Acts 9:1-9

INTRO: The Apostle Paul declared in 1 Timothy 1:15, “This is a faithful saying,

and worthy of acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to

save sinners; of whom I am chief.” The Apostle Paul’s conversion is

one of the greatest, most thrilling and inspiring conversions which

has ever taken place. Paul truly was converted. Today we hear much

about decisions, not a lot about conversions! Someone asked a

preacher, “Did you have any decisions last week?” The preacher

replied, “Yes, I had lots of them. Some decided to go to the mountains

and some decided to they would go to the beach instead of coming to

Church.” When Paul got saved he got CONVERTED. What Churches

need today are more conversions, not more decisions! The convers-

ion of the Apostle Paul is a model conversion for all of us to examine.

It is one of the most important conversions ever because of the impact

Paul’s life and ministry had made up Christianity. Why was it so


• THE MAN OF THE CONVERSION. The man was Saul of Tarsus, a very devout Jew that was thoroughly convinced that Christianity was a threat to Judaism and must be wiped out off the face of the earth. Paul was devout, but a person can be sincere and be sincerely wrong at the same time.

• THE METHOD OF THE CONVERSION. He was actually on his way to Damascus to find Christians. His plans were to bring them back to be prosecuted, when God supernaturally intervened.

Let’s look this morning at----


Acts 9:1-6

A. THE SEARCHING (vvs. 1-2). Before his conversion, Paul had no love

for God’s Churches whatsoever. But after his conversion, Paul was a

man who had a great love for God’s Churches and prayed for them

continually. One sure way you can tell a person has truly been con-

verted is that their attitude toward God’s Church will change

drastically and dramatically. Paul had been determined to shut down

this religion called Christianity. He sought them out and persecuted


After the death of Stephen, the Christians scattered everywhere. But

Saul heard that some had fled to Damascus, and he went to the high

priest to get permission to find them and bring them back for trial.

Look at verses 1-2. We find him doing two things and he literally

sounds like a mad man.

1) He is “..breathing out threatenings and slaughter against

the disciples.” So ill informed was Saul, that he thought he

ought to do all he could against the name of Christ, and that he

did God service thereby; he seemed to breathe in this as in his

element (Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary). Saul was

consumed with a fierce anger and wrath against Christ and His

disciples. He “breathed out threatenings and slaughter.” The

words “breathing out” in the Greek are really breathing in

(inhaling). The picture is that of Saul breathing in, taking into

his heart the evil of destroying Christ and His disciples. Of

course, what is in the heart is what comes out. Saul actually

hunted down and slaughtered believers—many of them.

2) He is seeking permission from the high priest to go to

Damascus and, “if he found any of this way, whether they

were men or women, he might bring them bound unto

Jerusalem.” Saul was given over to a fierce objective, that of

destroying all the followers of “the Way” of the Lord.

a. He volunteered—actually went to the High Priest and the

Sanhedrin requesting authority to storm after the fleeing

believers—to arrest and bring the believers back to

Jerusalem for trial.

b. He included women as well as men

He had some big plans, but isn’t it wonderful that sometimes God steps

into the plans of ungodly men and ruins those plans?

• Remember when Nehemiah was rebuilding the walls, and Sanballat and Tobiah withstood him and did everything in their power to stop them. The Bible says in Nehemiah 4:4, “Hear, O our God; for we are despised; and turn their reproach upon their own head..” And God did exactly that.

• Remember in the book of Esther that Haman, who despised Mordecai, had built a place to hang him because he would not bow and show him the respect he wanted. God ruined his plans, and he was hung in the very place he had built for Mordecai.

Paul had determined to destroy God’s Church, but God ruined his

plans and caused him to become one of the greatest servants that

Christianity has ever seen! He had meant the Church harm before his

conversion, but probably no man who has ever walked on this earth

(other than the LORD Jesus) has done more for the Church than Paul

did after his conversion.

Before his conversion, he went seeking and searching for Christians to

lay hold of, whether men or women, and wanted nothing less than to

do them as much hurt as he possibly could. Paul says in 1 Timothy 1:

13, “Who was BEFORE a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious:

but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.” The word

INJURIOUS there means to “inflict injury to others for the pleasure the

affliction gives.” In other words, Paul says, “I hurt people and I got

pleasure from hurting people.”

We have looked at THE SEARCHING, now let us look at…

B. THE SURRENDER (vvs. 3-6). God knows how to get our attention. And

sometimes He has to take some drastic measures. Sometimes He may

have to knock us down before He lifts us up. That is what He had to do

with Paul and sometimes He has to do with us. Paul was trembling and

in utter shock (astonished). He was devastated, hardly able to bear up

under the weight of the sin for which he was now being charged. He knew

beyond question he was the most terrible sinner. His only hope was to

turn and obey the Lord Jesus. And, praise God, this he did. He did what

every man must do to be forgiven his terrible sins.

