For those who study with the Spirit of Yahuweh to teach them and lead them into ALL TRUTH, you have learned His secrets that He does not disclose to the lazy, or religiously arrogant--who get their information from the Internet, their pastor, rabbi, T.V. guru, book, or CD, rather than “in the secret place” of the Most High, directly from His Spirit. For those that choose to depend on man over Yahuweh, He leaves them to their folly. His set-apart people who hear from the Spirit of Yahuweh and learn, are given more. He, in turn, uses His set-apart ones to confirm His Word to others who also hear from Yahuweh. Thus He has an assembly, a set-apart remnant, who are hearing and obeying Him in these last days that are hundreds, even thousands, of spiritual miles ahead of those who have sought man for their instruction. The “gates of Hades” won’t prevail against this remnant. The Bridal remnant has been sealed. The forerunning companies of Eliyahu and Zadok, in which is hidden the Bridal remnant along with many who will be martyred or killed in some way, but who will go on to a wonderful eternal reward because they are true servants of the Master. Right now, the Bridal remnant and the leaders of the forerunning companies are on their way out of end-time Babylon, going to their destination/positions for the upcoming work He has for them to do. Those who depend on man rather than Yahuweh for their teaching are stuck in the mud, in a ditch along the side of the road, and very few are crawling forward to get out of it. To those who have understanding, and are wise--He gives more wisdom and understanding. Only those who learn from Yahuweh, the Father, come to the real Messiah, Yahushua. (Daniel 2:21-22; Mark 4:25-25; and John 6:45) Messiah warns us to beware of how we hear, and what we hear. If His people do not discerning the spirits in operation, as Yohanan (John) tells us in I John 4:1, then the “spirits” of deception can take us over, and lead them to perdition.

If you are not moving forward with Him now on a daily basis of hearing and obeying without compromise and excuses, you will go backwards into a deadly state of stupor. Our salvation/deliverance comes at the “end of our faith”…as in, “those that endure to the end shall be saved”. Salvation begins with faith, but if not acted on in daily life, deteriorates into a volatile belief system, and can end up in destruction. Yahushua warns the congregation of Sardis that their names can be erased from the Book of Life. (Revelation 3)

Those who have studied and heard and learned from the Father’s Spirit understand what is happening now—in Yahuweh’s camp, and the camp of Lucifer. A good solider knows the plans of his General, and the plans of the enemy.

America--the most powerful, most wealthy, most world-controlling nation ever on the face of this earth—is in partnership with the Vatican Jesuit Order, creator of the Illuminati and controllers of its system. Right now America is exporting all of its greatest wickedness to all nations on earth, destroying

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the mind, emotions, and bodies, of the earth’s citizens, just as they’ve done to the American citizens by giving the flesh everything that it craves, making the people think they are free when they are really bond slaves of Lucifer’s elite. Referring to America, Jeremiah 51:7: “Babylon has been a golden cup in Yahuweh’s hand that made all the nations drunk. The nations have drunk of her wine, therefore the nations went mad”. That statue of Isis in New York Harbor, created by French Masons, originally held up a Roman wine goblet, but later on it was made into a torch.

America, the world’s greatest superpower ever, coupled with and controlled by the world’s greatest destroyers of Yahuweh’s people, the Roman Catholic Vatican, is the end-time fulfillment of what Nimrod started (Genesis 10:10)—end-time Babylon. America is referred to as “the hammer of the whole earth”, which in Hebrew is basically “the world’s policeman”—a name given to America by the world’s news analysists. (Jeremiah 50:3) Using a Messianic expression, “in that day and at that time”, Jeremiah 50 speaks of America at its peak, at the time when the House of Judah and the House of Israel return to the land of Israel—post 1947. I have written an almost complete study from the main Scriptures that speak of it, called: “End-Time Babylon”. Around 1993, as I was restudying the book of Jeremiah, I was reading chapters 50 and 51, and Father clearly spoke to me: “This is America”. I later found out that He has spoken that to many prophets of our day, one I know in Mainland China--a pastor, who had been in prison for his faith for 23 years.

Revelation 18 is clearly New York Harbor, center of world trade. New York is named for the York Rite Free Masons of England. The commodities listed are only bought and sold in one place on earth as a whole—via Wall Street, New York.

America is the main nation that has not only gathered the bulk of the twelve tribes under its umbrella, but who has set up the chaos and scenario for the destruction of His people under the umbrella, and worldwide, including Israel. Yahuweh calls His set-apart ones to get out of it before they are caught in the path of His wrath and judgment, which is soon to fall upon it. The judgment against America has been passed. Yahuweh boils with anger at its deceptions that have led to the ruination of His people.

