West Virginia Department of Education

Project Title: Compare Greco-Roman Society with American Society

Project Idea: Investigate Classical Greco-Roman society and compare with American Society

Entry Event: Investigate your neighborhood for Greco/Roman architecture and ideas, followed a walking tour of your high school, followed by the introduction of the entry document.

Content Standards:

|Standards Directly Taught or Learned |Identified Learning Targets |Evidence of Success in Achieving Identified Learning Target |

|Through Discovery | | |

|SS.W.4: Compare and contrast |Identify key elements of Greek governments |Final product |

|political ideologies in order to | | |

|analyze the evolving role of |Identify key elements of Roman governments |Comparison chart |

|government in world affairs prior to | | |

|the year 1900 (e.g., democracies, |Generalize the influences of Greek and Roman | |

|republics, dictatorships, various |governments | |

|types of monarchies, oligarchies, | | |

|theocracies and parliamentary | | |

|systems) | | |

|SS.W.18: Demonstrate an understanding|Identify and explain causes of rise of Greek and |Inner-outer discussion |

|of classical civilizations and the |Roman civilizations | |

|influence of those civilizations | |Final product |

|across time and space. |Identify and explain causes of decline of Greek and| |

|Compare and contrast the causes and |Roman civilizations |Unit test |

|effects of the rise and decline of | | |

|classical civilizations |Identify and explain effects of rise of Greek and | |

|Analyze the impact of religion on |Roman civilizations | |

|classical civilizations, including | | |

|the rise and growth of Christianity |Identify and explain effects of decline of Greek | |

|and Hinduism, and the effects of |and Roman civilizations | |

|their beliefs and practices on daily | | |

|life, changes that occurred as a | | |

|result of Buddhist teachings, and the| | |

|influence of a variety of religions | | |

|on culture and politics | | |

|TCS.9-12.5: Select appropriate |Select appropriate tools |Final product |

|platforms and tools to create, share,| | |

|and communicate their work | | |

|effectively | | |

|DSS.9-12.15: Interact Respectfully |Analyze global events |Final product |

|with Diverse Cultures | | |

|Analyze global issues and events to | | |

|gain an understanding of others’ | | |

|viewpoints | | |

|Analyze language, behavior, and | | |

|non-verbal communication cues to | | |

|interact respectfully with diverse | | |

|cultures | | |

|Examine the influence of stereotyping| | |

|and prejudice and how they impact | | |

|relationships | | |

Performance Objectives:

Know: that modern America has its roots in Greco-Roman civilization

1. The origins of direct and representative democracy.

2. The use of Greco/Roman law in present day American society.

3. Government concept, ideas and procedures borrowed from Greco/Roman civilization.

4. How Greco/Roman ideas and concepts of architecture have been incorporated into modern America.

5. Students must be able to apply the knowledge they have gained of the Greco/Roman world as a framework of reference to examine all aspects of modern America.

6. Students must be able to demonstrate the inter-relationship between the Greco/Roman world and modern or contemporary America.

Do: Students will evaluate Greco/Roman civilization and demonstrate the connections to present day American society.

1. Students will prove that American government has Greco/Roman roots.

2. Students will establish that many of our public and religious buildings are new copies of Greco/Roman buildings.

3. Students will demonstrate the Greco/Roman origins of key concepts and procedures in American law and government.

4. Student will visit local institutions such as churches, stadiums, and public buildings.

5. Students will conduct online research.

Driving Question: What evidence supports the influence of Greco/Roman civilization on American society?

Assessment Plan:

Unit test for factual and key background information. Notes from inner-outer discussions and from setup lecture instruction to be graded. Group research and subsequent group presentation to be graded. Criteria referenced observation of all group activities. Group construction of as well as individual response to questions on inter-comparison of problems in Ancient Rome and present day America. Assignment sheets for the walking tours of the campus of the school as well as the walking tour of the city of Charleston to be submitted for a grade. Student assessment of the project.

