The Thirty-Six Strategies

The Thirty-Six Strategies

By Stefan H. Verstappen

Cover Design: S. Verstappen All Illustrations by S. Verstappen Copyright ? 2017 by Stefan H. Verstappen

All rights reserved Copyright 1999 by

Stefan H. Verstappen First Edition Published by China Books, SF 1999 ISBN - 978-1-365-55430-8

Toronto, Canada

The Thirty-Six Strategies

Table of Contents

Introduction..................................................................................................... 1 Strategy 1 Fool the Emperor to Cross the Sea.............................................. 5 Strategy 2 Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao....................................................... 11 Strategy 3 Kill With a Borrowed Sword ..................................................... 17 Strategy 4 Await the Exhausted Enemy at Your Ease ............................... 21 Strategy 5 Loot a Burning House ................................................................ 25 Strategy 6 Clamor in the East, Attack in the West .................................... 29 Strategy 7 Create Something from Nothing ............................................... 33 Strategy 8 Openly Repair the Walkway, Secretly March to Chencang ... 37 Strategy 9 Observe the Fire on the Opposite Shore ................................... 43 Strategy 10 Hide Your Dagger Behind A Smile ......................................... 47 Strategy 11 Sacrifice the Plum Tree in Place of the Peach ........................ 51 Strategy 12 Seize the Opportunity to Lead a Sheep Away ........................ 55 Strategy 13 Beat the Grass to Startle the Snake......................................... 61 Strategy 14 Borrow a Corpse to Raise the Spirit ....................................... 65 Strategy 15 Lure the Tiger Down the Mountain ........................................ 71 Strategy 16 To Catch Something, First Let It Go ...................................... 75 Strategy 17 Toss Out A Brick To Attract Jade .......................................... 79 Strategy 18 To Catch The Bandits First Capture Their Leader ............... 83 Strategy 19 Steal the Firewood From Under the Pot ................................. 89 Strategy 20 Trouble the Water to Catch the Fish ...................................... 95


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