Учебно-методический комплекс

Учебно-методический комплекс

по дисциплине: Английский язык IYa 1103

для специальности: 051103 «Фармация»

Кафедра: иностранных языков

Курс: 1

Алматы, 2007г.


1. Силлабус …………………………………………….3 - 16

2. Методические рекомендации для практических

занятий ……………………………………………17 - 70

3. Методические рекомендации для самостоятельной работы под руководством преподавателя ……...71 - 119

4. Методические рекомендации для самостоятельной работы …………………………………………...120 - 128

5. Контрольно – измерительные средства ……….129 - 268


по дисциплине: Английский язык IYa 1103

для специальности: 051103 «Фармация»

Кафедра - иностранных языков

Курс: первый Семестр: 1-2

Лекции: - нет


(семинарские) занятия – 45 часов

Самостоятельная работа

под руководством преподавателя (СРСП) – 45 часов

Всего аудиторных: - 90 часов (2 кредита)

Внеаудиторная самостоятельная

работа студентов (СРС) - 45 часов (1 кредит)

Всего кредитов – 3 (135 часов)

Форма контроля: экзамен – 2 семестр

Алматы 2007

Силлабус разработан в соответствии с рабочей программой, составленной ст. преп. Садыковой А.А., ст.преп. Сагантаевой С.Х.

Обсужден и утвержден на заседании кафедры от «___»_________2007г., протокол №__________

Заведующий кафедрой доц. Сулейменова

1.Общие сведения:

Наименование вуза: Казахский Национальный медицинский университет им. С.Д. Асфендиярова

Кафедра: иностранных языков

Дисциплина, код дисциплины: IYа 1103

Специальность: 051103 «Фармация»

Объем учебных часов (кредитов)- 3 кредита, 135 часов

Курс и семестр изучения – 1 курс, 1-2 семестра

Сведения о преподавателях:

|№ |Ф.И.О. |Должность |Степень |Приоритетные научные интересы, достижения и др. |

|п/п | | | | |

|1. |Садыкова А.А. |ст. преп. |- |Методика преподавания иностранного языка, теория и практика |

| | | | |перевода научной литературы, публикации по |

| | | | |методике преподавания иностранного языка, учебное пособие |

| | | | |«Английский язык для студентов-фармацевтов, химиков-технологов»,|

| | | | |Алматы, 2006, учебное пособие «Английский язык для студентов |

| | | | |-стоматологов», Алматы, 2006 |

|2. |Сагантаева С.Х. |ст. преп. |- |Методика преподавания иностранного языка, теория и практика |

| | | | |перевода научной литературы, публикации по |

| | | | |методике преподавания иностранного языка, учебное пособие |

| | | | |«Английский язык для студентов - фармацевтов, химиков – |

| | | | |технологов», Алматы, 2006, учебное пособие «Английский язык для |

| | | | |студентов-стоматологов», Алматы, 2006. |

|3. |Бикташева Г.М. |ст. преп. |- |Инновационные технологии в обучении иностранному языку, |

| | | | |публикации по инновационным технологиям, методике преподавания |

| | | | |иностранного языка, учебное пособие «Английский язык для |

| | | | |студентов - фармацевтов, химиков – технологов», Алматы, 2006, |

| | | | |учебное пособие «Английский язык для студентов -стоматологов», |

| | | | |Алматы, 2006 |

|4. |Лозенко И.В. |ст. преп. | - |Лексикология, публикации по лексикологии и методике преподавания|

| | | | |иностранного языка, учебное пособие |

| | | | |«Английский язык для студентов -стоматологов», Алматы, 2006. |

|5. |Унасбаева Г.А. |ст. преп. | - |Инновационные технологии в обучении иностранному языку, |

| | | | |публикации по инновационным технологиям, методике преподавания |

| | | | |иностранного языка, учебное пособие «Английский язык для |

| | | | |студентов-стоматологов», Алматы, 2006. |

|6. |Махамбетова Ж.Т. |преп | - |Инновационные технологии в обучении иностранному языку, |

| | | | |публикации по инновационным технологиям, методике преподавания |

| | | | |иностранного языка, учебное пособие «Английский язык для |

| | | | |студентов - фармацевтов, химиков-технологов», Алматы, 2006, |

|7. |Мезгильбаева З.М. |преп. | - |Инновационные технологии в обучении иностранному языку, |

| | | | |публикации по инновационным технологиям, методике преподавания |

| | | | |иностранного языка, учебное пособие «Английский язык для |

| | | | |студентов -стоматологов», Алматы, 2006. |

|8. |Маскеева З.К. |преп. | - |Инновационные технологии в обучении иностранному языку, |

| | | | |публикации по инновационным технологиям, методике преподавания |

| | | | |иностранного языка, учебное пособие «Английский язык для |

| | | | |студентов -стоматологов», Алматы, 2006 |

|9. |Кенесбекова К.К. |преп. | - |Методика преподавания иностранного языка, публикации по методике|

| | | | |преподавания. |

|10. |Ултанбекова З.Т. |преп. | - |Методика преподавания иностранного языка, публикации по методике|

| | | | |преподавания. |

|11. |Баянбаева А.А. |преп. | - |Методика преподавания иностранного языка, публикации по методике|

| | | | |преподавания. |

| | | | | |

|12. |Айкимбаева Н.Н. |преп. |- |Методика преподавания иностранного языка, публикации по методике|

| | | | |преподавания. |

|13. |Султанова Н.Т. |преп. | - |Методика преподавания иностранного языка, публикации по методике|

| | | | |преподавания. |

|14. |Бижанова А.А. |преп. | - |Инновационные технологии в обучении иностранному языку, |

| | | | |публикации по инновационным технологиям, методике преподавания |

| | | | |иностранного языка. |

|15. |Кайбалдиева Б.М. |преп. | - |Методика преподавания иностранного языка, публикации по методике|

| | | | |преподавания. |

|16. |Серикбеккызы А.С. | преп. | - |Методика преподавания иностранного языка, публикации по методике|

| | | | |преподавания. |

|17. |Бейсембаева Ж.А. |преп. | - |Методика преподавания иностранного языка, теория и практика |

| | | | |перевода научной литературы, публикации по |

| | | | |методике преподавания иностранного языка, |

|18. |Шойбекова А.Ж. |ст. преп. | - |Методика преподавания иностранного языка, публикации по методике|

| | | | |преподавания. |

|19. |Жантасова С.У. |преп. | - |Методика преподавания иностранного языка, публикации по методике|

| | | | |преподавания. |

|20. |Ибраева А.С. |преп. | - |Методика преподавания иностранного языка, публикации по методике|

| | | | |преподавания. |

Контактная информация:

Место нахождения кафедры:

Адрес: ул. Толе-би 151, II учебный корпус,

Тел: тел. 292-86-69 (311)

Политика дисциплины включает следующий перечень требований:

• обязательно посещать занятия;

• не опаздывать на занятия;

• не пропускать занятия, в случае болезни предоставлять справку;

• готовиться к занятиям, выполнять домашние задания и СРС;

• своевременно сдавать задания и др;

•принимать активное участие в учебном процессе;

• помнить, что в случае невыполнения заданий в срок итоговая оценка снижается;

•быть пунктуальным, обязательным и дисциплинированным;

• принимать участие в коллективный работе.

2. Программа:


глобальные, социально – экономические и политические изменения, происходящие в Республике Казахстан, привели к росту образовательной и самообразовательной роли иностранного языка. В условиях углубления интеграционных процессов в мировом образовательном пространстве обучение иностранному языку является насущной потребностью.

Иноязычная компетенция стала неотъемлемым элементом подготовки высококвалифицированных, конкурентоспособных специалистов, мобильных в международном образовательном пространстве и рынке труда.

Цель дисциплины:

дальнейшее обучение и совершенствование навыков практического владения иностранными языками, формирование умений и навыков, позволяющих молодому специалисту эффективно осуществлять профессиональную деятельность, а именно: работать с зарубежной литературой по специальности (журнальные статьи, монографии) и с документацией, общаться на иностранном языке в социально – обусловленных сферах повседневной и профессиональной деятельности, выступать с докладом или сообщением и участвовать в дискуссии на иностранном языке.

Задачи обучения:

• унифицировать и обобщить базовые фонетические, лексико-грамматические, знания, полученные в довузовский подготовке;

• формировать у студентов навыки восприятия речи на слух с разным уровнем понимания;

• формировать коммуникативные умения и лингвистические навыки общения в условиях реальной повседневной и профессиональной ситуации;

• научить ознакомительному, поисковому и просмотровому чтению – на текстах учебников, статей для чтения по медицинской литературе, научно – популярных статьях из оригинальных медицинских журналов.

• формировать у студентов умения написать любые виды письменных источников, имеющих место в реальной письменной коммуникации.

• научить основным приемам аннотирования, реферирования и переводу научной медицинской литературы.

Конечные результаты обучения:

студент должен


• основы базовой, употребительной грамматики, фонетические и орографические нормы языка;

• базовую лексику языка и лексику, отражающую основные направления медицинской науки и специализацию студента;

• содержание учебных текстов;

основные примеры аннотирования, реферирования и перевода научной литературы.


• читать тексты со словарем и без словаря,

• находить заданную информацию,

• понимать содержание прочитанного,

• написать краткое сообщение на заданную тему с использованием ключевых слов и выражений,

• задавать вопросы и отвечать на них,

•вести диалоги, дискуссии, дебаты, беседы в объеме изучаемой тематики;

• заполнять медицинскую карту, историю болезни, анкеты, письма, резюме;

• самостоятельно работать над учебным материалом в условиях библиотеки, компьютерного класса, лингафонного кабинета, мультимедийного класса.

Пререквизиты дисциплины:

курс обучения иностранному языку в средней общеобразовательной школе, средних специализированных школах или средних специальных учебных заведениях (колледжи), а также на курсах изучения иностранного языка.

Постреквизиты дисциплины:

знания английского языка необходимы для:

• профессионального иноязычного общения;

• для обучения по специальности в зарубежных международных образовательных учреждениях

• для вхождения в глобальную информационную инфраструктуру через Интернет и другие новые телекоммуникационные средства связи.

Краткое содержание дисциплины: Фонетика: произносительные и ритмико-интонационные особенности иностранного языка.

Лексика: словообразовательные модели; лексический минимум объемом в 2500 единиц базового языка, а также терминов, соответствующих профилю специальности; дифференциация лексики по сферам применения. Грамматика: основные части речи – имя существительное, прилагательное, наречие, глагол, артикль, местоимение, предлог; структура простого и сложного предложения; основные модели словообразования. Чтение:

формирование навыков ознакомительного, поискового, изучающего и просмотрового чтения. Говорение: навыки диалогической и монологической

речи в пределах изучаемых тем. Письмо: развитие навыков последовательного изложения мыслей, рассуждений, а также информации

при написании сочинений и писем личного и делового характера. Перевод текстов по специальности с иностранного языка на русский язык в соответствие с языковыми нормами. Аудирование: восприятие на слух сообщений бытового, информационного и профессионального характера.

Тематический план практических занятий, СРСП, СРС (1 семестр)

|№ нед. |№ пп. |Тема |Форма проведения и продолжительность в |Баллы |

| | | |часах | |

| | | |Лекция |Практ. |СРСП |СРС | |

|1 |1 |Лексико-грамматический тест на выявление исходного уровня |- |2 |2 | |1,5 |

| | |Моя биография. Моя семья. | | | | | |

| | |Спряжение глагола”to be’’, ”to have got” | | | | | |

| |2. |Местоимения: личные и притяжательные | | | | | |

|2 |2 |Моя биография. Моя семья. |- |2 |2 | |1,5 |

| | |Спряжение глагола”to be’’, ”to have got” | | | | | |

| | |Местоимения: личные и притяжательные | | | | | |

|3 |3 |Моя квартира. |- |2 |2 | |1,5 |

| | |Множественное число имен существительных. Оборот “there is, there are” | | | | | |

|4 |3 |Моя квартира. |- |2 |2 | |1,5 |

| | |Множественное число имен существительных. Оборот “there is, there are” | | | | | |

| | |Казахстан - моя Родина | | | | | |

| | |Артикли. Степени сравнения прилагательных. Простое настоящее время | | | | | |

| |4 | | | | | | |

|5 |4 |Казахстан - моя Родина |- |2 |2 | |1,5 |

| | |Артикли. Степени сравнения прилагательных. Простое настоящее время | | | | | |

|6 |5 |Мой любимый город. |- |2 |2 | |1,5 |

| | |Числительные: количественные и порядковые. Даты. Простое прошедшее врем | | | | | |

|7 |6 |Страна изучаемого языка. |- |2 |2 |10 |4,5 |

| | |Указательные местоимения:this,that,these,those.Простое будущее время. | | | | | |

|8 |6 |Страна изучаемого языка. |- |2 |2 | |3,0 |

| | |Указательные местоимения:this,that,these,those.Простое будущее время. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | |Лондон-столица Великобритании. | | | | | |

| | |Употребление артикля с географическими названиями. | | | | | |

| |7 |Рубежный контроль. | | | | | |

|9 |7 |Лондон-столица Великобритании. |- |2 |2 | |1,5 |

| | |Употребление артикля с географическими названиями. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | |Образование в Великобритании. | | | | | |

| |8 |Настоящее совершенное время. Прошедшее совершенное время. | | | | | |

|10 |8 |Образование в Великобритании. |- |2 |2 | |1,5 |

| | |Настоящее совершенное время. Прошедшее совершенное время. | | | | | |

|11 |9 |Образование в Казахстане. |- |2 |2 |10 |4,5 |

| | |Будущее совершенное время. Согласование времен. | | | | | |

|12 |10 |Образование в Казахстане. |- |2 |2 | |1,5 |

| | |Будущее совершенное время. Согласование времен. | | | | | |

| | |Знаменитые ученые Казахстана. | | | | | |

| |11 | | | | | | |

| | |Going to, would like to, want to.Обзор грамматики по тексту | | | | | |

|13 |11 |Знаменитые ученые Казахстана. |- |2 |2 |10 |1,5 |

| | |Going to, would like to, want to.Обзор грамматики по тексту | | | | | |

|14 |12 |Знаменитые ученые Великобритании. |- |2 |2 |10 |1,5 |

| | |Модальные глаголы can,may,must.Обзор грамматики по тексту | | | | | |

|15 |12 |Знаменитые ученые Великобритании. |- |2 |2 | |3,0 |

| | |Модальные глаголы can,may,must.Обзор грамматики по тексту. | | | | | |

| | |Рубежный контроль. | | | | | |

| | |Итого часов: | |30 |30 |30 | |

| | |Всего часов: | |90 | | | |

| | |Всего баллов: | | | | |31,5 |

Тематический план практических занятий, СРСП, СРС (2 семестр)

|№ нед. |№ пп. |Тема |Форма проведения и продолжительность в часах|Баллы |

| | | |Лекция |Практ. |СРСП |СРС | |

|1 |1 |Наша химическая лаборатория. |- |1 |1 | |1,5 |

| | |Настоящее продолженное время | | | | | |

|2 |1 |Наша химическая лаборатория. |- |1 |1 | |1,5 |

| | |Настоящее продолженное время | | | | | |

|3 |1 |Наша химическая лаборатория. |- |1 |1 | |1,5 |

| | |Настоящее продолженное время | | | | | |

|4 |2 |Химия. |- |1 |1 | |1,5 |

| | |Модальный глагол “should” | | | | | |

|5 |2 |Химия. |- |1 |1 | |1,5 |

| | |Модальный глагол “should | | | | | |

|6 |2 |Химия. |- |1 |1 | |1,5 |

| | |Модальный глагол “should | | | | | |

|7 |3 |. Менделеев Д.И. |- |1 |1 | |1,5 |

| | |Настоящее неопределенное время (страдательный залог) | | | | | |

|8 |3 |Менделеев Д.И. |- |1 |1 |1 |3,0 |

| | |Настоящее неопределенное время (страдательный залог) | | | | | |

| | |Рубежный контроль. | | | | | |

|9 |3 |Менделеев Д.И. |- |1 |1 | |1,5 |

| | |Настоящее неопределенное время (страдательный залог) | | | | | |

|10 |3 |Менделеев Д.И. |- |1 |1 |10 |4,5 |

| | |Настоящее неопределенное время (страдательный залог) | | | | | |

|11 |4 |Периодическая система Менделеева Д.И. |- |1 |1 | |1,5 |

| | |Различия в образовании и переводе настоящего и прошедшего времени в | | | | | |

| | |страдательном залоге | | | | | |

|12 |4 |Периодическая система Менделеева Д.И. Различия в образовании и переводе|- |1 |1 | |1,5 |

| | |настоящего и прошедшего времени в страдательном залоге | | | | | |

|13 |4 |Периодическая система Менделеева Д.И. Различия в образовании и переводе|- |1 |1 | |1,5 |

| | |настоящего и прошедшего времени в страдательном залоге | | | | | |

|14 |4 |Периодическая система Менделеева Д.И. Различия в образовании и переводе|- |1 |1 |5 |1,5 |

| | |настоящего и прошедшего времени в страдательном залоге | | | | | |

|15 |5 |Итоговое занятие | |1 |1 | |3,0 |

| | |Рубежный контроль | | | | | |

| | |Итого часов: | |15 |15 |15 | |

| | |Всего часов: | |45 | | | |

| | |Всего баллов: | | | | |28,5 |


Максимальный балл за

Практические занятия=22.5 балла(1 практ.занятие=0.75б ,всего 30 занятий), итого 0.75бх30=22.5 балла

СРСП=22.5 балла (1 СРСП=0.75 б, всего 30 занятий, итого 0.75б х30=22.5 балла.

СРС=9 баллов .1 СРС=3 б (студент обязан выполнить не менее 3 СРС разного вида), итого 3х3=9 баллов.

Рубежный контроль=6 баллов(1 рубежный контроль=1.5 б, всего 4 р.к., итого 1.5х4=6 баллов

Распределение часов и баллов по видам занятий

|№ |Тема |Вид работы и продолжительность в часах |

| | |Прак.=0.75б. |СРСП=0.75б. |СРС=3б. |

| | | | |Р.к.=1.5б. |

|1. |Тест на выявление исходного уровня. Моя биография. Моя семья. |4 |4 | | |

| |Спряжение глагола”to be’’, ”to have got” | | | | |

| |Местоимения: личные и притяжательные | | | | |

|2. |Моя квартира. Множественное число имен существительных. |3 |3 | | |

| |Оборот “there is, there are | | | | |

|3. |Казахстан - моя Родина |3 |3 | | |

| |Артикли. Степени сравнения прилагательных. Простое настоящее время | | | | |

|4. |Мой любимый город. |2 |2 | | |

| |Числительные: количественные и порядковые. Даты. Простое прошедшее | | | | |

| |время | | | | |

|5. |Страна изучаемого языка. |3 |3 | | |

| |Указательные местоимения: this, that, these, those. Простое будущее | | | | |

| |время. | | | | |

|6. |Лондон-столица Великобритании. |2 |2 | |1.5 |

| |Употребление артикля с географическими названиями. | | | | |

| |Рубежный контроль. | | | | |

|7. |Образование в Великобритании. |3 |3 | | |

| |Настоящее совершенное время. Прошедшее совершенное время. | | | | |

|8. |Образование в Казахстане. Будущее совершенное время. Согласование |3 |3 |10 | |

| |времен | | | | |

|9. |Знаменитые ученые Великобритании. |3 |3 |10 | |

| |Going to, would like to, want to. | | | | |

| |Обзор грамматики по тексту | | | | |

|10. |Знаменитые ученые Казахстана. |3 |3 |10 | |

| |Модальные глаголы can,may,must. | | | | |

| |Обзор грамматики по тексту. | | | | |

|11. |Итоговое занятие. Рубежный контроль. |1 |1 | |1.5 |

|12. |Наша химическая лаборатория. |3 |3 | | |

| |Настоящее продолженное время | | | | |

|13. |Химия. Модальный глагол “should |3 |3 | | |

|14. |Менделеев Д.И. Настоящее неопределенное время (страдательный залог) |4 |4 |10 |1.5 |

| |Рубежный контроль | | | | |

|15. |Периодическая система Менделеева Д.И. Различия в образовании и переводе|4 |4 |5 | |

| |настоящего и прошедшего времени в страдательном залоге | | | | |

|16. |Итоговое занятие. Рубежный контроль. |1 |1 | |1.5 |

| |Всего 135 часов. | | | | |

| |Всего занятий: |30 |30 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Максимальное количество баллов = 60 баллов |22.5 |22.5 |9 |6 |

| |Максимальное количество баллов итогового контроля(экзамен)=40 баллов. | | | | |

| |Итого максимальное количество баллов по дисциплине=100 баллов. | | | | |

Время консультаций и экзамена: согласно графика

Время рубежного контроля: на 8 неделе и 15 неделе каждого семестра

Время итогового контроля: в конце семестра по расписанию ОП и КУП

Рекомендуемая литература:

Основная литература:

1. Маслова А.М. Учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов. М., 2001.

2. Маслова А.М. Лабораторные работы по английскому языку для медицинских вузов. М., 2001.

3. Куриленко А.Н. 400 тем по английскому языку. М., 1998.

4. Murphy R. English grammar in use. Start course, elementary course. Cambridge, 1993.

5. Longman. The Essentials of English writers. Handbook. 2004.

6. Longman. Student Grammar of Spoken and written English. 2004.

Дополнительная литература.

1. Джанабаева К. “Basic English”. А.2003.

2. Longman.Сutting edge (start, elementary, pre - intermediate)/ Student’s book, work book, cassettes. 2004

Методы обучения и преподавания: формы преподавания практических занятий, СРСП, СРС.

• Проведение практических занятий:

занятия по ключевым темам дисциплины, выполнение тестовых и ситуационных заданий, работы с учебником, компьютерными моделями и программами.

• Формы организации СРСП:

консультации по теме, самостоятельное выполнение устных и письменных заданий, решение ситуационных задач, решение тестовых заданий, работа в малых группах, дискуссии, диалоги, ролевые игры, мини – конференции, работа с учебником, таблицами, рубежный контроль.

• Формы организации СРС:

работа с литературой по темам СРС, составление терминологических словарей, выполнение тестов, подготовка докладов, рефератов, эссе, подготовка презентаций, подготовка таблиц – схем, постеров.

Критерии и правила оценки знаний и навыков обучающихся:

Текущий контроль практических занятий и СРСП:

• устный и письменный опрос (по вопросам методических рекомендаций)

• тестирование в письменной форме

• проверка ситуационных задач – устно

• проверка выполнения лексико-грамматических заданий.


•защита рефератов, докладов, эссе.

• контроль выполнения тестовых заданий.

• контроль составления терминологического словаря.

• демонстрация таблиц – схем, постеров.

Рубежный контроль:

• тесты, письменное изложение тем.

Итоговый контроль:

устный экзамен с учетом результатов текущего и рубежного контроля + тестирование

Шкала оценок:

|Оценка по буквенной |Баллы |%-ное |Оценка по |

|системе | |содержание |традиционной |

| | | |системе |

|А |4,0 |100 |отлично |

|А- |3,67 |90-94 | |

|В+ |3,33 |85-89 |хорошо |

|В |3,0 |80-84 | |

|В- |2,67 |75-79 | |

|С+ |2,33 |70-74 |Удовлетворительно |

|С |2,0 |65-69 | |

|С- |1,67 |60-64 | |

|D+ |1,33 |55-59 | |

|D |1,0 |50-54 | |

|F |0 |0-49 |Неудовлетворительно |


рекомендации для практических занятий

Название дисциплины: Английский язык IYa 1103

Специальность: 051103 «Фармация»

Кафедра: иностранных языков


Сагантаева С.Х. Рахманова А.М.

Бикташева Г.М. Лозенко И.В.

Унасбаева Г.А. Мезгильбаева З.М.

Маскеева З.К. Шойбекова А.Ж.

Махамбетова Ж.Т. Баянбаева А.А.

Султанова Н.Т. Кайбалдиева Б.М.

Серикбеккызы А. Кенесбекова К.К.

Бижанова А.А.

Алматы, 2007

Work out 1

Contact Hour(4)

Theme: My Biography. My Family

Lexics: word and word- combinations

Grammar: verbs “to be” and “to have got”

Personal Possessive pronouns

Aim: the students have to know the lexics and grammar of the theme in order to draw and to speak about their biography and family on the base of a text “About myself”

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: Reading and translating a text. A student is to know new lexical minimum, rules of pronunciation of English words and keep them in mind. Concentrate their attention on the stresses and turns in the following word combinations.

Methods of teaching: cards, puzzle, working with the text, doing the exercises, making up sentences with new words

Remind grammar: look at grammar references.

Conjugation of the verbs” to be” and “to have “

1st hour

Present tense “to be”

1. affirmative form

Sg.f Pl.f

1. I am… we are…

2. You are… you are…

3. He is… they are...

She is…

It is…

2. Interrogative form

Sg.f Pl.f

1. Am I…? Are we…?

2. Are you…? Are you…?

3. Is he…? Are they…?

Is she…?

Is it…?

3. Negative form

Sg.f Pl.f

1. I am not… We are not…

2. You are not… You are not…

3. He is not… They are not...

She is not…

It is not…

Past tense

1. Affirmative form

Sg.f pl.f

1. I was… We were…

2. You were You were…

3. He was… They were…

She was…

It was…

2. Interrogative form

Sg.f Pl.f

1. Was I….? Were we..?

2. Were you…? Were you…?

3. Was he…? Were they…?

Was she…?

Was it…?

3. Negative form

Sg.f Pl.f

1. I was not… We were not…

2. You were not… you were not…

3. He was not… They were not…

She was not…

It was not…

Future tense

1. Affirmative form

Sg.f pl.f

1. I shall be… We shall be…

2. You will be... You will be…

3. He will be… They will be…

She will be…

It will be…

2. Interrogative form

Sg.f Pl.f

1. Shall I be….? Shall we be..?

2. Will you be…? Will you be…?

3. Will he be…? Will they be…?

Will she be…?

Will it be…?

3. Negative form

Sg.f Pl.f

1. I shall not be… We shall not be…

2. You will not be… You will not be…

3. He, she it will not They will not be...

“To have” present tense

1. Affirmative form

1. I have a book We have a book

2. You have a book You have a book

3. He, she has a book They have a book

It has colored picture

2. Interrogative form

1. Have I a book? Have we a book?

2. Have you a book? Have you a book?

3. Has he, she a book? Have they a book?

Has it colored picture?

3. Negative form

1. I have no book we have no book

2. You have no book You have no book

3. He, she has no book They have no book

It has no colored picture

Past tense

1. Affirmative form

1. I had a book We had a book

2. You had a book You had a book

3. He, she had a book They had a book

It had colored picture

2. Interrogative form

1. Had I a book? Had we a book?

2. Had you a book? Had you a book?

3. Had he, she a book? Had they a book?

Had it colored picture?

3. Negative form

1. I had no book We had no book

2. You had no book You had no book

3. He, she had no book They had no book

Future tense

1. Affirmative form

1. I shall have a book We shall have a book

2. You will have a book You will have a book

3. He, she will has a book They will have a book

2. Interrogative form

1. Shall I have a book? Shall we have a book?

2. Will you have a book Will you have a book?

3. Will he, she has a book? Will they have a book?

3. Negative form

1. I shall have no book we shall have no book

2. You will have no book You will have no book

3. He, she will has no book They will have no book

Personal pronouns

The personal pronouns are; I, HE, SHE, IT, WE, YOU, THEY

The personal pronouns have the grammatical categories of person, case, number and gender. The personal pronouns have two cases. The nominative case and the objective case: The nominative case: I, HE, SHE, IT, WE, YOU, THEY.

The objective case: ME, HIM, HER, IT, US, YOU, THEM.

The objective case at the pronouns I, HE, SHE, WE is expressed by completive forms. The second person pronouns you is both singular and plural. The pronouns of the third person HE, SHE, IT distinguish gender. Male beings (man, father, uncle, boy, etc.) are referred to as He: female being (woman, masher, aunt, etc.) are referred to as She: inanimate things (house, tree, cap, etc.) are referred to as it.

Possessive Pronouns:

1. Possessive Pronouns have the same distinctions of person, number and gender as personal pronouns.

2. Personal pronouns have two forms namely the dependent forms namely the dependent form and the independent form.

Conjunction of pronouns:

1- person 11-person 111-person

Singular: my his, her, its

Plural: ours yours theirs

Absolute forms of possessive pronouns

Singular: mine his, hers

Plural: ours yours theirs

The conjunction form is used when the possessive pronouns comes before the noun it modifies.

3. Possessive pronouns are often used before the names of the parts of body clothing things; belonging to a person etc. in that case they are not translated into Russian.

2nd hour

1. Read and remember the pronunciation of words:

Am- быть Wife-жена

He-я teacher-учитель

She-она Doctor-врач

We-мы Worker-рабочий

You- вы Engineer-инженер

Young-молодой Economist-экономист

Man (men) - мужчина businessmen-бизнесмен

Woman (women) - женщина Manager-управляющий

Boy friend- друг House wife-домохозяйка

Father-отец Girl-девочка

Mother- Мать Hospital-больница

Grandfather-дедушка School-школа

Grandmother- Бабушка Institute-институт

Son- сын University-Университет

Daughter-дочь father- in –law – свекор тестBrother-брат mother – in – law – свекровь

Sister-сестра sister- in – law -золовка

Niece-племянница brother – in –law -шурин

Nephew-племянник son - in – law -зять

Aunt-тетя daughter – in – law -сноха


2. Write the following words in the plural:

A surname, a name, a subject, a story, a composer, a classmate, a bedroom, a

kitchen, a writer.

3. Find the pairs of synonyms and remember them:

To finish, nice, to graduate, fine, people, modern, contemporary, man.

4. Combine the words and translate them:

Time, modern, conveniences, much, party, disco, music, reading, books, living, room, classical.

5. Give English equivalents:

Любимый предмет

Детективные истории

Холодная вода

Горячая вода

Свежий воздух

Поступать в Университет

Делать покупки

Смотреть телевизор

Любимый композитор

Любить друг друга

Беседа о занятий

6. Connect the sentences:

I live in a small boy

We have my duties about the house

I have Abai Street

He is five brothers

She has five people in our family

3rd hour

1. Fill in blanks with the forms of the verb “to be “

1. They … adults. 2. The article … interesting. 3. She … a nurse last year.

4. I … a doctor in six years. 5. The Black Sea… in the South. 6. There… twelve month in a year. 7. It … Sunday yesterday.

2. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

The man s name is Dulat . The woman s name is Mary. The children s names are Pete and Ann. The father s car is old. The brother s flat is large. The sister s room is small.