The world system as a whole is called “Egypt”. We are called to come completely out of the world system. If we love the world system, Ya’cob (James) 4:4 says that we are the enemies of Yahuweh. The commercial system can trace its empire back to ancient Tyre (Lebanon)--the Phoenicians and the Israelites under Solomon--for it is the ancient New York system—a system that Ezekiel 27 and 28 relates to Lucifer/Satan himself.

Truly Jeremiah 50 and 51, Isaiah 47 and Revelation 18, as well as Revelation 17 and Isaiah 13, and other chapters, are the prophetic words of Yahuweh against a nation that has broken His Torah, despised His Name, and harmed His people and His Land, and is now working for the final eradication of His Torah, His

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Name and His people from off the earth. He judges for three main reasons, and America is the leader of those three reasons—all related to His Torah.

What I say here is 100% truth, and those who have loved truth enough to search it out, know it to be true. I am appalled at the multitude of toddler-acting lazy people who form their opinions without even doing any studying on their own, with the Spirit of Yahuweh to lead them. What is so absurd is that they are proud of their ignorance. But, those who do not love truth enough to search it out will find themselves facing truth they did not know existed.

There is another reference to America in the Word, via another city that Nimrod began. For America is the completion of everything that Nimrod started with his “Tower of Babel” (Genesis 11) and sun god worship along with worship of the Queen of heaven. The religion of Christianity has its roots in Nimrod, and America is called “a Christian nation”—actually called “THE Christian nation”. In describing their goals for destroying their enemies, radical Muslims take to the streets chanting: “Saturday first and then Sunday”—meaning Israel first and then America. America is the Sunday nation—the nation that has fostered the religion of Nimrod’s son--sun god.

Thus we go now for a brief look at end-time Nineveh from the little prophetic book of Nahum.

I have taught the Tenach (acronym for Torah—teachings and instructions—Prophets and Writings) since 1963, in all sorts of places all over the world, including Bible Colleges. So, I have read the book of Nahum many times. Yet, in the last few years, it has been apparent that Nahum is not talking about ancient Nineveh, but of America.

On October 24, 2005, BBC Europe had a news story about unrest in the Shiite stronghold of Nineveh—today in modern northern Iraq. So, the prophecies of the destruction of Nineveh totally have not been fulfilled. But, there are verses in Nahum that correspond to verses in Isaiah 47, Revelation 18, and Jeremiah 50 and 51, regarding end-time Babylon--America.

The Prophet Jonah went to Nineveh of old and preached repentance to that idolatrous city. They repented, and Jonah lived there in peace for forty years until he died. After he died, they returned to idolatry. They are still in idolatry, worshipping the moon god under the name Allah. America, like her mother England, is also filled with idolatry and pride, and Islam. Certain American cities, like London, England, are strongholds for radical Islam.

According to Jeremiah 50:40, America will be destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah, with fire from the sky. Sodom and Gomorrah, Messiah said, would have repented, too if He had been there. Sodom, Gomorrah and the other cites of the plain were destroyed because of homosexuality, perversions of all types, as well as “pride, fullness of bread, abundance of idleness (unconcerned ease), and she did not help the poor and needy. And they were haughty and did abominations…”--Ezekiel 16:49-50.

But, America, while matching all of these characteristics of Sodom and Gomorrah, is also a land so hardened and rebellious that the great majority of

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its people would not repent, even if Messiah were here in Person. Ezekiel chapters 2 and 3 describe the basic nature of prideful, arrogant Americans.

So let us take a look at Nahum, and Nineveh and how America is doubly the land of Nimrod.

Genesis 10:8-11: “And Kush brought forth Nimrod, and he began to be a mighty one on the earth. And he was a mighty hunter in the face of Yahuweh, as it is said, `Like Nimrod, the mighty hunter in the face of Yahuweh’. And the beginning of his reign was Babel…in the land of Shinar. From that land he went to Ashshur and built Nineveh”. Nineveh became the capitol of Assyria.

End-time America embodies several of the great nations that comprise the final beast system: Egypt, Egypt, Babylon, Greece, and Rome. She is a major pillar in the restoration of the ancient Roman Empire. Former President Bill Clinton, and President George W. Bush, have, in different years, each received “The Charlemagne Award”. Each year this award goes to someone who has done more for the restoration of the “Holy Roman Empire” that any other person. The Presidents have been, and are, related to each other and to European royalty—even Morovingian royalty.