1. He called upon and acknowledged the Lord Jesus.

2. He surrendered to obey the Lord Jesus. He asked the key question:

“Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?”

3. The Lord commanded him: “Arise and go into the city, and it shall

be told thee what thou must do.” Note that God did not answer

Saul, not right then.

• Saul could not bear it. He was a shattered man. He needed time for prayer and meditation, for straightening out his mind and for assurance from the Spirit of God now dwelling within him.

• Saul needed the maturing witness and contact and companionship of another believer. It was going to take the testimony of a mature believer that Saul had been converted and undergone a radical change for the Christian community to accept him.

C. THE SIGHTLESSNESS (vvs. 8-9). Paul did not eat nor drink for three

days. What happened to Saul in those three days? Saul did just what

the Lord told him: he arose and went into the city. But note several


1. His eyes had been closed during the whole traumatic experience.

2. His eyes were now blinded for three days. He was helpless and had

to be completely led about by others.

3. His mind would now be shut up in the world of thought alone. He

would be left alone...

• to continue praying over his terrible shame.

• to learn and know beyond question that the Lord had confronted him. Remember: he had three days for the experience to sink in.

• to think through the confrontation with the Lord.

• to wonder what changes there would be in his life now.

• to switch his mind and his thought patterns, his purpose in life from the past life of religion to the present life with Christ.

• to wonder why Jesus was choosing him, the one who had so fiercely opposed the Lord.

• to wonder what Jesus wanted with him and what Jesus was going to tell him to do.

Note that Paul was unable to eat or drink for three days. The trauma

drained all his strength, completely exhausted him. In the Apostle

Paul’s mind were tons of information from the Jewish religion that he

had stored. But God was now entering his mind, and in effect,

deleting the false information and replacing it with His Truth.

We have looked at THE PLANS. Now that God has removed all this

false information from Paul’s mind, we get a vision of…


Acts 9:20-22

*Paul was doubtless one of the greatest, if not the greatest, preacher who

ever preached on earth, other than the LORD Jesus Christ. After His

conversion, Paul is preaching something he never preached before: he is

preaching that Jesus is, THE SON OF GOD. Not only was Paul a new man

but also he had a new message.

*The crowd was amazed when they heard Paul preaching this doctrine.

When a preacher preaches the Word of God, it makes God look good, but

it also makes him look good. When a preacher preaches the Word of God,

people sometimes hear him preach and they think, “What a great

Preacher!” But HE IS NOT ANYTHING, but the Gospel which he preaches

is DYNAMITE! They heard Paul preach and they were amazed at him.

Paul was not anything, but the Gospel he preached was Marvelous!

*Verse 21. The Jews were astonished. The Greek verb existanto is literally,

“They were beside themselves; they were struck out of their senses.” (1)

Paul stood as a testimony to the community. The public and leaders of the

synagogue were amazed, astonished, astounded, shocked at what they

were seeing.

1.They were expecting an inflamed antagonist storming the homes and

meeting places of those who “called on the name of Jesus.” They knew

he had been sent to arrest and chain not only the men, but the

women followers of Jesus, and to drag them back to Jerusalem for

treason and death.

2.Instead, they were witnessing a man radically changed, a man...

• associating and identifying himself with those whom he had come to destroy.

• preaching like a flaming evangel, proclaiming Jesus to be the Messiah and the Son of God.

When preachers preach about the LORD it will enrich the lives of


ILLUS: An unknown person wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper

and complained that it made no sense to go to Church every

Sunday. “I’ve gone for 30 years now,” he wrote, “And in that time

I have heard something like 3000 sermons. For the life of me I

can't remember a single one of them. So I think my time and the

preachers are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all.” This

started a real controversy in the “Letters to the Editor” column,

much to the delight of the editor. It went on for several weeks

until someone wrote this clincher: “I’ve been married for 30 years

now, in that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. For

the life of me, I cannot recall what the menu was for a single one

of those meals. But I do know this: they all nourished me and

gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not

given me those meals, I would be dead today.”

The Bible makes it very clear what Paul preached on. “And straightway he

preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God.” (v20) He

preached Christ. He was no longer preaching religion, tradition, ceremony,

or ritual. Neither was he preaching himself or his spiritual experiences, that

is, his visions of the Lord, his discipline, his fasting and praying. He

preached Christ and Him alone. But notice two results of Paul preaching


A. HIS PROBLEM. As long as Saul, now Paul went along with the Jews

who hated Jesus, the people of his age had no problem with him. But

when he began preaching the Jesus died and rose again, and that

Salvation can only be found in Christ alone, he got into lots of trouble.

