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Grammar pages

Часть 2

1 курс Интенсив

|1 |Past continuous: affirmative, negative and questions |2 |

|2 |Past Continuous and past simple |5 |

|3 |Past habits: used to |14 |

|4 |Modals of obligation |19 |

|5 |Modals: possibility, uncertainty, impossibility, certainty |33 |

|6 |Reflexive – Emphatic Pronouns myself, yourself etc |41 |

|7 |Consolidation Present and past, simple and continuous |46 |

Past continuous:

affirmative, negative and questions

I was reading, we were reading

I wasn’t reading, we weren’t reading

Was she reading? Were you reading?

A bit of theory.

We use the past continuous to describe a continuing situation. We often interrupt a continuing situation with a sudden event.

Julia phoned me at 7.30. I was having a bath.

|Statements |Last month I was working in Brazil. |

| |I was sitting |He was sitting |We were sitting |

| |You were sitting |She was sitting |They were sitting |

| | |It was sitting | |

|Negatives |The teacher was talking, but Harry wasn’t listening. |

| |was not = wasn’t weren’t = were not |

| |I wasn’t sitting |He wasn’t sitting |We weren’t sitting |

| |You weren’t sitting |She wasn’t sitting |They weren’t sitting |

| | |It wasn’t sitting | |

|Questions |Were they working in the office? |

| |Was I sitting? |Was he sitting? |Were we sitting? |

| |Were you sitting? |Was she sitting? |Were they sitting? |

| | |Was it sitting? | |

|Wh-questions |What were you doing at 6.00? Who was he talking to? |

| |Steve was eating in the restaurant when the fire started. |

|Examples |Carmen wasn’t teaching in 2010, she was studying. |

| |Were you eating dinner when I phoned? |

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous.

a) Anna was reading a book (read a book)

b) Paula and Jim (play football)

c) Tim (write on the board)

d) Kate and Bill (listen to music)

e) Sam (look out of the window)

f) Ed and Lisa (draw pictures)

g) Nick (use a computer)

h) Carol and Dora (talk)

2. Make negative sentences.

a) Anna was drawing pictures (Anna wasn’t drawing pictures) .

b) Paula and Jim were using a computer.

c) Tim was reading a book.

d) Kate and Bill were writing on the board.

e) Sam was talking.

f) Ed and Lisa were listening to music.

g) Nick was looking out of the window.

h) Carol and Dora were playing football.

3. Make questions.

a) Tim/draw pictures Was Tim drawing pictures ?

b) Kate and Bill/ use a computer ?

c) Ed and Lisa/ read a book ?

d) Paula and Jim/ write on the board ?

e) Anna/talk ?

f) Sam/ listen to music ?

g) Carol and Dora/ look out of the window ?

h) Nick/ play football ?

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous tense.

1. Detective: I’m afraid I must ask you both what you (do) yesterday at 10.20 p.m.

Mr X: I (play) chess with my wife.

Mr Y: I (listen) to a play on the radio.

2. The children were frightened because it (get) dark.

3. It was a fine day and the roads were crowded because a lot of people (rush) to the seaside.

4. The aeroplane in which the football team (travel) crashed soon after taking off.

5. He usually wears sandals but when I last saw him he (wear) boots.

6. The house was in great disorder because he (redecorate) it.

7. The director didn’t allow the actors to travel by air while they (work) on the film.

8. The car had nobody in it but the engine (run).

9. Two children (play) on the sand and two fishermen (lean) against an upturned boat.

10. I was alone in the house at that time because Mr Jones (work) in the garage and Mrs Jones (shop).

11. He said that he was the captain of a ship which (sail) that night for Marseilles.

12. Are you going to Rome? I thought that you (go) to Milan.

13. My wife and I (talk) about you the other day.

14. When I first met him he (study) painting.

15. There was a strong smell and the sound of frying. Obviously Mrs Jones (cook) fish.

Past Continuous and past simple

I was walking, I walked

We often contrast a continuing situation with a sudden event.

|Statements |I was writing a letter at 7.00. (continuing situation) |

| |Paul phoned at 8.00. (sudden event) |

| |I was writing a letter when Paul phoned. |

| |While I was writing a letter, Paul phoned. |

| |While I was waiting for the bus, I saw the accident. |

| |(continuing situation) |(sudden event) |

| |I started waiting for the bus at 10.00. |

| |I saw the accident at 10.30. |

| |I saw the accident while I was waiting for the bus. |

| |I was waiting for the bus when I saw the accident. |

|Questions |What were you doing when I phoned? |

| |I was writing a letter when you phoned. |

| |When did you see the accident? |

| |I saw the accident while I was waiting for the bus. |

1. Choose the correct words underlined in each sentence.

a) While I was doing /did my homework, I had a good idea.

b) Jim was breaking/broke his leg when he was playing golf.

c) When I arrived, I was going/went into the kitchen.

d) We were finding/found an old box while we were digging in the garden.

e) I was seeing/saw an old friend while I was waiting for the train.

f) While I had/was having a bath, the phone rang.

g) Anna was meeting/met Judy while she was doing some shopping.

h) While Joe was cooking/cooked lunch, Clare arrived.

i) Someone was taking/took Peter’s bag while he was making a phone call.

j) While Maria was walking home, she was losing/lost her money.

2. Put the verb in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

a) When I (come) came home my family (do) was doing the garden.

b) For lunch yesterday Chris (eat) spaghetti.

c)When the teacher (come) into the room, two boys (play) football.

d) Peter (turn on) the TV, but nothing (happen).

e) When Helen (walk) to school, she (see) the old man again.

f) While we (run) in the park, Mary (fall over).

g) At 7.00 Tony (get) out of bed, and (go) into the bathroom.

h) While Kate (drink) some milk, she (drop) the glass.

i) While I (listen) to music, I (hear) the doorbell.

j) I (break) my pen while I (do) my homework.

3. Complete the paragraph in the past simple or the past continuous.

Last week my friend Sandy and I (a) decided (decide) to go to the beach on the bus. While we (b) ………… (wait) for the bus, it suddenly (c) ……….. (start) to rain. We (d) ……….. (wear) summer clothes, and we (e) ………. (not have) an umbrella. While we (f) ………… (stand) there in the rain, Sandy’s mother (g) ………… (drive) past, so we (h) ………….(wave) to her. Luckily, she (i) …………. (notice) us, and (j) ………………(take) us home in the car.