| |Group presentations on one of the topics listed on the project sheet (see handout). Group |

|Major Group Products |chart presentation on the inter comparison of Roman-modern American strengths and problems. |

| |Question sheet for walking tour of George Washington High School and downtown Charleston. |

|Major Individual Products |Mapping exercise, Greco/Roman empire. Document analysis sheet, Federalist Number Ten, Quizzes,|

| |Unit Test. |

Assessment and Reflection:

|Rubric(s) I will use: (Check all that apply.) |Collaboration |x |Written Communication | |

| |Critical Thinking & Problem Solving | |Content Knowledge |x |

| |Oral Communication |x |Other: Team Rubric |x |

|Other classroom assessments for learning: (Check all |Quizzes/ tests |x |Practice presentations | |

|that apply) | | | | |

| |Self-evaluation |x |Notes |x |

| |Peer evaluation |x |Checklists/observations |x |

| |Online tests and exams | |Concept maps |x |

|Reflections: |Survey |x |Focus Group | |

| |Discussion |x |Task Management Chart |x |

| |Journal Writing/ Learning Log |x |Other | |

Map the Product: See the Timeline/Storyboard for an overview of the project.

Product: Group projects that show the interconnections between modern American society and the Greco/Roman world. Group projects to incorporate presentations to the class and to submit.

|Knowledge and Skills Needed |Already Have Learned |Taught Before the Project |Taught During the Project |

|Ability to research on the internet |X | | |

|Background in general knowledge of Rome and Greece | |X |X |

|Ability to construct multimedia presentations |X | | |

|Background familiarity with American history and culture |X | | |

|Discipline to work in and as a member of a team | |X |X |

Resources: All needed documents and rubrics follow the plan.

School-based Individuals:

History teacher




Latin teacher



Elmo document projector


Data projector


High school library

Video: City David MacAulay. Unicorn Productions, 1983.

This Old House episode on Bath, England. PBS Video, 1991.




Andrea, Alfred J. Overfield, James H. The Human Record , Sources of Global History,Volume II: Since 1500, Fifth Edition, New York, 

Houghton Mifflin Company, 2005

Duiker, William J. Spiel Vogel, Jackson, J. World History, Thimson Wadsworth, Belmont, California, 2004

Frazee, Charles A. World History, Volume One: From the Stone Age to 1500. Green haven Press, Inc. San Diego, California, 2004

Goldsworthy, Adrian. The Complete Roman Army. Thames and Hudson Ltd. London, England, 2003

Reilly, Kevin. Worlds of History, a Comparative Reader, Volumes I and II. SecondEdition, Boston, Bedford St. Martins, 2004

Nigel, Rogers. The History and Conquests of  Ancient Rome. London, England, Hermes House, 2004.

Philip, Neil. Mythology of the World. Houghton Miffin Company, Boston, Massachusetts. 2004.

Stearns, Peter N. Adas, Michael, Schwartz, Stuart B. Gilbert, Marc J., World Civilizations, The Global Experience. Fourth Edition, Pearson Longman, New York, 2006.


Federalist Number Ten  

Manage the Process:

Launching the project. Begin the project with a familiarization exercise. Have each student explore their neighborhood for Greco/Roman ideas and concepts.


Establish the student’s level or depth of knowledge of both the Greco/Roman world and the Renaissance.


If the students have of working knowledge of the targeted civilizations proceed to the first stage of the PBL.


Group the students in teams. As much as possible allow the students to do the picking themselves. Monitor student choices and perhaps reserve the choice of unit leaders to yourself.


Introduce the idea of project based learning to the students. Define the final product in terms of answering a question in history. Define the project also in terms of a problem-solving activity.


Place the driving question for the group projects on Elmo.


List the targeted areas with the students. Projects must demonstrate the interrelationship between the Greco/Roman world and modern America. Suggested areas of project based learning to be architecture, law, government, religion, military, social classes, social problems and language.


Students will be encouraged to construct PBL’s that are criterion based and show specific and enduring connections between the ancient and the modern world.


Pull down the map of the Mediterranean world. Have the student’s count the number of modern countries that at one time were part of the Roman Empire. Then have the students begin at school with the walking tour of Rome. Students are to take notes at each of the stations. On concluding the tour, remind students that their exercise sheet and follow up essay are due tomorrow.


Engage the students in a discussion about yesterday’s activities. Following the discussion introduce the idea of project based learning. Define project based learning for the students and distribute the guide sheet with expectations and contract.

