Greek/Roman Mythology Research

Greek/Roman Mythology Research

Choose one of the major figures from Greek/Roman mythology.

I. The Paper (100 points) due as original for your portfolio check

Research the figure, using at least 3 sources, including the following:

* A book from the Media Center or some other source (use the actual book)

* Encyclopedia Mythica - online source

* An online or hardbound encyclopedia

* Other approved online sites may be used as additional sources

Included in your research paper should be:

* Both the Greek and Roman name(s) for your figure (if both exist)

* Description of the physical appearance of the figure

* Area of dominance, rule, or specialty

* Symbols that have become closely associated with the figure

* Stories about the figure, or information on how the figure was regarded by humans and other gods

You will submit a 4-page paper (app. 500 words) following MLA format. Be sure to check all the items on the Guidelines for Written Composition packet so that you do not neglect anything.

Pages 1-2: An organized essay including as introduction, body, and conclusion, in which you relate the information you have gathered on your subject. The papers should be 2 pages max.

Page 3: a full-page picture of the god/goddess

* The Greek and Roman name of the figure should be at the top

* This picture should conform to what you have learned from your research

* The picture should be in color

* The picture should be drawn, painted freehand for full credit

* A colored online picture may be copied; however be sure to include the site at the bottom of your picture and include the source on your Works Cited page

Page 4: Works Cited page

Many of you have enough material for a much longer paper; however, it is your task to choose the most salient facts to include in order to keep your paper within the word limit. Remember also that you will be able to share some of this information during your presentation.

After completion of your paper, you will be submitting it to ; therefore, be very careful to document your sources throughout the paper and to put quotation marks around anything that has been copied directly from another source. We will be discussing documentation in class before your paper is written.

II. The Mask (30 points) Due on the day of presentation. There will be two presentation dates.

You will construct a mask depicting your god/goddess. The mask should reflect your subject through appearance (as described in your research), color, symbols, etc.

* The mask can be made of any material you wish. Masks that are light enough to hang will be displayed around the room.

* A basic, plain mask can be purchased from Michael’s craft store. You can then paint, color, glue, etc., to personalize it.

III. The Presentation (70 points) will take place on

On the day of your masks are due, you will give a first-person presentation of your god/goddess, telling the class the important information about “yourself” that you learned.

* You will say your name and describe your appearance

* You will reveal your powers and special abilities

* You will teach the class stories that reveal your exploits and deeds

For full credit in this section, you must dress up to conform to the appearance of your figure.

Major Greek Gods/Goddesses and Heroes

Major Gods/Goddesses other important

of Mt. Olympus figures

|Aphrodite |

|Apollo (phoebus) |

|Ares |

|Artemis |

|Athena |

|Demeter |

|Dionysus |

|Hades |

|Hephaestus |

|Hera |

|Hermes |

|Hestia |

|Poseidon |

|Pan |

|Centaurs (chiron, especially) |

|Eros |

|Achilles |

|Atlas |

|Atalanta |

|Hercules |

|Jason |

|Odysseus |

|Pandora |

|Perseus |

|Prometheus |

|Theseus |

Works Cited Page EXAMPLES:

(They should be in alphabetical order/double spaced/hanging indent.)

BOOK ORDER: last name, first name. Title of the Book. City of publication: publishing company, copyright date. Medium of publication.

Example: Bates, Jim. The God Neptune. Denver: Macmurray publishing, 1999. Print.


ENCYCLOPEDIA ORDER: “title of the article.” Title of the Encyclopedia. Year of edition, ed. Medium of publication.

Example: “Sol.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 1999, ed. Web.


MAGAZINE ORDER: last name, first name. “Title of the Article.” Name of Magazine. Day abbreviated month. Year of publication: page numbers. Medium of publication.

Example: Wendall, James. “Pandora’s Box. Time. 21 Nov. 2006: 40-45. Print.


ONLINE SOURCE ORDER: author’s last name, first name. (if not available, start with the title) “Article/Page title.” Publication date. (use same order as magazine) database name. medium of publication. date of access.

Example: Smith, Martin. “Greek Gods for Dummies.” 25 May 2004. MythicaOnline. Web. 28 March 2007.


Accessing Wheeler databases (world book online, etc) while not at wheeler.

Go to

for school put wheeler (make sure you choose the right one)

user id=your school #

the password is= read

Now, it will send you to a bunch of databases, but it doesn’t look like the page. You must search the database you want.

Encyclopedia Mythica

* Web address for Encyclopedia Mythica if you are not using the link through the Wheeler library:

* Click on left sidebar, “Greek Mythology”

* Go to the top right ( Browse articles in this area, and you click on the hyperlink.

* If you use anything, before you leave the page of your article, click the “cite” link at the upper right corner of the article. Then change the style to MLA by clicking MLA at the end of the citation.

* The spacing for the citation is not accurate, but the information is correct. Copy the citation exactly as it appears, except double space the entry and indent the second line to make hanging indentation. Your citation will look like this for the article on Artemis:

“Artemis.” Encyclopedia Mythica. 2006. Encyclopedia Mythica Online. Web.

09 Jan. 2006.

* Before you leave the page of your article, check on the right sidebar for a possible image link to a picture of your subject.

* Return to the first page and go through the same process from Roman Gods, using the Roman name instead of the Greek one. Additional information will hopefully be here. Be sure to get a citation for this page using the “Cite” link as you did from the Greek page. Again, copy the citation exactly.



Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively.


Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.


Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.


Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

|Domain |Description |Points Possible |Points Earned |

|Content |The paper has a clear thesis. |0-10 | |

|Content |Body paragraphs offer support for the thesis. |0-20 | |

|Organization |Paper is well organized and has a sense of completion. |0-10 | |

|Organization |Paper is 450-500 words long. |0-10 | |

|Style |No 1st or 2nd person. |0-5 | |

|Style |Obvious and redundant expressions not used. |0-5 | |

|Mechanics |The words are spelled properly. |0-5 | |

|Mechanics |The punctuation is correct throughout. |0-5 | |

|Creativity | The picture is original and in color. |0-10 | |

|Format |Works Cited page is included and formatted correctly with at least 3 |0-10 | |

| |sources listed. | | |

|Format |MLA format is used throughout. |0-10 | |

|Total | | | |

Student’s Name _________________________________________________

|Comments |

| |


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