4. Complete the conversations. Use was/were, or use the past simple

(I did, etc) or the past continuous (was doing, etc.) of the verb in brackets ( ).

|1 |POLICEMAN: |What were you doing (you/do) when the accident happened (happen)? |

| |COLIN: |I was at the bus-stop. I was waiting (wait) for a bus. |

| |POLICEMAN: |………………. (you/see) the accident? |

| |COLIN: |No, because I ………….. (read) the newspaper. |

|2 |NICOLA: |I …………… (telephone) you at 9 o’clock last night but you were not at home. |

| |MARTIN: |9 o’clock? I …………… (sit) in a café, ………………. (drink) hot chocolate. |

| |NICOLA: |…………………… Jane with you? |

| |MARTIN: |No, she ………………. (work) in the library. |

| |NICOLA: |Where ………………. (you/go) after the café? |

| |MARTIN: |I ……………. (go) home. |

|3 |MUM: |Oh, no! My beautiful new plate. What happened? |

| |ANGELA: |I’m really sorry, Mum. I ……… (break) it when I ……. (wash) it. |

| |MUM: |How? |

| |ANGELA: |My hands ………. (wet) and I ……… (drop) it on the floor. |

|4 |SOPHIE: |………….. (you/think) yesterday’s exam ……….. difficult? |

| |EDWARD: |No, not really, but I …………. (not/write) very much. |

| |SOPHIE: |Why not? |

| |EDWARD: |Because I ………… (dream) about my holidays. |

|5 |ANDREW: |There ………… a crash outside my house yesterday. |

| |PIPPA: |What …………. (happen)? |

| |ANDREW: |I don’t know. It ……………. (rain) but the drivers …………… (not/go) fast. |

| |PIPPA: |Were they hurt? |

| |ANDREW: |One man ……… (break) his arm and the other man …. (cut) his head. |

|6 |TRACY: |Pardon? I didn’t hear you. Could you repeat that, please? |

| |NEIL: |I ……………… (not/talk) to you. |

| |TRACY: |Who ………… (you/talk) to? |

| |NEIL: |Sarah. |

| |TRACY: |Oh, sorry. |

5. At 10.05 a.m. yesterday, there was a robbery at the Midwest Bank. You are a police officer and you are asking a man some questions about what he was doing, what other people were doing, and what he saw. Write the questions. Use was/were, the past simple (did you …) and the past continuous (were you …).

‘Now then, Mr Smith, I know you saw the robbery yesterday. I would like to ask you some questions. First of all, …

|1 |What/you/do/at 10.05 a.m. yesterday? |

| |What were you doing at 10.05 a.m. yesterday? |

|2 |Where/be/Joan Turner? ……………………………………………….? |

|3 |What/Mrs Jones/do? …………………………………………………..? |

|4 |Where/Mrs Walters/go? ………………………………………………? |

|5 |How many robbers/go/into the bank? ………………………………...? |

|6 |They/carry/guns? ……………………………………………………...? |

|7 |Where/the big car/wait? ………………………………………………? |

|8 |Driver/a man or a woman? ……………………………………………? |

|9 |You/see/a man in an old jacket on the corner? ………………………? |

|10 |Some men/repair/the road? …………………………………………? |

|11 |Anyone/wait/at the bus stop? …………………………………………? |

Thank you, Mr Smith, that was very helpful!’

6. Put the verb in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

1. As I (cross) the road I (step) on a banana skin and (fall) heavily.

2. I still (lie) on the road when I (see) a lorry approaching.

3. Luckily the driver (see) me and (stop) the lorry in time.

4. How you (damage) your car so badly? – I (run) into a lamp-post yesterday. – I suppose you (drive) too quickly or were not looking where you (go).

5. As he (get) into the bus it (start) suddenly and he (fall) backwards onto the road.

6. I (call) Paul at 7.00 but it wasn’t necessary because he already (get) up.

7. When he (mend) the fuse he (get) a very bad shock.

8. When I (hear) his knock I (go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not recognize) him at first because I (not wear) my glasses.

9. When I came in they (sit) round the fire. Mr Pitt (do) a crossword puzzle, Mrs Pitt (knit), the others (read). Mr Pitt (smile) at me and (say), ‘Come and sit down’.

10. While the guests (dance) thieves (break) into the house and (steal) a lot of fur coats.

11. The next day, as they (know) that the police (look) for them, they (hide) the coats in a wood and (go) off in different directions.

12. She was very extravagant. She always (buy) herself new clothes.

13. Her mother often (tell) her that she (spend) too much money but she never (listen).

14. Whenever the drummer (begin) practicing, the people in the next flat (bang) on the wall.

7. Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous in the following sentences containing as-clauses and while-clauses.

1. They (to talk) little as they (to drive) home.

2. As they (to drink) coffee, Ted (to say): “Now tell me about yourself.”

3. She (to sing) softly as she (to beat) the eggs.

4. As the sun (to disappear), a fresh breeze (to stir) the curtains at the window.

5. His steps (to slow) down as he (to mount) the stairs.

6. While he (to stand) irresolute, the door (to open) and his brother

(to come) out.

7. He (to listen) gravely while I (to complain) about my reading.

8. While she (to wait) for the kettle to boil she (to sit) by the table.

9. She (to tear) her dress while she (to change).

10. I (to examine) the pictures while she (to organize) her thoughts.


1. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

a) Tom (look) looked out the window.

b) We (take) the bus from the airport to the city centre.

c) Laura (read) the book all afternoon.

d) Kate (close) all the windows and doors.

e) Sam (live) in a cottage in the country.

f) An old friend (come) to see me yesterday.

g) I (see) an interesting film last week.

h) Sue (wait) for her friends for more than an hour.

2. Match the questions a) to h) with the answers 1) to 8).

a) What were you doing when you saw the accident? 5

b) Did you go to Italy last summer? …

c) What did you do last weekend? …

d) What did you do when you saw the two men? …

e) Did you go to school yesterday? …

f) Did you have a good time at the party? …

g) When did you find the money? …

h) Did Paula phone yesterday? …

1) Yes, I really enjoyed myself.

2) I called the police.

3) Yes, she phoned while you were playing golf.

4) Yes, I spent three weeks there.

5) I was standing at the bus-stop.

6) While I was cleaning the floor.

7) I met my friends, and spent time with my family.

8) No, I was ill. I stayed at home.

3. Write a second sentence with a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use a negative form of a verb from the box.

|close |forget |get up |like |miss |sit down |stop |win |

a) David caught the train. David didn’t miss the train.

b) Christina remembered her book.

c) The lesson continued.

d) John opened the door.

e) Terry stayed in bed.

f) Karen hated Chinese food.

g) Chris’s team lost the match.

h) I stood up on the bus all the way home.

4. Correct each sentence or question.

a) Where did you went last night? Where did you go last night?

b) I didn’t knew the answer.

c) Harry maked a lot of noise.

d) I didn’t liked my new teacher.

e) Took you your medicine?

f) Helen comed home late last night.

g) I didn’t got up early this morning.

h) What did you saw at the cinema?

5. Write a question for each answer.

a) Were you working last night ?

Last night? No, I wasn’t working last night.

b) Was ?

Yes, that’s right. Tim was waiting at the bus-stop.

c) Was ?

No, Mary wasn’t talking.

d) Was ?

Yes, that’s right. Kate was wearing jeans.

e) Were ?

Yes, Ali and Mehmet were playing football.

f) Was ?

Raining? Yes, it was.

g) Were ?

No, I wasn’t reading. I was writing.

g) Was ?

Yes, that’s right. Tina was eating her breakfast.

6. Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous.

a) (you, wait) Were you waiting for Bill when he arrived at the airport?

b) While (Mary, have) lunch, it started raining.

c) When the bell rang, (we, play) basketball.

d) Who (you, dance) with at the party last night?

e) While (Sue, shop), she met an old friend.

f) (Some of the boys, look) out of the window.

g) While (we, wait) for a taxi, a bus stopped nearby.

h) While (I, walk) home, I ate a sandwich.

Past habits: used to

I used to play, he didn’t use to play

Did he use to play?

