
Name: ___________________________________ Class ID: ________ Period: _______


Honors Version

Directions: Answer the following questions by viewing the websites they’re related to.

Read the introduction at

1. When was Constantinople made the capital of the Byzantine Empire?

2. What was the Byzantine Empire known as or called?


3. What happened in 1054 CE?

4. Explain how the Byzantines preserved Greek and Roman culture for the rest of the world.

5. Explain why the Byzantine Empire is known for cultural diffusion.

Read the excerpt

6. Using your own words and words from the document, summarize how Procopius described Emperor Justinian’s character (not his appearance) in his book Secret History?

Read the information about Theodora at

7. What was Theodora’s father’s occupation?

8. Before she turned age 16, what was Theodora’s occupation or job in Constantinople ?

10. Why was Theodora considered to be a pioneer of the women's liberation movement? What did she do to help women? What other women do you think who have advanced the rights of women in history? (THINK!)

Read the info at

11. One style of Byzantine icons is showing frontal figures. Why do you think Christ, the Virgin, saints, bishops, and the royal family face the viewer? In other words, explain what meaning frontal figures express.

12. What does how a person poses their hands or what a person is holding show about them? In other words, what meaning do poses of the hands and arms express?

View many icons from the list by clicking on the different links at

14. List some of the subjects (Who is being painted?) of Byzantine icons.

15. What do they all seem to have in common? (Why do they all look similar?)

16. What are some differences you see?

Click on the pictures of the interior and exterior of the Hagia Sophia at

19. List what architectural elements you see (for example, minarets) and what culture the idea came from (for example, Muslim culture).

Architectural element Culture

20. So, the Hagia Sophia blends together architectural ideas from different cultures? What is this an example of?

Look at the pictures at

21. What type of artwork to you see here?

22. What do you think historians can learn about the Byzantine Empire by learning at this type of artwork? (Hint: Think about social, religious, political, economic ideas)

Use the information in the first and last paragraph at

23. In what year did Constantinople fall?

24. What group of people took control of the city?

25. List 2 changes that were made to Constantinople after it fell.

The center of the Byzantine Empire is now the modern-day country of Turkey. Go to to answer the following.

26. Describe the flag of Turkey. What color is it and what symbols are there?

27. THINK! What does it tell you about the culture, religion, or government of Turkey today?


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