Choose student groups for project based learning projects. As much as possible allow the students to do the picking themselves. Monitor their choices and perhaps reserve the choice of unit leaders for yourself.


Introduce your contract for teacher expectations to the students, make certain that students understand all of the ramifications of the contract and that they will be held accountable. Along with the contract send a letter home to the parents explaining the parameters of the project based learning and its requirements. Anticipate questions and calls from parents.

Project Reflection and Evaluation:

Students will evaluate the project using several tools.

Students will evaluate the project as a team, answering a series of questions designed to evaluate the success of project based learning.


Students will fill out individual assessments of the unit and of their group projects.


Students will demonstrate satisfactory achievement on the unit test and on their group projects.

World History

Greco/Roman Unit

Possible Subjects for group presentations

Instructions: Select a topic from the list. Make sure that the entire group agrees that the topic is suitable to the skills of the group. You as the group may invent your own topic with the approval of the instructor. Remember that you are looking for the modern applications of ancient knowledge to present day American society. You as a group my also elect to submit your own topic after consultation with the teacher.

1. Greco/Roman medicine

2. Greco/Roman military organization and technology.

3. Greco/Roman government

4. Greco/Roman family organization and traditions.

5. Greco/Roman Architecture

6. Greco/Roman road construction.

7. Greco/Roman Philosophy

8. Greco/Roman Sporting events (exclusive of the Olympic games)

9. Greco/Roman Olympic games.

10. Greco/Roman literature and poetry.

Evaluation and Assessment of the Project

Project: _________________________

Group Members_________________________________________

Student Name________________________________


Completed the following tasks during the project:

1.Assigned Research ____________________________________

2. Individual part ________________________________________

3. Group Presentation ____________________________________

4. Group Contract _______________________________________

5. Class Contract ________________________________________

6. Individual Assignments __________________________________

A. What did I learn in the project:

1. What did you learn about the relationship between the Greco/Roman cultures and their relationship with the underpinnings of contemporary America?

2. How did working in a group open new educational horizons to you?

3. What did you learn about comparative research?

4. What most surprised you as you conducted your research?

5. How did your group presentation force you to grow as a student and as a person?

6. Was the project/unit a worthwhile educational experience?

7. What aspects of the project/unit did you most enjoy?

8. What would you add/drop from the project and the unit as well?

World History

George Washington High School

Assignment Sheet

Exercise: Your Greco Roman Heritage

Premise: The point of this exercise is to demonstrate to you, the best and the brightest of

the tenth grade that Greece and Rome form a huge part of the foundation to the

world today.

Instructions: You are to follow your magister (teacher) throughout the school and its

campus. You are to maintain quiet and are required to take notes at

each of the stations on the tour. The following headings are the items of

greatest importance. Prior to the tour, look for Greco/Roman architecture

in your local area.

1. The Gymnasium

2. The Exit Sign

3. The Stadium

4. Dedication Plaque

5. Band Room

6. Library

7. Principals Office

8. Misses Diller’s Classroom

9. Your Name-determine if your name as a Greco/Latin root, or if you are a

“barbarian”. If in fact your name is from outside the Greco/Roman community,

try to determine the origin of your name, what culture and if possible what the

name actually means.

10. Closing Activity-Essay. Use examples from the tour to back up your


What did you learn from the tour? What connections did you observe between

the ancient and the new? How is present day America built on a

Greco/Roman foundation?

Note to the teacher using this PBL unit. While you may not have a city the size of Charleston to work with, you can always adapt your local community. The town halls, the local court house, the library, houses of worship all follow the same basic Greco/Roman roots. Also, although I did not include it, most modern cemeteries are also built in the Greco/Roman style. The Mausoleums, the tombstones with their dates and declarations all follow the basic Greco/Roman pattern.

Assignment Sheet

World History

Project Based Learning

Walking tour of Charleston

Instructions: The object of the walking tour is very similar to the tour of the school. You are to look for connections between the Greco/Roman world and the world that you live in. Specifically, as you study the various building, talk to the priests lawyers and other people in Charleston you are to apply what you have learned about Rome to the world of today, and look for connections. You are to inter compare your impressions and observations with the other members of the group and analyze the similarities and the differences.

