Greece Vocabulary

Ancient Greece

Study Guide

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| |The continent on which Greece was located. |

|Europe | |

| |The temple built for Athena in Athens |

|Parthenon | |

| |Athletic contests held every four years which included long jump,|

| |running, chariot races, javelin throw, discus throw, etc. |

|Olympic Games | |

| |The city and the surrounding farms, villages, and houses. |

|City-State | |

| |A group of people who come together to share their culture, to |

| |develop and use written language and to form a government. |

|Civilization | |

| |The main body of water that surrounds Greece. |

|Mediterranean | |

|Sea | |

|Peninsula |A piece of land surrounded on three sides by water |

|Grapes, Olives |The main products that were grown by farmers in Greece. |

|and Wheat | |

| |One of the main city states in Greece – birthplace of democracy –|

|Athens |valued education and art. |

| |One of the main city states – valued strength in men and women |

|Sparta | |

| |A form of watering crops used by the Greeks where ditches are dug|

|Irrigation |from streams into fields |

| |Were worshiped by the people of Greece |

|Gods and | |

|Goddesses | |

| |King of the gods |

|Zeus | |

| |Where the Greeks believed that the Gods lived |

|Mount Olympus | |

| |A form of government run by the people where all citizens get a |

|Direct |vote |

|Democracy | |

Be able to:

• Explain how the geography (mountains and rivers) affected the way ancient Greece developed

• Identify and explain the contributions of the ancient Greeks: irrigation, philosophy, democracy, Olympic games, ship building, pottery, theatre, and many inventions

• Explain the relationship between city-states, particularly Athens and Sparta

• Explain why ancient Greeks had gods and goddesses

• Identify the different columns created by the Greeks:


More Info:

Greece Land

• Greece is a peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea.

• Greece has a hot and dry climate with many high mountains and deep valleys. Because of this, Greece was broken into many city-states.

• City-states (also known as a polis) were one city and all the farms, villages and houses around it.

• There were few roads so many people walked.

Athens and Sparta

• Athens and Sparta were two famous city-states.

• Athens was known for education and learning. They had many great artists and philosophers.

• Sparta was known had a strong army and valued physical strength.

Citizens and Slaves

• Citizens were only males. They had the right to own property and participate in politics.

• Slaves had no rights. They were owned and treated as property which could be bought, sold and traded.

• You could become a slave by being born to a slave, being kidnapped, criminals who were sentenced to slavery, being sold into slavery or by being a prisoner captured in war.

• Women and foreigners were not citizens or slaves. They were free but had no rights.


• Athens was known for its democracy.

• Decisions were made by citizens.

• All citizens voted on how the city would be run, paying taxes, and decisions on war.

• There were no politicians.

• Citizens served on juries.


• The Greeks believed that being physically fit was a way of honoring the gods.

• The Olympics were held every four years to honor Zeus.

• The events included boxing, wrestling, discus, javelin, long jumping, running and chariot races.

Gods and Goddesses

• Zeus was the king of the gods.

• Athens was named for the goddess Athena.

Art and Architecture

• Greeks put on plays of both comedy and tragedy. The actors wore masks and all the actors were male.

• The Greeks were well known for poetry.

• Columns were common in most Greek architecture. The three types were Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian.

• The pottery had pictures of great events and often told stories.

• Greeks also made many statues.

• The Parthenon in Athens was made from marble and was built to honor Athena.

Greek People

• There were separate sections in the home for men and women.

• Women stayed at home to mind the house and care for the children.

• Men ran the family business or worked outside of the home.

• Since they had a lot of water and irrigation, the Greeks were good farmers and ate many fruits and vegetables but little meat. They did eat a lot of fish and sea food.

• Dinner was the largest meal of the day.


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