Year Planner 2005 / 2006

Medium Term Planner: Sept/Oct 2011

Curriculum Area : The World Around Us (Ancient Greece )Class P6 / P7

|Key Learning Intentions |Activities |

|Geography |Cross Curricular Skills: Make predictions based on previous investigations and knowledge; draw |

|That: |conclusions and make comparisons from the work covered; ask appropriate questions to seek information |

|recognise and identify Greece on a map of Europe |(TSPC); demonstrate skills of working in groups; use ICT to research, select, evaluate and communicate |

|understand about the climate and terrain of Greece today. |information; |

|Be familiar with symbols on both physical and political maps |Use physical map of Greece to label and colour major lakes, rivers and coastal seas. (place) |

|Locate places on maps using grid references |Use political map of Greece to label the position of the towns of Athens and Sparta. Give grid references|

| |for each location |

|History |Internet research to discover what daily life was like in Ancient Greece. What was the importance of the |

|That: |Forum? (Independence) |

|Understand that Ancient Greece consisted of City States. |Research the origins of democracy – report back to the class providing arguments both for and against |

|Place the Ancient Greek civilisation in time. |this system of government (Interdependence) |

|understand what is meant by democracy |In groups research effects of a variety of buildings built by the ancient Greeks which are still standing|

|Children will be familiar with routines of daily life in Ancient Greece times. |today. Prepare a PPT slideshow on the information you have found – buildings and their locations and a |

|(greeks.html ) |brief history of each. Choose suitable music to accompany your presentation. Present to the rest of the |

| |class. (Interdependence) |

| | |

|Science | |

|Look at the construction of ancient Greek buildings and architecture – why are some of these structures | |

|still standing today – discuss the properties of the materials used in construction | |

|Make a model of a 3D Ancient Greek house, a Trojan horse and a scroll | |

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|Key Focus: Interdependence | |

|Resources |Opportunities for Assessment |

|Maps of Greece greeks.html & sites linked from here. ActivInspire; Powerpoint; |Children’s work in jotters. Oral assessment of topics covered. Class / individual discussion. Written |

|Flipchart pages for group work. |revision sheets. Presentations on powerpoint and ActivInspire. Self assessment sheets. KWL grids. |

| |Learning Journals. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire game on greeks |

|Evaluation |

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