Antigone Webquest .com

Antigone Webquest

To better understand all that's going on with the protagonist, King Creon, and the antagonist, his niece, Antigone, you will gather information about ancient Greek culture; the myths, the relationships among family members, about Sophocles (the playwright), and the many themes found within the subtext of the play. As you will see, relationships in ancient times are just as complicated as today. The same basic ideas about human nature known to the ancient peoples of Greece are still significant. We're going to use the Web to focus on Ancient Greek life and consider the heroine’s point of view.

Essential Question: What is the most important theme from Antigone that is significant to modern-day audiences?

Your task will be to create a power point presentation for your group’s assigned topic. You will visit the designated websites to gather information, and answer the guiding questions for your presentation. Your presentation must include:

• At least three slides & no more than six

• At least one illustration (with citation)

• Three quiz questions for your classmates to answer at the conclusion of your presentation.

Each group’s presentation is to be no more than 6 minutes in length. You may use any visual aids that support your group’s particular topic. You will have time in class to gather information, organize your ideas and format the presentation appropriately.

Your group is responsible for:

• The use of proper grammar, and word choice.

• The quality of the content on each slide in your PowerPoint presentation. Make sure you answer the guiding questions under each topic.

• Put your quiz questions at the end of your presentation as these will be answered as a whole group. Make sure you have/know the answers.

Each group member will earn a process grade (group cooperation and collaboration) and a project grade (presentation). View the rubrics and ask questions if the criteria are unclear.

Group 1- Ancient Greek Society

Guiding Questions for your research:

1) What were women’s roles in Ancient Greece?

2) What is an oligarchy and who is Solon?

3) Who is Pericles?


Ancient Greek Society


Women in Classical Greece


Solon's Laws


Pericles' role

Group 2- Ancient Greek Traditions

Guiding Questions for research:

1) What were the funeral traditions of ancient Greece?

2) How and why did the Olympics come into being?

3) Why did the Ancient Greeks hold festivals?


Greek Funeral Traditions

Religion, Death, Burial

Grave Markers

Burial Practice

The Greek Cemetery

Banquets and Feasts

Greek View of Death


The Olympics

Ancient Greek Festivals

Group 3- Classic Greek Theater

Guiding Questions for Research:

1) What is the structure of the Ancient Greek Theater?

2) How did the theater change over time?

3) Who were the performers?

4) Why did the performers wear masks?


Ancient Theatre

Ancient Greek Stage

Background on Ancient Greek Theatre

Stage Directions

Construction of Ancient Theatre, a History

Change over time


Masks & Costume

Additional History

Group 4- Sophocles the Playwrite

Guiding questions for research:

1) Who was Sophocles?

2) What did Sophocles write?

3) How does Sophocles’ life overlap on a historical time line?

Biography Websites:

Theater connection

The man

His Writing

The Playwrite

Historical Time line

Time line & Context

Time line of Masks

Group 5- Greek Mythology

Guiding Questions for Research:

1) Who is Socrates and how did he influence society?

2) What are the three basic types of myths?

3) What is an oracle and why did the Ancient Greeks use it?

4) What is the mythological context of Antigone?





Socrates & His Influence

Types of Myths


Ancient Greek Women & Oracles



Group 6- The Legacy of Antigone

Guiding questions for research:

1) Who are the characters in the play?

2) Who are the relatives in Antigone’s family tree?

3) What are the family conflicts in the play?



Tragedy, the basics

Mythology & Context

Family Conflicts in the play

More conflicts

Tragedy - Sophocles - Antigone


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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