with Jesus.

This is the miracle that happened in the Spring!

Bill Perkins


The Love Within

When the night is cold.

When the clouds are blacker than the night sky.

When the sun and the moon stand still.

Not even then will my love stop.

When the grass stops growing and the trees all die.

When the seasons stop dead.

When the seas are all dry.

Not even then will my love stop.

When my heart stops beating not even then will my love stop.

For my love for you is deep within me.

My bones are consumed by your love.

My soul overflowing.

So fear not my love, you are a part of me.

The best part and the worst.

We will forever be intwined.

In Love, in Happiness, in Life.

By Kayley Camp


Love Comes in All Sizes

Once there was a human boy named Matthew. He had dark brown hair, blue eyes, with tanned skin. He lived on Elm Street 11B in New York City. He had a normal life until one day he met the most beautiful but mysterious girl in the world. She had long white hair, luminous red eyes, with paleish gray skin. She was Zombie, sweet but dangerous, beautiful but wild, mean but kind, bruta but gentle, mysterious and creative.

Matthew fell in love with her at first sight and when Miku saw him she fell in love too. That night they got married and lived happily ever after.

Love comes in different shapes and sizes. Love comes from your heart. Love is the most powerful thing in the world. By Luna Unasan

(Un-named Mystery)

The surf crashed behind them in the fog. The spray seemed to reach, like fingers through the fog, touching their faces and arms softly.

The rock listed, precarious, then gently fell into the sand, making no sound. “Will the water reach the cave,” Cal asked. She would have to leave her old mare behind and drowning didn’t seem like a good way to leave her.

Jack looked across the rock, “no, the water won’t come this far. The animals will be fine here,” his answer was kind of curt and to the point. He turned away.

Jack worked for the Canadian Police, and knew the area much better than any of the rest of them.

Cal picked up the lantern and entered the cave. A large room all of rock, except the end, which was built of heavy wooden planking. The other end was solid stone with a wide shelf. Someone had run a row of planking from the shelf to the floor, creating another, smaller room. Cal stuck the lantern into the little room, just sand and some little chunks of wood.

Jack yelled from the mouth of the cave, “Come on we’ve got to go.”

Cal was un-easy. The fog seemed dark and sinister. Riding through the trees in this might be more dangerous than staying put. They had decided that two riders might increase their chances of at least one getting through. Jack had chosen her and for some reason everyone deferred to him. She didn’t feel like it was giving in, she preferred action to waiting in the murk. Something wasn’t right. They had spent all of the previous day riding into this place. The first attack came shortly after dark. They were all seated in the cabin. Joe had gone outside and they had run outside when he started screaming. To be continued… By Starla Rice


What if?

What if? There are many YouTube videos on that topic. For example, what if Hitler won World War II? But my what if question to you is what if you could travel between worlds, visit any book character, jump into your favorite tv show, live out your favorite songs, or become the hero of your favorite game?

I gained the power to do all these things, due to an accident that landed me in the hospital. Remember that movie, "the matrix"? Well, my powers are like that, but a lot cooler. I can become any character, in any story, or meet any character I want to, in any book, movie, video game, even songs. And I possess the magic to rewrite any story, including love songs, so that I can live out that story. But I'm getting ahead of myself. We will begin at the starting line of my story.

Chapter one: my origin story.

It began as any usual day would. I drove to work. I specialize in futuristic conceptual computer technology. Today was our first test run of a new technology. We have been working on a slightly unstable version of the holodeck from star trek. A technology you realize is not yet existent. Of course, I was oblivious to the risks involved in this test. That is where the real me began.

I had just entered the test room as they were talking about beginning the test. They saw me and decided I should try the first test. So I entered the cube platform. I yelled "I'm ready!" They flipped the switch. At first nothing happened, then as the machine warmed up, a form slowly materialized. It was a girl. She told me I needed to get out of there, that if I didn't, something strange might happen. I thought it was just the holodeck's programming. So I ignored it. The machine began to whirr, humming louder and louder, and then the room exploded.

While I was still conscious, I looked around the room. Everyone else was on the ground. Dead. The walls of the room were burning, charred, twisted skeletons. Everything was destroyed. Nothing was left. I looked at myself. I had severe burns on most of my body. Any place that wasn't singed or burned was shredded by metal shrapnel from the machine. I saw a deep gash in my left forearm. It was then I blacked out.

To Be Continued By Travis Bowen

All selections are written by writing group members.

The writing group meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 2pm at the library.

Walk ins welcome!

Call us at the library 741-3491 if you have any questions!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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