A bit of theory

We use used to when we describe a state or habit in the past.

|Statements |I used to play tennis. |

| |I used to play |He used to play |We used to play, etc. |

| | |

|Negatives |Sheila didn’t use to play basketball. |

| |I didn’t use to play |She didn’t use to play |We didn’t use to play, etc. |

| |Also possible: I didn’t used to play |

| | |

|Questions |Did they use to play football? |

| |Did he use to play? |Did you use to play? |Did they use to play? etc. |

| |We often use used to to contrast a past habit with what we do now. |

| |I used to have a motorbike when I was younger. (past state) |

| |I used to drink coffee, but now I drink tea. (past habit) |

| | |

| |There is no present form of used to. |

| | |

| |The past simple is also possible in these examples, but used to is more common. |

| |I had a motorbike when I was younger. |

| |I played tennis, but now I play football. |

| | |

|Pronunciation |used to = /ju:s tə/ |

| |past tense of the verb use – used = /ju:zd/ |

| | |

|Attention! |Be used to doing means “be accustomed to doing,” “be in habit of doing” |

| |He is used to getting up early. |

| |She was used to jogging in the morning. |

| |They aren’t used to working hard. |

1. Complete the sentences.

a) /David/like ice-cream/hate it David used to like ice-cream, but now he hates it.

b) /Anna/live in the country/in the city

c) /Nick/walk to school/ride a bike

d) /Kate/get up late/early

e) /Carol/have long hair/short hair

f) /Jack/be short/tall

2. Rewrite each sentence or question with used to.

a) I was in the school tennis team.

I used to be in the school tennis team.

b) Sophie had long hair when she was at school.

c) Mary didn’t listen when her teachers were speaking.

d) Ricardo got up at 6.00 when he was training for the Olympics.

e) What did you usually do on Saturday evenings?

f) My brother wore glasses when he was small.

g) Becky was afraid of dogs when she was a girl.

h) We always gave our teachers presents at the end of term.

i) Paul spoke Italian well but he has forgotten it.

j) Did you live next door to Mrs Harrison?

3. Complete the personal details.

a) I used to drink ……….., but now I don’t.

b) I used to live in ………., but now I don’t.

c) I used to go to ……..…., but now I don’t.

d) I used to play with ……..…., but now I don’t.

e) I used to read ……..…., but now I don’t.

f) I used to watch ……..….on TV, but now I don’t.

g) I used to listen to ……..…., but now I don’t.

h) I used to get up at ……..…., but now I don’t.

i) I used to go to bed at ……..…., but now I don’t.

j) I used to sit next to ……..…., but now I don’t.

4. What did your parents use to do?

When my mother was a child, she used to…………….and………………………

5. Complete the sentences. Use used to and a suitable verb.

George Medley is listening to a guide telling a group of visitors about the town of Stampford. He is thinking about Stampford in the past.


Stampford is a very busy town nowadays. There are lots of things to do.


1. It used to be very quiet.


For example, we have a big new cinema complex.


2. It……………… a school.


And this is the chemical factory. It’s very important for the town. A lot of people work here.


3. I …………………… football in the park here.


Unfortunately, the river is not very clean now.


4. I ……………….. in that river.


Broad Street is the main shopping street in town.


5. Our family ……………… at number 23.


We now have a wonderful cheap bus service.


6. Everyone …………………. to the shops.


And of course, we’ve got lots of fast food restaurants.


7. We …………………….. at home.


And look, there’s Paul Carr, our famous artist.


8. He ……………… a waiter.


As you can see, Stampford is a good place to live.


9. It ……………. better.

Can you think of four things that you used to do when you were younger that you don’t do now? You can use the following verbs to help you: live/play/speak/go/like/listen.

6. Read the text about the Inuit people of North America and complete it with the verbs below. Use used to or the present simple (e.g. he lives, they have, etc.).

|have |drive |wear |wear |live |take off |be |

|cook |call |hunt |go |take |hate |spend |

The lives of the Inuit people of North America have changed a lot in 30 years.

First their name: people (1) used to call them Eskimos, but now they are called Inuits, which means 'the people'.

They (2) ………… in igloos in the winter but today, many of them live in houses in small towns. They (3) ………… seals – they ate the meat and made clothes from the fur. Many of the people still (4) ………. seal-skin clothes today because they are very warm. Remember, the weather is extremely cold for many months of the year. 85-year-old Inuit, Mariano Tagalik, told us a little about her early life.

'Our winter igloos were very warm. We (5) ………… inside so sometimes it got too hot. When I was a child I (6) ………. most of my clothes when I was in our igloo. In the short summers we lived in seal-skin tents, but

I (7) ……….. as much time as possible playing outside.'

To move over the snow, they (8) …………. special snowshoes on their feet, but today many Inuits (9)…………. snowmobiles. These machines can travel long distances in a short time. In the past it (10) ……….. them days or weeks to travel the same distance.

Inuit children never (11) ……………. to school – they learnt everything from their parents but now, like all North Americans, they (12) …………. about 10 years of school education.

Life is not as hard as it (13)…………….., but many of the older Inuits

(14) ………….. town life and want to go back to the old days.

Modals of obligation

You have to stop!

You must leave now!

You should get up early.

You needn’t get up early.

A bit of theory.

|must |Situations for must |

| |We usually use must when we talk about necessary or important actions. |

| |I must leave now. I don’t want to be late. |

| |We must remember to take our passports. |

| |I must leave. |We must leave. |

| |You must leave. |They must leave. |

| |He must leave. |It must leave. |

| |She must leave. | |

| |We can also use have to in these situations. |

|have to |Situations for have to |

| |We use have to when we talk about a rule made for us by somebody else. |

| |We have to wear a uniform at my school. (a rule) |

| |When the lights are red, you have to stop. ( a rule) |

| |I have to leave. |Do I have to leave? |

| |You have to leave. |Do you have to leave? |

| |He has to leave. |Does he have to leave? |

| |She has to leave. |Does she have to leave? |

| |It has to leave. |Does it have to leave? |

| |We have to leave. |Do we have to leave? |

| |They have to leave. |Do they have to leave? |

| |We don’t usually use must in these situations. |

| |I must leave at 6.00. |Do I have to leave at 6.00? |

| |I have to leave at 6.00 |Do I have to leave at 6.00? |

|should |Situations for should |

| |Should gives the speaker’s opinion of what is a good thing to do. |

| |You should check your work at the end of the lesson. | |

| |You should eat fruit every day. | |

| |(This means: It’s a good idea for you to do this.) | |

|needn’t |Situations for needn’t |

| |We use needn’t when there is no necessity to do something. |

| |Must I do it now? – No, you needn’t. You can do it tomorrow. |

| |You needn’t carry it yourself. You can ask a porter. |

1. Rewrite each imperative with must.

a) Do it again! You must do it again!

b) Work faster!

c) Turn to page 50!

d) Hurry up!

e) Stop talking!

f) Listen to me!

g) Give me your homework!

h) Sit down!

2. Make questions then ask a partner. Write your partner’s answers.

Life at School.

a) wear a uniform Do you have to wear a uniform?

Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

b) do homework ?

c) sit in the same place ?

d) arrive before 8.00 ?

e) eat lunch at school ?

f) change classrooms ?

g) do gym ?

h) learn German ?

3. Complete each sentence with should.

a) If I were you, I’d go to the doctor’s.

I think you should go to the doctor’s.

b) It’s a good idea to wear a warm coat.


c) My advice is to leave early.

I think you

d) It’s a good idea to take more exercise.


e) In my opinion, it’s a good idea for you to read a lot.

