World History A

Spinrad/World History

Greco/Roman Unit (borrowed liberally from the curriculum of Washington High School, West Virginia)

Guiding Question: How is American society influenced by ancient Greece and Rome?

Select a topic from the list. Make sure that the entire group agrees that the topic is suitable to the skills of the group. You as the group may invent your own topic with the approval of the instructor. Remember that you are looking to connect ancient knowledge to present day American society. You must show the connection between ancient Greece/Rome and American society. You as a group my also elect to submit your own topic after consultation with the teacher.

1. Greco/Roman medicine

2. Greco/Roman military organization and technology.

3. Greco/Roman government

4. Greco/Roman family organization and traditions.

5. Greco/Roman Architecture

6. Greco/Roman road construction.

7. Greco/Roman Philosophy

8. Greco/Roman Sporting events (exclusive of the Olympic games)

9. Greco/Roman Olympic games.

10. Greco/Roman literature and poetry.

11. Greco/Roman hygiene and water sources

12. Greco/Roman traditions on eating and drinking and entertainment

How to present: Your group will present to the class using one of the following: a presentation board, a PowerPoint or a video. Your group must include a detailed bibliography to receive full credit.

Sources: books and magazines/journals are the quickest way to get information. Off the internet, try:


2. ( Smithsonian Museum of Natural History)


4. ;

5. http:  (Library of Congress)

6. .



9. usborne- key word:”theromans”


11. NGA (National Gallery of Art)

The assignment is due and we will begin presentations _______________.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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