3. Make these sentences negative.

1. I am a medical student now. 2. He was at the theatre yesterday. 3. We were pupils last year. 4. They were in Moscow. 5. She is an engineer. 6. I am on holidays now. 7. They will be teachers next year

4. Fill in blanks with forms of the verb “to have”

1. I …much ink in my pen. 2. We… a meeting tomorrow. 3. Yesterday we… three lectures. 4. He… enough time. 5. The students… practical training next year.

5. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

I have a large family. He has three brothers. She has five sisters. We have six nieces and two nephews. They have many friends. I have two aunts and three uncles. Have you a niece? – Yes I have. Have they a nephew? - No, they have not. Have we many friends? – Yes, we have

6. Translate the following sentences into English:

У меня нет братьев. У него нет квартиры. У моего дяди нет жены. У нее нет друзей. У нас нет автомобиля. У вас нет детей. У меня много друзей в Алма-ате.

7.Write full sentences. Use is/isn’t/are/aren’t

1 (your shoes very dirty) Your shoes are very dirty

2 (my brother a teacher) My ………

3 (this house not very big) …………

4 (the shops not open today) ……….

5 (my keys in my bag) ……………

6 (Jenny 18 years old) ……………

7 (you not very tall) ………………

8. Answer the questions:

f. ex. Whose sister is she? (Mary) – She is Mary ’s sister.

Whose desk is that? (father)

Whose daughter is Mary? (Mr Brown)

Whose garden is this? (my aunt)

Whose car is that?(my brother)

Whose son is Dulat? (my sister)

Whose brother is Tom? (his wife)

4th hour

1. Read and translate the text.

Hello! My name is Talgat Kulov. I am 25. I am a young man. I am not married. I am from Karaganda. I am an engineer at a plant. My hobby is sport and rock-music. This is my family: a father, a mother, a sister and a brother. My father’s name is Murat. He isn’t a young man. He is 50. He is an economist at a factory. My mother’s name is Saule. She isn’t a young woman. She is 50 too. She is a doctor at a hospital. My sister Dinara is a young girl. She is 20. She is a student of the University. She is not married. Her hobby is cinema, theatre and music. She is a nice girl. Now she is ill and she is in hospital. This is my brother Saken. He is a young man of 30. He is a school teacher. He is fond of sport. He is very busy. He is at work now. Saken is married. He has a wife and two children: a son and a daughter. His wife’s name is Nagima. She is 29. She is a school teacher too. Their son’s name is Amir. He is a small boy. He is 8. He is at school. Amir is fond of his school. He has many friends at school. Their daughter’s name is Maira. She is a nice girl. She is 5.

Nagima is my sister – in – law. I am her brother – law -

2. Give expressions and word combinations useful for the theme “Autobiography “, “My family”.

My name is…

I live in…

I am from …

I was born in … year.

I have a large / small family.

It consists of 3 person : father , mother , brother and I.

My father is a doctor .

My mother is a teacher.

My brother is a student .

My sister is an engineer.

I study at the Medical University by Asfendiyarov at the first course.

I am fond of music ( sport, literature, art, science, )

I like to play the piano ( football, golf, tennis, basketball,)

In the evening we like to sit in the sitting room listen to the radio, read books, and watch TV or play chess.

3. In order to check students’ understanding they are asked to make up their own topics “My Biography” “My family”


Questions to theme

1. What is your name?

2. What are you?

3. How old are you?

4. Have you a family?

5. Are you married?

6. Have you a father?

7. What is his name?

8. How old is he?

9. Have you a mother?

10. What is her name?

11. What is she?

12. How old is she?

13. Have you a sister?

14. What is her name?

15 How old is she?


1. Murphy “Grammar in use”

2. Maslova A.M. Essential English for medical students. Moscow 2002.

Work – out 2

Contact hour (3)

Theme: Lexical: “My flat”

Grammar: Plural forms of nouns

Construction “There is”, “There are”.

Aim: Widen their horizon with new words. Develop speaking, listening, writing, reading skills.

Basic thematic issues: Build up their vocabulary with new lexemes, getting acquainted with text “My flat”.

Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, dialogues, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, solving situational tasks.

1st hour

1. Find the translations of the given words using dictionary

Sideboard, wardrobe, shelves, bedside, carpet, armchair, cupboard, cozy

2. Read and repeat the new words of the text paying attention to pronunciation

square – [skweә] - квадрат

wardrobe – [‘wa:drәub] - гардероб

cozy – [kәuzi] - уютный

alarm clock – [әla:m] - будильник

mirror – [mirә] - зеркало

to hung – [h[pic]ng]- вешать

furniture – [fә:nit∫ә] – мебель

cushion – [‘ku∫әn] – диванная подушка

conveniences – [kәn’vi:niәns] -удобный

heating – [hi:ti[pic]]- отопление

chute – [∫u:t] – мусоропровод

3. Find the proper translation of the words on the right column from the left one

1. сoat hanger диванная подушка

standart lamp центральное отопление

to hang абажур

study удобства

conveniences вешалка

cushion вешать

central heating кабинет

2. Match the words A with B

modern stop

an alarm shade

trolleybus heating

deep conveniences

central sink

lamp clock

4. Read and translate the text using active vocabulary

5. Dialogues

In pairs choose one of the topic and make up a dialogue, perform in the class

- My flat

- My room

6. Control

Skim the text to answer the questions:

1. Where do they live?

2. What do kind of conveniences do they have at home?

3.What is the warmest place in their flat?

4.What is the largest and most comfortable room in the house?

5.What room is handily arranged?

6.Where and why does the whole family gathers?

2nd hour

1. Give the plural form of the given words:

Onion, bench, dress, box, baby, fly, tomato, stamp, calf, knife

2. Define what words are used only in plural which are in singular form:

Money, earings, air, spectacles, jeans, information, news, thanks, progress.

3. Translate into English: using the constructions “there is” or “there are”

Справа от стола стоит стенка, между окнами стоит маленький стол с телевизором, в левом углу комнаты стоит туалетный столик с зеркалом, в квартире есть все современные удобство, возле телевизора стоят 2 кресла.

4.Change the sentence into interrogative and negative:

a) There are three rooms

b) There is one window in it

c) There is a bookcase full of books

d) There are five chairs around the table

3rd hour

1. Find the pair of antonyms:

Cozy, large, several, little, left,low, light, different, full, thick

2. Make up an interrogative sentence using the words in brackets:

a) My father is used to have a vest sitting on the divan – bed (Does)

b) We live in a panel house (Do)

c) We have all modern conveniences (Do)

d) I like our flat very much (Do)

3. Ask each other the following questions:

1. Have you got a house or a flat?

2. How many rooms are there in your flat?

3. On what floor is your flat?

4. Has your flat all modern conveniences?

4.Give the plural forms of nouns: Mother- in-low, man- of- war, passer-by, man-servant, roof, belief

5. Find the nouns which are used both in plural and singular for:

Mouse, deer, book, trout, pen, sheep, swine, swung, fish


Text “My flat”

Oxford Student’s dictionary

Maslova. Language Laboratory exercises

Murphy. Grammar in USE

Work-out 3

Contact Hours (3)

Theme: My motherland – Kazakhstan

Lexics: word and word- combinations

Grammar: 1. Articles

2. Degrees of Comparison

3. Present Simple Tense

Aim: to enlarge students’ awareness about their own country – Kazakhstan; to build students’ knowledge on new lexical and grammar materials to use it in their speech.

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: The text ‘My motherland – Kazakhstan’ gives the students an opportunity to be able to read texts about their own country. It is very important to develop their general knowledge about the country and to risen their patriotic sense. Using the new lexics from the text students will then be able to make their own speech in order to tell something more about Kazakhstan.

Grammar: The English speech is impossible without its Articles, so the elementary study of it will help students to understand the wide range of its usage. For instance: if to use definite or indefinite article before the names of places and rivers, and etc. Concerning Degrees of comparison it is of great importance to know the rules of comparative and superlative adjectives, thus, proper usage of it will certainly flourish and make student’s speech richer. And finally, there is no way to learn English if you do not know the proper use of the Present Simple tense. Whether you want to express a fact that stays the same for a long time, or you want to express an action that happens every day, you use the Present Simple.

Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, dialogues, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, solving situational tasks.

Contact Hour № 1

1) Look through the words given below and remember their pronunciation:

a. stretch [stretʃ] – тянуть, вытягивать, натягивать

b. quarter [`kwɔtә] – четверть

c. ethnic [`eөnik] – этнический, племенной

d. instill [in`stil] – постепенно внушать

e. feature [`fi:tʃә] – особенность, характерная черта

f. cuisine [kwi`zi:n] – кухня (кушанья и способы их приготовления)

g. currency [`kʌrәnsi] – денежное обращение в стране; валюта, деньги

2) Translate the following words and define their suffixes.

a. Southern, Northern, Western, Eastern, West-Siberian

b. continental, natural, official, local, governmental, national

c. population, religion, organization, communication, tradition, generation

d. extremely, carefully

3) Translate the following words into Russian, and the Russian word combinations into English.

a. quarter – четверть, одна четверть земли, четверть пятого (16:15)

b. sharp – резко континентальный, зоркий

c. national – национальные традиций, национальная характеристика

d. reflect – отражать свет, отражать характер (натуру человека)

e. distinctive – отчетливый, отчетливая характерность

4) Make up sentences using the words above.

Contact Hour № 2

1. Answer the questions.

1) What do you know about Articles?

2) Give as much examples as you can.

3) What do you know about their usage?

4) When do we usually use definite and indefinite articles?

(if necessary go to the reference on Articles in Maslova A.M., 1983)

5) Do the following exercises.

plete in the gaps with an appropriate article and explain its usage.

1. The official language of Kazakhstan is Kazakh, ___ Turkic language.

2. ____ Republic of Kazakhstan lies right in between Europe and Asia.

3. When it is spring in ____ south, ____ north area is covered with snow and severe storm.

4. Kazakhstan is ____ market-economy state.

5. ____ Kazakhs are ____ extremely hospitable people.

6. ____ largest ethnic groups are Kazakhs and Russians.

7. Everybody has ____ right to use their native language and ____ right to choose their language for communication, study and work.

3. Degrees of Comparison

1) Study these example situations with adjectives:

a. Lake Baikal is the deepest in the world

b. Is Astana as noisy as Almaty? (Are they equally noisy?)

c. America is farther from Kazakhstan than Britain.

d. Summer in Almaty is much hotter than it is in London.

e. The mountains in Kazakhstan are the most exciting of all.

2) When do we usually use comparative and superlative forms of adjectives?

3) What are their rules of their usage: e.g. suffixes –er, -ier are for comparison, what about superlative form?

- Find reference from any book given in the literature section.

4. Write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives:

Angry, big, easy, fast, healthy, heavy, pretty, warm, young, small, old, careful, comfortable, delicious, expensive, peaceful, definite, important.

5. Try to give some examples of your own using the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives given above.

6. Present Simple Tense.

1) Compare the following statements:

a. I am a student. I live in Almaty and study at the Medical University.

(and) I used to be a student. I lived in Almaty when I was 20 and used to study at the Medical University till I graduated it.

- Which statement describes Present and which one describes Past Simple Tenses?

2) Make a short report telling something about yourself: hobby, interests, occupation, what do you usually do or like doing, etc.

Contact Hour № 3

1) Read the text called ‘Kazakhstan’ and try to translate it using new words and phrases given on the lexical introduction


The Republic of Kazakhstan lies right in between Europe and Asia. It stretches from the east of the Caspian Sea and Volga plains to the mountainous Altay and from the foothills of Tien Shan in the south and southeast to the West-Siberian lowland in the north. The size of the territory places Kazakhstan ninth in the world, after Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brasil, Australia, India and Argentina. The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana.

More than a quarter of the land consists of a portion of the gentle steppes that stretch from central Europe to Siberia. The rest of the republic reflects the beauty of forests, mountains, rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

Kazakhstan has the sharp continental climate. In separate years spring stretches from the south to the north during 1,5-2 months. When it is spring in the south, the north area is covered with snow and severe storm. July is the hottest season, and February is the coldest month.

The land of Kazakhstan is rich by different soils and natural resources.

Kazakhstan's population includes many ethnic groups with their own language and culture brought together through their history. The largest ethnic groups are Kazakhs and Russians. The main religions are Islam and Christianity.

The official language of Kazakhstan is Kazakh, a Turkic language. State organizations and local governmental bodies also use Russian. The government encourages citizens to study and speak several languages. Everybody has the right to use their native language and the right to choose their language for communication, study and work.

The Kazakhs are an extremely hospitable people. If you come to a Kazakh home unexpected you will be received as if you had been invited. Since early childhood principles of respect of guests and older people as well as peacefulness and tolerance are instilled in every Kazakh and these are the national features of Kazakh culture and tradition.

Since ancient times the Kazakhs have carefully preserved and passed down the generations their tradition of hospitality, respect for the elders, peace and tolerance.

Kazakh national cuisine reflects the nature of its people, its history, customs and traditions. Since old times hospitality has been the most distinctive feature of the Kazakh people.

Kazakhstan is a market-economy state. The national economic policy aims to create the conditions for the socio-economic development of the country. The currency is the Tenge which is equal to 100 tyins. It was introduced on 15th November 1993.

2) Set several topics to make a plan according to the importance of the information given in each reasonable paragraph (approx. 5-6 paragraphs)

3) Add some more information of your own. Work in groups of 3-4, and tell the whole class.

4) Answer the questions (T/F)

a. Kazakhstan has the largest territory in the world.

b. Spring is warm and winner is not so cold in Kazakhstan.

c. Kazakh and Russian are the largest ethnic groups.

d. Peacefulness and tolerance are the national features of Kazakh culture.

e. Kazakhstani people aim to create the conditions for the socio-economic development of the country.

5) Make a short report using the plan you already have, or try to follow these questions:

a. Which place does Kazakhstan take with its territory?

b. What does its land consist of?

c. What can you say about its climate?

d. What kind of groups does its population include?

e. What are its official language and the language of communication?

f. How can you describe Kazakh people? (their distinctive features)

g. What can you tell about its economy?

6) Mind the usage of the articles and the Present Simple tense

Control: questions to the theme

a. What is the territory of Kazakhstan?

b. What is its winter and summer like?

c. What is their main religion?

d. Do the people of the country have the right to choose their

for communication, study and work?

e. What are the principles of people’s hospitality?

f. What does the national economic policy aim to create?


1. Printed text: ‘Kazakhstan’

2. Maslova A.M. ‘Essential English for Medical Students’. Moscow, 1983

3. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. – Cambridge, 1988

4. Bonk N.A. ‘Учебник английского языка’. Saint-Petersburg, 1997

5. Bonk N.A. ‘English step by step’. Moscow, 1999


Contact hour (2)

Theme: ”Almaty –my favourite city”

Lexics: word and word- combinations

Grammar: Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals. Dates. Past Simple Tense.


- to introduce new lexics on the text “Almaty …”

- to practice the usage of the new lexics

- to practice students’ oral speech

- the teach students the formation and usage of Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals, dates and Past Simple Tense

- to develop lexico-grammatical skills

Basic thematic issues: lexics on the topic “Cities”, revision of Present Simple Tense, regular and irregular verbs

Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, dialogues, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, solving situational tasks

1st hour

1. Listen to the new word and word combinations, repeat then and write down in your vocabularies:

Capital, southern, to be situated, at the foot, height, sea level, beautiful, snowy peak, cultural, financial, political, places of interest, a skating rink, a steel-rope way, a museum, a theatre, an original architecture, a square, a circus, to impress, a fortress, hospitable

2. Find in the text the following words and word combinations:

Южная столица, горы Алатау, город – сад, интересные места, старая и новая площади, гостиницы, театр им. М. Ауезова, туристы, был основан в 1853г., очень известный, гостеприимный народ, большое будущее.

3. Find the following sentences from the text:

а) Это один из красивейших городов мира.

б) Алматы – это город – сад.

в) Алматы имеет длинную историю.

г) Город был основан в 1853 г.

д) Крупный красный алматинский апорт знают даже в Европе.

4. Finish the sentences:

a) Almaty is the …… capital of Kazakhstan.

b) It is one of the most ….. cities of the world.

c) There are very many places of … in Almaty.

d) Almaty has a long …

e) The town was founded in …

f) Almaty is a city of nice ….people, the city with great ….

5. Read the cardinal and ordinal numerals:

11, 15, 41st, 12, 22nd, 268, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 457, 1368, 1916, 63rd, 20, 21st

2nd hour

1. Read the cardinal numerals and form the ordinal ones:

21, 144, 2, 1257, 1, 12, 24, 421, 6759

2. Read the dates:

1987, 1915, 2007, 1812, 1957, 1900, 15th June, 1975, 22nd May 2007, 30th January, 1987, 1st March, 1990.

I was born in 1989. My birthday is on the 23rd of March.

3. Past Simple Tense:

a) The Past Simple Tense is used to express a finished action in the past:

We played tennis yesterday. He graduated from the University last year. She saw Peter last Sunday.

b) It is also used to express a past habit:

When I was a child we went to Spain every summer. I wore a uniform at school.

4. Read the following words paying attention to pronunciation of endings –d, -ed

a) forced, washed, worked, stopped, developed, asked

b) entered, lived, saved, answered, effused

c) operated, prevented, studied, waited

d) suffered, called, treated, recovered

5. Home task

a) to learn new lexics

b) do exercises from a work-out

c) control reading and translation of the text “Almaty …”

d) to learn new grammar material


A text “Almaty …” (material of the department), Language laboratory exercises for medical students, Maslova A.M, Moscow, 2002

Work-out 5

Contact Hours (3)

Theme: English speaking country Great Britain

Lexics: Word and word -combinations

Grammar: 1. Demonstrative pronouns: this, these, that, those

2. Prepositions

Aim: to enlarge students’ awareness about the country Great Britain; to build students’ knowledge on the new lexics according to the theme and to study grammar materials to use them in their speech

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: Studying languages one should always know that possessing the language you must know the importance of learning its origin. In the modern world English is almost the main language of communication. And since it is the subject of ours, we are to learn not only the language itself, but also, it is of great importance to study the historical English speaking world – Britain. All the information given in the easy-covered text ‘Great Britain’ helps the students to learn new lexics and gives them an opportunity to cover the general knowledge of it. Thus it will develop their mental outwork.

Grammar: In the English language there are several types of preposition according to their roles. They can be prepositions of places and directions or directions and motions. Accordingly each of them may have an important stylistic meaning. For example with the meanings of frequently used prepositions such as at, on, in, into, etc. one may be confused trying to find its proper translation without context. Thus it is also important to know the usage of them in the phrases and sentences. Getting to know with some of the prepositions students will have an opportunity to understand their usage from the text ‘Great Britain’ and furthermore, to use them in their speech while retelling or answering the questions.

The examples of the usage of some prepositions are shown in the table № 1.

Table № 1.


On from

into out of

at from



Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, dialogues, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, solving situational tasks

Contact Hour № 1

1) Look through the words given below, remember their pronunciation and learn them:

Northern [nɔ(әn] – северный

Ireland [aiәlәnd] – Ирландия

Isle [ail] – островок

Monarchy [mɔnәki] – монархия

Occupy [`ɔkjupai] – занимать

Mountainous [`mauntinәs] – гористый

Mild [maild] – мягкий, слабый, нежный

Chief [tʃ`i:f] – главный, руководящий

Customs [`kʌstәm] – обычай

Chamber [`tʃeimbә] – палата, камера

2) Define the translation of the following words in Russian, and with the help of new the lexics given above try to translate the Russian word combinations into English.

a. highly – высоко развитый, высоко образованный

b. head – глава государства, главный офис (контора), головная боль

c. chief – главный, ведущая индустрия (промышленность)

d. vast – обширный, большая равнина

3) Translate the following sentences using the words given above:

1. England, Scotland, and Wales occupy the territory of Great Britain.

2. The surface of the UK varies greatly.

3. All the rest is a vast plain, which is called the Lowlands.

4. One of the chief industries is shipbuilding.

5. The UK is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head.

6. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

Contact Hour № 2

1) What do you know about prepositions?

(You may go to the reference of Prepositions in Maslova A.M., 1983)

2) What is the difference between on and under; in and into; to and from; into and out of ?

3) Try to translate the following: out of the country, on the mountains, in the southern part, on the line, off the place, to the destination.

4) Try to give some examples of your own and try to give some other examples of the prepositions.

5) Explain the role of the highlighted prepositions in the following sentences:

1. The UK of GB and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.

2. Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland.

3. The capital of the UK is London.

4. There are many beautiful lakes in the mountainous part of the country.

5. GB is a country with old cultural traditions and customs.

1. Demonstrative pronouns

1) Translate the following pronouns and add possible nouns to each. First is given to you.

This- этот – e.g. this book, this country, this question




2) Which of these words/phrases are relative to the pronoun ‘those’

a) 1year b) past years c) 3days time d) period of time

Contact Hour № 3

1) Read the text and try to translate it using new words and phrases given above

Great Britain.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

England, Wales, Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland. The territory of the United Kingdom is about 244 000 (two hundred and forty four thousand) square kilometers. The population of the United Kingdom is over 56 million people. The capital of the United Kingdom is London.

The surface of the United Kingdom varies greatly. The northern and the western parts of the country are mountainous and are called the Highlands. All the rest is a vast plain, which is called the Lowlands. The mountains are not very high. The rivers are not very long. The most important of them are the Severn and the Thames. There are many beautiful lakes in the mountainous part of the country.

The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate of Great Britain. It is mild the whole year round. Winters are not cold and summers are not hot.

Great Britain is highly a developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of iron and steel products, machinery and electronics, chemicals and textile. One of the chief industries is shipbuilding.

Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centers are Oxford and Cambridge universities. They are considered to be the intellectual centers of Europe. The education is not free, it is very expensive.

The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state. But in practice the United Kingdom is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour party, the Conservative party and the Liberal party.

2) Find the sentences with prepositions from the text, translate them and compare the similar ones.

3) Try to divide the whole text into several topics according to the importance of the information given in each reasonable paragraph (approx. 5-6 paragraphs)

4) In groups of 3-4 write questions to each titled paragraphs (2-3 questions to each), after what ask the prepared questions one group from another.

5) Make a short presentation using the information in the text and your own knowledge and the country

Great Britain


1. The general description of Great Britain.

2. The geographical position of Great Britain.

3. Great Britain as an industrial country.

4. Education in Great Britain.

5. Its governmental system.

Control: questions to the theme:

1. What is the full name for GB?

2. How many parts does it consist of?

3. What can you tell about its geographical position?

4. Name the mountains which were mentioned in the text.

5. Who is the head of the state?

6. How many political parties do they have? What are they?


1. Printed text: ‘Great Britain’

2. Maslova A.M. ‘Essential English for Medical students’. Moscow, 1983

3. Bonk N.A. ‘Учебник английского языка’. Saint-Petersburg, 1997

4. Bonk N.A. ‘English step by step’. Moscow, 1999

5. Murphy R. ‘English Grammar in Use’. Cambridge, 1988

Work- out 6

Contact hours (2)

Theme: London is the capital of Great Britain

Lexics: words and word- combinations

Grammar: Zero and definite articles with geographical names

Aim:to introduce new lexics; to teach the students to use the articles (the, zero) in their speech; to teach the students to use new lexics in their speech.

Basic thematic issues: the students will get aquainted with the sightseeing` s of London: the students should know lexics and grammar material.

Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, work on material: it would help the students to speak about London.

1st hour

Work on words:

1. Pay attention to the correct pronunciation and read the words:

River, Westminster, Tower, St. Pauls Cathedral, square, Buckingham palace, Isles, Kingdom.

2.Remember the pronunciation of the following words and learn them


Economic- экономический

Commercial- коммерческий

Divide- делить


Fortress- крепость

Palace- дворец

Hotel- отель

Square- площадь

Shop- магазин

Isles- острова

Situate- располагаться

Tower- башня

3.Give Russian equivalents to:

The river Thames

The City


The West End

The East End

St. Pauls Cathedral

The Tower of London

Buckingham Palace

The Queen

The houses of Parliament

The clock Tower

Westminster Abbey

Trafalgar square

The tall Nelson`s Column

4.Give English equivalents to:

Политический центр

Экономический центр

Коммерческий центр

Самый большой город

Быть разделенным на несколько частей

Самая старая часть Лондона

Финансовый и деловой центр

Многочисленные банки и офисы


Знаменитый чем- то

Различные магазины

Work on Grammar:

Put the articles( the, zero)

- United Kingdom

- Great Britain

- Nothern Ireland

- British Isles

- England

- Wales

- Scotland

- London

- Highlands

- Lowlands

- Atlantic Ocean

- Oxford university

- Cambridge university

- Europe

- Thames

- West End

- East End

- Tower of London

- Trafalgar Square

- City

- Oxford street

- Downing street

- Westminster

5. Translate into English:

Сити- старейшая часть Лондона, его финансовый и коммерческий центр.

Вестминстер- это наиболее важная часть столицы.

Магазины, театры, музеи находятся в западной части.

Широкие улицы с красивыми домами, парки, сады расположены в центре города.

Оксфорд был торговым центром. Сегодня Оксфорд- лучший образовательный центр.

Лондонский Тауэр был крепостью, сейчас это музей.


Variant 1

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

… Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror.

Variant 2

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

Traditionally London is divided into… West End and East End.

Variant 3

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

Across the road from… Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace, the seat of the British Parliament.

Variant 4

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

Westminster is … aristocratic official part of London.

… Tower of London was built in the 15 th century.

Variant 5

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

London is situated on … river Thames. Trafalgar square is the geographical centre of London.


The text “ London”

Cutting Edge – Elementary

Material of the department

2nd hour

Work on the text:

1. Read the text


London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and commercial centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. It`s population is about 8 million.

London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old. It has more than 20 centuries old history. Traditionally it is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. They are very different from each other.

The City is the oldest part of London. It is a financial and business centre. Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated here. Few people live in the City but over a million come to work here. Two architectural masterpieces are situated within the City: St. Paul` s Cathedral and the Tower of London. St. Paul` s Cathedral was built in the 17- th century by Christopher Wren. The Tower of London was built in the 15-th century. It was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison. Now it` s a museum.

Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London. It includes Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives and the houses of Parliament along the north bank of the Thames.

The clock Tower of the Houses of parliament is famous for its big hour bell known as “ Big Ben”. Westminster Abbey is the place where the coronation of all kings and queens has taken place. Many of them are buried here as well as some other famous people of the country.

The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses are situated there. There are many various shops in it, which attract tourists from different countries of the world.

Trafalgar square is the geographical center of London; it was named in the memory of Admiral Nelson` s victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson` s Column stands in the middle of the square.

The East End is an industrial district of London. There are many factories there. The region is densely populated by working class families.

2. Translate it

3. Find in the text the sentences with new words and word- combinations and translate them

4.Find in the text geographical names with articles (the, zero)

5.Students have to talk about parts of London

What is the City?

What is Westminster?

What is the West End?

What is the East End?

6.Write each 7-th word of the text. Guess it` s mining according to context.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain _________Nothern Ireland is situated on the __________ Isles. It consists of four parts: England,______ Scotland and Nothern Ireland. The territory of United Kingdom_________ about 244000 square kilometers. The surface of the United Kingdom__________ greatly.

7.Make up sentences with following word- combinations:

- with old cultural traditions and customs

- the most famous educational centers

- the Head of the State

- Political parties

8.Finish the sentences:

London is the capital of Great Britain, it` s political, economic and … . It` s one of the largest cities in the world and largest city … . Traditionally it is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and … . Few people live in the City, but over a million come to … . The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses are situated … . Trafalgar square is the … .

9.Translate into Russian:

It is one of the largest cities in the world. It has more than 20 centuries old history. Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated here. Two architectural masterpieces are situated within the City: St. Paul` s Cathedral and the Tower of London. The Tower of London was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison.

10.Translate into English:

Население Лондона составляет около 8 миллиона человек. Лондон расположен на берегу реки Темза. Сити самая старая часть Лондона. Вестминстерское Аббатство- место , где происходит коронация всех королей и королев. Многие из них похоронены там. Ист- Енд- промышленный район Лондона.

Control: (questions, role- playing game, rendering texts, dialogues)

1. What is the capital of England and the UK?

2. What is the City?

3. When and by whom was the Tower of London built?

4. Into which parts is London divided?

5. Where are many famous English peoples buried?

6. Why Trafalgar Square was named so?

7. Where is the Tower of London and St. Paul` s Cathedral situated?

Translate into English and dramatize the dialogue between a Londoner and a visitor of London.

А. Доброе утро! Как поживаете ?

Б. Доброе утро! Спасибо, хорошо.

А. Сколько дней вы в Лондоне?

Б. 5 дней.

А. Какие достопримечательности города Вам удалось увидеть?

Б. Я видел Вестминстерский дворец.

А. Это хорошо. Но в Лондоне много других известных мест. Если хотите, давайте посмотрим!

Translate into English and dramatize the following dialogue between two friends. One of them is a Londoner.

А. Привет, как дела?

Б. Привет. Прекрасно.

А. А не пойти ли нам посмотреть достопримечательности?

Б. Хорошая идея!

А. Какие достопримечательности ты хочешь мне показать?

Б. Я бы хотел, чтобы ты увидел здание Парламента, Вестминстерское Аббатство, Собор Святого Павла.

А. Я хотел бы посетить Трафальгарскую площадь.

Role – playing games “Giving directions”


Excuse me, can you tell me…

- how to get to…

- the way to …

- how far it is to ….

- If this the right way to…


- go straight ahead …

- turn left

- turn right

- go towards

- go away

- walk along


The text “London”

Cutting – Edge- Elementary

Material of the department

Work –out7

Contact hour(3)

Theme׃ Education in Great Britain.

Lexics: words and word-combinations

Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense

Aim:Students are to know and use in Speech Present Tense on the base of educational system vocabulary.

Base thematic issues:

This lesson is inspired by text describing the educational system of great Britain, its structure and lexical issues focusing on presents Perfect Tense and educational terms.

Method of teaching: performing practical classes, work on material: it would help the students to speak about Education in Great Britain.

1st hour

1) Presentation of a new vocabulary with the help of a list of words.