I think

f) It’s a good idea to do that.


g) My advice is for you to ride a bike.

I think

h) If I were you, I would buy a dog.

I think

Modals of negative obligation

You mustn’t do that!

You don’t have to write.

You shouldn’t do that!

|mustn’t |must not = mustn’t |

| |I mustn’t do that |He mustn’t do that |We mustn’t do that |

| |You mustn’t do that |She mustn’t do that |They mustn’t do that |

| | |It mustn’t do that | |

| |You mustn’t shout! |(These actions are not allowed) |

| |Students must not eat or drink in the classroom. | |

| |Must not is more formal and is used in written English. |

| | |

|don’t have to |do not = don’t does not = doesn’t |

| |I don’t have to |He doesn’t have to |We don’t have to |

| |You don’t have to |She doesn’t have to |They don’t have to |

| | |It doesn’t have to | |

| |We don’t have to go to school tomorrow. |(These actions are not necessary) |

| |Jim doesn’t have to get up early tomorrow. | |

| | |

|shouldn’t |should not = shouldn’t |

| |Shouldn’t gives the speaker’s opinion of what is a bad thing to do. |

| |You shouldn’t watch television all day. |(In my opinion this is a bad idea).|

| |Kate shouldn’t eat so much chocolate. | |

| | |

1. Read the list of what a good athlete should and shouldn’t do. Write sentences with should and shouldn’t.

a) smoke You shouldn’t smoke

b) keep fit You should keep fit

c) eat fresh fruit and vegetables

d) drink alcohol

e) go to the gym

f) eat lots of pizzas and beefburgers

g) go to bed late every night

h) take drugs

2. Make negative sentences.

a) Kate has to take an exam tomorrow.

Kate doesn’t have to take an exam tomorrow

b) Jim has to get up early.

c) I have to make a phone call.

d) George has to do the shopping.

e) You must sit here.

f) We have to decide now.

g) Helen has to do her homework.

h) You must forget about it.

3. What advice would you give in the following situations? Use should.

1. Alan had a terrible quarrel with his wife at the weekend. It was his fault. What do you think he should do?

I think he should apologize to his wife.

2. Jane watches videos every night. She never goes out with her friends.

What advice do you give?

I think

3. David and Paula haven’t got much money. But they go out every night and spend money. At the end of the month they can’t pay their gas and electricity bills.

What advice would you give?

I don’t think

4. Joseph is very intelligent, but he wants to leave school and get a job. His parents think he ought to go to university.

What do you think?

I think

5. Maria told me some interesting news last night, but she said, ‘Please don’t tell anyone.’ Now Clare has asked me about Maria’s news.

What do you think I should do?

I don’t think

4. Complete the sentences. Use mustn’t or needn’t + verb from the box. Use each verb twice.

|help |ask |read |leave |work |

1. Carol mustn’t help you with your homework. It’s important that you do it yourself.

2. You needn’t help with the shopping. John has already done it.

3. We …………….... Bill about his holiday. He doesn’t want to talk about it.

4. I just want a general idea of the story so I …………….. all the book.

5. You ……………. Harry for the answer. I can tell you.

6. You look really tired. You studied all night last night, so tonight you ……………….. so hard.

7. You ……………….. yet! You haven’t had anything to eat.

8. You ………………...my letters. They’re private.

9. We ………………. yet. We’ve got plenty of time to get to the station.

10. I’m sure the shop won’t be busy so you ……….. if you don’t want to.

5. Make one sentence with should and one sentence with shouldn’t.

|1 |GARY: |I always feel tired these days. What do you think I should do? |

| |ANNE: |You should have a holiday. You shouldn’t work so hard. |

|2 |GARY: |I’ve got another hole in one of my teeth. What do you think I should do? |

| |ANNE: |…………… to the dentist. …………….. so many sweets. |

|3 |GARY: |I’ve got a terrible headache again. What do you think |

| | |I should do? |

| |ANNE: |………… an aspirin. …………… without your glasses. |

|4 |GARY: |I’ve got a bad cough. What do you think I should do? |

| |ANNE: |………… some medicine. ………….... so many cigarettes. |

|5 |GARY: |Bill wants to borrow my car for the weekend, but he’s a terrible driver. What do you think I should |

| | |do? |

| |ANNE: |……………. him that you need it. ………………it to him. |

6. You are asking a friend for advice.

Make questions with Do you think I/ we should …?

1. There are two buttons missing on this shirt I’ve just bought.

Do you think I should take it back to the shop?

2. I think I work very hard but I don’t get a big salary.

…………………………………………… my boss for more money?

3. Simon’s late again, and the train leaves in five minutes.

……………………………….………. a bit longer or go without him?

4. Martina has been sleeping for 18 hours and it’s lunchtime soon.

………………………………………………………………. her up?

5. Jane is very nervous about going on holiday alone.

…………………………………………………………….… with her?

6. We must be at the airport at 6.00 a.m. and the buses are not very good in the mornings.

……………………………………………………….………..a taxi?

7. Burnt toast again! This toaster is getting worse.

…………………………………………………………….. a new one?

7. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1. Soldiers are forbidden to leave the camp unless they get special permission.

|not |Soldiers must not leave the camp unless they get special permission. |

2. Unauthorised personnel are not allowed to go beyond this point.

|must |Unauthorised personnel ……………………………. this point. |

3. It isn’t necessary for Jim to get up early tomorrow as it is a holiday.

|have |Jim ……………….…………… up early tomorrow as it is a holiday. |

4. Readers are not allowed to take books out of the library without first filling in a form.

|not |Readers ……………. out of the library without first filling in a form. |

5. It isn’t necessary for Julie to work today; she can have the day off.

|have |Julie ……………………….………. today; she can have the day off. |

8. Fill the gaps with must, mustn’t or needn’t

‘Welcome to ‘Finest Foods’ factory. We are happy that you have come to work for us. Before you start work, I want to familiarise you with some rules and regulations. First of all, you 1) must wear the uniforms which are supplied, and you 2) ___________ keep your hair covered at all times. You 3) __________ wear gloves unless you choose to, except in a few special areas. You 4) __________ smoke anywhere in the factory apart from the canteen, and you 5) __________ forget to wash your hands after breaks. You 6) __________ stay in the factory during your breaks, but you 7) __________ clock in and out if you do leave the premises. You 8) __________ work overtime, but we do encourage our workers to do so if they wish to. Last but not least, if you have any problems, you 9) __________ go to your supervisor who will help you to sort them out.’

Modals – past

Could. Had to.

She could hear him. I couldn’t move.

I had to leave. We didn’t have to go.

A bit of theory.

|Past ability |could |

| |I could hear |He could hear |We could hear |

| |You could hear |She could hear |They could hear |

| | |It could hear | |

| |Jane could swim when she was six. |(She knew how to swim.) |

| | |

| |couldn’t |

| |could not = couldn’t |

| |I couldn’t hear |He couldn’t hear |We couldn’t hear |

| |You couldn’t hear |She couldn’t hear |They couldn’t hear |

| | |It couldn’t hear | |

| |I looked for my wallet but I couldn’t find it |

| | |

|Past obligation |had to (must does not have a past form – use had to) |

| |I had to go |He had to go |We had to go |

| |You had to go |She had to go |They had to go |

| | |It had to go | |

| |I had to do a lot of homework yesterday. |

| | |

| |didn’t have to |

| |did not = didn’t |

| |I didn’t have to go |He didn’t have to go |We didn’t have to go |

| |You didn’t have to go |She didn’t have to go |They didn’t have to go |

| | |It didn’t have to go | |

| |Tom didn’t have to go to school today. |

1. Complete each sentence a) to h) with an ending from 1) to 8).

a) I didn’t light a fire because 5

b) I didn’t do my homework because …..

c) I didn’t use the computer because …..

d) I didn’t do the shopping because …..

e) I didn’t go to the doctor’s because …..

f) I didn’t go to the party because …..

g) I didn’t phone Jim because …..

h) I didn’t go to the library because …..

