Create Your own greek god

Create Your own greek god

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Zeus Poseidon

For this assignment you will be creating your own Greek god. The god needs to be completely original in look, background, and origin.


You will need to write a story about your god. This story should include:

1) A description of the god

2) The origins of the god (how he/she was born)

3) What powers your god holds

4) What symbols represent your god (explanation of these symbols included)

5) Other gods your god either gets along with or hates

6) A story that involves your god and other characters we have talked about in Greek mythology.

7) An explanation about the natural world or human nature the Ancient Greeks may not have understood.


You will need to create a visual representation of your god. This picture should include:

1) What your god looks like 3) The symbols mentioned in

2) How your god is dressed your god’s description





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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