A list of new words and word-combinations:



To attend

Nursery school

To play alot

To listen attentively

To behave

Primary education

Infant school

Junior school

Physical education

State school

Public school


Secondary education





Technical drawing




Advanced level

2.Work and words:

A child

A school

A lesson

A people

A subject

A parent

A son

A dauhter

A college

A sciense

A teenager

A an exam

Find the pairs of synonyms and memorize them:


To attend


To start

Ti have a lot of run

To move


The majority

Find the pairs of antonyms and memorize them:


The majority



To be good

To pass an exam

To stay on

2)Presentation of new grammar material (look at grammar appearance)

Work on grammar

Give Past Participle of the following verbs:

To begin;

To play;

To learn;

To listen;

To behave;

To have;

To go;

To move;

To pay;

To go;

3.Translate to Russian:

А) Отдавать детей в школу;

В) Готовить учеников для поступления в университет;

С) Изучать английскую литературу;

D)Точные естественные науки;

4.Presantation of the text.

1) Read the text «Education in Great Britain» two times;

2) Translate the text

5.Home task:

1) to learn new vocabulary

2)to do exercises from the work-out

3) to learn grammar material. Present Perfect Tense

4)The control reading and translation of the text «Education in Great Britain».

Recomended literature:

- The text «Education in Great britain».

-Murphy «Gammar in USE»

Cutting Edge, pre-intermediate p152

2nd hour

1) Choose from the following verbs those that are regular and give the Past Participle of them:

To be to work

To have to listen

To take to translate

To go to find

To ask to help

2) Translate into English:

Сломанный карандаш

Город, окруженный деревьями

Данный текст

3..Choose from the following verbs those that are irregular and give the Past Participle of them:

to break to be

to have to give

to appear to talk

to make to cure

to choose to pay

4. Translate into English:

Отремонтированная машина

Интегрированная система

Опубликованная статья

5.Conjugate the verb «to listen» in the Present Perfect.

6.Make up sentences using the Present Perfect of the verbs:

to attend

to enter

to take

1. Translate into English:

-Я поступил «а»на 1-ый курс КазНМУ в этом году.

2.Conjugate the verb «to study» in the Present Perfect.

3. Make up sentences the Present Perfect of the verbs:

to go

to study

to ask

4.Translate into English:

-сколько страниц вы перевили к сегодняшнему дню?

Work out 8

Contact Hour (3)

Theme: Education in Kazakhstan

Lexics: words and word - combinations of the theme

Grammar: Future Perfect Tense

Aim: - to introduce new lexics and grammar material

- to practice student’s speech and grammar skills

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: There are different types of education in our country. They are: pre – school education, general education, primary and secondary education, other educational programmes and higher education. It is necessary to introduce students with new lexical material in order to know about the process of education in Kazakhstan. The text is full of special words and word – combinations which prepare students to the reading and understanding them.

Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, dialogues, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, working with book and computer programs.

1st hour

1. Remember:

The letter c is read [s] before e, i, y : century, cycle, cent;

in other cases [k] : education, contain, cut.

The letter g is read [(] before e, i, y: surgery, gin, technology;

in others cases [g]: gums, games, egg.

2. Read and explain the rules of reading.

cell, extraction, face, science, prescription, certain, since, code, cure, page, good, gums, college, surgery, grow, green, large, glad, game, gap.

3. Group the words from ex. 2 according to the sounds:

[s] [(]

c [k] g [g]

4. Learn these words and word combinations paying attention to the correct pronunciation:

kindergarten – детский сад

secondary – среднее

Natural Sciences – естественные науки

technical schools – технические школы

colleges –колледжи

gifted children – одаренные дети

special schools - специальные школы

gymnasiums - гимназии

lyceums – лицеи

private – частный

higher education – высшие образование

at the age – в возрасте

a lot of new subjects – множество новых предметов

Foreign Languages – иностранные языки

the Bachelor degree – степень бакалавра

the Master’s – степень магистра

entrance examination – вступительное тестирование

successfully – успешно

free of charge – бесплатное.

5. Give Russian equivalents to the following word – combinations:

прежде чем, продолжить образование, профессиональное училище, кроме основного типа, изучать предметы, детский сад, начальная школа, специализированные средние школы, интенсивное обучение, балетные школы, спортивные школы, особо одаренные дети, специальные школы для детей – инвалидов, бесплатное образование, система образования.

6. Compose 5 sentences using the following words and word – combinations:

natural sciences, gifted children, a higher education, in order to enter, those who successfully pass.

Grammar: Future Perfect Tense.

1.Read the following sentences and compare English and Prussian translations:

I have written a letter. Я написал письмо.

I will have written a letter Я напишу письмо до того,

before he comes tomorrow. как он придет завтра.

2. Remember:

The fist sentence is the Present Perfect Tense. We make it with have / has and the past participle of the main verb.

The second sentence is the Future Perfect Tense. We make it with will have and the past participle of the main verb.

To form regular past participles, we add (- ed) to the verb stem: work – worked.

Many common verbs have an irregular past participle: write – wrote – written.



To make negative form of the Future Perfect Tense we use:

will + not +have + V3 (Ved):

He will not have played by this time next Monday.

To make questions we put will in front of the subject.

Will he have written a letter by 3 clock tomorrow?

3. Write 3 forms of the following verbs:

eat, be, hold, leave, make, meet, read, work, hear, sit, see, send, live, play, have, arrive, watch, happen.

Control: vocabulary test

2nd Hour


The letter combination ch is read:

[ʧ] - at the beginning of the word: child [ʧaIld] ребенок ;

- at the end of one – syllable words after a long vowel:

teach [ti:ʧ] учить.

[k] - in Greek borrowings: chemist [´kemIst] аптекарь.

The letter combination ng at the end of the word is read [ŋ]: using [´ju:zIŋ] используя.

1. Read and translate the words paying attention to the pronunciation.

chemist, child, speech, school, character, teach, check, chemist’s, chemistry, using, receiving, thing, morning, long, following, confusing, indicating, choice, children, school, education.

2. Read and translate the text «Education in Kazakhstan».

Before going to school, children attend kindergartens until they are six or seven.

Compulsory education begins in our country at the age of seven, when children go to primary school.

The secondary stage begins from the 5 th form when children start studying a lot of new subjects, such as Literature, History, Natural Sciences and others.

Examinations are taken at the end of the 9-th and the 11-th forms.

Some children may leave school after the 9-th form and continue their education at vocational or technical schools or colleges.

Besides secondary schools there are other types of schools in Kazakhstan. There are specialized secondary schools with intensive study of a certain subject, for example Foreign Languages, Literature, Physics and others.

There are also specialized art, music, ballet and sport schools for gifted children and special schools for handicapped children.

Secondary education in our country is free of charge. Among secondary schools there are gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums most of them are private.

There are institutes, schools of higher education, universities and academies among higher educational institutions.

In 1992 Kazakhstan system of higher education adopted the western model – a 4 years course of studies with getting the Bachelor degree after graduation and graduation and a 2 years course of study with getting the Master’s degree after graduation.

In order to enter a higher educational institution young people have to take an entrance examination.

Only those who successfully pass entrance testing are admitted free of charge. In other cases education is given on the commercial basis.

3. Find English equivalents of the following word combinations in the text:

attend kindergartens, at the age of, a lot of new subjects, leave school, continue education, besides secondary schools, specialized schools, with intensive study, for gifted children, pass entrance testing.

4. Complete the sentence using the text information.

Children attend kindergartens until they are ------------.

Compulsory education begins in our country at the ----------------.

There are special schools for -------------.

Secondary education in our country is -------------.

Gumnasiums, colleges and lyceumus are -----------.

There are institutes, universities and academies among ----------.

To enter a higher educational institution young people have to take -----------.

5. Translate the following sentences into English

Казахстанская система высшего образования в 1992 году переняла западную модель с 4-мя годами обучения с получением степени бакалавра и двумя дополнительными годами для получения степени магистра.

Бесплатное высшее образование получают те абитуриенты, которые проходят республиканское тестирование. В остальных случаях основа обучения платная.

Для поступления в высшее учебное заведение необходимо пройти вступительное тестирование.

Часть учащихся могут покинуть школу после 9-го класса и продолжить образование в профессиональных училищах.

Среднее образование начинается с 5-го класса, где дети изучают множество новых предметов, таких как литература, история, естественные науки и т.д.

Экзамены проводятся в 9-х и 11-х классах.

В Казахстане кроме основного типа средних школ есть и другие типы школ. Существуют специализированные средние школы с интенсивным изучением какого-либо одного предмета, например, иностранного языка, литературы, физики и т.д.

6. Read the grammar material.

Make up 7 sentences. Use the Future Perfect Tense.

Control: answer questions

-What is the rule of the Future Perfect Tense?

-When do we use the Future Perfect Tense?

-How is the negative form of Future Perfect Tense formed?

-How is the question form of Future Perfect Tense formed?

3rd Hour

1. Read the following sentences and compare them with the translation.

He said (that) he lived in Almaty. Он сказал, что живет в Алмате.

He said (that) he had lived in Almaty. Он сказал, что жил в Алмате.

He said (that) he would live in Almaty. Он сказал, что будет жить в Алмате.

2. Explain the rules of grammar material “Sequence of Tenses”

according to ex. № 1

3. Make up your own sentences using Sequence of Tenses with the word-combinations:

to study a lot of new subjects

to go to primary school

to leave school

to enter a higher educational institution

to get the Bachelor degree

to get the Masters degree.

4. Work in pairs. Put 10 questions using the text information.

5. Make up dialogues about the education in Kazakhstan.

Using the expressions given below.

As for as you know… …

First of all

To tell the truth

It is necessary

On the one hand

On the other hand

6. Compose the plan of retelling the text.


Questions to the theme:

-When do children attend kindergartens in our country?

-When does compulsory education begin?

-What subjects do children study at the secondary stage?

-May any children leave schools at the end of the 9th and the 11th forms?

-Where do they continue education?

-What kind of other types of schools are there in our country?

-Are there schools with intensive study of a certain subject?

-What schools are there for gifted children?

-What schools are there for handicapped children?

-Is secondary education free of charge in Kazakhstan?

-What can you tell about the western model?

-What do young people do to enter a higher educational institution?

-In what cases education is given on the commercial bases?


1. Printed text: “Education in Kazakhstan”

2. Maslova A.M. Essential English for Medical students. Moscow 2002.

3. Maslova A.M. Language laboratory exercises for medical students. Moscow 2002.

4. Maslova A.M. Essential vocabulary for medical students. Moscow 2002.

Work-out 9

Contact Hours (3)

Theme: Scientists of Great Britain

Lexics: words and word-combinations

Grammar: Modal verbs: can, may, must

Aim: the students have to know all about the country of the studied language, particularly, about the scientist of Great Britain, get acquainted with the biography and his contribution to science. It is very important for the development of students’ general knowledge.

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: the students have to know lexics of the text "Edward Jenner" (words and word-combinations of the text) and are ablе to use new lexics of the text in their speech.

Grammar: Modal verbs are “modal auxiliaries”. They are helping verbs that express a wide range of meanings (ability, permission, possibility, necessity, etc.). Most of the modals have more than one meaning.

Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, dialogues, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, working with book and computer programs.

1st hour

1. Read and memorize the following words paying attention to the pronunciation:

Smallpox - оспа

Vaccination - вакцинация

Apprentice – ученик, подмастерье

Clergyman – священник

Stimuli -стимул

Capable - способный

Vesicles - пузырек

Outbreak - вспышка

Protection - охрана

Youth – юноша, молодость

To acquire - приобретать

Reliance - зависимость

Inoculation - прививка

Cowpox – «телячья» оспа

Lesion – повреждение, рана

2Read and translate new words and word – combinations:

Discoverer, vaccination for smallpox, country youth, stimuli, clergyman, to acquire, apprentice, confirm, reliance, capable, outbreak, inoculation, cowpox, lesion, exposure, deliberate, slight fever.

3.Match the words from the left column with the synonyms from the right column:

youth gifted

to gain adolescent

apprentice capable

learner to acquire

4.Translate into Russian:

spread rapidly, mechanism of protection, could be transmitted, clinical surgery, experimental investigation, honours.


1. Translate the following wоrd - соmbinatiоns: клиническая хирургия, механизм защиты, экспериментальное исследование, сын священника, любовь к природе.

2. Choose the right synonym:

1. Youth a. child

b. man

c. old

d. adolescent

2. gifted a. romantic

b. capable

c. modest

d. calm

3. apprentice a. learner

b. person

c. teenager

d. worker

4. to gain a. to know

b. to sorrow

c. to acquire

d. to like

2nd Hour

1. Write down three things you can do. ( two true and one false )

2. Write down three things you can’t do. ( two true and one false )

3. Which of these things can you do in your town. Make sentences.

a. travel by tram

b. travel by underground

c. ride a bicycle safely

d. find a taxi easily

e. go shopping on a Sunday

4. Соmрlеtе the sentences with could оr couldn't and уоur own words.

Ехаmрlе: А уеаг ago I couldn't speak English well, but now I саn.

a. When I was а bаbу, I____but now I саn.

b. Five years ago, I __ , but now I can't.

c. In the past I __ , but now I саn.

5. Explain the usage of may and might and translate the following sentences:

You may take any book you like.

She told him that he might go home.

He may come tonight, but I am not sure.

I said that he was not in the house, but he might be in the garden.

6. Make a logical conclusion. Use must:

a. Mrs. Chu has a big smile on her face.

b. Emily is coughing and sneezing.

c. Jack always gets the highest score on every test he takes.

7. Complete the dialogues with must or must not:

a.) A. Did you offer our guests something to drink?

B. Yes, but they didn’t want anything. They______ be thirsty.

b. A. You’ve been out here working in the hot sun for hours. You_______thirsty.

B. I am.

c. A. Adam has already eaten one sandwich. Now he’s making another.

B. He __________ be hungry.

d. A. I offered Holly something to eat, but she doesn’t want anything.

B. She _______ be hungry.


1. Fundamentals of English Grammar. Betty S. Azar. pp 189-194


2. Write two things you can do:

a. in a restaurant You can have lunch.

b. at the weekend in your town / city

c. in a classroom

d. with an e-mail

3rd Hour

1. Read and translate the text:

Edward Jenner

Edward Jenner was born in 1749 in Berkeley, England and died in 1823, English surgeon and discoverer of vaccination for smallpox.

Jenner was born at a time when the patterns of british medical practice and education were undergoing gradual change. He was a country youth, the son of clergyman. Edward acquired a love of nature remained with him all his life. He attended grammar school and at the age of 13 was apprentice to nearby surgeon. On completing his apprentice ship at the age of 21 he went to London and became the house pupil of John Hunter. From no one else could Jenner have received the stimuli that so confirmed an interest in biological phenomena, disciplined powers of observation, a reliance on experimental investigation.

In addition to his training and experience in biology Jenner made progress in clinical surgery. He was capable, skillful and popular.

Smallpox was widely spread in the 18th century, and occasional outbreaks of special intensity resulted in a very high death rate. The only means of combating the disease was the so-called inoculation.

Jenner had been expressed by the fact that a person who had suffered an attack of cowpox – a relatively harmless disease that could be contracted from cattle – could not take the smallpox – i.e., could not become infected whether by accidental or in intentional exposure to the smallpox. Jenner concluded that cowpox not only protected against smallpox but could be transmitted from one person to another as a deliberate mechanism of protection.

The story of the great breakthrough is well known. In May 1796 Jenner found a young dairymaid , Sarah Nelmes, who had fresh cowpox lesions on her finger. The first child whom Jenner introduced the substance from cowpox vesicles was an eight-year-old boy, Jimmy Phipps.

Then he inoculated the boy again, this time with smallpox matter. No disease developed.

The procedure spread rapidly to the European continent, then to America, and soon was carried around the world.

Jenner not only received honors but also aroused opposition and found himself subjected to attacks, despite which he continued his activities in behalf of vaccination.

2. Find in the text the following wогd -соmbinatiоns :

клиническая хирургия, механизм защиты, экспериментальное исследование, сын священника, любовь к природе.

3. Insert prepositions where necessary:

Edward Jenner was the discoverer ….. vaccination. He studied medicine …. London. His persistent scientific work resulted …… the the discovery of vaccination against smallpox. The vaccination is effective …. Prolonged period … time. The diseases had been common …… centuries ….. many countries …. Asia.

3. Complete the sentences using the text information:

a. Edward Jenner was born in …….

b. He was ……

c. Edward acquired a love of ……

d. Smallpox was widely spread in the ……

e. Jenner concluded that cowpox …….

5. Trans1ate the following sentences :

a. Looking back at the great discoveries of science manу of them seem so simp1e/

b. The disease had bееn соmmоn for centuries in manу соuntгiеs of Asia.

c. Тhеге were few реорlе who recovered from the disease.

d. Immunity, mау vary depending оn various conditions.

6. Express the essence of every paragraph in a short sentence and entitle each


7. Put ten questions to the text “Edward Jenner” and answer them.

8. Make up a plan of the retelling of the text: “ Edward Jenner”


Plan of the retelling of the text:

1. English surgeon and great discoverer

2. Reliance on experimental investigation.

3. Dangerous disease.

4. Deliberate mechanism of protection.

5. First inoculation.

6. The magic procedure.


1. Questions to the theme:

1. Answer the questions:

a) Who was the discoverer of vaccination?

b) When was Edward Jenner born?

с) What disease was оnе of the main causes of death in the 18t1h century?

d) Who was the first person whom Jenner introduced the substance from cowpox vesicles?

2. Choose the right variant:

1. Edward Jenner was

a. a pilot

b. a politician

c. a scientist

d. a cook

2. Edward Jenner was born in

a. Scotland

b. Berkeley

c. Poland

d. Cambridge

3. Edward Jenner acquired a love of

a. astronomy

b. physics

c. mathematics

d. nature

4. The only means of combating smallpox was

a. inoculation

b. auscultation

c. percussion

d. invasion


1. text “ Edward Jenner” encyclopedia “ Britannica”

2. Fundamentals of English Grammar. Betty S. Azar. p.211

3. Maslova A.M. Essential English for Medical students. Moscow. 2002

Work out 10

Contact Hours (3)

Theme: The prominent medical scientists of Kazakhstan

Lexics: words and word-combinations

Grammar: Constructions going to, would like to, want to

Aim: to teach the students to tell about scientific research work of prominent medical scientists, living in Kazakhstan; to study new lexical and grammar material and to use it in their speech.

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: The prominent medical scientists of Kazakhstan made a great contribution to the development of our country’s science. Studying of their scientific research work is very important for the development of students’ general knowledge, their patriotic education, and development of their mental outwork. In texts about prominent medical scientists of Kazakhstan new lexics and special English medical terminology are widely used. Studying of special English medical terminology helps the students to read and translate more complicated medical texts and is very important for their future professional work.

Grammar: In English language the grammar construction going to, would like to, want to are widely used. They have an important stylistic meaning. They are used in such cases, when the narrator wants to pay attention of his listener on the importance of the reported information or when the narrator wants to stress the most important phrases and sentences in his speech or in written text.

These constructions are translated into Russian language as: собираться, хотеть, сделать что-либо.

These constructions are often used in stories about life and research work of prominent scientists, etc. In such cases the speech of narrator becomes more emotional and has a stylistic meaning, at example: I am going to tell you about scientific research work of prominent Kazakhstan’s phthisiatrician Muminov T.A.

Translation of constructions going to, would like to, want to in Russian language and examples of their use in English language are shown in the table №

Table № 1

|Construction |Translation |Example |

|going to |собираться сделать ч-л. |I am going to tell you about prominent scientists of Kazakhstan. |

|would like to |хотел бы сделать ч-л., был бы рад |I would like to tell you about political work of S.D. Asfendiarov. |

| |сделать ч-л. | |

|want to |хотеть сделать ч-л. |I want to tell you about scientific and pedagogical work of T.A. Muminov. |

Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, dialogues, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, solving situational tasks.

1st hour.

1. Remember:

The letter o before m, n, th, v is usually read as [(]: among [’m(ŋ], above [ə’b(v], [bik(m].

In closed [2] stressed syllable letter u is read [(] adult [‘æd(lt], consult [kən’s(lt],

2. Pay attention to the pronunciation and read the words;

son, upper, above, adult, among, another, become, blood, colour, consult.

3. Remember the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, and learn them.

|doctor, n |[‘dɔktə] |доктор, врач |

|author, n |[‘ɔ:θə] |автор |

|offspring, n |[ɔf’spriŋ] |потомок |

|person, n |[pə:sn] |лицо, личность |

|education, n |[edju:’ keiЅn] |образование |

|health care |[helθ kεə] |здравоохранения |

|professor, n |[prə’fesə] |профессор |

|scientist, n |[‘saiəntist] |ученый |

|medicine, n |[‘medsin] |медицина |

|medical science |[‘medikəl ‘saiəns] |медицинская наука |

|assistant, n |[ə’sistənt] |ассистент |

|graduate (from),v |[grædjueit] |окончить университет, институт |

|expert, n |[‘ekspə:t] |эксперт |

|supervision, n |[sju:pə’viӡn] |научное руководство |

|to defend a dissertation |[tu di’fend ə disə:’teiЅən] |защитить диссертацию |

|tuberculosis, n |[tju: bə:kju’lousis] |туберкулез |

|pulmonary tuberculosis |[p(lmənəri tju:bə:kjulousis] |легочный туберкулез |

|physician |[fi’ziЅn] |врач, медик |

|prevention of diseases |[pri’venЅn əv di’zi:zəs] |профилактика заболеваний |

|lung, n |[‘l(ng] |легкое |

|lung disease |[l(ng di’zi:z] |легочное заболевание |

|diagnosis, n |[daiəg’nousis] |диагностика |

|ecology, n |[i’kɔlədӡi] |экология |

|phthisiology, n |[fθizi’ɔlədӡi] |фтизиология |

|phthisiopulmonology |[fθizi’ɔp(lmənɔlədӡi] |фтизиопульмонология |

|postgraduate education |[poust’grædjueit edju:keiЅn] |последипломное образование, аспирантура |

|pulmonology |[p(lmənɔlədӡi] |пульмонология |

4. Match the words A and B.

A. B.

a) health 1. tuberculosis

b) to defend 2. a dissertation

c) pulmonary 3. diseases

d) lung 4. education

e) postgraduate 5. care


1. Read these sentences and answer the questions.

1) I am going to tell you about prominent medical scientists.

2) I would like to tell you about political activity of S.D. Asfendiarov.

3) I want to tell you about scientific and pedagogical activity of T.A. Muminov.

1. What meaning have the constructions want to, would like to, going to?

2. What cases are these constructions used in English language?

3. How are these constructions translated in Russian language?

4. Can we use these constructions, when we tell topics about life and research work of prominent scientists?

2. Read and translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the use of constructions want to, would like to, going to.

1. At the end of my report I would like to say you, why I had chosen this theme.

2. I want to tell you about scientific research work of prominent German scientist R. Koch.

3. He is going to defend thesis for degree of the candidate of medicine on a speciality “Phthisiology”.

4. My friend is going to enter Medical University.

5. My friend wants to work as an intern at an in-patient department.

6. I would like to tell you about political and pedagogical activity of S.D. Asfendiarov.

3. Make up six sentences of your own, using constructions would like to, want to, going to.

2nd Hour

1. Read and translate the text A. and B

Text A

S.D. Asfendiarov

S.D. Asfendiarov was a revolutionary, political man, author of works on history of KZ, doctor. He was the first rector of Almaty State Medical Institute.

He was born on the 20th of October 1889 in Tashkent, in a family of a military statesmen, that he was a son of a poor sultan became false. If in very truth, S.A. was a direct offspring of khan Abulhair. Khan Abulhair had 7 sons. The fourth of them was sultan Aishuar, who became the leader of Junior Juz. In accordance with the family, one of his sons Sigal was the grandfather of S.A. In times of Alexander the first he was given some land near river Amu – Darya.

In the end of the first term of the 19th century in the life of society appeared his son – Asfendiar Sigalin. He was one of the most well-known persons of that time. He perfectly understood that children were needed high education to get success and fame.

That is why one of his sons Seitjaphar got the best education in the school of frontier commission. Seitjaphar A. personally knew Nicolay the second. He mastered in perfection turk, tajik and farsy languages. Most of all Seitjaphar A. was the author of many books about traditions and mode of life of native people – Kazakhs.

Most probably the education of father helped his son Sanzhar in his future life, because the depth of erudition, which can be found in his works organically, enters the life of a man from youth.

After graduation from Tashkent secondary college in 1907, he entered the Military Medical Academy in Petersburg, which he finished in 1912. So he was one of the first Kazakh doctors. At the beginning of the 1st World War a young doctor went to the front.

In years of revolution and establishment of Soviet Power S.A. had worked with brigar persons as B.B. Kuibyshev, T. Ryskulov, D.A. Furmanov. In 1920 he was appointed as National Commissar of the Turkistan health care. During this period S.A. tried to fight with infections and wrote a lot of works on this theme.

In 1927 he got the grade of the professor of Moscow University of East Nations, where for a long time he had been reading lectures.

S.A. went to Almaty in 1928 and was engaged in questions of science organization, high education and health care in the Republic. It was a bright and fruitful period in a life of scientist and teacher. He was one of the first directors of Kazakhstan Pedagogical Institute from 1918 – 1931.

S.Asfendiarov was the founder of KSMI, which was opened in 1931 in Almaty. Later on, having been the head of Ministry of Health Care he contributed much in becoming and developing of medicine in Kazakhstan. Then he was the sector’s Manager of history of Kazakh Institute of National culture.

From 1933 – 1937 year S.A. had been working as first assistant of culture branch.

In 1938 he was accused of treachery of Soviet Republic and was shot.

Today, the fund exists, which was organized by his name.

And at the end of my report I would like to say, why I had chosen this theme. I think that it is our duty to know the history of one of the brightest persons of our Kazakh medicine, because thanks to him we study in one of the best Universities.

Text B

T.A. Muminov

Muminov T.A. was born in 1953. He graduated from Almaty state medical institute. Now he is the leading expert on TB and Lung Diseases in Kazakhstan. He published more then 180 scientific articles and books. He is the author of 10 monographs and textbooks. Under his supervision 5 doctors of Medical Science and 10 PhD defended thesis and got their degree. Many parts of the national tuberculosis program in transition period are based upon Muminov’s research.

Muminov T.A. is the outstanding physician, scientist and the manager of Public Health. He is the author of several variants of State standard and the concept of High medical education.

He is the Chairman of Rectors’ Council of medical universities of Central Asia, the Member of Senate of the National Academy of sciences, the Board Member of Ministry of Health in Kazakhstan, the President of TB Association of Kazakhstan, the Academician of the Academy of sciences of the higher school of Kazakhstan, the Academician of the Hamburg Academy of medicine and prevention of diseases, the Academician of the Polish Medical Academy, the Member of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. He is awarded to Albert Schweitzer Gold Medal for humanism and the contribution to development of a medical science (1998). He is the winner of Tarlan (Master) National Scientific Prize (2003).

Now Muminov Talgat Ashirovich is the leader of new program, called “Elaboration and improvement of new methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of several forms of the diseases in ecologically adverse regions of Kazakhstan” 2003 – 2005.


After graduation from Almaty state medical institute in 1976 Muminov T.A. worked as the intern, the assistant – researcher of tuberculosis department. In 1983 Muminov T.A. worked as the probationer in clinic of Academic A.G. Homenko, where he defended the thesis for degree of the Candidate of Medicine on a specialty “Phthisiology”. He was the lecturer of Phthisiopulmonologic department of Almaty State Institute for postgraduate education from 1984 till 1992. After defending the thesis for the Doctor of medical science (DMS) degree in 1992 he was elected as the chief of phthisiology and pulmonology department of Almaty State Institute for postgraduate education. From 1994 till 1995 D-r Muminov was the head of the department of science and education of the Ministry of Health. He was nominated for the rector of Almaty State Medical Institute (nowadays the Kazakh National Medical University) in 1995. Muminov’s basic clinical, scientific and pedagogical interests are related to tuberculosis and to antituberculosis organization.

2. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the texts.

Political man, military statesman, high education, one of the first Kazakh doctors, health care, developing of medicine in Kazakhstan, leading expert on TB and Lung Diseases, outstanding physician and scientist, to work as an intern, phthisiopulmonologic department, rector of Kazakh National Medical University, pulmonary tuberculosis.

3. Find in the texts all sentences, in which the constructions would like to, want to, going to are used. Make up 4 sentences of your own according to the main contents of the texts, using these constructions in them.

4. Make up the plans of the texts: “S.D. Asfendiarov”, “T.A. Muminov”

3rd hour

S.D. Asfendiarov


1. S.D. Asfendiarov’s political and pedagogical activity

2. His ancestors and relatives

3. S.D. Asfendiarov’s study at Military Medical Academy in Petersburg.

4. His political activity during the years of revolution.

5. S.D. Asfendiarov as a rector of Kazakh Pedagogical Institute and Kazakh State Medical Institute.

6. His activity as the head of Ministry of Health Care and the first assistant of culture branch.

7. Fund, named by S.D. Asfendiarov.

T.A. Muminov


1. T.A. Muminov’s study at Almaty State Medical Institute.

2. His scientific activity.

3. T.A. Muminov as the author of State standard and the concept of High Medical Education.

4. His main scientific and pedagogical titles, merits and medals.

5. T.A. Muminov’s biography.


1. Printed texts: “S.D. Asfendiarov”, “T.A. Muminov”

2. Maslova A.M. Essential English for Medical students. Moscow 2002.

3.Maslova A.M. Language laboratory. Exercises for medical students. Moscow 2002.

4. Maslova A.M. Essential vocabulary for medical students. Moscow 2002.


Questions to the theme:

S.D. Asfendiarov

1. What profession had S.D. Asfendiarov?

2. Did the education and political activity of his ancestors and relatives help him in political and scientific work?

3. What Academy did S.D.Asfendiarov graduate from?

4. Where did he work during the years of establishment of Soviet Power?

5. When did he get the grade of the professor? Where did he work after getting of this grade?

6. What Institutes did he organize? Was he the first rector of Kazakh State Medical Institute?

7. Did S.D. Asfendiarov constitute much in becoming and developing of medicine in Kazakhstan?

T.A. Muminov.

1. What Institute did T.A. Muminov graduate from?

2. Has he great and fruitful scientific activity?

3. Did he create several variants of State standard and the concept of High medical education?

4. Has T.A. Muminov many scientific and public titles?

5. What antituberculosic program was worked out?

6. Where did Muminov T.A. work as an intern?

7. Where did Muminov T.A. work as a probationer? What thesis did he defend?

8. Where did Muminov T.A. work as a lecturer?

9. When did Muminov T.A. defend the thesis for DMS? And where did he work after that?

10. When was Muminov T.A. nominated for the rector of Almaty State Medical Institute?

11. What are his basic clinical, scientific and pedagogical interests?

Work out 11

Contact hours (4)

Theme: Our chemical laboratory

Lexics: words and word-combinations

Grammar: Present Continuous Tense

Aim: To develop communicative skills and habits in reading, writing, speaking.