“Nineveh” means “the city of Nimrod”—Nimus.

The Prophet Nahum, not Jonah, pronounces Yahuweh’s judgment on end-time Nineveh. Read this book closely, and ask Yahuweh to open your eyes to His truth. Read from Isaiah to Malachi—you’ll learn the nature of the Elohim of Light, as well as the nature of His Messiah.

Nahum 1:11: “From you comes forth one who plots evil against Yahuweh, a counselor of Belial.” Today, on the law books of America, the name of Yahuweh, like on the law books of the Vatican, is illegal to use. Plots have been made through government laws to do away with those that obey the Torah and who worship the Elohim of the Scriptures.

Nahum 1:15 puts the scenario into its proper time-frame also, telling Judah to return to their festivals in Jerusalem, because Yahuweh will make sure that Belial is cut off completely—a scenario at the time of Messiah’s coming. In 2:2 we see that the splendor of Israel is restored. That’s our day!

In II Corinthians 6:15 we are warned not to have any ties with Belial. Belial, another name for Satan, teaches mankind to go after other gods besides Yahuweh. This was the goal of the Canaanites’ god Ba’al—to seduce Yahuweh’s, people to worship their gods, like at Ba’al Peor. It brought great judgment from Elohim on His people. America encourages people to break the Torah on Shabbat (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) by making it the big shopping day of the week. By putting Sunday as the day of worship, it defies the Torah for the edicts of Constantine, and focuses worship on the sun god’s day—the “Lord’s day”. “Lord” in Hebrew is “Ba’al” (Baal). Almost seven thousand times in the Word, the word “lord” should be written as YHWH—Yahuweh.

Nimrod’s Marduk and Canaan’s Ba’al are the same, joined with the Persian

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Mithra, the Greek Zeus, and the Egyptian Christ, to form the religion called “Christianity” in the mid-first century. Thus America is “the land of Nimrod”—or the great “city” of Nimrod—Nineveh.

This whore system, like all the systems of Nimrod, will perish in the judgment of Yahuweh. He calls His people out of the path of His wrath, but most of His people love their gods too much to leave them. (Revelation 18:4; Jeremiah 50:8; 51:6, 45; Zechariah 2:7)

In II Samuel 2:12, the sons of Eli are called “sons of Belial”—for they enticed the people away from the pure worship of Yahuweh, to self-gratifying worship—worship to get what they want to satisfy their lusts.

In Nahum 1:8, we see that Nineveh will be destroyed totally by Yahuweh. In Jeremiah 50 and 51, and the other chapters on end-time Babylon, we see that Yahuweh judges totally, leaving no remnant at all.

The expression “overwhelming flood” in Nahum 1:8 is from #7858 of the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible Hebrew dictionary. It means: “to inundate, deluge, conquer, overwhelm, cleanse and purge”. Once Yahuweh gets through with His “purge”, it will not rise again.

Nahum 2:8: “…Nineveh of old is like…” Well, Nineveh of today is also like that. Nahum 2:10: “She is empty, even emptiness and waste! And the heart has melted and the knees have knocked together, and much pain is in all loins, and all faces have gathered blackness”. (“Gather blackness”: KJV--#6289 Strong’s) There are references in Jeremiah and other prophets with working like this, as: Jeremiah 51:28-32—the weakness of the soldiers, the utter fear and despair. This could have reference to nuclear warfare also.

I have heard that possibly Nahum 2:3-4 refers to cars. Maybe…

Nahum 2:9 has reference to Revelation 18, in which the treasures of Nineveh are without limit—“a wealth of all precious objects”. Ezekiel 27-28, speaking of Satan under the title of the “King of Tyre”, shows us that Satan/Lucifer rules the world through international trade. We know them today as the “ten horns”—the ten regions of power of the economic world.

Nahum 2:11-12, a good description of what America has done, as the “young lion of Tarshish”… destroyed and then hidden her prey in secret.

Nahum 2:13: “`I am against you’, says Yahuweh of Hosts”.

What people do not understand in their pathetic deceptive fantasy world of ease and comfort, is that Yahuweh turned to be the enemy of His own people in the wilderness because they provoked Him to wrath. They whored with other gods, and He, being a jealous Elohim, an Elohim of pure light, had to judge their darkness. Light judges darkness by its very nature. Light cannot allow darkness anywhere near it. It destroys it. He cannot have anyone approach Him who chooses to join with the Ba’als—the gods of the Lucfier world system. He is Yahuweh, and there is no other Elohim but Him! If you put other gods of Greece, Rome, Egypt, Persia, or America in His face, He has to judge them and you.