Is not the same true today? As long as men preach that Christianity is

only another religion on the face of this earth, and that everybody is

going to one day die and go to heaven, they will not get into trouble with

lost people nor other “religions” either. But when you start preaching

that Christ is not one among many ways to heaven, but that He is the

ONLY WAY to heaven, then you better prepare for trouble.

ILLUS: Jerry Falwell got in a lot of trouble when he appeared on the

program Night Line with Ted Koppel. He made the statement

about Christ being the Savior, and one of the guests on the

program asked, “You are not saying that a person has to believe

in Christ to be saved, are you?” And Dr. Falwell said very

eloquently, “No, I am not saying that, but the Word of God states

that clearly.”

News of this spread like a wildfire across this nation. And even to this

very day. There are those who try to make Falwell look like an idiot for

making such a statement. But the Bible teaches exactly that. The LORD


• I am THE DOOR, not one of many doors.

• I am THE WAY, not one of many ways.

This is the truth the Bible teaches about Jesus the Christ. But the lost

world needs to hear the Truth of God’s Word, not the ideas and opinions

of man. It is the only thing that will help them.

ILLUS: In the late 1800’s, Charles Berry, an English preacher, became

the pastor of the great Plymouth Church in Brooklyn. One day

Berry described how earlier he had come to Jesus Christ. There

had been a time in Berry’s early ministry when he preached a

weak gospel. Late one night during his first pastorate, as he

sat in his cozy study, there came a knock. He opened the door

to find a typical Lancashire girl with a shawl over her head and

clogs on her feet. “Are you a minister?” She asked. Getting an

affirmative answer, she went on breathlessly, “You must come

with me quickly. I want you to get my mother in.” Thinking it

was a case of some drunken mother out in the streets, Berry

said, “You must go and get a policeman.” “No,” said the girl,

“my mother is dying, and you must come and get her into

heaven.” Berry got dressed and followed her for a mile and a

half through lonely streets in the night. He knelt at the woman’s

side, and he began telling her how good and kind Jesus was and

how he’d come to show us how to live. Then the desperate

woman cut him off, “Mister, that’s no use for the likes of me, I’m

a sinner. I’ve lived my life. Can’t you tell me of someone who

can have mercy upon me and save my poor soul?” “I stood there

in the presence of a dying woman,” said Berry, “And I realized I

had nothing to tell her. In the midst of sin and death, I had no

message. In order to bring something to that dying woman, I

leaped back to my mother’s knee, to my cradle faith, and I told

her the story of the Cross and of a Christ who is able to save to

the uttermost.” The tears began to run down the woman’s

cheeks. “Now you’re getting it.” She said, “Now you’re helping

me.” Berry concluded the story by saying, “I got her in, and

blessed be God, I got in myself.” (Gordon MacDonald, “The

Centerpiece of the Gospel,” Preaching Today, Tape No. 137.)

When people are dying they need to know that they are a sinner and

Christ is the Savior! Paul realized that when he came to know the Lord,

and God’s Word makes it clear that he went everywhere Preaching that

Christ is the Savior! When a man of God gets up and preaches the

Gospel like Paul did not everyone will like it, in fact, some will get angry.

In verses 23-24, it tells us that Paul’s preaching made the Jews so mad

that desired to kill him.

We have looked at HIS PROBLEMS, now look at …

B. HIS PROVISION (v. 25). Every preacher of the Gospel must always

Remember, it is our Job to PREACH, and it is God’s job to PROTECT

AND PROVIDE for us to preach His Word!

CLOSING: Paul, after his conversion, was a NEW MAN with a NEW

MESSAGE. What about you, are you in Christ, a New Man in

Christ Jesus? If you are a NEW MAN, are you proclaiming a

NEW MESSAGE, that Jesus is the Savior? The story is told of a

man who scoffed at the idea of God or salvation, who became very

ill and was soon to die. He was poor, and during his long illness a

godly minister had sent gifts again and again to relieve this man's

need. One day near the end, he sent for the minister, and said, "I

have not sent for you to talk about religion, but to thank you for

your great kindness." Mr. Birch, the minister, said, "Will you

answer me one question?" "Yes," said he, "provided it is not about

religion." The minister said, "You know I have to preach tonight.

Many will be there to hear me; some who, like you, will soon have

to face death. I ask you, `What shall I preach about?' "There was a

long silence. Then with tear-dimmed eye and trembling voice the

dying infidel said, "Mr. Birch, preach Christ unto them, preach

Christ." And he was then ready to let the minister preach Christ

unto him, and he found Him to be real and a Savior from sin.

(Choice Illustrations" W.W. Clay pg. 14)

NOTES: 1. John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck. The Bible Knowledge

Commentary of the New Testament. Pg. 377.


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