To practice their speech

To teach the students to use the new lexics in their speech

To teach the students to put the questions

To introduce Grammar material

Basic- thematic issues:

Grammar: We use Present Continuous tense to talk about actions in progress at the time of speaking and for actions that are not necessarily in progress at the time of speaking but have not finished.

Lexics: The students have to know lexics of the text “Our chemical laboratory” (words and word- combination of the text) and are able to use new lexics of the text in their speech. Studying of special English medical terminology helps the students to read and translate more complicated medical texts and is very important for their future professional work.

Methods of teaching: Working with book, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, doing lexico- grammatical exercises, cards.


Murphy. Essential grammar in use

English for students-pharmaceutısts, chemists-technologısts

Contact hour 1

Work on phonetics:


[s] before e,i,y eg: cell, cinema

A) The letter Cc is pronounced as

[k] in other cases eg: cat, cold.

[dз] before e, I, y. eg: age, gin

B) The letter Gg is pronounced as [g] in other cases eg: got, game

Exercise 1.Put down the words into 4 columns with the sounds [s],[k],[g],[d].

Gate, page, big, stage, icy, slice, age, cell, gin, bag, mice, gold, cup, cap, clean, got, gym, fact, pencil, nice.

Exercise 2. Read the following words paying attention to the rules of pronunciation and translate them.

Give, black, nice, club, picture, gas, scale, crucible, glassware, escape, can, class, large, gate, ceiling.

Exercise 3. Write the taranscription of the following words and translate them:

1. Cell

1. Icy

1. Glassware

1. Gap

1. Page

1. Cat

1. Cold

1. Got

1. Age

1. Cinema

Work on grammar: Present continuous tense.

| |I am | |

|+ |He/She/It is |waiting |

| |You/We/They are | |

|- |I am not | |

| |He/she/it is not |working |

| |You/ we/they are not | |

|? |Am I | |

| |Is he/she/it |coming? |

| |Are you/we/they | |

Uses: We use the present continuous:

1. To talk about actions in progress at the time of speaking.

Eg: I am using the photocopier at the moment.

2. For actions that are not necessarily in progress at the time of speaking but have not finished.

Eg: We are trying to enter new markets.

3. For temporary situations:

Eg: We are staying at the Hilton for the next few days.

4. To describe temporary situations, ones which happen for a short time.

Eg: I am walking to work this week.

Exercise 1.Give the Participle 1 of the following verbs.

To work, to start, to study, to live, to do, to make, to learn, to sit, to write, to read, to call, to have, to listen, to give, to put, to sleep, to stop, to use.

Exercise plete these sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. BMW …………. (sell) Minis in China now.

1. People …………. (work) in the factory 51 weeks a year.

1. I …………….. (call) about a problem.

1. She ………….. (attend) a course on presentations.

1. He ……………. (not work) in the office today.

Exercise 3. Write short answers to these questions

1. Is the situation getting better?

Yes, ------------------

2. Are they improving the quality of their services?

No, --------------------

3. Is their new shop attracting a lot of customers?

No, ----------------------------

4. Are you and Robert testing our new product?

Yes, -----------------

Exercise 4. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative and translate them:

1. Jack is opening the window.

1. Sally is cleaning her teeth.

1. My mother is cooking the meal.

1. My father is reading the magazine.

1. She is sweeping the floor.

Contact hour 2

Work on words

Read and memorize the new words to the text.

Beaker- мензурка

Funnel- воронка

Burner- горелка

Crucible- тигель

Escape- улетучивать

Filter –stand- фильтровальная установка

Flask- колба

Bench- лабораторный стол

Glassware- стеклянная посуда

Laboratory liquid- лабораторная жидкость

Odour- запах

Rack- узкая палочка

Sink with running water- водопроводный кран

Test- tube- пробирка

Vapour- пар

Water – bath- водяная баня

Evaporate- выпаривать

To obtain- получать

Pure- чистый

Exercise 1. Choose the correct equivalents of the English words.

1. Bench a) колба

1. Crucible b) стеклянная посуда

c) лабораторный стол

3. flask

3. beaker d)твердое вещество

3. scales e)весы

3. funnel f) водяная баня

3. glassware g)тигель

3. solid h)горелка

3. burner i) мензурка

3. Water- bath j) воронка

Exercise2. Make a word or word-combination with given letters and translate them.

1. tatetutsbends

1. isldo

1. reburn

1. yb a burbre uteb

1. sgwlsaawre

1. no hte ehelsse

Exercise3. Translate these words and word- combinations

Штатив для пробирок, горелка, тигель, лабораторный стол, фильтровальная установка, жидкость, бутыль, мензурка, колба, во время опыта.

Exercise 4. Give the antonyms of the following words.

Light, large, liquid, disagreeable, harmful.

Contact hour 3

Work on the text.

Read the text and translate it:

Do the tasks bellow.

Our chemical laboratory

This is our chemical laboratory. We have our practical classes on chemistry in the chemical laboratory. It is on the first floor. Our laboratory is a large room.

There are two benches in it. There are shelves and racks above the benches. On the shelves, you can see some glasswear. You can see funnels, beaker and flasks of different forms on the shelves. There are also bottles with liquids and solids on the shelves. On the benches, there are burners, crucibles and scales. There are also test-tube stands and filter-stands there.

All the burners are connected with the main gas line by a rubber tube.There is a sink with running water in every chemical laboratory. On the wall, you can see the Periodic Table.

Each student has his or her working place in the laboratory.

there is a ventilating hood for the escaping of disagreeable odour and harmful vapours.

The students of our University study Chemistry.They study different branches of chemistry such as organic, inorganic,

analytical and other branches of chemistry.

Every week the students attend lectures and have their practical classes on chemistry.

The first year students study inorganic chemistry. They have practical classes in a chemical lab, which is equipped with special apparatus.

During practical classes, the students make many interesting experiments. They obtain pure oxygen, hydrogen and other elements and study their properties. They often dissolve and mix substances and obtain solutions and mixtures. Before a reaction, they weigh substances, as they have to know the exact amount of substances, which they use in a reaction.

During the reaction they observe it and at the end of a reaction they record the yield

Contact hour 4

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using text information.

1. All the burners are connected with ………………

1. They study different branches of chemistry such as ………………

1. They have practical classes in a chemical lab. ……………..

1. Before a reaction …………………………

1. During the reaction they ………………….

Exercise2. Make the sentences using the following word- combinations in the Present Continuous tense:

1. To have practical classes. 2. To go to the chemical laboratory. 3. To take glassware from the shelves. 4. To shake the bottles with liquids. 5. To study the Periodic table.

Exercise3. Read the following word- combinations and find the sentences with them. Translate into Russian.

1. To weigh substances, branches of chemistry, to attend lectures, to be equipped with special apparatus, at the end of reaction.


1. Answer the questions:

2. Where do medical students have their practical classes on chemistry?

1. How many benches are there in your laboratory?

1. What do the students obtain?

2.Translate the following sentences using the Present Continuous tense:

1.Что вы сейчас делаете?- Я изучаю свойства элементов.

2. Кто стоит у доски?- Преподаватель.

3. Студенты сидят, и регистрирует результат реакции.

4. Вы идете в химическую лабораторию?- Нет.

5. Куда вы идете?- Я иду в библиотеку.

3. Find the sentences with the following word-combinations and translate them.

1. Фильтровальная установка. 2. взвешивать все вещества. 3. разделы химии. 4. изучать свойства. 5. чистый водород.

4. Speak on the following topics.

1. My chemical laboratory.

1. Practical classes.

1. Interesting experiment.

Work – out 12

Contact Hours (3)

Theme: Chemistry

Lexics: words and word-combinations

Grammar: Modal verb “should”

Aim: to teach the students to read unknown pharmaceutical words and work – combinations of the text.

Basic Thematic issues: As the students study Chemistry they should know what chemistry deals with, elements and compounds, their types. Students are able to know the types of model verbs, definitions and the usage of “should”. In the text about Chemistry new lexics and special English chemical terminology are widely used. It’s studying is very important for their future professional work.

Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, reading and translating the text, doing grammatical, phonetical and lexical exercises, working with book.

Contact Hour №1

1 Remember:

In words of Greek origin ch, ph, th, rh are pronounced as followings:

Ch [k] - chemistry

Th [ө] - asthma

Ph [f] - photo

Rh [r] – rhizome

2 Pay attention to the pronunciation and read the words:

Character [‘kæriktә] – качество, характер

Chalybeate [kә`libiәt] -железистый

Chemical [‘kemik(ә)l] -химический продукт, химикат

Chemist [‘kemist] -химик

Chemistry [‘kemistri] - химия

Chemotherapy [,ki:mә`өerәpi] - химиятерапия

Chrestomathy [kres’tomәөi] - хрестоматия

Chrome [krәum] - хром

3 Remember the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations and learn them:

A science – наука

A structure – строение

A property – свойство

To change – менять

To exist –существовать

Ordinary –обычный

The same –тот же самый

A condition –условие

To turn into –превращаться

A compound –сложное вещество

To divide –делить

Can be divided –может быть разделено

Namely –именно

To decompose –разлагать

Decomposable –разлагаемый

Indecomposable –не разлагаемый

To consist of –состоять из

A state –состояние

4 Learn the names of chemical elements:

Iron –железо

Silver –серебро

Bromine –бром

Mercury –ртуть

Sulphur –серо

Carbon –углерод

Nitrogen –азот

Lead –олово

Tin –свинец

Remind Grammar:

1 Answer the questions:

1. Which modal verbs do you know?

2. What are the substituent’s to these verb?

3. Is the verb “should” a modal verb?

4. How is it translated into Kazakh or Russian?

2 Remember:

The verb “should” can`t be used as full verb it is used without “to”

e.g. You should study hard

I (you, he, she, we, they) should buy a dictionary

I (you, he, she, we, they) should not worry about the exam

Should I (you, he, she, we, they) come in now?

1. We use “should” to give advice or to give an opinion:

e.g. You look tired. You should go to bed.

Should we invite Susan to the party? – Yes, I think we should.

2. We also use “should” to say that we expect something to happen:

e.g. She’s been studying hard for the exams, so she should pass.

3. “Should” is less strong, than “have to”:

e.g. We have to learn now or we’ll be late (this is necessary).

3 Put “should” or “shouldn’t” in the spaces. Translate the sentences.

1. You ________ argue with your father, you should obey him.

2. Mother’s ________ look after their children.

3. That doesn’t suit you, you _______ buy another shirt.

4. There are too many accidents there. Everyone ______be much more careful.

5. The teacher told us that we _______ write the translation of the words in our notebooks.

6. The old man’s eyes are weak, and he ______ read without glasses.

4 Complete the sentences using should + one of these verbs: ask, be, listen, say, worry.

1. It is strange that she should be late. She is usually on time.

2. It is funny that you _______that. I was going to say the same thing.

3. It’s only natural that parents _______ about their children.

4. I was surprised that he _______ me for advice.

5. It’s very important that everybody ______ very carefully.

Contract Hour 2

1 Read and translate the text “Chemistry”


Chemistry is a science of substances, their structure, their properties and the reactions that change them into other substances. Chemistry is a great and complex subject.

Substances may exist in any of the three states. They may exist as solids, liquids or gases. Sulphur, iron and silver are solids, at an ordinary temperature, bromine and mercury are liquids in the same conditions and oxygen and hydrogen are gases. But solid substances may become liquids if we heat them to a proper temperature. Liquids turn into gases at very high temperatures.

Elements and compounds. All substances can be divided into two great classes, namely, elements and compounds. An element is an indecomposable substance, all compounds are substances, which consist of two or more different substances, and so they can be decomposed into oxygen and hydrogen. Elements may be metallic and non – metallic. Nitrogen and carbon are non – metals, but lead and tin are metals.

2. Make up the plan of the text “Chemistry”

3. Retell the text.

4. Make up a dialogue according to the theme:

a. Chemistry

b. Elements and compounds

5. Make the sentences using the modal verb “should” according to the given new chemical terms from the text above.

For example: You should be careful while working with the mercury in the closed room.


1 Bazarova L, English for pharmaceutics

2 Textbook “English for pharmaceutics, chemists – technologists”, Almaty 2006

3 Gutting edge – teacher’s recourse book

4 Murphy “English grammar in use”

Control: Questions to the theme:

1. What is Chemistry?

2. Which states do substances exist in?

3. Is iron a liquid or solid element?

4. May solid substances become liquids?

5. Which groups are all elements divided into?

Contact hour 3

1. In what word the letter combination ch read [k]?

a. Cheek

b. Child

c. Chemical

d. Childish

e. Chill

2. Tick the sentence that is true:

a. All substances can be divided into three great classes.

b. All substances can be divided into two great classes.

c. All substances can be divided into four great classes.

d. All substances can be divided into five great classes.

e. All substances can be divided into six great classes.

3. Elements may be

a. Only non – metallic

b. Only metallic

c. Metallic and non – metallic

d. Liquids

e. Gases

4. Sulfur, iron and silver are

a. Solids

b. Liquids

c. Gases

d. Elements

e. Oxygen

5. Find the generalizing word from this group of words?

a. Bromine

b. Mercury

c. Oxygen

d. Hydrogen

e. Chemistry

6. Fill in the gaps with the proper preposition:

Water can be decomposed …… oxygen and hydrogen.

a. In

b. Into

c. To

d. By

e. On

7. How is translated the modal verb “should” into Russian?

a. Мочь

b. Иметь

c. Быть

d. Следовать

e. Xотеть

8. Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best:

________________ you do me favor?

a. May

b. Should

c. Can

d. Need

e. Must

9.Circle the correct answer: Substances may exist ____ solids, liquids or gases.

a. As

b. Or

c. In

d. For

e. To

10.What do liquids turn at very high temperature into?

a. Metal

b. Solid

c. Gases

d. Liquid

e. Nitrogen

11.Water can be decomposed …

a. Into oxygen and hydrogen

b. Into metallic and non – metallic

c. Into solid and liquid

d. Into elements and compounds

e. Hydrogen and gases

12.Solid substances may become … if we them to a proper temperature:

a. Gases

b. Liquids

c. Solids

d. Metals

e. Elements

13.Find English equivalents:

Ему не следует принимать это лекарство

a. He cannot take this drug

b. He shouldn’t take this drug

c. He mustn’t take this drug

d. He may not take this drug

e. He can take this drug

14.In what word the letter combination ch is read [k]?

a. Cheat

b. Chronical

c. Chatterer

d. Cheap

e. check

This lesson will be concentrated on the consideration of the new vocabulary on the given theme and should be organized by the vocabulary games are mentioned here.

Vocabulary Game

Concentration- The purpose is to match the word card with its definition card. About 25 word cards and 25 definition cards are laid face down. The students take turns turning over two cards, trying to find a match. If they don’t find a match, they turn cards down again, and the next person plays: if they do make a match, they take those two cards out of the game and play again. The person with the most cards wins the game.

Word Jeopardy- The class is divided into two teams. The teacher reads the definition of a word, and the first person on Team 1 just says the word for that definition. If the person knows it, the team receives a point, if not; the other team is given a chance to supply the word. The teacher might list the words that the students did not know.

Work-out 13

Contact Hours (4)

Theme: D.I. Mendeleyev

Lexics: words and words-combinations

Grammar: Passive Voice


✓ To give more information about great scientist D.I. Mendeleyev

✓ To develop students’ speaking, reading and writing skills

✓ To enrich students’ vocabulary and grammar materials with examples.

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: all of us know who D.I. Mendeleyev was and to know more about him is our duty because he made a lot for our lives. He was not only Russian scientist who grouped chemical elements in a special way and put them into the Periodic Table. This text helps students to enrich their knowledge and to be informed about great people who contribute to the development of the world.

Grammar: In English there are two Voices: Active Voice and Passive Voice. And in order to know the differences between them it is necessary for students to know the meaning of Active Voice and Passive Voice and use them in their speech.

Methods of teaching: cards, puzzle, pictures, working with the text, doing the exercises, making up sentences with new words and dialogs.

I. Remember

Compare active and passive:

Somebody cleans the office every day. (active)

The office is cleaned every day. (passive)

Somebody cleaned the office yesterday. (active)

The office was cleaned yesterday. (passive)

The Passive is:

Past Participle

Present simple

Past simple +

Future simple

Contact Hour № 1.

1. Remember:

The following letter combinations are pronounced as followings:

wr [ r ] write

wh [ w ] what

kn [ n ] knew

before o letter combination wh is pronounced as [ h ]: who

after w and wh letter a is pronounced as [ o ]: what

2. Read the words paying attention to their pronunciation.

Knee, knock, know, who, whom, whose, when, where, what, want, war, was.

3. Remember the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, to learn them by heart.

Age, n [eidᴣ] возраст, век

At the age of [æt ði: eidᴣ ɔf] в возрасте

Attention [ə’ten(t)ʃ(ə)n] внимание

To pay an attention to [tu pei ə’ten(t)ʃ(ə)n tu] обращать внимание

To appoint [tu ə’point] назначать

To be appointed [tu bi: ə’pointid] быть назначенным

In addition to [in ə’diʃ(ə)n tu] кроме того

Applied [ə’plaid] прикладной

To be able [tu bi: ‘eibl] быть в состоянии, мочь

To bring [tu briŋ] приносить

(brought, brought) [brɔ:t, brɔ:t]

To bring together [tu briŋ tə’geðə] собирать

Complete [kəm’pli:t] полный, заканчивать

A discussion [di’skΛʃ(ə)n] обсуждение

To follow the discussion [tu fɔləu ði: di’skΛʃ(ə)n] следить за обсуждением

To describe [tu di’skraib] описывать

A description [di’skripʃ(ə)n] описание

To elect [tu i’lekt] избирать

A layer [‘leiə] слой

To put forward [tu put ‘fɔ’wəd] выдвинуть

To spend [tu spend]




(spent, spent) [spent,spent] тратить, проводить




To search for [tu sətʃ fɔ:] искать, поиск

Upper [‘Λpə] верхний

Both … and … [bəuθ] как … так …

4. Find the Russian equivalents from the right column.

1. scientist 1. возрастать

2. complete 2. проводить

3. thought 3. ученый

4. age 4. следить, следовать

5. description 5. внимание

6. follow 6. заканчивать

7. spend 7. назначать

8. appoint 8. мысль

9. to put forward 9. описание

10. attention 10. выдвигать

Contact Hours № 2-3.

1. Translate into Russian.

1) She was invited to come here.

2) The experiments were conducted yesterday.

3) Many reports were studied by D.I. Mendeleyev.

4) All these data will be brought together.

5) An interesting idea was put forward by this scientist.

6) Mendeleyev is known everywhere.

7) His discovery is much spoken of.

2. Passive or Active? Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. In the next ten years, about 30% of the world’s car … (manufacture) in Asia.

2. Australia … (produce) about 40% of the world’s diamonds.

3. A book of drawing by Leonardo do Vinci … (sell) for over $ 30 million in 1994.

4. Georgio Armani … (start) his successful clothes label in the late 1970s.

3. Make up six sentences of your own, using Passive Voice in all tenses.

4. Complete the sentences. Use the passive (present or past) of these verbs:

Clean damage find give Invite make show steal take

1. The room is cleaned every day.

2. I saw an accident yesterday. Two people ……………………….. to hospital.

3. Paper ……………………… from wood.

4. There was a fire at the hotel last week. Two of the room ……………………

5. ‘Where did you get this picture?’ ‘It …………… to me by a friend of mine.’

6. Many American programmes ………………………. On British television.

7. ‘Did Jim and Sue go to the wedding?’ ‘No. They ……… but they didn’t go.’

8. My car ………................... last week but the next day it …………………. By the police.

Contact Hour № 4

Answer to the questions:

1. What do you know about D.I. Mendeleyev?

2. Do you know all chemical elements in the Periodic Table?

3. Do you want to be a great scientist as D.I. Mendeleyev?

Read the text “D.I. Mendeleyev” and translate it.

D.I. Mendeleyev

D.I. Mendeleyev, the great Russian scientist, was born in Tobolsk in 1834. After finishing school, at the age of 16, he went to St. Petersburg and entered the Pedagogical Institute. He graduated from the Institute in 1855. In 1866 Mendeleyev was appointed professor at the University where he gave a course of lectures on chemistry. His lectures were always listened to with great interest and attention. Even in a class of two hundred students everyone was able to follow his discussions from the beginning to the end.

Interesting experiments were made in his classes. Both he and his students – assistants worked long hours in preparing the demonstrations so that all would go well.

At the University Mendeleyev taught classes in the morning. In the afternoon he made experiments in his two room laboratory. At night Mendeleyev spent much of his time working with the cards on which he put down information about each of the chemical elements.

Mendeleyev made thousands of experiments with his own hands. He made thousands of calculations, wrote a lot of letters, and studied many reports. Everything in the world that was known about the chemical elements Mendeleyev knew. For months, for years he searched for missing data. All those data were being brought together and grouped in a special way. In 1869 the description of more than 60 elements was completed and Mendeleyev published his Periodic Table.

The Periodic Table is spoken of as the beginning of a new era in chemical thought.

In addition to this work Mendeleyev paid much attention to many subject of an applied chemical nature. He was the first to put forward the idea of studying the upper layers of the atmosphere.

Mendeleyev was elected member of many academies abroad.

He died in February 1907 at the age of 75.

1. Translate ad find in the text the following word-combinations:

Поступить в институт, с большим интересом, прикладная химия, быть назначенным профессором, читать курс лекций, после окончания школы.

2. Find in the text the sentences containing the Passive Voice.

3. Retell the text according to the plan.

1. The youth of the great scientist.

2. Interesting experiments.

3. Teaching.

4. D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Table.

5. The beginning of a new era in chemical thought.


Questions to the theme:

1. What was D.I. Mendeleyev?

2. Where was he born?

3. Have many chemical elements did D.I. Mendeleyev describe?

4. When was the Periodic Table published?

5. What was the Periodic Table spoken of?

6. What did in addition to his work D.I. Mendeleyev pay attention to?


1. Printed texts: “D.I. Mendeleyev”.

2. English for pharmaceutics.

3. Raymond Murphy, ‘Essential Grammar in use’ second edition, Cambridge University press.

Work out 14

Contact Hours (4)

Theme: Mendeleyev’s Periodic Law.

Lexics: Rules of reading: ow and ou

Grammar: The forms of the Passive Voice in the Present and in the Past tenses.

Aim: To develop students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills by working with the text and grammar material.

Lexics: The prominent scientists made a great construction to the development of our country’s science. Studying of their scientific research work is very important for the development of student’s general knowledge, their education and development of their mental outwork. Studying of special English medical terminology helps the students to read and translate more complicated medical texts and is very important for their future professional work.

Grammar: It is necessary for students to now the formula of the Passive Voice and use them in the sentences, find them from the text.

Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, reading and translating the text, doing grammatical, phonetical and lexical exercises, working with book.

1st hour

1. Remember:

Letter combinations are pronounced as followings:

[ou] low

ow ou-[au] out

[au] brown

2. Read the words paying attention to their pronunciation:

House, yellow, low, amount, snow, aloud, about, town, loud, grow, know, out /

3. Read the new words and memorize them:

1. to discover – делать открытия, открывать

2. to arrange – располагать, классифицировать

3. separate – отдельный

4. a column – столбик

5. a series – ряд

6. weight –вес, масса

7. to increase –возрастать, увеличивать

8. across- через

9. dependence – зависимость

10. a property – свойство

11. to construct- создавать

12. space – место

13. vacant – пустой, свободный

14. vacancy – пустота

15. to consider – полагать, считать

16. probably – вероятно

17. an establishment – заведение

18. to serve – служить, быть полезным

19. a research – исследовательская работа

4. Match the words from the left column with the equivalents from the right one.

1. vacant-полагать, считать

2. property –вес, масса

3. to consider-столбик

4. probably-пустой

5. dependence –располагать

6. weight –зависимость

7. serve -ряд

8. column –служить

9. to arrange –свойство

5. Remind grammar: answer the questions.

1. What is the difference between Active and Passive Voices?

2. How many forms of verbs do you know?

3. Conjugate the verbs “to be” in the Present and Past.

4. Give the forms of the Passive Voice in the Present and Past tenses.

6. Form Participle II from the following verbs and translate them:

give, pay, remember, drive, see, buy, leave.

2nd hour

1. Live Russian equivalents to.

the Periodic law, in tabular form, to bring, their correspondences, quite clearly, a separate column, one horizontal line, the automatic weight, from the left to right, the properties of the elements.

2. Give English equivalents to.

разделен на девять групп, в форме таблицы, атомный вес, составлять таблицу, периодический закон, слева на право, в будущем, открывать закон.

3. Change the sentences from the Active Voice into the Passive one.

1. They remember him.

2. Somebody drove him.

3. Ann saw his friend.

4. My sister bought that nice dress.

5. They leave us.

4. Change the following sentences from the Passive Voice into the Active one.

1. The bone was hidden by the dog.

2. Too many mistakes are made by my secretary.

3. We were asked to set off the grass by a policeman.

4. Our baby is fed bananas.

5. The reason was explained to us.

5. Read and translate the text “Mendeleyev’s Periodic Law”

Mendeleyev’s Periodic Law

The Periodic Law was discovered by D.I.Mendeleyev in 1869. Mendeleyev arranged the elements in tabular form in such a way as to bring their correspondences quite clearly.

The elements are divided into eight groups, each of which is entered in a separate column. They are also divided into 10 «series» each of which is entered upon one horizontal line. The atomic weight increase across the table from left to the right. D.I.Mendeleyev was the first to discover the law of dependence of the properties of the elements upon their atomic weight. The elements in anyone column are similar to one another in many ways, the resemblance being very striking.

Mendeleyev found it impossible to construct his table without leaving many of the space in it vacant. He considered These vacancies to correspond the elements which were not then known, but which would probably be discovered in the future.

Today the Periodic Law is studied by millions of secondary schoolchildren and by the students at higher establishments of natural sciences and engineering. It is studied by philosophers, historians and teachers.

The Periodic Law serves as a platform for thousands of researches.

3rd hour

1. Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice using the italicized words as the grammatical subject:

1. My teacher gave me some advice.

2. My teacher gave me some advice.

3. They didn’t pay him for the gas.

2. Make the sentence negative and interrogative.

1. Food is eaten with chopsticks in China.

2. It is known that he left the country under a false name.

3. Its was given a prize.

4. The coat was bought last month.

3. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word-combinations are used in the text and translate them into Russian:

in tabular form, dependence of the properties, a property, an establishment, vacancy.

4th hour

1. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Работа была закончена к вечеру.

2. В детстве Билли обучили музыке.

3. Нам никто не звонил.

4. Им подали кофе и бутерброды.

2. Read and translate the following sentences:

In 1893 Mendeleyev was appointed director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures. Much attention was paid to research work in our country. In 1869 Mendeleyev published his Periodic Table of elements which began a new chemical thought.

3. Divide the text into some parts and name them.


Questions to the theme:

1. Who was the first to discover the low of dependence of the elements upon their atomic weights?

2. What is the main idea of the Periodic System?

3. How many groups are in the Periodic table?

4. How does the atomic weight increase in the table?

5. Why did Mendeleyev leave many spaces in the table vacant?

6. Why is the Periodic Table so important for science?


1. English for students – pharmaceutists, chemists-technologists

Методические рекомендации для самостоятельной работы под руководством преподавателя

Название дисциплины: Английский язык IYa 1103

Специальность: 051103 «Фармация»

Кафедра: иностранных языков

Составители: Сагантаева С.Х.

Бикташева Г.М.

Лозенко И.В.

Унасбаева Г.А.

Мезгильбаева З.М.

Рахманова А.М.

Маскеева З.К.

Шойбекова А.Ж.

Махамбетова Ж.Т.

Баянбаева А.А.

Султанова Н.Т.

Кайбалдиева Б.М.

Серикбеккызы А.

Кенесбекова К.К.

Бижанова А.А.

Алматы, 2007

Work out-1

for students self studying under the guidance of the teacher

Contact Hours (4)

Theme: “My Biography” “My family”

Grammar: verbs “to be” “to have”

Personal Possessive pronouns.

Aim: - to consolidate new lexical and grammar material.

- to teach the students to prepare topics about their biography and family.

- to develop the students memory and their vocabulary knowledge.

Form of conducting: Reading and translating a text, compiling topics, doing lexico- grammatical exercises.

The 1st hour

1. Pay attention to pronunciation and read the following words correctly;

Young, woman (women), girl, mother, daughter, granddaughter, niece, , nephew, uncle, father – in – law, mother – in –law, sister – in – law, wife(wives), husband, married, engineer, manager, teacher, housewife, University, school, theatre, music, busy, busy, firm, Moscow.

2. Read and translate the following words and words- combinations.

Sport and rock- music, a young man, a student of the University, married, very busy, school teacher, a nice girl, an engineer at a plant, an economist at a factory, a doctor at a hospital, hobby, children, son, cinema.

3. Translate the following words and word – combinations.

Племянница сестры, молодой инженер, друг моей сестры, бабушка моей невестки, большая школа, красивая девочка, врач, свояченица, шурин, свекор, зять, сын тети, племянник, домохозяйка.

The 2nd Hour

1. Complete the sentences with “is”, or “are”

My name… Martina.

Where… you from?

… Walter from Germany?

He… 22 years old.

… Ross and Jennifer married?

…you on holiday?

Fernando …a Spanish teacher.

2. Choose a word from column B to complete each questions.

Column A Column B

1. What is your…? student

2. How are…? Brother

3. How old are your…? Michelle

4. Are you a …? English

5. Is David …? You

6. Is your name…? holiday

7. Where are they …? Name

8. Are they on… ? from

3. Make the following sentences negative.

1. Edinburgh is in England.

2. I am from Ireland.

3. My mother and father are English.

4. Brazil is a small country.

5. My name is Lana.

6. My sister is married.

7. I am 15 years old.

8. Philip and Elizabeth are on holiday.

4. Read the information in the table.

Complete the sentences with “has got, hasn’t got, have got or haven’t got”

| |Silvia |Martin and Inge |Alfonso |

|Pet? |Dog (Rex) |no |Two cats |

|Car? |Yes – an Audi |two |no |

|Computer? |no |yes |yes |

1. Silvia has got a dog – his name’s Rex.

2. She…. a car – It’s an Audi.

3. She … a computer

4. Martin and Inge… a pet.

5. They … two cars.

6. They …a computer.

7. Alfonso … two cats.

8. He …a car.

9. He …a computer.

3rd hour

Control: questions, tasks on basic lexico-grammatical themes

1.Answer the questions:

1. What is your name?

2. What is you surname?

3. How old are you?

4. Where are you from?

5. What is your favorite subject?

6. What kind of books do u prefer?

7. Do you have a family?

8. What is your father’s, mother’s name?

9. What do you do in the evening?

10. What is your hobby?

1. To draw a topic “About my family”

4th hour

Work on grammar

“To be” and “to have”

1. Fill in the blanks with a verb “to be”

a) How old…. You?

b) Where… you?

c) What…your address?

d) Who… you?