1. The Federal Court House – Architecture –

2. The Federal Court House-The Law-Judge Casey

3. The Public Library-Architecture and Dedication

4. The Public Library – Head Librarian

5. The Law Firm –Lay Out of the Office

6. Conversation with the Lawyers-Tom and Rebecca Tinder, Esquire

7. The Sewer – Construction and Purpose

8. First Presbyterian Church-Architecture

9. Sacred Heart Church-Architectecture

10. Sacred Heart Church-Interview with Father Edward Sadie

11. Laidley Field-Architecture and Purpose

. Purpose and Methods

13. Interview-Danny Wells

Follow Up Essay

Instructions: Using the knowledge gained on the tour and in your follow up session with your group, answer the following question.

1. How did the tour change your perceptions of the modern world that you live in?

2. Did learning about the Greco/Roman foundations of modern society enhance your

understanding of the world that you live in?

PBL Opening Activity, World History

Interconnections and Intersections

Instructions: In your groups, answer and engage in the following activity. Answers are to reflect the input of all members of your group

A. List five facts about the Greek and Roman cultures.

1. __________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________

B. List five facts about the American culture that you live in.

1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________

C. Now, look for points of similarity, points where the two cultures converge.







D. Watch the video clip on the Roman bath complex in Bath, England.

List five engineering concepts/ideas found in the Roman bath complex that we have incorporated into our American society of today.






E. Were you surprised at the ancient ideas incorporated into our modern homes as everyday comforts? _____________________________________________________________








F. The central idea of the project/unit that you are about to embark on is simple. The Greco/Roman culture forms the foundation of modern America. Within your group, brainstorm and come up with a project idea that would illustrate this idea. You may consult the project sheet for a start, or you may construct your own idea.






G. After constructing your project idea, draw up a contract for your group. The contract should spell out what each group member is expected to do as an individual, what constitutes acceptable performance in the project and how the group will deal with non performance by a member of the group. Submit a copy of the contract to the teacher(magister) and let the games begin.

World History

Greco/Roman Unit Examination

True or False

1. The practice of law in modern America is guided by Greco/Roman principles.

2. The Pantheon in Ancient Rome affected Thomas Jefferson that he incorporated it’s dome into his own home, Monticello

3. The word exit is drawn from the Latin language and literally means, “He leaves”.

4. The citizens of Ancient Athens developed the idea of direct democracy.

5. In several of the states today, the Roman formula for concrete is now being used and it is extending the life of the roadbed significantly.

6. Greek ideas on science and mathematics form a major part of the foundation of modern sciences such as biology and mathematical fields such as geometry.

7. There is little in common between Greco/Roman cities and the cities of contemporary America.

8. Lawyers in present day American law courts use a law code and courtroom procedures based on those of Greco/Roman codes and procedures.

9. The Idea of trial by a jury of your peers was originated by the Romans.

10. The Renaissance philosophy Humanism emphasized the importance of Greco/Roman ideas and


11. While the language of the law is Latin, many of the concepts that the law uses are Greek.

12. Renaissance philosophers emphasized the importance of church related subjects rather than a

return to the ideas and concepts of the Greco/Roman world.

13. A Roman lawyer would feel comfortable with the ideas and concepts found in a modern American


14. Most of the ideas and concepts used by the Romans in building and maintaining Pompeii and

Herculaneum have been incorporated into modern American cities.

Multiple Choice – Choose the best possible answer.

1. Which of the following best describes the relationship between modern interstate highways and the roads of the Roman Empire? A) very few ideas and concepts used in the construction of Roman highways are used in highway constructed today B) only the idea of tunneling through mountains to create the most direct route between cities C) the concept of using waterproof concrete D) nearly every engineering concept in modern road construction is barrowed in some form or another from the Romans E) the idea of putting a road contract out on bid

2. In what branch of government in the United States would you find the concept of representative democracy being incorporated into the government? A) the Judiciary branch B) the executive branch C) the legislative branch D) the State department E) Embassies and Consulates in foreign countries

3. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the relationship between the governments of ancient Rome and Greece and the government of modern America? A) Rome and Greece contributed almost nothing to American government B) Rome and Greece contributed comparatively little to modern American government C) Respectively, Rome contributed the idea of the Republic, while Greece contributed the concept of direct democracy