1) I couldn’t find the time.

2) I couldn’t remember his number.

3) I couldn’t make an appointment.

4) I couldn’t understand the instructions.

5) I couldn’t find the matches.

6) I couldn’t remember the exercise.

7) I couldn’t get ready in time.

8) I couldn’t go to the supermarket.

2. Write what you had to do or didn’t have to do yesterday.

a) wash the dishes I didn’t have to wash the dishes.

b) cook dinner

c) do homework

d) go shopping

e) go to school

f) write a letter

g) look after the baby

h) go to work

3. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.

Use could/couldn’t or had to/didn’t have to.

a) It was impossible for Sarah to get home before 7.00.

Sarah couldn’t get home before 7.00

b) It was necessary for Paul to leave at 6.00 to catch his plane.


c) It was necessary for Tokiko to fill in an application form.


d) It was impossible for us to believe our luck!


e) It wasn’t necessary for Mike to wait long for the bus.


f) Ann’s friend knew how to speak five languages.

Ann’s friend

g) It wasn’t necessary for me to walk home.


h) Sorry I didn’t phone, but it was impossible to find your number.

Sorry I didn’t phone, but I

4. Complete these sentences. Use can’t or couldn’t + a verb from the box.

|type |see |speak |find |come |

|catch |sleep |answer |understand | |

1. I’d like to read Jim’s letter. The only problem is I can’t find my glasses.

2. Kevin was really tired last night but he couldn’t sleep.

3. Jane would like to work in an office, but unfortunately she ……….

4. People said he was a very interesting speaker, but I …..…….. him.

5. Sue didn’t pass her Maths exam because she…………..………. the questions.

6. I’ve got two tickets for the ballet on Saturday, but unfortunately Frank …………………………………

7. Maria’s dog ran out of the house and she ………………….…… it.

8. A: I’d like to live in Paris.

B: Me too, but I …………………………….. French very well.

9. (at the cinema) Those people in front of me are very tall.

I …………………….. the screen.

5. You are staying in a hotel. What do you say in these situations? Use Can/Could you …? or Can/Could I …?

1. You want the receptionist to turn the air-conditioning off in your room because you’re cold.

Could you (or Can you) turn the air-conditioning off, please?

2. There is only one towel in your room. You want another one.

Can I (or Could I) have another towel, please?

3. You want the receptionist to give you a wake-up call at 6.30 in the morning.

4. You want breakfast in your room tomorrow morning.

5. You want to leave your passport and travellers cheques in the hotel safe.

6. There is no hair dryer in your room. You want to borrow one.

7. You want the receptionist to get a taxi for you.

6. Complete each sentence. Use must/mustn’t/had to + a verb.

1. Jill and Terry will be home from school soon. I must cook their lunch.

2. Derek …………. late at the office last night. There was an important job to do.

3. If you are absent for more than three days, you ………………….. a letter from your doctor.

4. The dentist has told Alan he …………………… any more sweet things. His teeth are in bad condition.

5. When Barbara was five years old, she ……………………… to school, but she didn’t want to.

6. Let’s catch an earlier train tomorrow. We …………………….. late for the meeting.

7. My hair feels really dirty. I ………………………. it tonight.

8. I forgot my front door key yesterday so I ……………………… into the house through a window.

7. Write questions using ... have to… Look at the answers before you write the questions. Some of the questions are in the present and some of them are in the past.

|1 |JOE: |At school, I had to learn a lot of irregular verbs by heart. What did you have to learn by |

| | |heart? |

| |CATH: |The dates of all the kings and queens in history. It was boring! |

|2 |JEAN: |I really must go home. I have to get up early tomorrow. |

| |LIZ: |What about Chris? ……………….. early tomorrow? |

| |JEAN: |No, he doesn’t, so he can stay a bit longer. |

|3 |BRIAN: |I didn’t pass my driving test first time. I had to take it three times. How many times ………………. |

| | |your driving test? |

| |TOM: |Only once. I passed first time. |

|4 |PHIL: |This book is so boring. I hope I finish reading it soon. |

| |CAROL: |Why …………………. it? |

| |PHIL: |Because I’ve got a literature exam next week. |

|5 |NED: |My mother wanted me to be a pianist. So for years I had to go to music lessons. |

| |DIANA: |What about your sister? ………………….. to music lessons, too? |

| |NED: |No, she had to do ballet lessons. |

|6 |SUE: |I must be at work early tomorrow. I arrived at |

| | |10 o’clock this morning. |

| |MEG: |What time ………………. there normally? |

| |SUE: |8.30! |


possibility, uncertainty, impossibility, certainty

I may see you next week.

I might see you next week.

The cat could be in the kitchen.

It can’t be Tuesday!

It must be Wednesday!

A bit of theory

– Possibility or uncertainty – future time

Our team might win the basketball match. (It’s possible.)

I may/might see you next week. (Perhaps I will.)

I may/might not have time to finish tonight. (I don’t know)

– Possibility – present time (often used with be)

The cat could be in the kitchen. (Perhaps it is.)

The baby may/might be crying because he’s tired. (It’s possible).

– Impossibility or certainty – present time

It can’t be Tuesday today! It was Tuesday yesterday!

(I’m sure it isn’t Tuesday. This is impossible!)

He must be at home. (I’m sure he is.)

She can’t be in Italy! I saw her today! (I’m sure she isn’t.)

– We cannot use can’t and must for impossibility or certainty in future time.

|Careful! |We can’t say: |It can be Tuesday! |

| | |It mustn’t be Tuesday. |

1. Write a second sentence with a similar meaning to the first sentence.

Use might, can’t or must.

a) Perhaps it will rain. It might rain.

b) I’m sure this is right.

c) Perhaps I’ll see you tomorrow.

d) I’m sure that isn’t the answer.

e) I’m sure this is the place.

f) Perhaps I won’t come to your party.

g) I’m sure you’re not serious!

h) I’m sure we are early.

2. Choose the best word or phrase.

a) Take an umbrella. It 1 later on.

1) might rain 2) must rain

b) Jim always goes on holiday to the same place. He … it there!

1) might like 2) must like

c) Paula isn’t sure about the party. She … .

1) must not come 2) may not come

d) Let’s ask Tim. He … the answer.

1) might know 2) can’t know

e) I suppose that aliens … the earth. Anything is possible!

1) can’t visit 2) could visit

f) Hello, you … George. I’ve heard a lot about you!

1) must be 2) might be

g) That … Helen’s bike. Hers is green, and bigger than that.

1) must be 2) can’t be

h) I’ll try to finish, but I … enough time.

1) can’t have 2) might not have

Modals: problems and contrasts

– Modals do not have third person –s endings.

I can swim. Helen can swim.