1. Insert the proper form of the verb “to be”

The affirmative form

a) Now I… a student of KazNMU.

b) Last year I… a pupil.

c) In a future I…a doctor.

The Interrogative form.

a)….are you a teacher of KazNMU?

b)….they in Almaty last year/

c)….she become a doctor next year?

The negative form

a) I… an engineer.

b) He…in England last month.

c) You... be a doctor.

2. Complete these sentences with possessive pronouns

a) This coat is (I)…?

b) Are these shoes (you)….?

c) This house is (they)…?

d) Are these seats (we)..?

e) These books aren’t (she)…?

f) This pen is (he)…?

g) This car isn’t (my)…?

h) This coffee isn’t (you)..?

Literature: a text “About myself”

Murphy “Grammar in use”

Control: questions, tasks on basic lexico-grammatical themes.


1. Choose the right variant.

We ______ doctors in six years.

A) be

B) will be

C) are

D) were

E) is

2. Choose the right variant.

He _______ in Kiev last week.

A) is

B) are

C) were

D) was

E) am

3. Choose the right variant.

What is the capital of Great Britain?

A) Amsterdam

B) Edinburgh

C) Astana

D) London

E) Moscow

4. Choose the right variant.

He always gets up ______ 7 o’clock

A) at

B) in

C) on

D) to

E) the

5. Choose the right variant.

My shoes ______ very dirty

A) is

B) am

C) are the

D) are

E) is the

6. Choose the right variant

_______ your mother at home?

A) is

B) are

C) am

D) has

E) have

7. Choose the right variant.

His mother ______ at the hospital now.

A) are

B) was

C) were

D) am

E) is

8. Choose the right variant

My brother _______ many friends in Alma- Ata.

A) has

B) have

C) will have

D) have got

E) got

9. Choose the right variant.

There _____ five faculties at our Institute

A) is

B) are

C) will

D) shall

E) am

10. Choose the right variant.

My father’s father is my ______

A) friend

B) sister

C) aunt

D) grandfather

E) uncle

11. Choose the right variant.

My husband’s mother is my _____

A) sister – in – law

B) daughter – in – law

C) mother

D) mother – in – law

E) aunt

12. Choose the right variant.

Give English variant of племянник

A) nephew

B) son

C) niece

D) sister

E) uncle

13. Choose the right variant.

Give English variant of свекор

A) brother – in- law

B) father – in – law

C) son – in – law

D) father

14. Choose the right variant

My name is Ed Turner. And this is _____ wife. ____ name is Thelma. This is ___ house.

A) my, her, our

B) my, his, our

C) my, her, their

D) her, our, my

E) our, my, his

15. Choose the right variant

It is seven o’clock____ the morning

A) at

B) on

C) in

D) to

E) of

16. Choose the right variant

Do you have a big lunch _____ Sunday?

A) on

B) at

C) in

D) to

Work – out 2

for students self- studying under the guidance of a teacher

Contact hour 3

Theme: “My flat”

Grammar: Plural forms of nouns

Construction “There is”, “There are”.

Aim: -Encourage students to work individually, develop self- studying and self-controlling

- to consolidate new lexical and grammar material.

- to teach the students to prepare topics about their biography and family.

- to develop the students memory and their vocabulary knowledge.

Form of conducting: Reading and translating a text, compiling topics, doing lexico- grammatical exercises.

1st hour

I. Retelling

Retell the text

II. Solving situational tasks

Make a scheme of your own flat and speak on it

III. Tasks on the theme:

Retell, make a scheme of your own flat

IV. Control task

1. Finish the sentence according to the text

1. In the middle of the room …

2. A small round table …

3. In this room …

4. The third room …

5. A small table with …

6. I think …

7. Our house is …

2ND Hour

I. Control of phonetic

Change the rood vowel to make the plural form of nouns

Man, women, tooth, food, goose, mouse, louse

II. Compiling dialogue

Make up a diclogue about your fiat and act out in the class

III. Tasks on the theme:

Insert the proper constructions “There is” or “There are”

… a bookcase in a room

… some cushions in a sofa

… many newspapers, magazines on the table

At the opposite wall … a piano and stool before it

IV. Control . Test

Choose the correct form of the nouns given below:

1. Criterion

a) criterions b) criteriones c) criteria

2. wolf

a) wolfs b) wolves c) wolfes

3. formula

a) formulae b) formulas c) formules

4. square

a) squares b) squars c) squaris

5. radius

a) radiuss b) radii c) radiuses

3rd hour

I. Lexico- grammatical exercises:

1. Find Russian equivalents to the given words in the text:

Dinner table, several sections, father is used to have rest, pink lamp- shade, dressing table with a big mirror, bookcase full of books, it is nice and cosy, not so light, handily arranged

2. Define parts of speech the following words are formed and translate them:

Square, large, read, third, full, study, gather, proverb, chute, different, low, right, light, handily, fold, against

3. Make up sentences of your own, using the construction “There is”, “There are” in different tenses

II. Tasks on the theme:

1. Corrolate the Russian sentence with it’s translation:

“Мой дом – моя крепость”

a) My flat is my warm

b) My flat is my castle

c) My flat is my heart

Literature: Maslova. Essential English for Medical students

Text “My flat”

Shershneva. Essential English grammar

Murphy. Grammar in USE

Work-out 3

for students’ self-studying under the guidance of a teacher

Contact hour 3

Theme: My motherland-Kazakhstan

Grammar: Articles. Degrees of Comparison. Present Simple Tense.

Aim: -Encourage students to work individually, develop self- studying and self-controlling

- to consolidate new lexical and grammar material.

- to teach the students to prepare topics about their biography and family.

- to develop the students memory and their vocabulary knowledge.

Form of conducting: Reading and translating a text, compiling topics, doing lexico- grammatical exercises.

1st hour

pere the meanings of the following words:

1. stretch and extend

2. quarter and half

3. cuisine and kitchen

4. currency and money

5. ethnic and historical

2.Make nouns out of the following words and translate:

1. Southern, Northern, Western, Eastern, West-Siberian

2. Continental, natural, official, local, governmental, national

3. Population, religion, organization, communication, tradition, generation

4. extremely, carefully

3. Give your own little story about yourself, your family, or your life as a student.

2nd hour

1.Put in the or a\an where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty

1 A: Where did you have___ lunch?

B: We went to a restaurant.

2 A: Did you have …nice holiday?

B: Yes, It was … best holiday I’ve ever had.

3 A: Where’s …nearest shop?

B: There’s one at…end of this street.

4 A: Do you often listen to ..radio?

B: No. In fact I haven’t got.. .radio.

5 A: Would you like to travel in...space?

B: Yes, I’d love to go to…moon.

6 A: Do you go to…cinema very often?

B: No, not very often. But I watch a lot of films on…TV.

7 A: What did you have for…breakfast this morning?

B: Nothing. I never eat…breakfast.

8 A: Excuse me, where is …Room 23, please?

B: It’s on…second floor.

9 A: We spent all our Money because we stayed at ..most expensive hotel in town

B: Why didn’t you stay at… cheaper hotel?

2.Put in the where necessary. If you don’t need the , leave the space empty

I lay down on… ground and looked up at …sky.

What’s…capital of the city?

You’ll find… information you need at … top of…page 56

Sarah spend most of her free time watching…TV.

Lisa and I arrived at … same time

plete the sentences. Use a superlative(-est or most..) or a comparative (-er or more..)

1 We stayed at the cheapest hotel in the town.(cheap)

2 Our hotel was cheaper than all the others I the town.(cheap)

3 The United States is very large, but Canada is……….(large)

4 What’s……………..country in the world?(small)

5 I wasn’t feeling well yesterday, but I feel a it……..today.(good)

6 It was an awful day. It was…………. Day of my life.(bad)

7 What is……..sport in your country?(popular)

8 Everest is …….. mountain in the world. It’s …………..than any other mountain.(high)

3rd hour

plete the dialog. Add some of your ideas and imitate:

- I think ________ is romantic.

- But it is not as _______ as_______ .

- I think ________ is exciting.

- But it is not as ______ as________ .

- Do you really think _______ is romantic.

- Oh yes._______ is ______ _____ ______ than _______ .

- And exciting?

- Yes, _____ _____ ____ than ____ !

2. Complete the following sentences according to the contents of the text Kazakhstan’:

1. The size of the territory…

2. The Russian language is also used by …

3. The Kazakhs people are …

4. …. has been the most distinctive feature of the Kazakh people.

5. The national economic policy aims to create…

3. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. The Republic of Kazakhstan lies right in between Europe and Asia.

2. The size of the territory places Kazakhstan ninth in the world.

3. Kazakhstan has the sharp continental climate.

4. Since old times hospitality has been the most distinctive feature of the Kazakh people.

5. The currency the tenge was introduced on 15th November 1993.

plete the sentences using the following. Use the where necessary.

(the) basketball (the) grass (the) patience (the) people

(the) questions (the) meat (the) information (the) shops

(the )history (the) water (the) spider (the) lies

1. My favourite sport is basketball.

2 the information we were given wasn’t correct.

3 Some people are afraid of……………………………….

4 A vegetarian is somebody who doesn’t eat………………..

5 Do you know ……………………who live next door?

6……………………….is the study of the past.

7 George always tells the truth. He never tells……………

8 The test wasn’t very difficult. I answered….

5.Choose the correct form, with or without the

1 I’m afraid of dogs\the dogs (dogs is correct)

2 Can you pass the salt\the a salt, please?( the salt is correct)

3 Apples\The apples are good for you

4 Look at apples\the apples on that tree! They’re very big.

5 Women\The Women live longer than men\the men.

6 I don’t drink tea\the tea I don’t like it



1. Printed text: ‘Kazakhstan’

2. Maslova A.M. ‘Essential English for Medical students’. Moscow, 1983.

3. Bonk N.A. ‘’. Saint-Petersburg, 1997.

4. Bonk N.A. ‘English step by step’. Moscow, 1999.

5. Murphy R. ‘English Grammar in Use’. Cambridge, 1988.


1. Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?

a) In Europe

b) In Central Asia

c) In the USA

d) In Great Britain

2.What is the capital of the Republic?

a) Almaty

b) Astana

c) Karaganda

d) Pavlodar

3. What is the official language of the country?

a) Russian

b) English

c) Turkish

d) Kazakh

4. What is the area of Kazakhstan?

a) 2753000square kilometers

b) 1753000 square kilometers

c) 2653000 square kilometers

d) 157300 square kilometers

5. Complete the sentence: The climate of the country is ….

a) mild

b) severe

c) strongly continental

d) cold

6. Where is Astana situated?

a) in the central part of the country

b) in the southeast

c) in the west

d) in the east

7. Complete the sentences: Rain usually falls in ___ and___.

a) winter,spring

b) spring, autumn

c) summer, autumn

d) winter, summer

8. Name the main recourse of water in the country.

a) Syr-Daria, Illi, Shu, Edil

b) Lepsi, Syr-Daria, Illi

c) Ertis, Syr-Daria, Illi, Ural

d) Ural, Ertis, Esyl

9. Find the correct form these letters.

A, l, g, u, e, r, I, c, t, u.

A) agriculture

b) agricalture

c) agricelture

d) agricultuer

10. Translate into English Она читает интересную книгую

a) She read an interesting book.

b) She reads an interesting books.

c) She read interesting book.

d) She reads an interesting book.

11. Complete the sentences: The population of KZ is _____

a) 21 million

b) 18 million

c) 13 million

d) 16 million

12. Kazakhstan borders______ .

a) Turkmenistan, Russia, Georgian

b) Germany, Turkmenistan, Russia, Georgian

c) China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kirgizia

d) Russia, Turkmenistan, Kirgizia.

13.What problems does the country suffer from as the result of heavy industry?

a) Financial

b) Economic

c) Democratic

d) Environmental

14. Find the proper translation of the word граничить

a) situated

b) different

c) depend

d) borders

15. Give the synonym of the word Anthem

a) flag

b) hymn

c) emblem

d) court of arms

16. Give the synonym of the word sovereign

a) independent

b) dependent

c) free

d) bounded

17. Who is the composer of the national anthem?

a) Sh. Kaldayakov

b) N. Tlendiyev

c) A. Korazbayev

d) M. Makatayev

18. Who are authors of the national anthem

a) M. Makataev

b) F. Ongarsynova

c) Sh. Kaldayakov

d) Nazhimidinov and Nazarbayev

19. How many degrees of comparison English language?

a) 6

b) 4

c) 3

d) 2

20. Give the 3 forms of comparison to the word Historical

a) historical- more his ----- the most his---

b) historical –historically- the historical

c) historical-historicaller- the historiest

d) historical- historial--- his

Work-out 4

for students’ self-studying under the guidance of a teacher

Contact hour 2

1. Theme: ”Almaty –my favourite city”

Lexics: words and word-combinations

Grammar: Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals. Dates. Past Simple Tense.

2. Aims:

- to consolidate new words and word-combinations of the text “Almaty …”

- to practice in oral speech (monological and dialogical)

- to teach working on the text

- to consolidate students’ skills on grammar

3. Basic thematic issues: lexics on the topic “Cities”, Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals, Dates, Past Simple Tense, regular and irregular verbs.

Form of conducting: Reading and translating a text, compiling topics, doing lexico- grammatical exercises

1st hour

1. Translate the following sentences into English:

а) Алматы – мой любимый город.

б) Алматы – южная столица Казахстан.

в) Алматы – расположен у подножья гор Алатау.

г) Он находится выше 4000 метров над уровнем моря.

д) Алматы – это город – сад.

2. Read and write in numbers:

fifteen, seventy-four, sixty- seven, one hundred and thirteen, two hundred and sixty-two, fifty-five, twelve, eighty-six

3. Translate into English:

Первый студент, тринадцать врачей, двадцать преподавателей, третий билет, второй экзамен, двести костей, тридцать два позвонка.

4. Name the dates:

30, 12, 1975, 1.05.1980, 22.03.2007, 19.07.1988, 14.12.2000, 5.06.1990

5. Find ten irregular verbs and give their forms

touch, come, rain, do, stop, go, pick, ask, cry, answer, play, take, open, give, turn, build, want, make, see, watch, work, snow, write

Home task

1) retelling of the text “Almaty …”

2) do exercises from a work-out

3) to learn new grammar material

2nd hour

Tasks on the theme:

1. Answer the questions on the text:

a) Is Almaty the northern capital of Kazakhstan?

b) It is one of the most beautiful cities of the world, isn’t it?

c) Where is it situated?

d) What is the height of snowy peaks?

e) Why Almaty is a city-garden?

f) What are the places of interest in Almaty?

g) What was the former name of Almaty?

h) Is Almaty a city of nice hospitable people?

i) Why do many people like Almaty? What about you?

2. Put questions to the following sentences

a) Almaty is the southern capital of Kazakhstan.

b) It is one of the most beautiful cities of the world.

c) There are many places of interest in Almaty.

d) Almaty has a long history.

e) The town was founded in 1853.

f) Almaty is a city of nice hospitable people.

g) Almaty is the city with great future.

3. Compiling dialogues about Almaty using new lexics.

4. Put the verbs in the sentences in the negative and interrogative forms, translate them.

a) My friend entered the Institute two years ago.

b) He takes his entrance examinations.

c) She will become a student next year.

d) They joined a scientific society last week.

e) My friend gets an increased stipend.

f) They work as teachers.

g) His brother cares for medicine.

5. Put questions to the following answers

a) Yes, he got an excellent mark in English.

b) Yes, they passed their examination.

c) No, he didn’t study at the University.


1) Essential English for Medical students, Maslova A.M.

2) Language laboratory exercises for medical students, Maslova A.M.

3) New Headway (Intermediate) by Liz and John Soars, Oxford

4) A text “Almaty …” (material of the department), Language laboratory exercises for medical students, Maslova A.M, Moscow, 2002.


- to learn the table of the irregular verbs

- to learn the grammar material

- to make up 7-8 sentences in Past Simple (affirmative, negative, interrogative)

- to compile the dialogues about Almaty using some additional material

Lexico-grammatical test:

1. Almaty is the ..... capital of Kazakhstan.

a) northern b) western c) eastern d) southern

2. Almaty is situated at the foot of the ..... mountains.

a) Alatau b) Tyan-Shan c) Alps d) Everest

3. The height of snowy peaks is more than ..... metres above the sea level.

a) 3.000 b) 2.500 c) 4.000 d) 5.000

4. Almaty is a city- .....

a) garden b) park c) square d) field

5. There are very many places of ..... in Almaty.

a) hobbies b) interest c) work d) study

6. "Medeo" is the name of the .....

a) cinema b)theatre c) skating rink d) circus

7. Kok-Tube is the name of the .....

a) stadium b) university c) cinema d) mountain

8. Many monuments of architecture ..... tourists greatly.

a) press b) supress c) impress d) unpress

9. Kazakh drama theatre is named after .....

a) Abai b) Mukhtar Auezov c) Saken Seifullin d) Sabit Mukanov

10. Almaty has a long .....

a) story b) tragedy c) history d) novel

11. The town was founded in .....

a) 1857 b) 1854 c) 1851 d) 1853

12. At that time it was a ..... called "Verny".

a) cafe b) restaurant c) fortress d) post-office

13. The word "Alma-Ata" meant .....

a) "apple tree" b) "apples" c) "the mother of apples" d) "the father of apples''

14. Apport is a sort of .....

a) pears b) bananas c) apples d) oranges

15. Almaty is a city of ..... people.

a) greedy b) angry c) honest d) hospitable

16. Almaty is a city with great .....

a) future b) past c) present

17. Find the correct answer:

Today is ..... of October.

a) two b) the twoth c) the second d) second

18. Find the 2-nd form of the verb "to meet"

a) meeting b) meeted c) met d) meets

19. Finish the sentence:

My father give me .....

a) yesterday of newspaper b) newspapers yesterday c) yesterday is newspaper d) newspapers yesterday

20. Find the correct numeral:

She entered the university at the age of 17.

a) seventeen b) seventy c) the seventeenth d) the seventeen

21. Find the correct variant:

They ..... pupils last year.

a) was b) am c) were d) are

22. Find the correct variant:

They ..... football after school yesterday.

a) play b) played c) will play d) plays

23. Find the 2-nd form of the verb "lose"

a) to lose b) to lost c) losed d) lost

24. Find the correct variant:

Yesterday he ..... to work by car.

a) go b) gone c) went d) goes

25. Choose the correct variant:

There are 351 books in his library.

a) three hundreds fifty-one books b) three hundreds and fifty-one books c) three hundred fifty-one books d) three hundred and fifty-one books

Work-out 5

for students’ self-studying under the guidance of a teacher.

Contact hour 3

Theme: English speaking country Great Britain

Lexics: words and word-combinations

Grammar: 1. Demonstrative pronouns: this, these, that, those

2. Prepositions

Aim: to consolidate new lexical and grammar materials; to strengthen their knowledge on a given theme

Form of conducting: Reading and translating a text, compiling topics, doing lexico- grammatical exercises

The 1st Hour

1. Read the following words correctly, pay attention to the pronunciation.

Surface, influence, famous, government, Queen, Ireland, isle, northern, southern, western, eastern, mountainous, chief, chamber

2. Translate the following words and define their suffixes.

a) mountainous, Northern, Western, industrial, cultural, educational, intellectual, political

b) (is) situated, (is) called, (are) considered, (is) ruled, elected

c) Producer, exporter

3. Match the words with their translations

1. surface

2. plain

3. Influence

4. shipbuilding

5. famous

6. Queen

7. government

8. consists of

a. судостроение

b. королева

c. изветный

d. равнина

e. поверхность

f. правительство

g. влияние

h. состоять из

4. Choose the proper word for the definition:

1. Outside or outward appearance of something.

a. vast plain b. influence c. chief d. surface e. chamber

2. Hall used for meeting of an assembly

a. vast plain b. influence c. chief d. surface e. chamber

The 2nd Hour

1. Find some information about the geographical situation from the text (‘Great Britain’)

2. Find where it shows its political structure.

3. Tell if it’s true or false:

a. England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Northern Ireland.

b. Northern Ireland is situated in the territory of Great Britain.

c. GB and NI are the parts of Ireland.

d. England, Wales and Scotland are the parts of GB.

e. Answer the following questions:

1) How many parts does the UK of GB and NI consist of?

2) How would you describe its land?

3) What’s it s climate like?

4) What does the country export and produce?

5) What is considered to be the intellectual centres of Europe?

6) Who is the head of the State?

7) How many chambers does the British Parliament consist of? What are they?

8) What kind of political parties does it have?

4. Read and translate the following text.


London lies on the river Thames. It has a population of over 6million people. London is famous for its historic buildings St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Houses of Parliament, where you can see and hear the famous clock, Big Ben. It’s also famous for its parks. There are five in the city centre. Children’s favorite place is Hamleys, which is the biggest toyshop in the world.

London has problems with traffic and population. Over one million people a day use the London underground, but there are still too many cars.

5. Making dialogue: Student A: Imagine you have been to London on your holidays. Tell to your partner about London life. Student B: Make up some questions according to the text and it from your partner. You may ask the following: How many people live there? What is it famous for? Problems ithas.

The 3rd Hour

1. Choose the right variant of the following:

1. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: ______ are the four parts of the United Kingdom.

a. that b. these c. those d. this

2. The UK is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of ______ Kingdom.

a. that b. these c. those d. this

1. Find the sentences containing incorrect information according to the text ‘Great Britain’.

1) The official name for GB is as following: The united kingdom of Great Britain.

2) The population of the United Kingdom is more than 56million people.

3) The river the Severn is not as long as the Thames.

4) Oxford and Cambridge universities are considered to be the intellectual centers of Europe.

5) The United Kingdom is ruled by the Queen.

2. Put the following sentences in the correct order according to the text ‘Great Britain’.

1) The UK of GB and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.

2) There are many beautiful lakes in the mountainous part of the country

3) GB is a country with old cultural traditions and customs.

4) Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland.

5) The capital of the UK is London.

6) It is mild the whole year round.

7) One of the chief industries is shipbuilding.

Tasks on grammar:

1. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

3. Take the books ____ the table and put them ____ your bag. 2. Show me this map. Show it ___ me. 3. Go ____ the room ____ the corridor. 4. Take that pencil ____ the box and put it ____ front ___ you. 5. Go ____ the blackboard.

2. Put an appropriate preposition in the gaps below.

1. Great Britain is one ____ the highly developed countries in the world

a) in b) at c) of d) from e)to

2. In Europe Great Britain is famous ____ its educational centres as Oxford and Cambridge Universities.

a) with b) from c) among d) in e) to

3. a. What is the opposite for the pronoun ‘that’. Give examples.

b. What is the opposite for the pronoun ‘these’. Give examples.

4. Change the following sentences as in the example:

e.g. Give me that vase.

Give that vase to me.

1. Show me that picture. 2. Give her those flowers. 3. Send George that letter. 4. Give the children these ice-creams. 5. Please, bring John that chair. 6. Take her these newspapers. 7. Pass him the salt. 8. Give Mrs. Johns those books.


1. Printed text: ‘Great Britain’

2. Maslova A.M. ‘Essential English for Medical students’. Moscow, 1983

3. Bonk N.A. ‘Учебник английского языка’. Saint-Petersburg, 1997

4. Bonk N.A. ‘English step by step’. Moscow, 1999

5. Murphy R. ‘English Grammar in Use’. Cambridge, 1988

Control: tasks and tests


1. Where is UK situated?

a)on the river Thames b) on the British Isles

c) on the English Channel d) on the Atlantic Ocean

2. What is the capital of England?

a) Belfast b) Cardiff c) London d)Edinburgh

3. How many countries is the UK made of?

a) 4 b) 5 c) 3 d)2

4. What channel separates the British Isles from the European continent?

a) the Irish b) the Atlantic c) by the Thames d)the English Cannel

5. What is the capital of Wales?

a) London b) Belfast c) Edinburgh d) Cardiff

6. What is the north of Scotland called?

a) Northern Ireland b)Highlands c)Lowlands d) Scottish

7. What is the highest mountain in Scotland?

a) Alp b)Highland c)Ben Nevis d)Tyan-Shan

8. What is the capital of Scotland?

a) Cardiff b)London c) Edinburgh d) Belfast

9. What is the south of Scotland called?

a) Lowlands b)Highlands c) Scottish d)Northern Ireland

10.What is the longest river in Great Britain?

a) Thames b) Kongo c) Severn

11.Choose the deepest river in Britain

a) Thames b) Kongo c) Severn

12. What influences the climate of the British Isles?

a) English Channel b)Atlantic Ocean c)North Sea d) Gulf Stream

13. Choose the proper preposition. I like reading …. bed.

a) on b)in c)under d)opposite

14. Insert the proper prepositions Paula didn’t go … work yesterday.

a) to b)- c)in d)at

15. I am staying … home.

a) in b)on c) at d)opposite

16.I am going … home.

a) to b)in c)at d) opposite

17. I want to go … Great Britain.

a) - b)to c)in d)on

18. Don’t sit … the grass. It’s wet.

a) at b)on c)in d)under

19. Didn’t speak … we were eating.

a) while b)during c)before d)after

20. Alex lived in London…1982 to 1990

a) until b)for c) from d)before

Work-out 6

For students` self- studying under the guidance of a teacher

Contact hour 2

Theme: London is the capital of Great Britain

Lexics: words and word- combinations

Grammar: Zero and definite articles with Geographical names

Aim: to introduce new lexics on the theme “ London”; to teach the students to use zero and definite articles with geographical names in their speech; to teach the students to use new lexics in their speech.

Form of conducting: testing, oral questioning, tasks, lexico- grammatical exercises.

1st hour

Tasks on the theme:

1. Give Russian equivalents to:

Political centre

In the world



Numerous banks

Architectural masterpieces



Attract tourists

In the middle

2. Give English equivalents to:

политический центр

финансовый центр

20- ый век



известные люди

самая богатая часть

географический центр

битва за Трафалгар

много заводов

Work on Grammar:

Put the articles( the, zero)

Great Britain

United Kingdom

Nothern Ireland



Cambridge University

Tower of London

Oxford street

Downing street

Trafalgar square

West End

East End

3.Translate into English:

Лондон- столица Великобритании. Его население составляет около 8 миллиона человек. Лондон расположен у реки Темза. Два архитектурных шедевра расположены в Сити. Вестминстерское Аббатство- место, где происходит коронация всех королей и королев. Трафальгарская площадь- географический центр Лондона. Колонны Нельсона стоят в середине площади. Ист- Енд- промышленный район Лондона.

Control (quizzes, tests)

Variant 1

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

… Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror.

Variant 2

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

Traditionally London is divided into… West End and East End.

Variant 3

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

Across the road from… Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace, the seat of the British Parliament.

Variant 4

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

Westminster is … aristocratic official part of London.

… Tower of London was built in the 15 th century.

Variant 5

Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:

London is situated on … river Thames. Trafalgar square is the geographical centre of London.

2nd hour

Tasks on the theme:

1. Read the text

2. Translate the text

3. Find in the text the sentences with new words and word- combinations and translate them:

The largest city

Numerous banks


Several parts

Buckingham Palace

The best hotels



4. Find geographical names with articles( the, zero)

5. Students have to talk about parts of London

What is the city?

What is Westminster?

What is West End?

What is East End?

6. Make up sentences with following word- combinations:

- the Tower of London

- the Head of the state

- Political parties

- a palace , a prison

- the clock “ Big Ben”

- best hotels

- in the memory of

- working class families

7.Finish the sentences:

London is situated on the river … . The city is very old. It has more than 20 centuries … .

Westminster is the aristocratic official part of…. It includes Buckingham Palace where the Queen …. The West End is the richest and most beautiful… of London. The East End is an industrial district ….

8.Translate into Russian and English

It` s population is about 8 million. The city is very old. The Tower of London was built in the 15th century. St. Paul` s Cathedral was built in the 17th century. The East End is an industrial district of London.

Лондон – столица Великобритании. Традиционно он подразделяется на несколько частей. Они отличаются друг от друга. Сити- старая часть Лондона. Это финансовый и бизнес центр. Вестминстер- это аристократическая часть Лондона.

Control: ( questions, role- playing game, rendering texts, dialogues)


1. What is the capital of England and the UK?

What is the City?

2. When and by whom was the Tower of London built?

3. Into which parts is London divided?

4. Where are many famous English peoples buried?

5. Why was Trafalgar Square named so?

6. Where is the Tower of London and St. Paul` s Cathedral situated?

Role – playing games “Giving directions”


Excuse me, can you tell me…

- how to get to…

- the way to …

- how far it is to ….

- If this the right way to…


- go straight ahead …

- turn left

- turn right

- go towards

- go away

walk along

1. What is the capital of England and the UK?

What is the City?

7. When and by whom was the Tower of London built?

8. Into which parts is London divided?

9. Where are many famous English peoples buried?

10. Why was Trafalgar Square named so?

11. Where is the Tower of London and St. Paul` s Cathedral situated?

Role – playing games “Giving directions”


Excuse me, can you tell me…

- how to get to…

- the way to …

- how far it is to ….

- If this the right way to…


- go straight ahead …

- turn left

- turn right

- go towards

- go away

- walk along


The text “London”

Cutting – Edge- Elementary

Material of the department

Work-out 7

for students self-studying under the guidance of a teacher.

Contact hour (3)

Theme: Education in Great Britain

Grammar: Present Perfect Tense

Aim: Students’ are to know and use in speech Present Perfect Tense on the base of educational system vocabulary

Form of conducting: lexical-grammatical exercises, oral questioning compiling

dialogues, testing

1st hour

Tasks on the theme: lexical-grammatical exercises:

1) Give the equivalents of following words:

дошкольный, посещать, детский сад, образование, много играть, внимательно слушать, начальная школа, аттестат, черчение, точные науки, естественные науки, частный, государственный.

2) Make sentences with following word combinations:

nursery school, pre-school education, to listen attentively, primary education, secondary education, comprehensive school, advanced level, technical drawing, state school, public school, physical education, junior school.

3) Answer the questions:

a) The Present Perfect is formed with the auxiliary verb + the

, isn't it?

b) What is the difference between the following pairs of sentences?

c) Why are different tenses used?

fHe has made over twenty-five laboratory tests. (Prof. Safin made over fifty laboratory tests.

