Let’s Review: The Second Unit - White Plains Public Schools

Let’s Review: The Second Unit

Global History and Geography I Name: ___________________

E. Napp Date: ___________________

During the Second Unit of the Global History and Geography I curriculum, students were introduced to classical civilizations or civilizations that made lasting contributions to world history.

Can you define the following terms from the Second Unit of our study?

The Geography of Ancient Greece (Features and Effects):


Athenian Democracy: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Columns in Greek Architecture:


Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Persian Wars:


Peloponnesian War:


Greek Contributions to World History: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Alexander the Great:




Roman Republic:


Twelve Tables:


Punic Wars: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Roman Empire:


Roman Contributions to World History:


Mauryan Empire:




Gupta Empire:




Shang Dynasty: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Zhou Dynasty:


Mandate of Heaven: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Dynastic Cycle: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





Legalism: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Qin Dynasty: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Silk Road: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Olmecs: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Regents Multiple-Choice Questions from the Second Unit of Study:

1- Which description accurately identifies Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle?

1) rulers of the Roman Republic

2) artists of the Italian Renaissance

3) religious leaders of the Protestant Reformation

4) philosophers of ancient Greece

2- In China, the development of civil service examinations and a belief in filial piety reflect the influence of

1) Shinto

2) Jainism

3) Confucianism

4) Buddhism

3- One way in which the Code of Hammurabi, the Twelve Tables, and the Justinian Code are similar is that each

1) legalized monotheistic beliefs

2) established legal standards

3) provided records of economic activity

4) supported republican governments

4- Confucianism had a strong impact on the development of China mainly because this philosophy

(1) established a basic structure for military rule

(2) provided a basis for social order

(3) contained the framework for a communist government

(4) stressed the importance of the individual

5- Which society practiced direct democracy?

(1) ancient Athens (3) Gupta Empire

(2) dynastic China (4) early Egypt

6- Which belief is most closely associated with the philosophy of Confucianism?

(1) nirvana (3) prayer

(2) reincarnation (4) filial piety

7- What effect did the geography of ancient Greece have on its early development?

(1) The mountainous terrain led to the creation of independent city-states.

(2) A lack of natural seaports limited communication.

(3) An inland location hindered trade and colonization.

(4) Abundant natural resources encouraged self-sufficiency.

8- One contribution of ancient Roman culture was the development of

(1) the concept of zero

(2) the process of making silk

(3) a republican form of government

(4) the printing press

9- What is considered one of the Byzantine Empire’s greatest contributions to western European society?

(1) spreading Hinduism throughout the region

(2) supporting the Catholic Church

(3) defeating the Mongols at Kiev

(4) preserving Greek and Roman culture

Base your answers to questions 10 and 11 on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.


10- Which statement is best supported by the information on this map?

(1) The Roman Empire extended over three continents.

(2) Rivers kept invaders out of the Roman Empire.

(3) Alexandria served as the eastern capital of the Roman Empire.

(4) Carthage was eventually destroyed by the Romans.

11- Based on the information provided by this map, which body of water was most likely the center of Roman trade?

(1) Red Sea (3) Atlantic Ocean

(2) Black Sea (4) Mediterranean Sea

Base your answer to question 12 on the pictures below and on your knowledge of social studies.


12- These architectural achievements best indicate that

(1) advanced technology existed in early civilizations

(2) religion was of little importance

(3) entertainment was important to these ancient societies

(4) trade routes existed between China and the Americas

13- The Pillars of Emperor Asoka of the Mauryan Empire and the Code of Hammurabi of Babylon are most similar to the

(1) ziggurats of Sumeria

(2) map projections of Mercator

(3) Great Sphinx of the Egyptians

(4) Twelve Tables of the Romans

14- Which statement most likely represents the view of a citizen of ancient Athens visiting Sparta?

(1) “The government and society in Sparta are so strict. The people have little voice in government.”

(2) “I feel as though I have never left home. Everything here is the same as it is in


(3) “This society allows for more freedom of expression than I have ever experienced in


(4) “I have never heard of a society like Sparta that believes in only one God.”

15- Which group introduced the Cyrillic alphabet, Orthodox Christianity, and domed architecture to Russian culture?

(1) Mongols (3) Jews

(2) Vikings (4) Byzantines

Base your answer to question 16 on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.


16- This map shows that the Silk Road

(1) crossed both Africa and Asia (3) followed a single route

(2) was located primarily in Asia (4) started in Khotan

17- One of the major achievements of Byzantine Emperor Justinian was that he

(1) established a direct trade route with Ghana

(2) defended the empire against the spread of Islam

(3) brought Roman Catholicism to his empire

(4) preserved and transmitted Greek and Roman culture


Base your answer to question 18 on the graphic organizer below and on your knowledge of social studies.


18- Which title best completes this graphic organizer?

(1) Arab Accomplishments

(2) Achievements of Meso-American Civilizations

(3) Russian Law and Architecture

(4) Byzantine Achievements

19- Which statement about Greek civilization is an opinion rather than a fact?

(1) Boys in Sparta were trained to be soldiers.

(2) Athens had a better culture than that of Sparta.

(3) Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were Greek philosophers.

(4) Many adults in Athens did not have the right to vote.

20- “. . . Let the king and his ministers labor with a mutual sympathy, saying, ‘We have received the decree of Heaven and it shall be great as the long continued years of Hsia; yea, it shall not fail of the long-continued years of Yin.’ I wish the king, through the attachment of the lower people, to receive the long-abiding decree of Heaven. . . .”

— Clae Waltham, ed., Shu Ching, Book of History, Henry Regnery Company

Which concept is being referred to in this passage?

(1) dynastic cycle (3) natural rights

(2) matriarchal society (4) monotheism


Base your answer to question 21 on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.


21- Which statement can best be supported by the information shown on this map?

(1) By 260 B.C., the Mauryan Empire extended north into Central China.

(2) The Mauryan Empire controlled more of the Indian subcontinent than the Gupta Empire did.

(3) Most of the Gupta Empire was located on the Deccan Plateau.

(4) The economies of India’s early empires were based on trade.

22- Which technological advancement helped unify both the Roman and the Inca Empires?

(1) astrolabe (3) gunpowder

(2) road system (4) wheeled carts

Base your answers to questions 23 and 24 on the illustration below and on your knowledge of social studies.


23- Which concept is most closely related to the main idea of the illustration?

(1) isolation (3) armed conflict

(2) cultural diffusion (4) urbanization

24- Which leader is most closely associated with the accomplishment shown by the illustration?

(1) Charlemagne

(2) Mansa Musa

(3) Alexander the Great

(4) Suleiman the Magnificent

25- One effect of rugged, mountainous geography on the civilization of

ancient Greece was the development of

(1) absolute monarchies

(2) separate, independent city-states

(3) extensive trade with the Persians

(4) belief in one God


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