D) While Rome contributed the concept of the Senate, most of modern American government is drawn from the Greek model E) Greek governments were tyrannies that never adopted democratic principles and contribute nothing to modern American government

4. Which of the following statements is most accurate in describing the relationship between the

Renaissance and Greco/Roman civilizations? A) the Renaissance had its foundation in

Greco/Roman philosophies and world concept B) the Renaissance drew heavily on Rome, but

ignored the Greek civilization C) the Renaissance used Greco/Roman concepts and ideas only in

the fields of law and engineering D) the influence of the Catholic Church caused Renaissance

Thinkers to reject any Greco/Roman influence E) the great minds of the Renaissance had almost

no knowledge of the Greco/Roman civilizations

5. Where In American government today would you see the Greek concept of the direct democracy

being used? A) In either house of Congress B) Only in the State Legislatures C) in both policy making branches of the government D) In a Board of Education meeting E) In trials in both federal and state court

6. Which of the following religious faiths has its roots firmly planted in the Roman world? A) Islam B) Buddhism C) Shintoism D) Catholicism E) Taoism

7. In a court of Roman law and in a modern American court, which of the following would be part of the courts procedure? A) the assumption that the defendant is innocent until proven guilty B) the accused must prove their innocence c) the lawyers disassociate themselves from their clients d) the jury is allowed to speak directly to the defendants e) the prosecutor may bring in hearsay evidence

8. When you compare the Greek view of science and engineering to the American view of science and engineering a) Greeks and Americans both view science as a useful toy B) Greeks and modern Americans both view science and engineering for the practical ideas and inventions that can improve the quality of life C) Modern Americans are more like the Romans in that they usually apply new inventions and concepts to improving society D) Neither the Greeks or modern Americans really have sought to apply science and engineering to improving everyday existence E) While the Romans toyed with science the Greeks applied their scientific knowledge to improve their quality of life

9. Greco/Roman sports: A) are no longer played in the modern world B) Form the underpinnings of the modern Olympic games and several worldwide sports C) Always involved the taking of human life D) did not depend on publicity and commercial sponsors E) were strictly amateur affairs, with no professional athletes

10. In comparing the Greco/Roman and contemporary American economic systems, they are alike in the following ways EXCEPT: A) the economies of both cultures depend on international trade B) both economies were at times protected by their governments C) both cultures bailed out private business if there was an economic emergency D) In both cultures merchants could become extremely wealthy E) In both societies slavery was abolished with very negative affects on the economy

Essay Questions – answer the following questions in essay format. Answers are to incorporate specifics, examples and hard facts as well as concepts. Answers should incorporate and show application to the knowledge that you gained in your personal and group activities.

1. In doing your group research, what did you learn about the relationship between the Greco/Roman civilizations and modern America that you had never really considered before? What came as a total surprise to you?

2. In doing your Project Based Learning project, what did you learn about the relationship between the Greco/Roman civilization and the modern American society that you live in? How does our modern world grow out of the ancient?

| |Performance Rubric - Group Participation |

| | | | | | |

| |Below Standard |Marginal |Satisfactory |Above Standard |Exemplary |

|Attendance |Student fails to attend |Student attendance is |Student attends school and |Student attends school and |Student attends school and |

| |class often enough to |erratic, portions of |completes group assigned |completes work to a higher |completes all assignments in|

| |complete group generated |assigned work not complete |work in a satisfactory |standard |the group with exceptional |

| |portion of work | |manner | |completeness and care |

|Collaboration |Student shows no concern for|Student displays little care|Student displays an |Student shows a high level of |Student demonstrates |

| |the project at all |or concern for their |acceptable level of care for|concern and care in turning out|exceptional care and |

| | |assigned work within the |his/her portion of the |their individual assignments |ingenuity in preparing their|

| | |group |group's work |within the group |part of the group assignment|

|Content |Student makes no attempt to |Student makes some attempt |student completes all major |Student completes all work with|Student displays completes |

| |complete their written |to do some parts of their |components of their work in |a high level of care, |all work and displays the |

| |assignments |written, assignments |a competent manner |addressing all parts of their |highest levels in their |