(She has traveled to many parts of the world. [She went to Astana last year.

What is the difference between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple?

4) Write in the Past Tense forms and the Past Participles of the following verbs.

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle

be was/were been












5) Complete the following dialogues between two students with the proper

form of verbs:

a) S1 Do you have a car?

S2 Yes, I do.

51. How long ?

52. For a year.

51. How much pay for it?

52. About two thousand dollars.

b) S1 know a man called Prof. Muminov?

S2 Yes, .

SI How long ?

S2 For six years. SI Where

S2 I met him while I was a first-year student.

6) Decide which is the correct verb form.

a) Have you ever seen/did you ever see an operation?

b) I saw/have seen an operation last year?

c) How long have you known/do you now Prof. Aliev?

d) I know her/have known her since we were at primary school together.

e) When did you finish/have you finished secondary school?

7) For or since?

For is used with a period of time. Since is used with a point in time. Put for or since into each gap.

|а. |two weeks. |

|b. |half an hour. |

|с. |August. |

|d. |9.15 |

|е. |I was ten. |

|f. |a long time. |

|Я- |3 March. |

|h. |ages. |

|i. |the beginning of term. |

| |a couple of days. |

8) Do grammar exercises in the Present Perfect unit of the Grammar book by Murphy.

Oral questioning.

9) Ask and answer questions beginning. How long...? about where you or

other people study, live and about some of your possessions.

How long have you lived in...? How long have you studied...? How long have you had your book...?

10) Make dialogues where one question is in the Present Simple, one in

the Past Simple and one in the Present Perfect.

Control section. Test.

l.Aigul says «I have been to Astana». Is she there now? a) Yes. b) No.

2.Azat says «Alans gone to South Kazakhstan». Is he there now? a) Yes. b) No. plete the following sentences:

a)Anaiis crying because she /just/have/ sonee bad news. b)Nurbofc laughing because someone /just/tell/ him joke. c)My parents are furious because I /lose/the car keys. d)I'm fed up because someone/steal/ my bike. 4. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, Present Perfect or Past Simple.

a)How long you (learn) English?

b)How long you (use) this book?

c)Which book you (have) before this one?

d)How long you know your teacher?

e)When you (start) primary school? „„„„

2nd hour

Tasks on the theme:

1) Write the verbs from the sentences in the Past Perfect:

a) Adal and Saule met at primary school ______________________________

b) They studied at secondary school _________________________________

c) Saule told her parents ___________________________________________

d) They moved into the house ______________________________________

e) Parents paid for children education _________________________________

2) Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect:

a) Kamilla and Samat (know) each other very long when they got married.

b) When Kamilla told her parents about her marks at exams they (alread phone)

the school master.

c) Her parents were angry because she (tell) about her exam marks.

3) Complete this rule and answer the question:

- The Past Perfect is formed with the auxilary verb______the_______.

- What does the Past Perfect express?

4) Make sentences from the chart below.

| | | | | |-fallen over playing tennis |

| | | | | |gone off. |

| |-was in a mess | | | |-had a busy day. |

| |-was late for work | | | |-done the homework. |

|I |-was angry | |I | |-forgotten to water them tidied |

|My teacher |hurt | |We |had |up after the party. |

|My leg |-went to bed early |because | | |-been rude the day before. |

|The plants |-apologized | |my alarm clock |hadn’t |-had any breakfast. |

|The house | | | | | |

5) Look at the verb forms in these sentences.

What is the difference in meaning between them?

a) What Asel arrived home, Nurbol was packing / packed / had packed his suitcase.

b) The lecture started / had started when we arrived.

c) When the teacher arrived the children learnt / had learnt / was learning new words.

6) Do exercises from murphy book “Grammar in Use”. Past Perfect.

7) Answer the following questions:

a) What stages of education are there in Great Britain?

b) Which of them are compulsary?

c) In what institutions can children get pre – school education?

d) Do all primary and secondary schools in Great Britain belong to the state


e) Don’t you think that independed schools sustain inequality in the field of


f) In what school withing the maintained system can children get primary


g) At what age are pupils usually transferred to secondary schools?

h) What secondary schools maintained by the state do you know?

i) What kind of education do grammar schools offer?

k) What does the term “comprehensive” imply?

l) Which are the most notable public schools?

m) What are the principal examinations taken by secondary school pupils in

Great Britain?

n) What exams are taken at the age of 18?

8) Summarize the text “Education in Great Britain” specifying the following items:

a) The system of education in Great Britain. General principles.

b) Pre – school education. Primary education.

c) Comprehensive system of secondary education.

d) Exams.


1) I each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a) I have studied for ten years.

b) Tom has studied for three years Biology.

c) I finished university this year.

d) We have had these books sinse five years.

e) Where have you been on holiday last year?

f) How long do you know your teacher?

g) They not have payed for education for a long time.

2) Put been or gone into each gap.

a) I’ve___________to most countries in Europe, but I’ve never__________to England.

b) Where’s Baljan?

She’s___________to work.

c) Sorry I’m late. I’ve___________stuck in a traffic jam for an hour.

d) – Can I speak to Mrs. Sagantaeva?

- I’m afraid she’s just___________out of the office.

3) In each of the following sentences, there are two verbs in brackets. Put on in the Past Simple and one in the Past Perfect.

a) The patient (die) after he (be) ill for a long time.

b) I (thank) her for everything she (do).

c) When I got to the University, I(realise) that I (forget) to lock the front door.

d) When the pupil (do) his homework, he (go) to bed.

3rd hour

1) Use the Topical Vocabulary in answering the following questions, give your own opinion:

a) Do many children in Great Britain attend pre-school institutions?

b) Have all maintained school equal opportunities to provide the same level of education?

c) What do you think of the main aim of the publicly maintained system of education?

d) What’s your opinion of the fact that administration of publicly provided schools is not centralized?

e) What subjects are usually included in a primary school curriculum?

f) What is the aim of primary education? What types of the secondary schools are there in Britain?

g) Why do you think most children in grammar schools are from rich families?

2) Give a brief talk on the main features of schooling in Britain. Use the Topical Vocabulary.

3) You are supposed to give a description of imaginary primary or secondary schools which

is organized according to the English pattern a name.

The following questions can be helpful:

a) What kind of school is it?

b) What is the size of the school?

c) What buildings does the school possess?

d) How many class rooms are there?

e) Is there a hall, a library, specialist rooms, playing fields?

f) Are the buildings modern?

g) What subjects are included into the curriculum?

h) What forms of reward and punishment are normally used?

i) What testing is done in the school?

j) What system of the examinations is used in the school?

k) In what way are parents involved with the school?

4) Write a composition about one of the following questions:

a) Pre-school and primary education in Britain.

b) Secondary education in Britain.

c) Examination in Great Britain.

5) Retell the text Education in Great Britain.

Recommended literature:

1) Text Education in Great Britain.

2) Murphy English grammar in use.

3) Shershneva. English grammar.

4) Oxford student’s dictionary of English.

5) Materials of the department.

6) WWW@Com.KZ.

Control section. Test.

1) Write in the Past Participle of the following verbs:

attend visit

write stop

win study

try do

read come

play walk

find go

2.Put numbers in brackets after each action to show the order in which they happened.

1.I went to bed (-) after I had had a bath (-) and brushed my teeth (-).

2.When I arrived at Johns house (-), he had made a cake (-) and done the washing-up (-).

3.My stomach- ache disappeared (-) after I had taken some medicine (-).

4.When we got to the theatre (-), the play had started (-) and all the seats had been

taken (-)

3.Join the following pairs of sentences, using the conjunction in brackets. Change one verb into the Past Perfect.

1.I had a bath. I went to (after)

2.I read the letter. I threw it away (when)

3.He passed his driving test. He bought a car (as soon as)

4.I read the book. I saw the film (before).

5.I didn’t go to bed. I didn’t my home -work (until).

4. Aigul says «I have been to Astana». Is she there now? a) Yes. b) No.

5.Azat says «Alans gone to South Kazakhstan». Is he there now? a) Yes. b) No. plete the following sentences:

a) Anar crying because she /just/have/ since bad news.

b) Nurbol laughing because someone /just/tell/ him joke.

c) My parents are furious because I /lose/the car keys.

d)I'm fed up because someone/steal/ my bike.

7. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, Present Perfect or Past Simple.

a)How long you (learn) English?

b)How long you (use) this book?

c)Which book you (have) before this one?

d)How long you know your teacher?

e)When you (start) primary school? „„„„

8. In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a) I have studied for ten years.

b) Tom has studied for three years Biology.

c) I finished university this year.

d) We have had these books since five years.

e) Where have you been on holiday last year?

f) How long do you know your teacher?

g) They not have payed for education for a long time.

9. Put been or gone into each gap.

a) I’ve ___________to most countries in Europe, but I’ve never __________to England.

b) Where’s Gulnaz?

She’s ___________to work.

c) Sorry I’m late. I’ve ___________stuck in a traffic jam for an hour.

d) – Can I speak to Mrs. Kairakbayeva?

- I’m afraid she’s just ___________out of the office.

10. In each of the following sentences, there are two verbs in brackets. Put on in the Past Simple and one in the Past Perfect.

a) The patient (die) after he (be) ill for a long time.

b) I (thank) her for everything she (do).

c) When I got to the University, I (realize) that I (forget) to lock the front door.

a) When the pupil (do) his homework, he (go) to bed

11.What stages of education are there in Great Britain?





12.At what age are pupils usually transferred to secondary schools?





13.What kind of education do grammar schools offer?

a. pre-school education

b. primary education

c. secondary education

d. high education

14.How many universities are there in Great Britain?





15.What differs one university from another?

a. history, tradition

b. economic

c. culture

d. expensive

16.What are world-known universities?

a. Winchester

b. Oxford and Cambridge

c. Harvard

d. Eton

17.What does a university usually consist of?

a. school

b. college

c. university

d. kinder garden

18.What does an undergraduate programmer consist of?

a. lectures, seminars, tutorials, laboratory classes

b. discussion

c. technical drawing

d. dancing, singing

19.How long may a lecture course last?

a. 2-3




20.How long must one study to get the Degree of Bachelor?





21.What does the term “comprehensive” imply?

a. designed for students of all abilities in the same school

b. where boys and girls study together

c. a secondary school for young people of all levels of ability

d. only boys study

22.Do all primary and secondary schools in Great Britain belong to the state system?

a .yes

b. no

c. may be

d. of course

23.What secondary schools maintained by the state do you know?

24.Which are the most notable public schools?

25.What are the principal examinations taken by secondary school pupils in GB?

26. In what school within the maintained system can children get primary education?

27.What’s your opinion of the fact that administration of publicly provided schools is not centralized?

28.Why do you think most children in grammar schools are from rich families?

29.What do you think of the main aim of the publicly maintained system of education?

30.Don’t you think that independed schools sustain inequality in the field of education?

Work-out 8

for students´ self-studying under the guidance of a teacher.

Contact hour (3)

Theme: Education in Kazakhstan

Grammar: Future Perfect Tense

Aim: To study new lexical and grammar material, to practice student’s speech and grammar skills.

Form of conducting: control of phonetic, lexico-grammatical exercises, reading and translating the text, oral questioning, tasks, testing.

1st hour

Tasks on the theme:

1. Write the correct transcription of the words:






2. Rearrange the mixed letters and write the word.

a) n s i m u s g a y m

b) s m u a I g s n y m

c) m m s i s y u g n a

d) i u s g m y n a m s

e) g m s y i u m s a n

3. Find English equivalents from the

right column

1. в возрасте a) gifted children

2. среднее образование b) a lot of subjects

3.одаренные дети с) pass successfully

4.множество предметов d) private

5. успешно сдать e) technical schools

6. частный t) entrance examination

7. вступительные экзамены g) at the age

8. технические школы h) secondary education

4. Give Russian equivalents to the following word – combinations:

in order to enter, those who successfully pass a higher educational institution, to take an entrance examination, getting the Bachelor degree, on the commercial basis.

5. Ask questions to the italicized words working in pair.

a) Besides secondary schools there are other types of schools in Kazakhstan.

b) Compulsory education begins in our country at the age of.

c) Most of gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums are private.

d) Only those who successful pass entrance testing are admitted free of charge.

e) There are specialized art music ballet, sport schools for gifted children.

Control: vocabulary test

2nd hour

Tasks on the theme:

1. Write the correct transcription of the following words:
















2. Choose the words with letters ch, ng from the text.

Explain the rules of their reading

3. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word – combinations are used in the text:

the secondary stage, at the age of seven, at vocational or technical schools, other types of schools, for handicapped children, adopted the western model.

4. Tick out the correct sentences:

Compulsory education begins in our country at the age of 8.

The children go to primary school at the age of 6.

Examinations are taken at the end of the 7 th and 8 th forms.

Secondary education in our country is free of charge.

There are gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums among higher educational institutions.

5. Insert prepositions according the text:

Before going ……- school children attend kindergartens.

The secondary stage begins …. the 5 th form.

Examinations are taken …..the end of the 11 th form.

There are special schools …. gifted children.

There are schools …. higher education.

6. Insert the missing words given bellow:

Children study a lot of ----------, such as Literature, history, Natural Sciences.

There are specialized schools with ---------study of a certain subject.

In 1992 Kazakhstan --------of higher education adopted the western model.

Young people have --------- an entrance examination.

7. Insert articles where necessary.

In order to enter a higher educational institution you have to take ------ entrance examination.

The secondary stage begins ------- 5 th form.

A four years course of studies with getting ----- Bachelor degree after graduation.

8. Write Future Perfect of the following verbs and translate them.

get, bring, tell, see, write, read, pass, go, come, answer, work, live, make, do, characterize.

Control: control reading of the text.

3rd hour

1.Tasks on the theme:

Answer the questions:

-When do children attend kindergartens in our country?

- When does compulsory education begin?

-What subjects do children study at the secondary stage?

-May any children leave schools at the end of the 9th form?

-What kind types of schools are there in our country?

-What schools are there for gifted children?

-What can you tell about the western model?

- Is education given on the commercial bases?

2.Make up 5 sentences using Future Perfect Tense and translate them.

3.Say the following sentences in the Future Perfect Tense.

I have entered a higher education institution

He has passed successfully entrance examination.

Children have gone to primary school.

4.Make these sentences (ex 5) negative and interrogative.

5.Write the scheme about the process of Education in our country.


1. Internet wikipedia org/wili/ education in Kazakhstan

2. www educ. “Bolashak”

3. Maslova A.M. Essential English for Medical students. Moscow 2002.

4. Maslova A.M. Language laboratory exercises for medical students. Moscow 2002.

5. Maslova A.M. Essential vocabulary for medical students. Moscow 2002.

6. T.Hutchinson Hotline – Upper intermediate, Oxford, 2005

7. Additional literature from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Education in Kazakhstan).

Control: rendering the text.


1. Before going to school children attend ______ in our country

a) Nursery school

b) Kinder gardens

c) State schools

d) Colleges

e) Special schools

2. Insert the right antonym of the word: rapidly

a) quickly

b) fast

c) suddenly

d) immediately

e) slowly

3. Choose the right translation of the word combination “ free of charge”

a) бесплатное

b) платное

c) средние

d) интенсивное

e) кредитное

4. Choose the right sentence in Future Perfect Tense

a) I will had written a letter

b) I will have wrote a letter

c) I will have written a letter

d) I have written a letter

e) I had written a letter

5. How many years do students study to get Master’s degree?

a)4 b)2 c03 d)7 e)5

6. What schools are there for gifted children in our country?

a) art, music, ballet and sport schools

b) secondary schools,

c) lyceums

d) primary schools

e) private schools

7. Choose the right synonym of the word “gifted”

a)calm b) romantic c) capable d) disability e) wise

8. When does compulsory education begin in KZ?

a) at the age of 7

b) at the age of 12

c) at the age of 3

d) at the age of 16

e) at the age of 18

9. What do young people do to enter a higher educational institution in KZ ?

a) pass entrance test

b) pass exams in oral form

c) answer only 3 questions

d) write a composition

e) write a dictation

10. When pupils move to junior school?

a) when they are 11

b) when they are 7

c) when they are 3

d) when they are 16

e) when they are 18

11. Who was the first rector of Almaty State Medical Institute?

a) T.A.Muminov

b) S.D.Asfendiarov

c) B.B. Kuibushev

d) T. Ryskulov

e) D.A.Furmanov

12. When KZ system of higher education adopted the western model?

a) 1992


c) 1987

d) 1990

e) 1993

13. How many years students have to study to get the Bachelor degree?

a) 4 years

b) 5 years

c) 3 years

d) 6 years

e) 2 years

14. Choose the right translate of the word “successfully”

a) быстро

b) плохо

c) скоро

d) успешно

e) долго

15.When children go to primary school inKZ?

a) at the age of 7

b) at the age of 6

c) at the age of 3

d) at the age of 11

e) at the age of 5

Work-out 9

for students’ self-studying under the guidance of a teacher.

Contact hour (3)

Theme: Scientists of Great Britain

Lexics: words and word-combinations

Grammar: Modal verbs: can, may, must


1. to consolidate new lexical and grammar material

2. to teach the students to prepare topics about scientists of Great Britain.

Form of conducting: control of phonetic, lexico-grammatical exercises, reading and translating the text, oral questioning, tasks, testing.

The 1st Hour

1. Pay attention to pronunciation and read the following words correctly:

Smallpox , vaccination, apprentice, clergyman , stimuli, cараblе, vеsiсlеs, outbreak, protection, youth, to acquire , reliance, inoculation, cowpox , lesion

2. Write the definitions of these words:







3. Translate the following words into English:

приобретать знания, прививка, « телячья» оспа, юноша, вспышка, вакцинация, пузырек, способный.

4. Insert the proper words:

…………. Jenner was the discoverer of ……… . He studied ………… in London. His persistent ………….. work resulted in the discovery of vaccination against………

Smallpox, scientific, Edward, vaccination, medicine.


Read and translate new words and word соmbinations (using cards):

Discoverer, vaccination fоr smаllрох, country youth, stimuli, сlеrgуmаn, to acquire, apprentice, соnfirm, reliance, сараblе, outbreak, inoculation, cowpox, lesion, exposure, deliberate, slight fevеr.

The 2nd hour:

1. Explain the usage of can and could in the following sentences and translate them:

a. I can easily carry this trunk to the station.

b. He said that he could ship the goods in September.

c. When he was young, he could run a mile in less than five minutes.

d. Why did you stop at a hotel? You could have spent the night at my house.

2. Translate into English:

Я не могу закончить работу сегодня.

Я думаю, что я смогу помочь вам.

Когда он приехал в Лондон, он мог вести переговоры с фирмами без переводчика.

Можете ли вы перевести этот договор на французский язык?

3. Translate the following sentences:

Можно мне взять ваш словарь? – Да, можно.

Погода может измениться завтра.

Вы можете пойти погулять.

Он может позвонить завтра.

4. Find in the text the sentences with modal verbs.

5. read and translate the sentences according to the grammar constructions (text "Edward Jenner").


Complete the sentences with can or may. Use the negative as appropriate.

a. I ____ play only one musical instrument: the piano. I_____ play a guitar.

b. Tommy, you _____ stay up until eight tonight, but you________ stay up past that time.

c. May I have everyone’s attention? The test is about to begin. If you need to leave the room during the examination, please raise your hand. You _____ leave the room without permission.

d. A: What channel is the news special on tonight?

B: I’m not sure. It ________ be on Channel Seven. Try that one first.

The 3rd Hour

1. Game “Dead Famous”

You will need: one set of cards per three or four students

• Put students into groups of three or four. Give each group one set of cards face down, and ask them to divide them equally among themselves. Allow time for students to read the information on their cards. They are not allowed to look at each other’s cards.

• Write the following question prompts on the board or on a separate handout. If necessary, check that students can make questions in the Past Simple from these prompts by doing an example with the whole class.

Born in America/ Europe? Nationality?

Live in 20th/19th century? Live in Europe/ Asia?

Married? Wife/husband famous too? Die young?

Write something? Discover something?

Actor/politician/film star/singer? Rich/poor?

• Student A chooses one of his/her cards, and the other students have to find out who the famous person on the card is by asking questions, either based on the prompts on the board or their own ideas. However they are only allowed to ask questions which require a yes/no answer. They can ask a maximum of fifteen questions.

• If they haven’t guessed after ten questions, student A reads out the clue at the bottom of the card. If the other student doesn’t discover the person’s identity after fifteen questions, student A can reveal his/her identity.

• Students take it in turns to be asked questions about a famous person until all the cards are finished.

1. Retell the text “Edward Jenner”


Cutting - Edge. Pre-intermediate. Teacher’s resource book. Pearson Educational Limited 2001

Control: (task):

Make up dialogues using the text information

Work out 10

for students’ self – studying under the guidance of a teacher.

Contact hour 3

Theme: Lexics: The prominent medical scientists of Kazakhstan

Grammar: Constructions going to, would like to, want to.

Aim: 1. To consolidate new lexical and grammar material

2. To teach the students to prepare topics about scientific research work of prominent medical scientists, living in Kazakhstan.

Form of conducting: control of phonetic, lexico-grammatical exercises, reading and translating the text, oral questioning, tasks, testing.

The 1st Hour

1. Pay attention to pronunciation and read the following words correctly.

Health care, scientist, medical science, assistant, graduate, expert, supervision tuberculosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, physician, doctor, diagnosis, ecology, phthisiology, phthisiopulmonolgy, pulmonology.

2. Read and translate the following works and word combinations:

Medical scientist, scientific research work, postgraduate education, postgraduate courses, pulmonary tuberculosis, I am going to, I want t, I would like to, political man, history of Kazakhstan, Public Health, health care, lung diseases, prevention of tuberculosis, scientific activity, department of science and education, scientific interests.

3. Find the correct translation in the right column:

1. pulmonary tuberculosis 1. ученый – медик

2. phthisiology 2. эксперт

3. medical scientist 3. легочные заболевания

4. expert 4. фтизиатрия

5. lung diseases 5. легочный туберкулез

4. Translate the following words and word combinations into English language:

политический деятель, автор книг по истории Казахстана, основатель медицинского института, высшее образование, здравоохранение, профилактика туберкулеза, легочный туберкулез, заболевания легких, фтизиатрия, выдающихся врач и ученый, национальная антитуберкулезная программа, научные и педагогические интересы, отделение фтизиатрии и пульмонологии, лечение туберкулеза.

The 2nd Hour.

1. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the text:

Political man, military statesman, direct offspring, higher education, health care, fruitful period, leading expert, outstanding physician and scientist, medical university, lung disease, to defend the thesis, phthisiopulmonologic department, postgraduate education, scientific and pedagogical interests.

2. Read and translate the following dialogue.

Dramatize it.

Correspondent: What University do you study in?

Student: I study in Kazakh National Medical University.

Correspondent: Do you know who was the founder of the University, its first rector?

Student: The first rector of KazNMU was S.D.Asfendiarov.

Correspondent: What political and scientific activity did he perform?

Student: S.D. Asfendiarov was a revolutionary, political man, author of works on history of KZ, doctor.

Correspondent: What Academy did he graduate from?

Student: He graduated from Military Medical Academy in Petersburg in 1912.

Correspondent: Where did he work after graduation?

Student: In 1920 S.D. Asfendiarov was appointed as National Commissar of the Turkistan health care. In 1927 he got the grade of the professor of Moscow University of East Nations. In 1928 he was engaged in questions of science organization, higher education and health care in Republic.

Correspondent: When KazNMU was found?

Student: Our University was founded in 1931. It was called KSMI S.D. Asfeniarov became its first rector.

Correspondent: Was S.D. Asfendiarov accused unfairly in the year 1978?

Student: Yes, In the year 1978 S.D. Asfendiarov was unfairly accused of treachery of Soviet Republic and was shot. Today, the fund exists, which was organized by his name.

Correspondent: I have got a very interesting introduction. I thank you for the interview. Good Bye!

Student: Good bye!

3. Complete the following dialogue according to the contents of the text “T.A. Muminov”. Dramatize this dialogue.

Correspondent: What University do you study in?

Student: .................... .

Correspondent: Who is the rector of this University now?

Student: ....................... .

Correspondent: What Institute did he graduate from?

Student: ....................... .

Correspondent: What can you say about his scientific activity? Did he take part in the education of antituberculosic program?

Student: .......................... .

Correspondent: What can you say about his pedagogical activity?

Student: ............................. .

Correspondent: Has T.A. Muminov many scientific titles, medals and merits?

Student: ............................. .

Correspondent: Tell our readers about his scientific biography? Where did he work as an intern, as a probationer, a lecturer, etc.?

Student: .......................... .

Correspondent: When was he nominated for the rector of ASMI?

Student: .......................... .

Correspondent: What are Muminov’s basic clinical, scientific and pedagogical interests?

Student: .......................... .

Correspondent: I have got very interesting information. I thank you for the interview. Good – bye!

Student: Good – bye!

4. Situation:

Imagine, that you are a foreign correspondent. You want to interview the students from KazNMU and speak with them about scientific work of prominent medical scientists, living in Kazakhstan.

Compile your own dialogues according to this situation. Use the information from the texts “S.D. Asfendiarov”, “T.A. Muminov” in these dialogues.

The 3rd Hour.

1. Complete the following sentences according to the contents of the texts:

“S.D. Asfendiarov”, “T.A. Muminov”.

1. S.D. Asfendiarov was a revolutionary, political man, .....

2. After graduation from Tashkent secondary college in 1907, S.D.Asfendiarov entered ....

3. S.D. Asfendiarov was one of the first ... ... .

4. S.D. Asfendiarov was the founder of KSMI, which was opened in ....

5. T.A. Muminov graduated from ... ... .

6. T.A. Muminov is the leading expert on ... ... .

7. Muminov T.A. is the outstanding physician, ... ... ... .

8. Muminov T.A. was nominated for the rector of ... ... in ... .

9. Muminov’s basic clinical, scientific and pedagogical interest are ... .

10. After graduation from ASMI in 1976 Muminov T.A. worked as ... ... ... .

2. Find the sentences, containing incorrect information according to the contents of the texts: “Muminov T.A.”, “Asfendiarov S.D.”.

1. S.D. Asfendiarov was the second rector of Almaty State Medical Institute.

2. S.D. Asfendiarov was born on the 20th of October 1889 in Tashkent.

3. After graduation from Tashkent secondary college in 1907, S.D. Asfendiarov entered Military Medical Academy in Moscow, which he finished in 1912.

4. S.D. Asfendiarov was the founder of KSMI, which was opened in 1931 in Almaty.

5. Muninov T.A. graduated from Kazakh National Medical University.

6. Muninov T.A. is the outstanding physician, scientist and the manager of Public Health.

7. Muninov T.A. defended the thesis for degree of the Candidate of Medicine on a specialty “Pulmonology”.

8. Muninov T.A. was nominated for the rector of Almaty State Medical Institute (nowadays the Kazakh National Medical University) in 1931.

3. Put the sentences in the correct order according to the contents of the texts: “Muminov T.A.”, “Asfendiarov S.D.”.

S.D. Asfendiarov

1. In 1938 S.D. Asfendiarov was accused of treachery of Soviet Republic and was shot. Today the fund exists, which was organized by his name.

2. After graduation from Tashkent secondary college in 1907, S.A. entered the Military Medical Academy in Petersburg, which he finished in 1912. So he was one of the first Kazakh doctors.

3. S. Asfendiarov was born on the 20th of October 1889 in Tashkent, in a family of a military statesman.

4. S. Asfendiarov was the founder of KSMI, which was opened in 1931 in Almaty.

5. In 1920 he was appointed as National Commissar of the Turkistan Health care.

6. In 1927 he got the grade of the professor of Moscow University of East Nations, where for a long time he had been reading lectures.

“T.A. Muminov”

1. T.A. Muminov was nominated for the rector of Almaty State Medical Institute (nowadays the Kazakh National Medical University) in 1995.

2. T.A. Muminov was born in 1953.

3. In 1983 Muminov T.A. worked as the probationer in clinic of Academic A.G. Homenko, where he defended the thesis for degree of the Candidate of Medicine on a specialty “Phthisiology”.

4. After graduation from Almaty State Medical Institute in 1976 Muminov T.A. worked as the intern, the assistant researcher of tuberculosis department.

5. From 1994 till 1995 Dr. Muminov was the head of the department of science and education of the Ministry of Health.

6. After defending the thesis for the doctor of Medical Science (DMS) degree in 1992 he was elected as the chief of phthisiology and pulmonology department of Almaty State Institute for postgraduate education.

4. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian:

1. S.D. Asfendiarov was a revolutionary, political man, author of works on history of Kazakhstan, doctor.

2. S.D. Asfendiarov was the first rector of Almaty State Medical Institute.

3. S.D. Asfendiarov was a direct offspring of khan Abulhair.

4. S.A. was one of the first Kazakh doctors. At the beginning of the 1st World War a young doctor went to the front.

5. In 1927 he got the grade of the professor of Moscow University of East Nations.

6. S.D. Asfendiarov was the founder of KSMI, which was opened in 1931 in Almaty.

7. Later on, having been the head of Ministry of Health Care, he contributed much in becoming and developing of medicine in Kazakhstan.

8. From 1933 – 1937 S.A. had been working as first assistant of culture branch.

9. In 1938 S.A. was accused of treachery of Soviet Republic and was shot.

10. Today exists the fund, which was organized by his name.

5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Муминов Т.А. родился в 1953.

2. После окончания Алматинского Государственного Медицинского Института Муминов Т.А. работал в качестве интерна, ассистента – исследователя туберкулезного отделения.

3. В 1983 Муминов Т.А. работал в клинике академика А.Т. Хоменко, где он защитил диссертационную работу на соискание степени кандидата медицинских наук по специальности: «Фтизиатрия».

4. Он читал лекции на фтизиопульмонологическом отделении Алматинского Государственного института усовершенствования врачей.

5. После защиты диссертационной работы на соискание степени доктора медицинских наук (ДМН) он был назначен заведующим кафедрой фтизиатрии и пульмонологии Алматинского Государственного института усовершенствования врачей.

6. С 1994 по 1995гг д-р Муминов Т.А. был заведующим отделом науки и образования Министерства Здравоохранения.

7. Он был назначен ректором АГМИ (в настоящее время КазНМУ) в 1995г.

8. Его основные клинические, научные и педагогические интересы связаны с туберкулезными заболеваниями и их профилактикой.