– One modal has more than one meaning. This depends on the context.

|You must pay before 21st January. |(Obligation) |

|I think Carol must be very happy. |(Certainty) |

|Can you use a computer? |(Ability) |

|Can you open the window? |(Informal request) |

|Nick can’t dance. He’s never learned. |(Inability – not able to do it) |

|It can’t be Tuesday! |(Impossibility) |

– Some modals have the same meanings in the same context.

I have to go. = I must go.

The negative forms have different meanings.

|I don’t have to go. |(It’s not necessary.) |

|I mustn’t go. |(It’s not allowed.) |

– Some modals have only small differences of meaning.

|I have to wear a suit and tie. |(This is the rule.) |

|I should wear a suit and tie. |(This is not a rule but people expect me to do it. I can choose not to do |

| |it!) |

Alan has to study for his exam, but he can’t concentrate.

1. Choose the correct words underlined in each sentence.

a) We mustn’t /don’t have to go to school on Tuesday. It’s a holiday.

b) In this country, you have to/should have an identity card.

c) Sorry I’m late. I must/had to go to the doctor’s.

d) You don’t have to/shouldn’t eat so much chocolate. It’s bad for you!

e) I’m sorry, but I’m not able to/don’t have to meet you tomorrow.

f) You mustn’t/don’t have to leave the room without permission.

g) David is only ten, but he must/can play chess very well.

h) Where did you have to/must you go yesterday?

i) I don’t think you must/should go out today.

j) Sorry, I don’t understand. I can’t/mustn’t speak German.

2. Write a second sentence with a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word in bold.

a) It wasn’t necessary for me to go to school yesterday.


I didn’t have to go to school yesterday.

b) I’m sure this isn’t right.


c) Tina knew how to play the piano at an early age.


d) Perhaps I’ll see you tomorrow.


e) Harry managed to repair the radio.


f) It was necessary for Bill to return his library book.


g) It’s possible that Carol will phone tonight.


3. Put one suitable word in each space. More than one answer is possible.

a) Jack has to be home before 10.00.

b) Emma …… swim very well for a child of her age.

c) Students ….. not leave coats in this room.

d) We …… to get up before 6.00 tomorrow.

e) I think we ….. go home now.

f) Jenny ….. to leave early in the morning.

g) You don’t ………… to do this if you don’t want to.

h) Tim ….. to do all his homework again.

i) You ……. sign the form and return it by next Monday.

j) Sorry, but I’m not ……… to come to the meeting tomorrow.


1. Choose the correct words underlined in each sentence.

a) Sorry, I’m late. I had to go/may go to the library.

b) My brother could walk/might walk before he started talking.

c) You’ve worked very hard. You could be/must be tired.

d) George didn’t have to wait/hadn’t to wait long for the bus.

e) Don’t wait for me. I could be/had to be late.

f) This can’t be/mustn’t be your bag. It hasn’t got your name on it.

g) Helen mustn’t do/couldn’t do her homework, because she was ill.

h) This bus had to go/might go to the centre. Shall I ask the driver?

i) Sam dropped the three glasses, but was able to catch/might catch one!

j) The weather forecast says it may rain/had to rain tomorrow.

2. Put one suitable word in each space.

a) That was a long walk! You must be tired.

b) Sorry I was away yesterday. I ….….. to go to the hospital.

c) Will you be ………. to give me some help tomorrow?

d) Do you …….. to go now?

e) Peter ….. ride a bike when he was seven.

f) Mary ……….. be in her bedroom. The light is on.

g) Students …… not leave their bicycles near this door. It is forbidden.

h) We ………. to try very hard, but we succeeded in the end.

i) Kate is only six, but she …………. swim very well.

j) Everyone ………. be here at 8.30. Don’t be late!

3. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.

a) I’m sure that bag isn’t yours.

That can’t be your bag.

b) My advice is to talk to your teacher about it.

I think you

c) It’s not necessary for you to be here before 8.00.


d) I’m sure that Sam knows the answer.

Sam the answer.

e) I’m sorry I’m late. It was necessary for me to go to the doctor’s.

I’m sorry I’m late. I

f) Perhaps Cathy is at the library.

Cathy at the library.

g) What is your advice?

What do you think do?

h) I’m sure Alan isn’t in the garden.

Alan in the garden.

4. Rewrite each sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use the word in bold.

a) It’s very important for you to be here at 6.00.


You must be here at 6.00.

b) It’s impossible for me to see you tomorrow.


c) It’s necessary to press the button twice.


d) It’s not a good idea to eat lots of sweets.


e) It’s not possible for Jean to come to the party.


f) It’s not necessary for you to pay now.


g) Parking here is forbidden.


h) It’s necessary for you to work harder.


5. Put one suitable word in each space. Can’t, couldn’t, etc. are one word.

a) You’re only wearing a t-shirt and shorts. You must feel cold!

b) I ….. not be at school tomorrow. I feel ill.

c) Tina searched the swimming pool, but wasn’t ……. to find her ring.

d) Perhaps you left your wallet on the bus, or it ….. be at home.

e) The exam was long, and I ….. finish all the questions.

f) Brian didn’t …… to do any homework, so he went to the cinema.

g) This …… be the house. It’s the wrong number. Let’s try down there.

h) Ann ….. run much faster than her friends.

i) This bill ….. be right. There’s a mistake in it somewhere.

j) Sorry I was out. I ….. to go to the shops.

Reflexive – Emphatic Pronouns

myself, yourself etc

A bit of theory

• Reflexive pronouns are used after certain verbs (behave, burn, cut, enjoy, hurt, kill, look at etc) when the subject and the object of the verb are the same.

Did you cut yourself?

They can also be used after be, feel, look, seem to describe emotions or states.

She hasn’t been herself recently.

• Reflexive pronouns can be used after prepositions but not after prepositions of place.

She is very pleased with herself.

but: She looked behind her. (not: behind herself)

• Certain verbs (wash, shave, dress, undress, meet, rest, relax, stand up,

get up, sit down, wake up etc) do not normally take a reflective pronoun.

She woke up and dressed. (not: She woke up herself and dressed herself)

Wash or dress can be used with a reflective pronoun to talk about young children or animals.

The little girl is washing herself.

Note: some verbs may be reflexive in your language, but not reflexive in English.

• Emphatic pronouns have the same form as reflexive pronouns but a different meaning. They give emphasis to the noun, or the fact that a certain person performs an action.

No one helped him.

She herself organized the feast.

They can also mean “without help”.

He painted the house himself. (without help)

• Note these idioms:

Enjoy yourselves! (= Have a good time!)

Behave yourself! (= Be good!)

He likes being by himself. (= He likes being alone.)

He lives by himself. (= He lives on his own.)

By myself, by yourself, by himself etc (= on my own, on your own, on his own etc)

Help yourself to tea. (= You’re welcome to take some tea if you want some.)

Do it yourself. (= Do it without being helped.)

Make yourself at home! (= Feel comfortable.)

Make yourself heard. (= Speak loudly enough to be heard by others.)

Make yourself understood. (= Make your meaning clear.)

Note: each other means “one another”.


Tom and Bill are brothers who have been brought up to look after each other.

Tom and Bill are very independent for their ages and they are extremely capable of looking after themselves.