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In the article “The Synagogue of Satan” sent December 26, 2008, I clearly show that we must make a decision—follow Yahuweh or Ba’al. I’ve written a lot about it. Tragically the nation’s propaganda machine has created pride and arrogant haughtiness has left most Americans looking like flag waving fools.

Father has sent many Jonahs in our day to call for repentance and the coming out totally of the whore system of man, which He is about to destroy. But, His people are now in such a stupor, so dull of mind, dull of hearing, dull of body, that they sink back into their easy chairs, yawn, and go back to sleep. As I have written about in my mind-control trilogy, the programming has left most with a toddler-age emotional mentality—where “self” gratification is the only reality. Like toddlers, all the powers that control have to do is to give the American people another lollypop, or pacifier, and they go right back to sleep. Gas prices soared in 2008. There was a crash in the economic system that was publicly said to be worse than Oct. 29, 1929. It affected the nations of the earth like falling dominos. Billions in bail out money was provided to supposedly save us, but then we find out it ended up in the pockets of the ultra rich. People began to wake up and talk about what was happening. Every night on the news the mortgage crisis and “hard times” were discussed, especially last September and October.

The world famine crisis topped the world’s news…panic buying of food began in America. While buying and storing your own food supply was labeled “hoarding”, and “hoarding” was made illegal in America, the government began buying up all the freeze dried food, and other non-perishable foods with gusto, also buying up bullets and other types of ammunition, so that the citizens couldn’t get their share. But, when the powers that control found that some were getting wise to what their schemes were, they put a pacifier in the mouth of the American toddler-acting citizens—low gas prices, and a lack of news about the economy. Most everyone went back to sleep. Few took personal responsibility to do their own research. They slunk back into Stuporville, and thus they think all is OK now. Very few of His people are on the move to align to His will—very, very, very few. I suppose that once the great flurry of Noah and his family and the animals getting sealed into the ark was over, the laughing mockers thought the whole scenario was over. Wow were they surprised! The lazy, stupefied American public is now almost back to sleep. Now comes January 20th, and February 17th. Final touches on the final plans. And now, as long as the sleepy are allowed to sleep they are.

Matthew 7:13-14 tells us that only a few will enter the narrow gate into the Kingdom of Elohim. Why will only a few enter the gate into His Kingdom?

Nahum 3:1-6 describes what will happen to this end-time nation. It matches many dreams, visions, and the Word of Yahuweh, about what will happen in America when His judgment goes forth. Verses 4-6 identify Nineveh with America in several passages of Scripture.

Because I lived in the Middle East for over nine years, and been in many third world nations also, some many times, I see things from an objective eastern-

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minded standpoint—and therefore viewing America objectively, I see all of these things clearly—for I am free of the constant propaganda that fills Americans will a fantasyland type of pride and arrogance. I see through Father’s eyes also, for I remain in His Presence, and it is He who shows me what angers Him, and what brings Him joy. If the source of your emotions, thoughts, words, and actions, is not His throne room, then you are vulnerable for deception and take over by the enemy.

Most mind controlled citizens trust the public news to give them truth. There is only one source of Truth—the Word of Yahuweh—as taught by Him! Once we are walking in His Truth, He leads us to facts that are genuine.

America is a humanistic society—man is glorified as a god. It is also a socialistic society now—with fringes of Nazism, Fascism, and Communism all mixed together. But, the programming has been into the mind-set of a 2-3 year old child—wanting to have someone take them by the hand and lead them. He expects that we obey Him! Take personal responsibility, be mature, grow up into Him by hearing and obeying and flowing daily in His will, so that you are not looking for someone to hold your hand except Yahushua (Isaiah 41:10, 13).

Nahum 3:1-6: “…mounted horsemen and right sword and glittering spear, and many wounded, and a mass of dead bodies, and no end to the corpse, they stumble over the corpses—because of the many whorings of the well—favored whore the mistress of sorceries, who sells nations by her whoring and clans by her sorceries. `See, I am against you’, declares Yahuweh of Hosts, `and I shall lift up your skirts over your face, and shall show nations your nakedness and reigns your shame. And I shall cast abominations upon you, and treat you as a fool, and make a spectacle of you’ ”. If you do not enjoy reading about your future in America, then do something fast to change your destiny.