6. Speak on the following topics:

1. S.D. Asfendiarov’s political and scientific activity.

2. S.D. Asfendiarov’s ancestors and relatives.

3. S.D. Asfendiarov’s biography.

4. S.D. Asfendiarov as a founder and first rector of KSMI.

5. T.A. Muminov’s scientific and pedagogical activity.

6. T.A. Muminov as a leader of new antitubercolosic program.

7. T.A. Muminov’s biography.

8. T.A. Muminov’s main clinical, scientific and pedagogical interests.

Tasks on the grammar theme:

1. Read and remember the following grammar material

Look at the examples of future plans and intentions.

I. To talk about future intentions we often use be + going to + verb.

+ I’m going to cook a meal for my friend.

- I’m not going to do much this weekend.

? Are you going to watch television tonight?

2. We can use other verbs to talk about future intentions, too.

a) want to + verb I want to finish my book.

b) would like to + verb I’d like to go on holiday.

2. Complete the questions with are, do, would.

1. Are you going straight home after this lesson? If not? Where ... you going to spend your free time?

2. ... you going to do any homework tonight? What ... going to do?

3. ... you want to watch TV this evening?

4. ... you going to have a busy weekend? What ... you like to do?

5. Are there any films, that you ... like to see?

6. ... you want to buy anything special in the next few weeks? What?

7. ... you want to go on holidays this year? Where ... you like to go?

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of want to: positive, question or negative. Use the words in brackets.

1. ... (you) rent a video this evening? There is nothing good on TV.

2. No, I’m really not hungry. ... (I) eat anything, thank you.

3. Valeria is going to look for a job. When she leaves school. ... (she) go to university.

4. ... (anybody) go for a cup of coffee. When the lesson finishes?

5. ... (your friends) go for a walk before we have dinner?

6. Patricia is very, very tried. ... (she) go home and go to bed.

7. ... (he) be a waiter, but it was the only job he could find.

8. ... (you) anything to eat with your coffee?

4. Rearrange the worth to make sentences with want to or would like to.

1. would like – a footballer – to be – when he’s older – Stephen.

2. you – something – like – to drink? – Would.

3. and I – a table – near – My friends – the window, please – would like.

4. want – doesn’t – stay – at home – to Marc.

5. this evening – to see – like – film – which – would you.

6. a –taxi – order – I’d – to – please – like.

7. coffee – We – thank you – any more – want – don’t.

8. in the park? – you – Would – like – to go – for a walk.

Hand – out:

I. Syllable – Salad.

Compile words from the given syllables


|pul | |mo | |na | |ry |

|tu | |ber | |cu | |


|phthi | |si | |o | |lo |


II. Puzzle

Find the following words in this puzzle:

Pulmonary, tuberculosis, professor, expert, lung, scientist, supervision, health, graduate, prevention.

|a |p |b |l |p |

|sil | |ver |

|so | |lid |

|Li | |qu it |

|sub | |stan | |ce |

|tem | |pe |

|in | |de | |com | |pos | |

| | | | |H | | |

|E | | | | | |

|M | | | | | | |

| |I | | |

| |Y | | | | | |

Answer: compound, sulfur, element, metallic, silver, substance, temperature, iron, hydrogen.


4. In what word the letter combination ch is read [k]?

a) cheek b)child c) chemical d) childish e) chill

2. Tick the sentences that is true

a) All substances can be divided into three great classes

b) All substances can be divided into two great classes

c) All substances can be divided into four great classes

d) All substances can be divided into five great classes

e) All substances can be divided into six great classes

3.Elements may be

a) only non- metallic

b) only metallic

c) metallic and non-metallic

d) liquids

e) gases

4. Sulfur, iron and silver are

a) solids

b) liquids

c) gases

d) elements

e) oxygen

5. Find the generalizing word from these group of words?

a) bromine


c) oxygen

d) hydrogen

e) chemistry

6. Fill in the gaps with the proper preposition:

Water can be decompose …. Oxygen and hydrogen

a) in b) into c) to d) by e)on

7. How is translated the modal verb "should” into Russian?

a) мочь

b) иметь

c) быть

d) следовать

e) хотеть

8.Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best:

_______ you do me favour?

f) may

g) should

h) can

i) need

j) must

9.Circle the correct answer: Substances may exist ___ solids, liquids or gases.

a) as b) or c) in d)for e) to

10. What do liquids turn at very high temperature into?

a) metal

b) solid

c) gases

d) liquid

e) nitrogen

11. Water can be decomposed….

a) into oxygen and hydrogen

b) into metallic and non-metallic

c) into solid and liquid

d) into elements and compounds

e) hydrogen and gases

12. Solid substances may become …. if we heat them to a proper temperature:

a) gases

b) liquids

c) solids

d) metals

e) elements

13. Find English equivalents:

Ему не следует принимать это лекарство

a) He can’t take this drug.

b) He shouldn’t take this drug.

c) He mustn’t take this drug.

d) He may not take this drug.

e) He can take this drug

14. In what word the letter combination ch is read [k]

a) cheat

b) chronical

c) chatterer

d) cheep

e) check

Work out 13

For students’ self-studying under the guidance of a teacher

Contact Hours (4)

Theme: D.I. Mendeleev

Work out 14

For students’ self-studying under the guidance of a teacher

Contact Hours (4)

Theme: Mendeleyev’s Periodic Law.

Grammar: The forms of the Passive Voice in the Present and in the Past Tenses.


1. To consolidate new lexical and grammar material.

2. To teach the students to prepare topics about scientific research work of prominent scientists.

Form of conducting: lexico – grammatical exercises, oral questioning, retelling, testing.

1st hour

1. Read and explain the rules of reading of the following words:

Now, how, bow, Moscow, vow, window, gown, down, known, Scout, count.

2. Speak on the following situations using the Passive Voice:

1. You are going to a party.

(to be invited to party, to be accompanied by, to be introduced to, to be offered a cup of coffee, sandwiches, to be asked to sing, to be invited to dance. )

2. Bob is late for class

(to be left alone in the house, not be awakened, not to be given a chance to be interrupted, to be offended. )

3. Match the words from the left column with the equivalents from the right one:

1. через to construct

2. создавать to increase

3. возрастать an establishment

4. заведение a cross

5. место vacancy

6. пустота space

2nd hour

1. Compose the sentences using the following word-combinations:

1. разделен на девять групп,

2. в форме таблицы,

3. периодический закон,

4. атомный вес повышается

5. составлять таблицу,

6. слева на права,

7. в будущем,

8. открывать закон,

9. зависимость свойств элементов от их атомных масс.

2. Read and translate the sentences:

Chemistry gives us not only new drugs but develops new and effective methods and instruments for diagnosing diseases and their treatment. Many interesting studies are made in chemistry on the synthesis of compounds of inorganic substitutes for medical purposes. Chemistry in the health serves stands for highly effective medicines, blood subsumes, artificial organs, plastic teeth, hearing aids, etc.

3. Find the sentences with Passive Voice in the text and translate them into Russian. Make these sentences negative and interrogative.

3rd hour

1. Complete the following dialogue according to the text:

Student 1. When the Periodic Law was discovered

Student 2. ………..

Student 2. How many groups the elements are divided?

Student 1. ………..

Student 1. What can you say about the atomic weights?

Student 2. ………..

Student 2 Who was the first to discover the low?

Student 1. ………..

Student 1. What can you say about vacancies?

Student 2. ………..

Student 2 The Periodic Table is so important for science, isn’t it?

Student 1. ………..

Student 2. Yes, I agree with you, thank you good bye!

Student 1. Good bye!

2. Insert prepositions:

… Tziolkovsky’s first book … a metallic dirigible appeared. Mendeleyev was interested … Triolkovsky’s work and helped him to publish his scientific papers, Triolkovsky made many parts … his flying machines … his own hands this great scientists was little known … old Russia.

4th hour

Find the following words in this puzzle:

Periodic, elements, separate, column, atomic, weights, dependence, property, space, vacant.

|a |p |d |s |o |r |w |s |t |m |

|d |e |p |e |n |d |e |n |c |e |

|a |r |r |p |o |c |i |r |s |l |

|t |i |o |a |u |w |g |y |t |e |

|o |o |p |r |p |o |h |s |k |m |

|m |d |e |a |l |m |t |o |p |e |

|i |i |r |t |s |a |s |u |z |n |

|c |c |t |e |v |a |c |a |n |t |

|w |r |y |s |p |a |c |e |o |s |

II Crossword

Solve this crossword

| |P | | | | | | | |

| |h | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |l |

| | |o | | | | | | |

| |p | | | | | | | |

| | | | | |h | | | |

| | |e | | | | |

| |r | | | | | | | |

Answers: historians, teachers, sciences, researches, correspond, increase, consider, probably, serves, platform, natural.


1. English for students-pharmaceutists, chemists-technologists. Almaty, 2006.

2. English for students of pharmaceutical Institutes. T.N. Ivina



1. In what word the letter combination ow is read [ou].

a) now

b) brown

c) low

d) how

e) down

2. In what word the letter combination ou is read [au].

a) cough

b) country

c) double

d) sound

e) southern

3. Compile the sentences from these words.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

The, Periodic, Law, of, thousands, for, researches, as, serves, a, platform.

a) 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11

b) 1/2/3/9/8/10/11/6/5/4/7

c) 6/5/4/10/11/1/2/3/7/8/9

d) 10/9/6/7/5/4/3/2/11/1/8

e) 3/4/5/6/10/11/1/2/8/9/7

4. Chose the right preposition.

It is studied___philosophers, historians and teachers.

a) about

b) after

c) of

d) for

e) by

5. Chose the right translation of the word “пустой”.

a) vacancy

b) vacant

c) various

d) slightly

e) severity

6. Choose the translation of the word to serve.

a) полагать

b) создавать

c) возрастать

d) служить

e) открывать

7.Find the correct answer of this sentence.

The Periodic Law ____ by D.I. Mendeleyev in 1869.

a) is discovered

b) are discovered

c) was discovered

d) was being discovered

e) discovers

8. Choose the correct answer of this sentence.

The elements _____ into eight groups.

a) divide

b) is divided

c) was divided

d) are divided

e) divides

9. Find the correct answer of this sentence.

Today the Periodic Law ___ by millions of secondary schoolchildren.

a) are studied

b) study

c) is studied

d) was studied

e) were studied

10. Choose the correct answer of this sentence.

In 1893 Mendeleyev ____ director of the Bureau of Weight and Measures.

a) appointed

b) was appointed

c) has been appointed

d) appointes

e) are appointed.

Методические рекомендации для самостоятельной работы

Название дисциплины: Английский язык IYa 1103

Специальность: 051103 «Фармация»

Кафедра: иностранных языков

Составители: Сагантаева С.Х. Рахманова А.М.

Бикташева Г.М. Лозенко И.В.

Унасбаева Г.А. Мезгильбаева З.М.

Маскеева З.К. Шойбекова А.Ж.

Махамбетова Ж.Т. Баянбаева А.А.

Султанова Н.Т. Кайбалдиева Б.М.

Серикбеккызы А. Кенесбекова К.К.

Бижанова А.А

Алматы, 2007

Work-out 1

for self-studying of students ( out of classes)

Theme: London is a capital of Great Britain

Aim: 1. to get and study new information about London.

2. to consolidate new lexical and grammar material, connected with this theme.

Tasks on the theme:

In your work you must describe the following main thesis:

1. Territory of London.

2. Sightseeing, traditions, culture, climate etc.

Form of conducting:

1. To prepare an essay to the theme: “London is a capital of Great Britain”

For preparing your essay you may use the suitable literature.

In your essay you have to describe the sightseeing of one or two places of London

Criteria of fulfilling:

The requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

• The volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages ( supplements do not belong to the volume of an essay):

• By preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 5-7 different sources:

• The essay must be fulfilled literately, with observance on summary’s culture;

• Text of the essay must contain references on the used literature;

• Bibliography must be compiled correctly;

• Structure of the essay must contain:

• Title page

• Contents

• Introduction

• The main part

• Conclusion

• Bibliography

Terms of passing:

According to time-table

Criteria of marks:

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


1. Encyclopedia “Britannica”

2. articles from newspapers, magazines and internet sites


1. to prepare a report for practical lesson according to the theme of the essay

2. to write a scientific article according to the theme of the essay. You may publish your article in a scientific journal together with your teacher.

3. you may prepare a report for students’ scientific conference, devoted to the theme: “London is a capital of Great Britain”

Work-out 2

for students’ self-studying (out-of-classes)

Theme: Education in Kazakhstan

Aim: The students should be able:

1. to get and study new information about education in Kazakhstan

2. to consolidate new lexical and grammar material connected with theme

3. to learn new terminology of the theme

Tasks on the theme: writing an essay

Forms of conducting: to prepare an essay to the theme: “Education in Kazakhstan” (you may use the additional foreign literatures)

Criteria of fulfilling:

Requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

-the volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages (supplements don’t belong to the volume of an essay);

-by preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 5-7 different sources;

-the essay must be fulfilled literately, with observance on summary’s culture;

-text of the essay must contain references on the used literature;

-bibliography must be compiled correctly;

-structure of the essay must contain:

Title page


Introduction the main part



Terms of passing

According to time-table

Criteria of marks:

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


1. Internet wikipedia org/wili/ education in Kazakhstan

2. www educ. “Bolashak”

3. Maslova A.M. Essential English for Medical students. Moscow 2002.

4. Maslova A.M. Language laboratory exercises for medical students. Moscow 2002.

5. Maslova A.M. Essential vocabulary for medical students. Moscow 2002.

6. T.Hutchinson Hotline – Upper intermediate, Oxford, 2005

7. Additional literature from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Education in Kazakhstan).


1. to prepare a report for practical lesson according to the theme of the essay.

2. you may also prepare a report for students’ scientific conference, devoted to the theme: “Education in Kazakhstan”

Work – out 3

for self – studying of students (out – of classes)

Theme: The Prominent Medical Scientists of Kazakhstan.

Aim: 1. To get and study new information about prominent medical scientists, living in Kazakhstan.

2. To consolidate new lexical and grammar material, connected with this theme.

3. To learn new medical terminology, connected with the theme: “The Prominent medical scientists, living in Kazakhstan”.

Tasks on the theme:

In your work you must describe the following main thesis:

1. Biography of the scientist, his study, developing of his scientific outlook and interests.

2. His political, pedagogical and scientific activity.

3. His main scientific investigations and achievements.

Form of conducting:

1. To prepare an essay to the theme: “The Prominent Medical Scientists of Kazakhstan”.

2. The Recommended list of prominent medical scientists. Their biographies you may use for preparing of your essay.

1. Jarbussynov B.U.

2. Aliev M.A.

3. Supiev T.K.

4. Cyzganov A.N.

5. Zazulevskaya L.YA.

6. Beklemishev I.P.

7. Beklemisheva N.J.

8. Urazalin J.B. and others

For preparing your essay you may use the biographies of other scientists according to your own wish.

3. In your essay you must describe the scientific work of one or two prominent medical scientists, living in Kazakhstan.

Criteria of fulfilling:

Requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

• the volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages (supplements don’t belong to the volume of an essay);

• by preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 5-7 different sources;

• the essay must be fulfilled literately, with observance on summary’s culture;

• text of the essay must contain references on the used literature;

• bibliography must be compiled correctly;

• structure of the essay must contain:

title page



the main part



Terms of passing:

According to time – table

Criteria of marks:

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


1. Who is who in Medicine. Reference – book. Almaty, 2000.

2. Articles from newspapers and magazines on the theme: “Prominent Medical Scientists”, Library of KazNMU, Card Index № 8, 9, 10, 11.


1. To prepare a report for practical lesson according to the theme of the essay.

2. To write a scientific article according to the theme of the essay. You may publish your article in a scientific journal together with your teacher.

3. You may also prepare a report for students’ scientific conference, devoted to the theme: “The prominent medical scientists”.


Title page of an essay


named after S.D. ASFENDIAROV

DEPARTMENT ______________________________________


THEME: _________________________________________


Student’s surname, name, patronymic ______________________________________

Faculty _______________________

Course _______________________

Group ________________________

Teacher _______________________

Almaty, 200__ - 200__

Work-out 4

for self-studying of students ( out of classes)

Theme: Scientists of Great Britain

Aim: 1. to get and study new information about prominent scientist of Great Britain.

3. to consolidate new lexical and grammar material, connected with this theme.

Tasks on the theme:

In your work you must describe the following main thesis:

3. Biography of the scientist, his study, developing of his scientific outlook and interests.

4. His main scientific investigations and achievements.

Form of conducting:

2. To prepare an essay to the theme: “ The prominent scientist of Great Britain”

3. The recommended list of prominent scientists:

Roger Bacon

William Harvey

Edward Jenner

Joseph Lister

Ronald Ross

Frederick Hopkins

Alexander Fleming

Francis Crick

For preparing your essay you may use the biographies of other scientists according to your own wish.

4. In your essay you have to describe the scientific work of one or two scientists of Great Britain.

Criteria of fulfilling:

The requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

• The volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages ( supplements do not belong to the volume of an essay):

• By preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 5-7 different sources:

• The essay must be fulfilled literately, with observance on summary’s culture;

• Text of the essay must contain references on the used literature;

• Bibliography must be compiled correctly;

• Structure of the essay must contain:

• Title page

• Contents

• Introduction

• The main part

• Conclusion

• Bibliography

Terms of passing:

According to time-table

Criteria of marks:

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


3. Encyclopedia “Britannica”

4. articles from newspapers, magazines and internet sites


4. to prepare a report for practical lesson according to the theme of the essay

5. to write a scientific article according to the theme of the essay. You may publish your article in a scientific journal together with your teacher.

6. you may prepare a report for students’ scientific conference, devoted to the theme: “Scientists of Great Britain”


Title page of an essay


named after S.D. ASFENDIAROV

DEPARTMENT ______________________________________


THEME: _________________________________________


Student’s surname, name, patronymic ______________________________________

Faculty _______________________

Course _______________________

Group ________________________

Teacher _______________________

Almaty, 200__ - 200__

Work – out 5

For self – studying of students (out – of classes)

Theme: D.I. Mendeleyev

Aim: 1. to get and study new information about great Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleyev.

2. to consolidate new lexical and grammatical material connected with the theme.

3. to learn new medical terminology connected with the theme:” D.I. Mendeleyev”.

Tasks on the theme:

In your work you must describe the following main thesis:

1. Biography of D.I. Mendeleyev, his study, developing of his scientific outlook and interests.

2. His pedagogical and scientific activity.

3. His main scientific investigations and achievements.

Form of conducting:

1. To prepare an essay to the theme:” D.I. Mendeleyev”.

2. For preparing your essay you may the information about the Periodic Table.

3. In your essay you must describe the scientific work of D.I. Mendeleyev.

Criteria of fulfilling:

Requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

✓ The volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages (supplements don’t belong to the volume of an essay);

✓ By preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 5-7 different sources;

✓ The essay must be fulfilled literately, with observance on summary’s culture;

✓ Text of the essay must contain reference on the used literature;

✓ Bibliography must be compiled correctly;

Structure of the essay must contain:

➢ Title page

➢ Contents

➢ Introduction

➢ The main part

➢ Conclusion

➢ Bibliography

Terms of passing:

According the time-table

Criteria of marks:

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


1. Encyclopedic book about great people.

2. Articles from newspapers and magazines on the theme:”D.I. Mendeleyev”, library of KazNMU, card index # 8, 9, 10, 11.


1. To prepare a report for practical lesson according to the theme of the essay.




2. To write a scientific article according to the theme of the essay. You may publish your article in a scientific journal together with your teacher.

3. You may also prepare a report for students’ scientific conference, devoted to the theme:

” D.I. Mendeleyev”.

Work – out 6

For self – studying of students (out – of classes)

Theme: D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Law

Aim: 1. to get and study new information about great Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Law.

2. to consolidate new lexical and grammatical material connected with the theme.

3. to learn new medical terminology connected with the theme: “D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Law”.

Tasks on the theme:

In your work you must describe the following main thesis:

1.Biography of D.I. Mendeleyev, his study, developing of his scientific outlook and interests and Periodic Law.

2.His pedagogical and scientific activity.

3.His main scientific investigations and achievements.

Form of conducting:

1.To prepare an essay to the theme:” D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Law”.

2.For preparing your essay you may the information about the Periodic Table.

3.In your essay you must describe the scientific work of D.I. Mendeleyev.

Criteria of fulfilling:

Requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

✓ The volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages (supplements don’t belong to the volume of an essay);

✓ By preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 5-7 different sources;

✓ The essay must be fulfilled literately, with observance on summary’s culture;

✓ Text of the essay must contain reference on the used literature;

✓ Bibliography must be compiled correctly;

Structure of the essay must contain:

➢ Title page

➢ Contents

➢ Introduction

➢ The main part

➢ Conclusion

➢ Bibliography

Terms of passing:

According the time-table

Criteria of marks:

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


1.Encyclopedic book about great people.

2. Articles from newspapers and magazines on the theme:”D.I. Mendeleyev”, library of KazNMU, card index # 8, 9, 10, 11.


1.To prepare a report for practical lesson according to the theme of the essay.




2.To write a scientific article according to the theme of the essay. You may publish your article in a scientific journal together with your teacher.

3.You may also prepare a report for students’ scientific conference, devoted to the theme:

“ D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Law ”.




1. Compile a word with following letters: u,l,f,w,a

a. ulawf

b. fulow

c. awful

d. fawul

e. uflaw

2. The antonym of the word “Set” is:

a. recite

b. rise

c. show

d. ring

e. get up

3. Choose the correct word: His … names are Jean and Chris.

a. of cousins

b. cousins’s

c. cousins

d. cousins’

e. cousen’s

4. Compile the sentence: The First of September … a great holiday in the life of all pupils.

a. am

b. were

c. been

d are

e. is

5. Choose the appropriate Russian equivalent: Nick was going to call me tomorrow.

a. Ник собирался позвонить мне завтра.

b. Ник зашел в кино за мной завтра.

c. Ник позвонил мне вчера.

d. Ник собирался играть в футбол сегодня.

e. Ник вчера заходил ко мне.

6. Choose a word in which the picked out letter differing from others:

a. Garden

b. Gate

c. Gentle

d. Geese

e. Gaze

7. Choose the correct variant of preposition: The children stood … when the teacher came in.

a. of

b. under

c. over

d. up

e. down

8. Choose the correct variant of date reading: “27/04”

a. The twenty- seventh of April.

b. The twenty and seventh of April.

c. The twentieth and seven of April.

d. The twentieth seventh of April.

e. The twentieth seven of April.

9. Choose the correct variant of degrees of comparison of adjectives: Sasha is much … than her sister.

a. youngerer

b. younger

c. young

d. youngest

e. youngster

10. Choose the correct variant of pronouns: Are there … toys in the box?

a. nothing

b. none

c. something

d. anything

e. any

11. Choose the countable noun:

a. bottle

b. time

c. butter

d. sugar

e. health

12. Find the correct variant of predicate: The holidays … last week.

a. begin

b. was begin

c. begins

d. began

e. will begin

13. Choose the correct Russian equivalent to the sentence: He said he would phone back.

a. Он сказал, что он звонит еще раз.

b. Он сказал, что он перезвонил опять.

c. Он сказал, что перезвонил домой.

d. Он сказал, что позвонит назад.

e. Он сказал, что перезвонит.

14. Choose the unnecessary word in the given group of words:

a. bread

b. ham

c. aunt

d. juice

e. chicken

15. Compile the proverb: Every country has its … .

a. flower

b. customs

c. queen

d. king

e. keys

16. Find the adverb:

a. twenty

b. changeable

c. heavily

d. agree

e. traditional

17. Complete the sentence: You remembered everything, …?

a. didn’t you

b. don’t you

c. doesn’t you

d. do you

e. aren’t you

18. Translate into English: Он всегда рад помочь своим друзьям.

a. He was always glad to helped his friends.

b. He is always glad to being help his friends.

c. He was always glad to help his friends.

d. He is always glad to helping his friends.

e. He is always glad to help his friends.

19. Choose the correct answer: What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

a. Astana

b. Aktobe

c. Almaty

d. Aktau

e. Atyrau

20. Choose the correct variant: Look! … my house over there and those are my cows/

a. this are

b. there are

c. that is

d. this is

e. these are

21. Choose the correct variant: She asked her friend … her that afternoon.

a. why she didn’t phoned

b. why didn’t she phone

c. why she hadn’t phone

d. why she hadn’t phoned

e. why hadn’t she phoned

22. Find the correct form of verb: I went to see how she was and found her … .

a. were crying

b. has been crying

c. crying

d. cries

e. cried

23. The letter “w” is read in the word:

a. whose

b. who

c. two

d. write

e. why

24. The synonym of the word “slight” is

a. brave

b. dark

c. strong

d. weak

e. heavy

25. Choose the correct word: … dog is too big.

a. -

b. the

c. these

d. an

e. those

26. Put in the verb in the correct tense form: Look! The girl … the floor.

a. were sweeping

b. are sweeping

c. is sweeping

d. was sweeping

e. am sweeping

27. Choose the appropriate English equivalent: На телевидении слишком много рекламы.

a. On television too much advertising is there

b. There too much advertising is on the television

c. Too much advertising is there on television

d. There is on the television too much advertising

e. There is too much advertising on television.

28. Choose the word in which picked out letter differing from others:

a. sock

b. dog

c. mother

d. rock

e. top

29. Form the adjective with the opposite meaning of the word “possible”:

a. repossible

b. impossible

c. ilpossible

d. inpossible

e. unpossible

30. Choose the correct pronoun: Be careful! They are looking at … .

a. ours

b. us

c. I

d. our

e. we

31. Choose the question pronoun for the picked out word: We usually have dinner at five.

a. why

b. where

c. with whom

d. what time

e. what

32. Choose the correct form of verb in the Passive Voice: This newspaper (to sell) everywhere.

a. is sold

b. sold

c. were selled

d. are sold

e. were sold

33. Choose the correct modal verb: You … stop writing at the end of the exam. Your time is limited.

a. need

b. can’t

c. must

d. don’t have to

e. might have

34. Choose the correct variant: The sky is dark … ten o’clock already.

a. this

b. its

c. there is

d. it is

e. this is

35. Choose the correct Participle: The … day.

a. followned

b. followning

c. followeding

d. followeded

e. following

36. Choose the appropriate word: England is the most … part of Great Britain.

a. kingdom

b. populated

c. little

d. valley

e. wet

37. Give the definition to the word “neighbour”:

a. A person who lives near you

b. A person who is interested in sport

c. A person who is fond of reading

d. A person whom you like

e. A person who studies at the institute

38. Put the necessary preposition in the sentence: I am interested … most sports.

a. at

b. for

c. with

d. in

e. on

39. Choose the correct variant of translation, paying attention to the suffix: “Счастливо”

a. happiest

b. happily

c. happier

d. happiness

e. happiiul

40. Choose the correct variant of the degree of comparison of adjectives: My … sister doesn’t live with us.

a. elder

b. more old

c. old

d. more older

e. eld

41. Choose the correct variant of plural form of the noun: Our … are … .

a. childs/ brothers

b. children/ brother

c. child/brothers

d. childrens/brothers

e. children/brothers

42. Choose the correct variant of the possessive form of noun: … mothers were talking.

a. The babie’s

b. The baby

c. The babies’

d. The babys’

e. The babies

43. Put the sentence into negative form: The boys are playing in the yard.

a. The boys are not playing in the yard

b. The boys don’t playing in the yard

c. The boys isn’t playing in the yard

d. The boys not playing in the yard

e. The boys didn’t playing in the yard

44. Choose the correct variant of negative to the given sentence: He used to live in Astana.

a. He didn’t used to live to Astana

b. He used not live in Astana

c. He didn’t use to live to Astana

d. He used not to lived in Astana

e. He not to use to live in Astana

45. Compile the sentence: His only … in life is making money.

a. bag

b. way

c. issue

d. uniform

e. aim

46. Read the numerals: 150, 235

a. One hundred and fifty thousand two hundred and thirty five

b. One hundred and fifty thousands two hundreds and thirty five

c. One hundreds and fifty thousands two hundred and thirty five

d. One hundred and fifty thousand and two hundreds and thirty five

e. One hundred fifty thousand two hundred thirty five

47. Choose the correct variant: I don’t know what … if you …this information.

a. happens/forget

b. happen/forget

c. will happen/ will forget

d. happens/will forget

e. will happen/forget

48. … working at the hardware store, Vincent was never happy.

a. He was

b. When was he

c. When he was

d. Was he

e. Was he when

49. Complete the sentences with the verb: I’ll wait for you until the taxi ….

a. will come

b. has been come

c. come

d. comes

e. came

50. Circle the best answer: A, B, C, D, E: You would have a great time if you … .

a. went

b. go

c. have been

d. would go

e. going

51. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition: He went … speaking for hours. It was so boring.

a. by

b. off

c. in

d. up

e. on

52. Circle the best answer: A, B, C, D, E: You are late. What …?

a. was happened

b. has happened

c. is happened

d. was happening

e. is happening

53. Circle the correct answer: If you don’t take a map, you’ll … .

a. have lost

b. get lose

c. get lost

d. lost

e. lose

54. Complete the sentences with the verb: Oh no, it’s broken! Don’t worry. I … you a new one.

a. am going to buy

b. am buying

c. will buy

d. will be buying

e. are buying

55. Valerie decided … a garden this year.

a. to grow

b. for growing

c. grow

d. grown

e. growing

56. Choose the correct form of the Passive voice: Everybody got a gift but I … nothing.

a. had been sent

b. was sending

c. none of the above

d. have sent

e. was sent

57. Complete the sentences with the adverb: Jack says he … to move out into the country this year.

a. want

b. is wanting

c. have wanted

d. have been wanting

e. wants

58. Circle the correct answer: … that picture. Isn’t it lovely!

a. watch

b. look at

c. see

d. look

e. do

59. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition: The TV series was based … her autobiography.

a. near

b. over

c. on

d. of

e. by

60. Circle the correct answer: Everybody …mistakes sometimes.

a. does

b. makes

c. has

d. gets

e. knows

61. … working at the hardware store, Vincent was never happy.

a. He was

b. Was he when

c. When was he

d. Was he

e. When he was

62. Bob wants money. Please give … to him.

a. they

b. those

c. them

d. it

e. its

63. Your flat is bigger than … . … walls are too high.

a. hers/Its.

b. our/Her

c. her/ its

d. my/her

e. us/his

64. She is busy with … daughter.

a. yours

b. mine

c. hers

d. her

e. ours

65. I think we have met her … .

a. somebody

b. somewhere

c. something

d. anywhere

e. sometimes

66. There aren’t … fruit-trees in the orchard.

a. any

b. some

c. no

d. anything

e. nothing

67. There are a lot of … in this place.

a. mices

b. mouse

c. mice

d. a mouse

e. a mice

68. You look happy. What’s the news? … good?

a. Are they

b. Is there

c. Are there

d. Is it

e. There are

69. Cuba is … sugar-growing areas in the world.

a. one of the larger

b. one of the largest

c. the largest

d. largest

e. one of the largest

70. Choose the right article if it is necessary: Can you play … piano?

a. an

b. a

c. the

d. -

e. cood

71. What is …matter with … baby?

a. an/the

b. -/the

c. a/the

d. the/the

e. the/an

72. … America is … far away country.

a. The/a

b. -/-

c. The/the

d. An/-

e. -/a

73. Choose the word of phrase, which completes the sentence best: I’ll be on vacation … next week.

a. -

b. on

c. at

d. the

e. in

74. Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best: What are you laughing …?

a. on

b. over

c. at

d. above

e. up

75. Antarctica is the side of … elevations on the earth.

a. than the highest

b. the highest are

c. and the highest

d. higher

e. the highest

76. Choose the necessary form of the verb “to be”. Common forms of drugs (to be) of three categories.

a. am

b. is

c. was

d. are

e. shall be

77. Choose the necessary form of the verb “to be”: A leaf (to be) an expanded organ of a plant.

a. are

b. is

c. am

d. were

e. aren’t

78. Put the verb “to study” in the brackets in a proper tense: The science (to study) the arrangement and classification of plants

a. studies

b. study

c. is studying

d. studys

e. is studied

79. Put the verb “to take” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: The pharmaceutist (to take) the prescription.

a. take

b. took

c. to take

d. takes

e. will take

80. Put the verb “to grow” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Roots and rhizomes usually (to grow) under the ground.

a. grew

b. grown

c. is grow

d. will grow

e. grow

81. Put the verb “to try” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Since ancient times people (to try) to find medicinal plants.

a. try

b. trying

c. tried

d. was tried

e. is tried

82. Put the verb “to administer” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Physician (to administer) me capsules and pills.

