Form 2 History Mid Term Examination (Marking Scheme)

Form 2 History Mid Term Examination (Marking Scheme)

Part A: Multiple Choice: (20 marks)


Part B: Fill in the Blanks (20 marks)

1. Renaissance, medieval

2. Buddha

3. God, dead bodies

4. Rome, Greek Orthodox Church / Roman Catholic Church

5. serfs, lords

6. large domes, ancient Rome

7. rational, Enlightenment

8. AD 622

9. the Latin language, native language

10. Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel

11. Guilds

Part C: Data-base Questions (25 marks)

1. A. Martin Luther did so because he wanted to show the wrong doings of the Church.

B. “They” were the clergymen / churchmen of the Roman Catholic Church. Martin Luther did not agree with their behaviour as they always did wrong. One example was the selling of indulgences to cheat people of their money.

C. His action led to the Reformation and started a new Christian faith called Protestantism in Europe.

2. A. Source I shows the aristocracy in medieval times. They were having a feast.

B. Source II shows the peasants in medieval times. They were doing farm work like harvesting.

C. There was such a great difference because Europe adopted feudalism in medieval times. Aristocracy and peasants were in different classes. Aristocracy had land, property and special rights. They rented their land to peasants and had an enjoyable life. Peasants had to work hard in manors.

3. A. Source I:Buddhism;Source II:Islam;Source III:Christianity

B. It refers to Buddhism. It is because Buddhism was founded in the 6th century BC and has a lot of followers in Asia.


| |There are no Buddhists in Hong Kong. |

|( |Mohammed is the founder of Islam. |

|( |There are many Christians in Hong Kong. |

|( |Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity. |

|( |Siddhartha Gautama is the founder of Buddhism. |

Part D: Long Questions (35 marks)

1. They adopted feudalism to rule. They gave some of their land to the nobles and the Church to help him rule their kingdoms. Nobles gave some of land to other lords, in the same way as the king. Nobles and other lords all had to obey, serve and fight for the king. Feudalism declined because towns grew quickly as many serfs began to live in towns. They did not have to obey the feudal system. Moreover, strong kings set up a centralized government. They took back the nobles’ land and power. This led to the decline of feudalism.

2. Art: Renaissance art was mainly about everyday life, not just about religion. In terms of painting style, medieval art was dull and not lively. It was not colourful and not realistic. However, Renaissance artists used new skills to make their paintings more colourful and realistic

Literature: Renaissance writers wrote in their own native language. They mainly wrote about human affairs. For example, The Divine Comedy of Dante was about some unfair things in Italian society at that time. The Decameron of Boccaccio was also about everyday life. It talked about the injustices in European society at the time.

Science: During the Renaissance, Galileo made the world’s first telescope to study the movements of the Sun with his telescope. Besides, he also discovered the Pendulum Theory. OR Copernicus was a Polish astronomer. In about 1514, he made a discovery in astronomy. According to his discovery, the Sun was the centre of the Universe and the Earth moved round the Sun. This discovery corrected Europeans’ belief that the Earth was the centre of the Universe. It influenced the development of modern astronomy.

Architecture: Renaissance builders copied the designs from the remains of the ancient Greco-Roman buildings. They built churches and buildings with classical features such as large domes, arches and very tall stone columns. The St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome was a typical example of Renaissance architecture with a large dome, many tall stone columns and arches.

3. The Renaissance was the period from the 14th-17th centuries when great changes took place in art, literature, science and architecture in Europe. At that time, people were interested in classical things, and in ancient art and learning. They also developed an interest in the beauty around them, and questioned unreasonable ideas and beliefs.. The Renaissance first began in Italy and it spread to other parts of Europe later. In late medieval times, Italy was made up of many independent city-states. Most of the Italians living in these city-states were freemen. They enjoyed great freedom in art and learning. Moreover, the Italian city of Rome had been the home of the Roman Empire. Thus there were many remains of ancient Roman art and learning. In addition, Italy had good economic development in the 14th century. The rich rulers and traders there supported art and learning. All these factors caused the Renaissance to first begin in Italy.

---End of Marking Scheme---


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