Revelation 18:23: “The light of a lamp shall not shine in you any more at all. The voice of the bridegroom and the bride shall not be heard anymore in you at all. For your merchants were the great ones of the earth, for by your drug sorceries all the nations were led astray”.

Get objective: The sins of America have risen into Yahuweh’s face, and to save His remnant, He has to judge this land of where He scattered His people into captivity for their rejection of His Torah. All nations outside of the rectangle called “Israel” are lands of slavery and captivity. The greatest punishment that He could have meted out to us was to run us out of our inheritance land into this illusive matrix. The rats in the cage think they are free, so they are content, because of the pictures placed inside the bars that look like a wheat field. That’s America… It is NOT Yahuweh’s land!

America is the greatest trafficker in drugs in the world, as well as the greatest trafficker in sex slavery (including children), pornography of all types including child pornography, homosexuality, beastiality, violent and filthy movies, violent and filthy music, and the enslavement of the world’s people in our factories and fields, paying men, women and children as little as 30 cents a day to work 12 hours a day. America has used its power and wealth and

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technology, media of all types, to be the greatest missionary ever on the face of the earth for Satan. And, yet, it is the master of propaganda and mind control. It’s citizens, if they have NOT broken free by saturating their minds in the Word, as taught by the Spirit--not some man-taught pastor or rabbi or teacher, or TV millionaire--with obedience following instruction, are set up for total enslavement in all ways in the very, very near future.

Isaiah 47:7-10a: “And you said, `I am mistress forever’ … and now hear this, you who are given to pleasures, who dwell complacently, who say in your heart

`I am, and there is none but me. I do not sit as a widow, nor do I know the loss of children’. Both of these shall come to you suddenly…”

The poor in America live a richer life style than most the world’s people in third world nations. Yet, how does America use its wealth? -- For self-gratification for the most part. It was estimated in the 1970s that more money was spent on dog food in America than the churches sent to the mission field for the salvation of the lost. It was also estimated that over the last 200 years, over 80% of all missionary work and Bible translation work was done by single women. America is not wealthy because we gave to the poor, the widow, the orphan, and the missionary. America’s wealth has been gained by its track record of Luciferic activities since the 1600s, beginning with slavery, Masonic, Roman Catholic, and Illuminati infiltration.

In Nahum 3:13 and 15 Yahuweh opens Nineveh’s gates so that her enemies burn her with fire. Very soon, Yahuweh will allow America’s gates to be opened also. Our enemies, right now, sit on all of our borders, with nuclear weapons aimed at our major cities. It says in Jeremiah 50:40-41, He says that He will destroy end-time Babylon with fire as He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. I have some ash from Gomorrah, and it is burned so completely, it can no longer be burned. Yahuweh will judge end-time Babel/Nineveh with nuclear fire.

Nahum 3:16-17 is a good description of our powerful wealthy corporate elite. They will flee away as locusts when disaster hits, hiding themselves in their underground facilities, but leaving the buyers of their wares to die. “You have increased your merchants more than the stars of the heavens…your officials are like locusts…when the sun rises they flee, and the place where they are is unknown”.

In Nahum 3:18, we see that the shepherds have slumbered. The people are scattered on the mountains, and no one gathers them. The pastors and rabbis, teachers, and big name TV elite, do not warn the people—they do not prepare the people—they leave them to die on the mountains, for they themselves are wallowing in their own ambitions and agendas, and do not care for the sheep.

Very few spiritual leaders are actually feeding the sheep on what would cause them to mature and grow and be strong…very, very few! The ones who are actually feeding the sheep are teaching them to obey the Covenant of Yahuweh, as well as how to follow the Lamb, Messiah Yahushua.

Timing: As in Isaiah 17 and other passages on events to soon happen, we see

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timing—the end of the olive harvest, the time of the grape harvest, the time of the figs on the trees (late August, September, October). The olive harvest in Israel extends until after Hanukkah in some places, but in other places is finished in October.

Two places in Nahum give us the timing of the judgment on America, as does one passage in Jeremiah. Nahum 1:4-6 and 3:12: At the same time that Nineveh is destroyed, also Mt. Carmel and the Golan Heights are being destroyed. Mountains are shaking and hills melting… “The earth is lifted up at His Presence, the world and all that dwell in it. Who does stand before His rage? And who rises up in the heat of His displeasure…”

Jeremiah 4:23-27: “I looked at the earth, and I saw it formless and empty. And the heavens, it had no light. I looked and saw there was no man, and all birds of he heavens had fled. I looked and I saw the vineyard of Elohim (Carmel) was a wilderness …for thus says Yahuweh, `All the earth shall be a ruin, but I shall not make a complete end’ ”. (All italics above mine)

This time period could be one of two—there is a pole shift looming up before us that could be caused by one of three ways, around 2009-2012. But, when Messiah comes, He will shift the poles back into their pre-Flood position, and restore the outer canapé over the earth for the perfection of His Kingdom.

