Daily Life in

Life in

Ancient Greece

To learn more about Ancient Greece, click on the links to each topic. Click on Apollo at the bottom of each page to return to the main menu.



A dark age is a period of time we know very little about because _________


Greece was in a dark age for ____ years. Still, we know a great deal about the ancient Greeks because ____________________________________.

List the three kinds of stories:

1.________________ 2.________________ 3._________________


After the Greek dark ages, villages started to band together to form strong _______ _______. These groups of villages were called ______ _______.

What is another name for a city-state? _________

Each city-state had its own ________________, _______________,

_______________, and ____________________. Ancient Greeks were very ____________ to their city-state.

Each city-state had its _______________________________________.

What were five of the most powerful Greek city-states?

1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________


(Match the form of government with the correct description.)

____ Monarchy a. Rule by a dictator

____ Oligarchy b. Rule by a king

____ Tyranny c. Rule by the citizens

____ Democracy d. Rule by a small group


The earliest Greek civilizations thrived nearly _________ years ago. Their culture still impacts our lives today. They were great at ______________, ______________, ______________, and ______________, ______________, ______________.

List at least four contributions the ancient Greeks gave to the world.






(Match one to each statement: Men, Women, Girls, Boys, Slaves)

• They enjoyed wrestling and horseback riding. ____________

• They could not use their own name. ____________

• They were not allowed to watch the Olympics. ____________

• They ran the government. ____________

• They stayed at home until they were married. ____________

• They went to school at age 6 or 7. ____________

• They had limited freedom outside the home. ____________

• They were important to the culture of Greece. ____________


Name six types of food ancient Greeks enjoyed eating:

1. __________________ 4. __________________

2. __________________ 5. __________________

3. __________________ 6. __________________

What was rarely eaten?____________ Why?______________________

Men and women wore _________ in the summer and _______ in the winter.

The ancient Greeks could buy clothes in the __________, the marketplace, but that was expensive. Most families made their own clothes that were often decorated to represent __________________________________.

The first _________, called a __________, was invented by the Greeks!


In Athens, the purpose of education was to produce __________________


What two important things did boys learn in school?

1._______________________ 2.______________________

In Sparta, the purpose of education was to produce __________________


What two skills were boys taught in school?

1._______________________ 2.______________________

Read the legend of the young Sparta boy.

What did he steal? __________________________________________.

When he noticed the soldiers approaching what did he do? _____________


What did he then do to avoid punishment? _________________________



(Who am I? Match the statement with the name of a Greek god or goddess.)

• I am the lord of the sea, __________

• I am half man, half god __________

• I am the wife of Zeus __________

• I am the lord of the underworld __________

• I am the goddess of wisdom __________

• I am the most powerful of the gods __________

• I am the goddess of love and beauty __________

• I am the god of war __________


(Write the correct Greek symbol each the box.)


It is believed that the first Olympics games started in _______________.

The Greeks took the games quite seriously. If two or more Greek city-states happened to be at war with each other when the game date arrived, what would they do? _________________________________________.

Meet Your Fellow Olympians

(Put an X in the box of the city-state that matches the description.)

(Hint: There are two descriptions for each city-state)

|Description |Athens |Sparta |Corinth |Argos |Megara |

|We are the shining star of all the Greek city-states. | | | | | |

|We love money and are excellent accountants. | | | | | |

|We are held in disgrace by the other Greek city-states. | | | | | |

|We lie, cheat, and do whatever it takes to win. | | | | | |

|We are a coastal city-state with a history as a cultural| | | | | |

|and trade center. | | | | | |

|We are famous for our wonderful musicians and poets. | | | | | |

|We are superior soldiers, fierce, capable, and proud of | | | | | |

|our strength. | | | | | |

|We are superbly educated in the arts and the sciences. | | | | | |

|We are famous for our textiles which are the envy of | | | | | |

|other city-states. | | | | | |

|We are famous for our bronze statues, pottery and vase | | | | | |

|painters. | | | | | |

Name: ____________________________________________________________________


After reading through the descriptions of each city-state, write down your top 3 Choices of which one you would like to be in. You should pick a city-state that best resembles your personality and what you like to do. Next to each choice -- put a reason or 2 why you think you fit in with that group.

City-State Name ____ _________REASONS

Choice #1: ________________

Choice #2: ________________

Choice #3: ________________











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