| | | | |assigned work |work, comprehending |

| | | | | |interconnections and |

| | | | | |applications |

|Individual Work |Student completes very |Student makes some attempt |Student completes all |Student completes all |Student demonstrates marked |

| |little, if any of the non |to do some parts of their |individual assignments in a |Individual work with a high |superiority in the quality |

| |group assignments |non group work, but in a |complete and competent |level of care, addressing all |of work as well as |

| | |incomplete and sketchy |manner |parts of their assigned work |demonstrating connections |

| | |manner | |with a higher than average |and synthesis of cultures |

| | | | |level of care and | |

| | | | |sophistication | |

|Leadership |Student is a constant |student hurts the group by |Student solidly supports the|Student exceeds the standard, |Student clearly displays |

| |irritant and source of |the incompleteness of their |group presentation and |helping other team members, |exemplary attitude and is a |

| |turmoil for the group |contribution to the |project |assuring that their tasks are |leader by example to the |

| | |presentation | |complete as well as their |rest of the group |

| | | | |fellow students | |

PBL-Rubric For Group Presentations

|Reiterates one or two facts |Provides only basic facts |Relates only major facts to |Offers accurate analysis of |Offers accurate analysis of |

|without complete accuracy. |with only some degree of |the basic facts and concepts|information and issue |information and issue |

| |accuracy. |involved with a fair degree | | |

| | |of accuracy | | |

| | | | | |

|Deals only briefly and |Refers to information to |Analyzes information to |Provides facts to relate to |Provides a variety of facts |

|vaguely with concepts or the|explain at least one issue |explain at least one issue |the major issues involved |to explore major and minor |

|issues involved |or concept with substantive |or concept with substantive | |issues and concepts involved|

| |support. |historical support | | |

|Barely indicates any |Limited use of previous |Uses general ideas and |Uses previous general |Extensively uses previous |

|previous historical |historical knowledge without|concepts about American and |historical knowledge to |historical knowledge to |

|knowledge |complete accuracy and little|Greco/Roman society with a |examine issues involved |provide an in-depth |

| |attempt to ideas and |fair degree of accuracy, no | |understanding of the problem|

| |concepts together. |major conceptual errors | |and to relate it to past and|

| | | | |possible future situations |

|Demonstrates no real |Limited use of some levels |Satisfactory adequate use of|Demonstrates better than |Demonstrates superior use of|

|understanding of only the |of Bloom’s taxonomy |the higher levels of Bloom’s|satisfactory use of the |the higher levels of Bloom’s|

|very lowest levels of | |Technology |higher levels of Bloom’s |Taxonomy |

|Bloom’s Taxonomy | | |Taxonomy as | |

Novice Partial Mastery Mastery Distinguished Exemplary

Timeline/Storyboard for Project

Step One Step Two Step Three

Introduce the concept of PBL Form PBL groups walking tour of the school.

Define the concept of the Introduce targeted Have students tour with their

Driving question. Assess subject areas for groups. Groups. Assign reaction essay

Students levels of knowledge Begin to formulate topics “What did you learn?”

of unit content. Distribute assignment sheet

Assign reading in text for walking tour of campus

Step Four Step Five Step Six

Follow up discussion on tour. Develop group contracts Distribute graded essays.

Introduction on target areas Groups pick their target areas. Groups research in the Library-

for PBL. Collect outline as Assign Document analysis media center. Distribute outline

well as essay from tour. of project requirements

Step Seven Step Eight Step Nine

Instructions on walking tour of . discussion

Greco/Roman civilization. First Presbyterian, Sacred of walking tour. Collect tour

Comparison of physical size Heart, Public Library, Court questions and prepare for Library. .

of Roman Empire and the House, Capitol Complex,

United States. Prep for the Laidley Field.

Walking tour of Charleston

Step Ten Step Eleven Step Twelve

Research in Library by groups. Final prep for presentations. Begin Presentations

Emphasis on combination of Distribute presentation rubrics .

Sources. Use rubric to evaluate Check with students for any

Student participation. Special requirements

Step Thirteen Step Fourteen Step Fifteen

Presentations concluded. Debrief students on Unit examination

Presentations Essay questions on

Remind students of unit process and knowledge

examination. gathered through PBL.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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