In the Scripture lists of the articles “All Flesh” and “No Flesh Saved But a Remnant” we find many, many references to the pole shift that NASA and physicists say may be imminent. In my article “Pole Shift” I give the timing, and reports from scientists. In the article “What Are The Elite Doing to Prepare Their Ark”, I show what the world’s elite are doing to save themselves, while leaving everyone else to die.

Nahum 3:12: “Your strongholds are fig trees with ripened fruit, when shaken they shall fall into the mouth of the eater…the gates of your land shall be opened wide to your enemies. Fire shall consume your gate bars”.

Subtle references, like in Isaiah 17:5-6, and Jeremiah 50:16, tell us of the harvest cycles in Israel, and how they correspond to the Festivals and the timing of Yahuweh for the return of His Son. The Tenak was Authored by Yahuweh’s Spirit, and therefore nothing is in it that has no significance. He puts timing in it for those who guard His Festivals, so that they see timing.

Many are coming to understand that by summer 2009, the world won’t be like it is now. War is imminent, even now. But, once the chaos, controlled by the Illuminati via America, gets underway, it will not stop until Messiah stops it.

He will preserve a small remnant who know Him (Malachi 3:16-4:3)--who are actively, daily, doing His will.

Right now, as of a few days ago, we see that Israel has gone in to clear Gaza of Hamas. The world is angry at Israel for hurting the “poor Palestinians”. What other nation would allow violent groups such as Hamas and the PLO on its soil who are actively harming its citizens year in and year out without doing something to stop their attacks? Israel is under the control of America—they cannot defend themselves without America’s “permission”—that’s the word

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they use. Israel is fighting on the south. Hezbollah is gathering troops with sophisticated Russian and Chinese weapons, along with Syria, on the northern border. Iran is threatening to the east. Between these three fronts rising against Israel, Russia is gleefully preparing for what is in Ezekiel 38-39. World War III, as planned back in 1871, is about to be realized.

Zephaniah 2:13ff referring to Nineveh of these last days. It says basically what Nahum says, but also says that Yahuweh will destroy the whole land of which Nineveh is the capitol. It is referring to the nation of America/Assyria, yet zeroing in on the capitol, the center of lawmaking and culture—Washington D.C./Nineveh. Thus Nineveh and the judgment of it, like Babylon the country and capitol city, represents the whole of America from its head down to its toes. The arrogance of the people of Nineveh, because of their power and wealth, their trade industry and their military might, leads to their destruction.

Assyria was a nation that was used in 722 BCE to finally deport all of the northern ten tribes out of the Land of their inheritance back to Assyria, where they were scattered in AMONG THE GENTILES into all nations. He never calls His people “gentiles”—and in our day, He promises to bring a remnant back out of all nations from AMONG THE GENTILES. He never made a covenant with gentiles, only with the House of Judah and the House of Israel. All gentiles (barbarians, heathen, pagans, foreigners, strangers and aliens from Yahuweh) will be destroyed. (See the articles “Are You A Gentile?” and “Who Are the Ten?” to dispel the horrible Jew/Gentile lie).

Use this article as a springboard for your own study IN THE WORD WITH THE SPIRIT OF YAHUWEH TO TEACH YOU, and then let Him bring you the confirmation—don’t go looking for it. Do HONEST research! Love truth and pursue it. Dump the garbage of man when you find it lurking in your brain. Dishonest research is to go get some other dodo bird to agree with your rebellion. Stand firm in the truth and don’t give in to lies and deceptions. I have written many articles giving practical advise as to how to avoid deception.

If you are content in the land of captivity—the land of His judgment--then at least prepare to die a good death, without denying Yahushua as your Savior.

If you face martyrdom, prepare to die with dignity, not screaming and yelling and making a fool of yourself. If you are wise and understanding, prepare to do His will with all your might. The forerunning companies are heading out of end-time Babylon/Nineveh now… the other servants of Yahuweh will follow in short order. (For more on the forerunning companies, see the studies: “The Two Witnesses, The Bride of Messiah, the Forerunning Companies and the Fleeing Remnant”, and “Elijah and Zadok Unite”)

Blessings to you who are wise,


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