World History

Mr. Flohr Name ___________________

World History Date ___________________

Period ___________________

Enlightenment Philosophers

|Philosopher |Beliefs |Impact |

| |1. Mankind is inherently _________ and ______ |His ideas gave strength and legitimacy to the ____________ |

| | | |

| |2. Without _____________ to control the people it would be every man for himself and life would be | |

|Thomas Hobbes |____________, ______, ________, _________, and _________ | |

|(English Philosopher) | | |

|Published: Leviathan (1651) |3. ______________ exists solely as a means of maintaining ________ | |

| | | |

| |4. One must enter into a ________________ in which they give up their ________________ to a | |

| |________________ in exchange for ________ and ___________ | |

| | | |

| |5. The best government was one that had the awesome power of ____________, an _____________________ | |

| |that could impose order and demand obedience | |

| |1. Mankind is inherently _______ |Advanced the ___________________ Theory and _____________________, |

| | |advocated for ___________________, and invented the |

| |2. People have the natural ability to learn from _______________ and improve themselves |_________________ |

| | |_______________ |

|John Locke |3. People have the ability to ________ themselves and look after the welfare of _________ | |

|(English Philosopher) | |His ideas on government form the foundation of modern _____________|

|Published: Two Treatises on Civil |4. Believed that the best form of government is one where the _________ rule |and were fundamental to the U.S. _______________________________ |

|Government (1690) | | |

| |5. All people are born free and equal with three Natural Rights: ______, _________, & _________ |His ideas about the right to rebel against _______________ inspired|

| | |the ____________ and __________ Revolutions |

| |6. The purpose of government is to protect the _________ of the people | |

| |1. Wrote satire mocking the ________, _______________, and the ______________ |The most _________ and __________ philosophe |

| | | |

| |2. Fought for __________, _________, freedom of ______, and freedom of _________ |Wrote more than ___ books of political essay’s, philosophy, |

|Voltaire | |history, fiction, & drama |

|(French Writer) |3. ________ to England for two years, _______ twice, and forced to ______ Paris for his beliefs | |

|Published: Candide (1759) | |His beliefs weakened the authority of the ___________ and inspired |

| |4. “I do not ________ with a ______ you say, but I will defend to the _______ your _______ to say it.”|the __________ Revolution, and can be seen in the U.S. |

| | |__________________ |

| |1. Political _________ was achieved through ___________ |His ideas about Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances became|

| |____________ |the basis for the U.S. ________________ |

| | | |

|Montesquieu |2. Government’s power should be ___________ and ___________ | |

|(French Writer) | | |

|Published: On The Spirit of Laws (1748) | | |

| |1. Committed to individual ___________ |Believed in a broader view of Democracy, that all men were ______ &|

| | |titles of nobility should be ________ |

|Jean-Jacques Rousseau |2. __________ corrupted people’s natural goodness | |

|(French Philosophe) | |His ideas inspired the ________ Revolution |

|Published: The Social Contract (1762) |3. Best form of government was a _________ democracy | |

| | |Influenced the public election of ____________ and the ____________|

| |4. Government through the __________ of the governed | |

| |1. ______ existed to preserve social ______, not to avenge _________ |His ideas influenced the criminal justice systems in _______ and |

| | |_____ |

|Cesare Beccaria |2. Argued against abuses of justice such as: ____________ witnesses and suspects, irregular procedures|___________, and can be seen in the U.S. _________________ |

|(Italian Philosopher) |in _________, and arbitrary and excessive _________________ | |

|Published: On Crimes and Punishments | | |

|(1764) |3. Supported a ______ and _________ trial | |

| | | |

| |4. ______________ should fit the _______ | |

| |5. Abolishment of __________ punishment | |

| | | |

| |6. Government should seek the greatest _______ for the greatest number of _________ | |

| |1. Women’s _________ was equal to men’s |Her views influenced other _________ of the period to speak their |

|Mary Wollstonecraft | |________, become _______________, and seek _________ |

|(English Writer) |2. Women needed education to feel _________ and ______ | |

|Published: A Vindication of the Rights of| |Influenced the formation of ________ |

|Women (1792) |3. Equal opportunities for women in the ________________ and in __________ |___________________ in Europe and America |

| |1. He vehemently opposed ___________ and incited people to think and join him in the struggle for |Denis Diderot was one of the most prominent French |

| |____________ and ___________ change. |________________. |

| | | |

| |2. “No man has received from _____________the right of _________________ others. __________ is a |Denis Diderot’s lifework, the __________________, was a powerful |

| |present from ___________.” |weapon against __________________ and _________________ |

|Denis Diderot | |institutions. It covered all areas from ___________ and |

|(French Scholar) |3. Everyone had the right to decide whether to believe in ______ or not. Not one soul should be |____________, to ___________, _________, ______, and __________ and|

|(1713–1784) |________________ or _______________ because of their choice. |_____________________ issues. |

| | | |

| | |The Encyclopedia became a _____________ symbol of the Enlightenment|

| | |and one of the most _______________ books of the 18th c. |

| | | |

| | |His works also inspired the _________ and the _____________ |

| | |Revolutions. |

| |1. Known as the father of modern ________________, and sometimes as the father of modern |His most famous work, "An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the|

| |______________ |Wealth of Nations", ______________ |

| | |_______________, published in 1776, is a clearly written account of|

|Adam Smith |2. His metaphor of the ________________________ of the ____________________ has been of untold |political economy at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, and is |

|(Scottish Economist & Philosopher) |influence in the development of laissez faire economics and modern __________________ and |widely considered to be the ___________ and most |

|(1723-1790) |___________________ |____________________modern work of economics. |

| | | |

| | | |

| |3. Believed in three main concepts that together form the foundation of | |

| |_____________________________________ and capitalism: __________________________________, | |

| |____________________________________________ and ________________________________. | |

| | | |

| |4. Argued that human motives are often _______________ and ______________, the competition in the | |

| |___________ would tend to benefit ___________________ as a whole by keeping prices _______, while | |

| |still building in an _____________ for a wide variety of goods and services. | |

|The Long-Term Effects of the Enlightenment |

|1. Belief in ____________ |

|- Through _________ a better society was possible |

|2. A More _________ Outlook |

|- People began to adopt a more _________ view and question _________ through __________ |

|3. Importance of the ________________ |

|- People began to determine for themselves what was _________ and __________ |

|- Government existed to support individuals’ ___________ and _____________ |

|- Individuals have the ability to improve their own ________ and ___________ |


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