1. Complete the sentences. Use himself/themselves etc or by myself/by himself etc. or each other.

1. He was very surprised when he looked at himself in the mirror.

2. I don’t like going to the cinema with other people. I prefer going by myself.

3. Joseph loves Christina and Christina loves Joseph. They love each other.

4. The child had no brothers or sisters, so she often had to play …………

5. My husband and I lived in the same street when we were children, so we saw ……………………. very often.

6. A: Are you talking to me?

B: No, I’m talking to ……………. !

7. Paul and Mike have known ………………….. for 10 years.

Continue in the same way. Use the verbs in the box.

|wrote |cut |lived |understand |enjoyed |went |

8. Charles lived by himself in a large house by the sea.

9. I’m afraid that the children are going to …………………. on the broken glass.

10. Marie speaks only French and Jill speaks only English so they can’t …………………………….

11. She didn’t go to Madrid with anyone. She …………………………

12. We had a great time in London together. We really ……………...

13. Marianne and Catherine were pen friends for a long time. They …. to …… every week for 5 years.

2. Rewrite each sentence so that it includes a suitable form of one of the verbs from the list, and a reflexive pronoun.

|ask |behave |blame |cut |dress |

|enjoy |express |hurt |introduce |talk |

a) Have a good holiday, both of you! And enjoy yourselves.

b) We leave little Jimmy’s clothes beside his bed, and he ……………….

c) I keep ………… why I didn’t speak to him, but I just don’t know.

d) Our teacher told us to stop shouting and to …………………………....

e) When I fell off the horse, I didn’t ……………………………………

f) Paula knows a lot of French, but can’t …………………………easily.

g) Let me ……………………………. . I’m Susan Perry.

h) The accident wasn’t your fault. Don’t …………………………………

i) When I ……………. to ………….., other people stare at me!

j) While Tom was picking up the broken glass, he ………………………

3. Fill in the pronouns then identify them: reflexive or emphatic.

1. The Chinese girl decorated the pumpkin herself. (emphatic)

2. The winner looked very proud of …………………………………... .

3. She brought up her children by …………………………………….. .

4. The couple wrote to …………….. when they had to spend time apart.

5. The children enjoyed …………..…….. when they visited Disneyland.

6. Ann was afraid of spiders, so she didn’t go into the room by………….

7. Instead of hiring a catering company for the party, she decided to do all the cooking …………………… .

8. The boy was asked to behave ………………….…….. at the wedding.

9. He shouted loudly above the noise to make ………….….. understood.

10. Cats are very clean animals: they are always washing ………………...

11. Doctors advise us that we have to exercise regularly in order to keep …………………. healthy.

12. The weather is affecting me at the moment – I don’t feel …… at all!

13. He’s very vain and loves looking at …………….……… in the mirror.

4. Fill in with: of one’s own, on one’s own or one’s own in the correct form.

1. He left his own family to go and live abroad.

2. I would like to have a room ………………. .

3. She couldn’t lift the table …….. so she asked her husband to help her.

4. Let me handle this matter …………………., will you?

5. They had ………………….………. house designed by a top architect.

6. He’s about to set up …. business and has asked me to help organise it.

7. He enjoys spending time …………… .

8. I’d really like a car ……………………….. so I don’t have to rely on my friends all the time.

9. “Is this ……………… motorbike, young man?” the policeman asked.

10. Although she can afford domestic help, she insists on doing the housework …….. .


Present and past, simple and continuous

1. Look at this information about Marco and Jill.

|Name: |Marco |Jill |

|Age: |15 |29 |

|Home town: |Rome |Dublin |

|Job: |Student |Computer programmer |

|Education/study: |12 subjects at school |Mathematics at university |

|Likes: |Cinema, playing football |Travelling, swimming, chocolate |

|Last holiday: |2 weeks in Greece last summer; hotel by the |1 month in Indonesia last month; camping, lots of walking |

| |sea, lots of water sports | |

| | | |

Write questions about Marco. Use a verb in the present or past.

1. How old is Marco? (old)

2. Where does he live? (live)

3. (do?)

4. (study?)

5. (like?)

6. (last holiday?)

7. (stay?)

8. (do on holiday?)

Read the paragraph about Marco.

Marco is 15 and he comes from Rome. He is a student and is studying 12 subjects at school. He likes playing football and going to the cinema. Last summer he went to Greece for 2 weeks. He stayed in a hotel by the sea and he played lots of water sports.

Write a similar paragraph for Jill.

9 Jill is

Now do the same for yourself.

I am

2. Complete the conversations. Put the verbs in the correct form in the present or past.

|1 |JIM: |Were you going (go) shopping when I saw you yesterday morning? |

| |KATE: |No, I (2) was on my way to the bank. |

| |JIM: |I (3) go (go) to the bank every Friday, before the weekend. |

| |KATE: |Me too usually. But this week I (4) didn’t have (not/have) time, so |

| | |I (5) went (go) yesterday. |

|2 |JAN: |(6) ……… you ……. (see) that science programme on TV last night? |

| |SAM: |No, I (7) ………….. never ……… (watch) TV. |

| |JAN: |It (8) ……….. wonderful. It (9) ……… (show) a new way of repairing a heart. |

| |SAM: |Oh. |

|3 |JILL: |Why (10) ……….. you ………. (look) at me? |

| |TONY: |Because you (11) ………… (wear) a new dress and you look very good in it. |

| |JILL: |Thank you. I (12) …………….. (buy) it yesterday. |

|4 |VAL: |What (13) …………… Jim ……………… (do) this morning? |

| |IAN: |He’s at the doctor’s at the moment. |

| |VAL: |Oh dear. What (14) ………….. (happen)? |

| |IAN: |He (15) ………… (fall) and (16) ……………… (hurt) his leg yesterday when he (17) …………… (run) for a bus. |

|5 |VIC: |(18) ………. Sally …………. (work) at half past seven last night? |

| |PAM: |No, she (19) ………………… (help) me with the dinner. She often (20) …………… (help) in the kitchen. |

| |VIC: |When (21) …………. she …………….. (go) out? |

| |PAM: |She didn’t. She (22) …………. (stay) at home all evening. |

| | | |

3. Complete this conversation with a famous film actor. Put the verb into the correct form of the past or present.

|INTERVIEWER: |When (1) did you start (you/start) acting? |

|ACTOR: |When I (2) …………… (be) 12. I (3) ……………… (go) to a drama school, and one day I (4) ………… (sit) in the |

| |classroom and Nigel Stewart, the famous film director, |

| |(5) ………. (visit) the school. He (6) …………… (see) me, and that (7) ………………. (be) the beginning. |

|INTERVIEWER: |What (8) ……………… (be) your first film? |

|ACTOR: |‘Holiday Home’ with Terry Veale, who (9) ………….(be) now my husband! We (10) ……………. (make) the film in |

| |Italy. He (11) ………. (be) 17 and I (12) ………. (be) 13! |

|INTERVIEWER: |I know that Terry Veale (13) …………. (have) an accident in that film. How (14) ……………. (it/happen)? |

|ACTOR: |Well, one day near the end of the filming we (15) ……………. (both/ride) horses and Terry’s horse suddenly|

| |(16) …………… (stop) and he (17) …………… (fall) off. He (18) ………………….(break) his arm. Today, Terry and I |

| |often (19) ………….. (talk) about our first meeting. |

|INTERVIEWER: |(20) …………….. (you/ride) nowadays? |

|ACTOR: |No, I (21) ……………. (stop) when I (22) ……………… (move) to Los Angeles. |

|INTERVIEWER: |I know you are very busy but what (23) ………………….. (you/do) in your free time? |

|ACTOR: |Terry and I (24) …………… (like) swimming. We (25) ………….. (swim) every day. And of course, I (26) ……………….|

| |(love) cooking. The dish I (27) ……………. (make) for lunch today is a new idea of mine. |

|INTERVIEWER: |Can I ask you some more questions? And can I also talk to Terry? |

|ACTOR: |Yes, of course. He (28) ……….. (swim) in our pool at the moment. We can go outside and enjoy the sun. |

| |Come on. |

4. Complete these subject and object questions. Use the verb in brackets.

|1 |A: |There are some beautiful flowers on the table. |

| |B: |Who put them there? (put) |

|2 |A: |I went to the cinema last night. |

| |B: |What did you see? (see) |

|3 |A: |Oh dear! I spent a lot of money yesterday. |

| |B: |What ……………….? (buy) |

|4 |A: |We’re all really hungry after our swim. |

| |B: |OK. Who ………………… a sandwich? (want) |

|5 |A: |I’m going to explain to Meg why I can’t see her again. |

| |B: |What ……………….. to her? (say) |

|6 |A: |Julia likes George but he doesn’t really like her. Someone else does. |

| |B: |Who …………….. Julia? (like) |

|7 |A: |I can hear music next door. |

| |B: |Me too. Who ………………. the piano? (play) |

|8 |A: |………. and just at that moment, a man opened the window and started to climb out. |

| |B: |What ……………….. next? (happen) |

|9 |A: |Have you got a problem with the exercise, Maria? |

| |B: |Yes. I don’t understand this word. What ………………..? (mean) |

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to. Some of them are in the present and some of them are in the past. Use the verb in brackets.

|1 |MARK: |I don’t like cabbage. |

| |SUE: |That’s OK. You can leave it. You don’t have to eat it. (eat) |

|2 |DAVE: |We have to write a 1000-word essay before next Friday. |

| |JILL: |What about me? …………………….. one, too? (write) |

| |DAVE: |Yes, I think so. Everybody has to do one. |

|3 |PAUL: |John’s going to the bank later. He needs some money. |

| |MICK: |He …………….. to the bank. I can lend him some. (go) |


| |PETE: |You ………………… I’m not deaf! (shout) |

|5 |PAT: |Did Ruth enjoy her summer job in France? |

| |SAM: |No, she hated it. She ………………. every day, so she wasn’t able to see anything of the country. (work) |

|6 |JOHN: |Which job is Harry going to accept? |

| |RUTH: |I don’t know. He’s going to think about it at the weekend. He …………………. today. (decide) |

|7 |IAN: |I really enjoyed Jane’s party last night, but there were no buses home after midnight. |

| |LYNN: |……………………. home? (walk) |

| |IAN: |Yes, and it was a long way! |

|8 |BETH: |What’s the matter with Tim? |

| |KATE: |I’m not sure. The doctor says he …………….. in bed for a few days.(stay) |

|9 |JOE: |Was Tina angry when you told her the news? |

| |FRED: |She already knew it so I ………………….. her. (tell) |

6. What’s wrong? Re-write the sentences correctly. One sentence is correct.

1. Is this book your? Is this book yours?

2. Meg and I have known us for five years. Meg and I have known each other for five years.

3. James gave me those books. I really like it. ……………………………..

4. Some friends of them told them the news. ………………………………..

5. Patty gave her brother a cassette and he gave she a video. ……………….

6. My brother and his wife are not happy together. They don’t love themselves any more. ……………………………………………………..

7. John is a good friend of me. ………………………………………………

8. It’s your decision, not ours. ……………………………………………….

9. I like this house but his windows are broken. ……………..……………

10. I know Mary but I don’t know his brother. ……………………………….

11. I sometimes ask me why I work in a noisy, dirty city. …………………...

7. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. Could I borrow your dictionary, please?

a)to borrow b)borrow c)borrowing

2. I would like ………………. the President of our country.

a)meet b)meeting c)to meet

3. Why is that car …………….. outside our house?

a)stop b)to stop c)stopping

4. You don’t look well. You should …………………. to bed.

a)going b)to go c)go

5. Do we have ………………….. now? I’m enjoying myself.

a)to leave b)leaving c)leave

6. A: Shall I ………………. off the TV? B: Yes, please.

a)turn b)turning c)to turn


8. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the where necessary.

1. Martin enjoys listening to music but he doesn’t really like the music that his son plays on his guitar. (music)

2. ………………………. is one of my favourite sports. (football)

3. Joe wasn’t interested in …………….. when he was at school but he’s just read a book about ………………… of the South American Indians and he really enjoyed it. (history)

4. I must show you ……………. of our holiday in Ireland. Pat’s really very good at taking ……………………. (photos)

5. …………………. opposite my house blew down in the wind last night. I don’t think it’s a good idea to have …………….. near houses. (trees)

6. Sarah loves ………… . When she visits foreign countries, she always goes to local restaurants and tries …………………. which is typical of that region. (food)

7. A: What’s good on the menu today?

B: ………… is excellent.

A: I’m afraid I don’t eat …………………… (chicken)

8. David spends a lot of time travelling on business. He enjoys staying in …………………. (hotels)

9. A: Did Chloe return ……………………. she borrowed from you last week?

B: Yes. I told her, ‘I need it back. ……………………… doesn’t grow on trees!’ (money)

9. A. Here is some information about a famous river. Put in the where necessary.

(1) The Amazon is in (2) ……. South America. It begins near (3) ……… west of the continent, 160 kms from (4) ….. Pacific Ocean. It starts in

(5) ……… Andes in (6) …… Peru and then it flows through (7) ……….. Brazil and out into (8) ………… Atlantic.

B. Now read about London. Put in the where necessary before the names of the famous places.

Most people want to see where the Queen lives when they visit (9) – London, so (10) ……………. Buckingham Palace is very popular. But I think the best thing to do is to take a boat trip on (11) ……. River Thames to see all the famous buildings. You can get on the boat at (12) …………. Westminster Bridge, near (13) ……….. Houses of Parliament. If you go down the river to (14) ……… Tower of London, you will pass (15) …..…. St Paul’s Cathedral on the way. This is a very old and beautiful church, and my favourite building.

As a change from sightseeing, you could go shopping along (16) ………. Oxford Street, or maybe if you like animals, go to (17) ……… London Zoo.

There’s a lot to do and see in the capital. Come and see!

And in your country?

What’s the capital city?

Name one important street in your capital.

What’s the most famous building?

What’s your favourite building?

What’s the name of the building that your government works in? …………..

10. Choose the correct word underlined in each sentence.

a) There isn’t anyone /no one in the garden.

b) Excuse me, could you move? I can’t see anything/something?

c) There is anything/nothing to drink.

d) There’s anyone/someone to see you outside.

e) You can do anything/something you want.

f) Anyone/Someone stole the money, but we don’t know who.

g) I don’t know anything/nothing about it.

h) No one/Someone would tell me the answer, so I guessed.

11. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

a) There was nothing I could do.

I couldn’t do anything.

b) I know Mary better than anyone.

No one

c) No one was on time yesterday.


d) I haven’t got any work.

I’ve got to do.

e) There’s something I’d like to ask you.

May I ?

f) We are all milk drinkers here!

Everybody milk.

g) When I phoned, there was no reply.

No one


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