+a. administered

b. to administer

c. administer

d. administers

e. will administer

83. Put the verb “to be” in the brackets in Future Indefinite: An ointment (to be) useful for the skin.

a. am

b. were

c. will be

d. are

e. to be

84. Choose the correct variant of the verb “to be”: There … four important groups of plants.

a. am

b. was

c. been

d. is

e. are

85. Choose the correct variant of the verb “to have”: Most plants … no true roots or stems.

a. has

b. has got

c. has not

d. have

e. having

86. Put the verb in the brackets in a proper tense: Usually the fruit (to contain) the seed.

a. will contain

b. are contained

c. contains

d. is contained

e. was contained

87. Put the verb in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Botany is the science which (to deal) with living and extinct plants.

a. dealt

b. deals

c. deal

d. dealing

e. is dealt

88. Put the verb in the brackets in Past Indefinite: Roots and rhizomes (to grow) under the ground.

a. grew

b. will grow

c. is grow

d. grown

e. did grow

89. Put the verb in the brackets in Future Indefinite: A patient with a chronic peptic ulcer (to tolerate) pills.

a. to tolerate

b. tolerate

c. will tolerate

d. tolerates

e. is tolerate

90. Choose the correct variant: … roots usually absorb water and minerals?

a. Does

b. Did

c. Has

d. Do

e. Are

91. Choose the correct variant: … the shape and positions of leaves vary?

a. Am

b. Are

c. Is

d. Does

e. Do

92. Choose the correct variant: … the fruit contain the seed?

a. Does

b. Are

c. Has

d. Is

e. Am

93. Choose the correct variant: … there four important groups of plants?

a. Does

b. Are

c. Is

d. Have

e. Has

94. Give the negative form of the verb: Plant morphology (to study) the life processes and functions of the plant.

a. not study

b. do not study

c. was not studied

d. does not study

e. study not

95. Give the negative form of the verb: All semisolids (to have) fat material.

a. do not have

b. has not

c. are not have

d. is not have

e. are not having

96. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice: All medicines (to keep) in drug cabinets.

a. kept

b. to keep

c. to be kept

d. is kept

e. are kept

97. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice: Usually composite fruits (to form) from many flowers.

a. was formed

b. is formed

c. will be formed

d. are formed

e. should form

98. The antonym of the word “Rise” is:

a. recite

b. set

c. show

d. ring

e. get up

99. Choose the correct word: His … names are Jack and Nick.

a. cousins’

b. of cousins

c. cousins

d. cousins’es

e. cousen’s

100. Choose the correct variant of degrees of comparison of adjectives: Julia is much … than her sister.

a. youngerer

b. young

c. youngest

d. younger

e. youngster

101. Choose the right variant.

There are many… in the garden.

a) flower

b) flowers

c) fower’s

d) flowers’

e) a flower

102. Complete the sentence.

I … a student now.

a) will

b) am

c) was

d) will be

e) have

103. Complete the sentence

Every day I … breakfast at 8 a.m.

a) had

b) has

c) am having

d) have had

e) have

104. Add the sentence.

Peter is a pupil. … studies in the 10th form.

a) She

b) He

c) I

d) We

e) You

105. Complete the sentence.

This concert is … spoken about.

a) many

b) more

c) few

d) much

e) big

106. Choose the right variant.

It’s difficult for you. You can’t do it … .

a) yourself

b) himself

c) myself

d) ourselves

e) themselves

107. Choose the right sentence.

a) My parents were in much countries.

b) Do it as any as possible.

c) Did you take some photos?

d) My wive speaks few.

e) You watch TV too much.

108. Choose the right variant.

February is the … month of the year.

a) one

b) first

c) second

d) third

e) one of

109. Indicate the antonym.


. a) superior

. b) inferior

. c) backwards

. d) anterior

. e) low

110. Complete the sentence.

We keep our clothes in the ….

a) sofa

b) cupboard

c) wardrobe

d) TV-set

e) refrigerator

111. Complete the sentence.

These shoes are made of … leather.

a) the

b) any

c) an

d) -

e) an

112. Complete the sentence.

Tom is in his room. He … the piano.

. a) was playing

. b) plays

. c) played

. d) has playing

. e) is playing

113. Complete the sentence.

Books … to the students in the library.

. a) was given

. b) are given

. c) gave

. d) gives

. e) gaves

114. Choose the right variant.

… I come in?

. a) can

. b) had to

. c) have to

. d) can to

. e) may

115. Choose the right variant.

I don’t like this pen. Give me … one.

a) that

b) these

c) this

d) those

e) its

116. Choose the right variant.

I met my … friend yesterday.

a) goodest

b) better

c) the best

d) best

e) well

117. Complete the sentence.

If we study … we’ll pass our exams successfully.

. a) worst

b) well

. c) good

. d) best

. e) bad

118. Complete the sentence.

The capital of Russia is … .

. a) Moscow

. b) Leningrad

. c) Volgograd

. d) Almaty

. e) Kiyev

119. Choose the right variant.

Doctor-neurologist treats the patients with … .

. a) pneumonia

. b) cardiovascular diseases

. c) urological diseases

. d) gynecological diseases

. e) diseases of the nervous system

120. Choose the right variant.

The system is … into some groups.

. a) taken

. b) divided

. c) given

. d) belonged

. e) refered

121. Complete the sentence.

I … this work already.

a) did

b) done

c) have done

d) had done

e) didn’t

122. Choose the right variant.

I saw a girl … out of the window.

a) looks

b) have looked

c) is looking

d) look

e) looking

123. Choose the right variant.

Children go … kindergarden at the age of 3.

. a) To

. b) on

. c) from

. e) in

. f) at

124. Choose the right variant.

No news … good news.

. a) are

. b) am

. c) is

. d) will

. e) have

125. Choose the right variant.

The teacher asked the students … late.

. a) don’t be

. b) not being

. c) not to be

. d) not be

. e) doesn’t be

126. Choose the right variant.

There is … on the table.

. a) books

. b) book’s

. c) a book

. d) books’

. e) book

127. Complete the sentence.

He … born in 1975.

. a) is

. b) were

. c) had

. d) was

. e) am.

128. Complete the sentence.

Last year the students … lessons on Physics.

. a) have

. b) have had

. c) was having

. d) don’t have

. e) had

129. Complete the sentence.

Jane works at a hospital. … is a doctor.

. a) She

. b) They

. c) I

. d) We

. e) You

130. Complete the sentence.

There are … books in the library.

. a) little

. b) much

. c) few

. d) many

. e) any

131. Complete the sentence.

Let her do it by ….

. a) Herself

. b) himself

. c) ourselves

. d) itself

. e) themselves

132. Choose the right sentence

a) Thank you very much.

b) Much students passed this examination.

c) There is many money in my pocket

d) I enjoyed the party very little.

e) There were not some people in the street.

133. Choose the right variant.

He is…of the best student.

. a) second

. b) third

. c) one’s

. d) one

. e) ones

134. Indicate the antonym to ‘’seldom’’.

a) usually

b) sometimes

c) never

d) frequently

e) often

135. Complete the sentence.

All the drugs are kept in the ….

. a) cupboard

. b) sofa

. c) table

. d) drug cabinet

. e) bag

136. Complete the sentence.

This dress is made of … cotton.

. a) any

. b) an

. c) –

. d) the

. e) a

137. Complete the sentence.

Where are our children? They … pictures.

. a) are drawing

. b) was drawing

. c) were drawing

. d) is drawing

. e) have drawing

138. Complete the sentence.

Yesterday we … to the party by our friend.

. a) was invited

. b) were invited

. c) are invited

. d) is invited

. e) will invited

139. Choose the right variant.

He … to do this work.

. a) can

. b) may

. c) must

. d) has

e) have

140. Choose the right variant.

I need only … book.

a) these

b) those

c) it

d) its

e) this

141. Choose the right variant.

Mary is … in her family.

. a) younger

. b) the youngest

. c) youngest

. d) young

. e) the youngerst

142. Complete the sentence.

If he sees him he will ask some … .

. a) story

. b) questions

. c) answer

. d) paper

. e) advice

143. Complete the sentence.

The head of our state is the … .

. a) prime minister

. b) president

. c) chairman

. d) akim

. e) senator

144. Complete the sentence.

Butcher’s is a shop where we buy … .

. a) sweets

. b) bread

. c) meat

. d) drugs

. e) vegetables

145. Choose the right variant.

The heart … of two chambers.

. a) contains

. b) consists

. c) gives

. d) composes

. e) divides

146. Complete the sentence.

He … out just now.

. a) has gone

. b) went

. c) have gone

. d) goes

. e) gone

147. Complete the sentence.

The teacher … the students in room 4.

. a) examine

b) is examining

. c) examining

. d) will examine

. e) have examined

148. Choose the right variant.

My little brother is afraid … spiders.

. a) on

. b) in

. c) of

. d) from

. e) to

149. Choose the right variant.

East or West home … best.

. a) are

. b) will

. c) am

. d) have

. e) is

150. Choose the right variant.

Mike hoped that his friend … him with his car.

. a) helped

. b) would help

. c) have helped

. d) will help

. e) is helping

151. Choose the right variant.

There are some … in the room.

. a) chair

. b) chair’s

. c) chairs’

. d) chairs

. e) chaires

152. Choose the right variant.

Moscow … the capital of Russia.

. a) Is

. b) were

. c) am

. d) are

. e) have

153. Choose the right variant.

Margie and her sister …wonderful voices.

a) do

b) has

c) is having

d) are having

e) have

154. Complete the sentence.

Saule and Gulnar are students. … study at the university.

a) He

b) I

c) She

d) They

e) We

155. Complete the sentence.

He has … money.

a) many

b) small

c) much

d) big

e) any

156. Choose the right variant.

They did this work ….

a) himself

b) itself

c) herself

d) themselves

e) ourselves

157. Choose the right sentence.

a) He doesn’t have some time.

b) There are much buildings in this region.

c) Little childrens go to the school.

d) Any students of this group know it.

e) Many people live here

158. Choose the right variant.

March is the … month of the year.

a) first

b) third

c) tenth

d) fourth

e) fifth

159. Indicate the antonym to ‘’ever’’.

a) always

b) usually

c) never

d) often

e) sometimes

160. Choose the right variant.

We buy drugs at a … .

a) chemist’s

b) butcer’s

c) grocery

d) shop

e) market

161. Choose the right variant.

The table is made of … wood.

a) –

b) some

c) an

d) a

e) the

162. Complete the sentence.

I … for my key . I can’t open the door.

a) is looking

b) are looking

c) am looking

d) were looking

e) have looking

163. Complete the sentence.

This film … on this channel very often.

a) showed

b) show

c) is shown

d) shown

e) were shown

164. Choose the right variant.

… you speak English?

a) have to

b) should

c) may

d) would

e) can

165. Choose the right variant.

Don’t touch … things. They are mine.

a) these

b) this

c) that

d) it

e) its

166. Choose the right variant.

This book is the … … one.

a) more interesting

b) as interesting as

c) interesting more

d) most interesting

e) interesting most

167. Complete the sentence.

If he wants to study English he will need … .

a) Russian teacher

b) English teacher

c) Spanish teacher

d) French teacher

e) Kazakh reacher

168. Complete the sentence.

The Day of Independence of RK is … .

a) the 30 th of August

b) The 25 th of October

c) the 31 st of May

d) the 23 d of February

e) the 16 th of December

169. Choose the right variant.

Medical student … .

a) don’t like reading books

b) don’t know anything

c) are very strange

d) know everything

e) is a well educated person

170. Choose the right variant.

Jane … swimming.

a) go

b) looks

c) gets

d) likes

e) gives

171. Complete the sentence.

I … never...to London.

a) had/been

b) have/been

c) was/been

d) were/been

e) don’t/been

172. Choose the right variant.

I saw him … the road.

a) crossed

b) cross

c) crosses

d) crossing

e) having cross

173. Choose the right variant.

Alice is fond … ballet.

a) of

b) on

c) in

d) at

e) to

174. Choose the right variant.

Money … not everything.

a) are

b) an

c) is

d) will

e) have

175. Choose the right variant.

A doctor asked the patients … her.

a) not to disturb

b) no to disturb

c) don’t disturb

d) doesn’t disturb

e) aren’t disturb

176. Choose the right variant.

There are no … among them.

a) boy

b) boy’s

c) a boy

d) boys’

e) boys

177. Complete the sentence.

What … your sister’s name?

a) are

b) am

c) is

d) were

e) have

178. Complete the sentence.

Pete … anatomy lessons every day.

a) have

b) has

c) is having

d) had

e) have had

179. Add the sentence.

I see this picture every day….is beautiful!

a) I

b) It

c) He

d) They

e) We

180. We enjoyed the film very … .

a) much

b) few

c) more

d) a few

e) best

181. Choose the right variant.

Let me introduce … .

a) himself

b) herself

c) itself

d) ourselves

e) myself

182. Choose the right sentence.

a) My friend didn’t make some mistakes.

b) There isn’t many milk in the bottle.

c) She has much friends.

d) He spends much money on his clothes.

e) I have many time.

183. Choose the right variant.

The… month of the year is April.

a) fourth

b) third

c) sixth

d) first

e) eleventh

184. Indicate the antonym to ‘’rare’’.

a) never

b) seldom

c) sometimes

d) usually

e) frequently

185. Complete the sentence.

We lay on the … .

a) wardrobe

b) refrigerator

c) table

d) chair

e) sofa

186. Complete the sentence.

It is made … steel.

a) for

b) to

c) off

d) on

e) of

187. Complete the sentence.

Listen! Somebody … … a lovely song.

a) was singing

b) are singing

c) is singing

d) were singing

e) has singing

188. Complete the sentence.

The Olympic games … once in 4 years.

a) hold

b) were hold

c) are hold

d) was held

e) holds

189. Choose the right variant.

You … attend all lectures.

a) could

b) must

c) has to

d) would

e) have

190. Choose the right variant.

Look at … flowers, they are beautiful.

a) this

b) that

c) these

d) it

e) them

191. Choose the right variant.

Henry is … than his brother Bob.

a) strong

b) strongest

c) the stronger

d) so strong

e) stronger

192. Choose the right variant.

If the weather is … tomorrow we will have a picnic.

a) bad

b) best

c) fine

d) worse

e) baddest

193. Complete the sentence.

The Day of Constitution in Kazakhstan is … .

a) the 30 th of August

b) the 9 th of February

c) the 25 th of October

d) the 16th of December

e) the 1st of May

194. Choose the right variant.

A polyclinic is an institution where ………….

a) we dance

b) we go to see a doctor

c) we study mathematics

d) we cook meals

e) we have breakfast

195. Choose the right variant.

He always … to this music.

a) hates

b) sings

c) hears

d) listens

e) likes

196. Choose the right variant.

We … this letter already.

a) wrote

b) write

c) has written

d) writes

e) have written

197. Choose the right variant.

I don’t like … TV .

a) have watched

b) watching

c) watched

d) watch

e) is watched

198. Choose the right variant.

Fresh fruit is good … your health.

a) in

b) at

c) for

d) on

e) of

199. Choose the right variant.

Knowledge … power .

a) are

b) is

c) am

d) have

e) having

200. Choose the right variant.

The dean asked the students … .. … lessons .

a) missing

b) not to miss

c) doesn’t miss

d) don’t miss

e) be missed

201. Complete the sentence.

… is a teacher.

a) Aiguls sisters

b) Aiguls’ sisters

c) Aigul’s sister

d) Sister’s of Aigul

e) Aigul sisters

202. Complete the sentence.

Here is … notebook you need.

a) an

b) the

c) a

d) this

e) some

203. Complete the sentence.

She … be in the village next week.

a) am


c) will

d) are

e) were

204. Choose the correct form of the pronouns:

I must go to the English lesson.

… begins at 5 o, clock.

. а) she

b) they

c) him

d) it

e) he

205. Choose the right variant.

Give … this book, please.

a) his

b) she

c) it

d) your

. e) me

206. Complete the sentence.

She is speaking … her sister.

a) on

b) to

c) of

d) for

e) from

207. Choose the right variant.

Now they … an English article.

a) is translating

b) translate

c) translates

d) are translating

e) have translated

208. Complete the sentence.

The Parliament of Kazakhstan is located in:

a) Almaty

b) Atyrau

c) Astana

d) Taraz

e) Aktau

209. Complete the sentence.

He … for his father at that time yesterday.

a) was / waited

. b) was / waiting

c) waiting

d) were / waiting

e) ware / waited

210. Choose the right variant.

After a few months of the training course he … swim well.

. a) have to

. b) am allowed to

c) could

d) am able to

e) can to

211. Choose the right variant.

The home task … by me yesterday.

a) done

b) is done

c) do

d) are done

e) was done

212. Complete the sentence.

This book belongs to …

a) ours

. b) me



e) we

213. Choose the right variant.

How … friends do you have?

a) many

. b) much

c) few

d) any

e) little

214. Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

I looked for my bag, but I could not find it …

a) anybody

b) now here

c) every where

d) some where

e) any where

215. Choose the right variant:


a) the twelve thousand six hundred and thirty seventh

b) twelve thousand six hundred thirty seven

c) the twelve thousand six hundred thirty seven

d) twenty thousand six hundred thirty seven

e) twelve thousand six hundred and thirty seven

216. Choose the right variant:

I met my … friend yesterday /

. a) old

b) elde

c) older

d) olderer

e) the old

217. Choose the right variant:

This book is … interesting than that book.

a) well

b) very

c) most

d) more

e) the more

218. Choose the right variant:

I’ll tell Serik all the things when … him.

a) I am going to see

b) I saw

c) I’ll see

d) I shall see

e) I see

219. Find the correct answer.

If … my passport, I’ll be in trouble

a) I’ll lose

b) I lost

c) I lose

d) I would lose

e) I have lost

220. Choose the right variant:

The Queen of the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland lives in …

. a) the Downing Street 11

. b) Buckingham Palace

. c) St. Paul’s Cathedrals

d) the House of Parliament

e) Covent Garden

221. Choose the right variant:

Most big towns of Kazakhstan …both a gallery and a museum.

a) has

. b) are having

c) have

. d) having

. e) has had

222. Choose the right variant:

Article is a part of every newspaper.

a) vacation

. b) advanced study of the subject

c) written report

. d) new approach

. e) laboratory experiment

223. Find the correct answer.

. a) Who do read the lectures in your university?

b) Who reads the lectures in your university?

c) Who does read the lectures in your university?

. d) Does who read the lectures in your university?

. e) Who read the lectures in your university?

224. Choose the Present Perfect Continuous.

. a) She is studying the new method.

. b) I have a lot of things to do.

. c) She has got a new car.

d) I have broken the pen.

e) I have been working at the University for 4 years.

225. Choose the right variant.

I … Arman yesterday.

a) saw

b) see

c) seen

. d) seeing

. e) was see

226. Complete the sentence:

This is … pen.

a) Sholpanes

b) Sholpans

c) Sholpans’

d) Sholpan’s

e) Sholpan

227. Complete the sentence:

Aliya … Russian lessons every day.

a) have

b) having

c) has

d) is having

e) are having

228. Add the sentence:

Kairat and Aigul are married … have a baby.

a) She

b) I

c) they

d) We

e) You

229. Complete the sentence:

I like ice – cream very … .

a) a few

b) few

c) more

d) many

e) much

230. Choose the right variant:

She works in room … .

a) one

b) first

c) oneth

d) ones

e) the first

231. Complete the sentence:

He makes mistakes in English very … .

a) much

b) few

c) often

d) many

e) little

232. Complete the sentence

Before they … the country they should take passports.

a) will leave

b) to leave

c) leaves

d) left

e) leave

233. Complete the sentence:

The room where he eats is …

a) a living – room

b) a kitchen

c) a bathroom

d) a study

e) a bedroom

234. Complete the sentence:

There is … picture at the end of the book

a) an

b) –

c) a

d) the

c) any

235. Complete the sentence:

What … Tom … now?

a) is / done

b) is / does

c) are / doing

d) is / doing

e) am / doing

236. Complete the sentence:

The students … not smoke.

a) have

b) might

c) should

d) cannot

e) have to

237. Choose the right variant:

That isn’t my book. … is here.

a) my

b) me

c) none of me

d) me not

e) the mine

238. Choose the right variant:

Samat was very ill … day

a) those

b) these

c) such

d) same

e) that

239. Choose the right variant:

… are you reading?

a) what

b) which

c) at what

d) for whom

e) who

240. Choose the right variant:

They were students at this university four years ….

a) ago

b) for

c) since

d) already

e) in

241. Choose the right variant:

Who sings songs … than you?

a) the best

b) the most best

c) good

d) better

e) more better

242. Choose the right variant:

My father asked “Will you come soon?”

a) My father said me would come soon

b) My father asked if I was come soon

c) My father asked if I would come soon

d) My father asked would I come soon

e) My father fold to come soon

243. Complete the sentence:

Kazakhstan is a …

a) People state

b) Federation

c) Monarchy

d) Unitary state

e) Republic

244. Choose the right variant:

The head of Great Britain is the….

a) Governed

b) Lord chancellor

c) President

d) Prime minister

e) Queen

245. Complete the saying:

“East or …, home is best”

a) West

b) south

c) east

d) north

e) north - east

246. Complete the English saying:

“My home is my …”

a) balcony

b) university

c) penthouse

d) castle

e) mansion

247. Choose the right variant:

… you go to Almaty next week?

a) did

b) do

c) have

d) shall

e) will

248. Complete the sentence:

If I … busy tomorrow I won’t go to the cinema.

a) are

b) am

c) is

d) will be

e) shall be

249. Choose the right variant:

He … tomorrow.

a) leave

b) will leave

c) is leave

d) be leaving

e) leaves

250. Choose the right variant:

My parents … in Moscow last autumn..

a) is

b) are

c) were

d) was

e) am

251. Complete the sentence:

… you meet him yesterday?

a) do

b) did

c) does

d) will

e) shall

252. Complete the sentence:

Their house is better than … house.

a) hers

b) mine

c) our

d) its

e) yours

253. Complete the sentence:

She … a doctor.

a) is

b) am

c) shall be

d) were

e) are

254. Choose the correct form of the pronouns.

… shall be working at 5 o’clock tomorrow.

a) They

b) I

c) She

d) You

e) He

255. Choose the right variant.

My brother … many friends at the University.

a) have got

b) has got

c) having got

d) got

e) is

256. Complete the sentence:

The book is … the bag.

a) into

b) for

c) over

d) to

e) in

257. Choose the right variant:

The … is the head of the country.

a) Prime – minister

b) Judge

c) Senator

d) President

e) Director

258. Complete the sentence:

Senate of the Parliament is located in

a) Taraz

b) Astana

c) Aktau

d) Almaty

e) Atyrau

259. Complete the sentence:

I … the article now.

a) am translating

b) is translating

c) was translating

d) are translating

e) were translating

260. Complete the sentence:

The letter … by me yesterday.

a) is written

b) were written

c) am written

d) was written

e) are written

261. Choose the right variant.

After a few months of the treatment he … walk.

a) have to

b) am able to

c) has

d) could

e) are allowed

262. Complete the sentence:

That house belongs to … parents.

a) we

b) mine

c) my

d) I

e) me

263. Choose the right variant.

How … water do you need?

a) few

b) much

c) many

d) any

e) little

264. Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

Is … in the house?

a) nobody

b) anybody

c) everywhere

d) nowhere

e) anywhere

265. Choose the right variant.


a) the sixteenth thousand five hundred and ninety two

b) sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety two

c) the sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety second

d) six thousand five hundred and ninety two

e) the sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety two

266. Choose the right variant.

I want to be ... student in the group.

a) better

b) the best

c) best

d) the good

e) the better

267. Choose the right variant.

She is ... beautiful than Aigul

a) more

b) well

c) very

d) the more

e) most

268. Choose the right variant.

I’ll show you something interesting when I ... you.

a) meeting

b) met

c) meet

d) will meet

e) am going to meet

269. Find the correct answer.

We’ll go there if the weather ... fine.

a) are

b) was

c) will be

d) is

e) are not

270. Choose the right variant.

English Prime Minister lives in:

a) the Buckingham Palase

b) the St. Paul’s cathedral

c) Covent Garden

d) Downing street, 10

e) the Houses of Parliament

271. Choose the right variant.

Every student should...both a book and a notebook.

a) have

b) had

c) has

d) having

e) have had

272. Choose the right variant.

Holidays are very important for people.

a) written report

b) new approach

c) laboratory experiment

d) vocations

e) study of the subject

273. Find the correct answer.

a) Who work at the polyclinic?

b) Who does at the polyclinic?

c) Who works at the polyclinic?

d) Does who work at the polyclinic?

e) Who do work at the polyclinic?

274. Choose the Present Continuous

a) She is reading the book now.

b) She has read the book

c) She’s never read a book

d) The book is read by her

e) She reads a book

275. Choose the right variant.

I heard the telephone...

a) ring

b) ringed

c) rung

d) rings

e) rang

276. Choose the right variant

There are many ... in my garden

a) flower

b) flower’s

c) flowers

d) flowers’

e) the flowers

277. Complete the sentence.

He ... a student two years ago.

a) are

b) were

c) am

d) was

e) is

278. Add the sentence.

Their names are Timur and Aidos. ... are from Kazakhstan.

a) she

b) we

c) them

d) it

e) they

279. Choose the right variant.

You should be proud of....

a) ourselves

b) himself

c) myself

d) themselves

e) yourself

280. Choose the right variant.

a) He speak English

b) We has got a new flat

c) I am a student of the Medical University

d) Today I is going to the cinema

e) They walking in the park

281. Choose the right variant.

February is the ... month of the year.

a) second

b) two

c) first

d) third

e) one of

282. Indicate the antonym.


a) often

b) usually

c) never

d) seldom

e) sometimes

283. Complete the sentence.

We do many experiments in the....

a) Dean’s office

b) Auditorium

c) Computer class

d) laboratory

e) Library

284. Complete the sentence.

We ... a Periodic table in our classroom.

a) has got

b) have got

c) got

d) have no

e) hasn’t got

285. Complete the sentence.

They ... their parents every weekend.

a) visits

b) visit

c) shall visit

d) are visiting

e) visiting

286. Complete the sentence.

I ... not seen you for ages.

a) has

b) did

c) have

d) shall

e) does

287. Choose the right variant.

I ... not go to the library yesterday.

a) must

b) can

c) am able

d) could

e) is to

288. Choose the right variant.

Look at ... girl. She is crying.

a) they

b) this

c) it

d) those

e) these

289. Choose the right variant.

... of the books is yours?

a) whose

b) whom

c) what

d) which

e) who

290. Choose the right variant.

In Kazakhstan children go ... school at the age of 6 or 7.

a) of

b) from

c) to

d) in

e) at

291. Choose the right variant.

Anatomy is the ... subject.

a) difficultest

b) most difficult

c) more difficult

d) more most difficult

e) most more

292. Choose the right variant.

When my mother came, I ... the book.

a) were reading

b) was reading

c) reading

d) am reading

e) is reading

293. Complete the sentence.

If I ... your watch, I’ll tell you.

a) found

b) will find

c) have found

d) find

e) finds

294. Choose the right variant.

The colour of flag of Kazakhstan is ... .

a) red

b) yellow

c) pink

d) blue

e) white

295. Complete the sentence.

The London buses are:

a) yellow

b) red

c) pink

d) white

e) blue

296. Choose the right variant.

They ... at the University yesterday.

a) was

b) am

c) were

d) is

e) are

297. Choose the right variant.

Where does your father...?

a) work

b) to work

c) works

d) worked

e) working

298. Complete the sentence.

I can ... this text today.

a) to translate

b) be translated

c) to be translated

d) translate

e) have translated

299. Choose the right variant.

There are ... on the window.

a) telephone

b) book

c) paper

d) flowers

e) glass

300. Choose the right variant.

Our teacher told us....

a) not to be late

b) don’t be late

c) not be late

d) will not to be late

e) be late

301. Complete the sentence:

... is a teaсher.

a. Nick’ father

b. Nick’s father

c. Nick father

d. Nick fathers

e. Nick’ father

302. Complete the sentence: Here is ... pen you need.

a. an

b. this

c. the

d. a

e. some

303. Complete the sentence: Ann ... be busy on Monday.

a. am

b. was

c. will

d. were

e. are

304. Choose the correct form of the pronouns: I must go to the meeting. ... begins at 7 o’clock.

a. She

b. They

c. Him

d. It

e. Her

305. Choose the right variant: You should remember.... phone number, or you can’t call her tomorrow.

a. she

b. my

c. her

d. we

e. us

306. Complete the sentence: The best ... luck for the New Year.

a. at

b. in

c. of

d. by

e. the

307. Choose the right variant: A ... is a machine for playing records, etc that produced sound from two speakers.

a. radiator

b. lamp

c. stereo

d. chamber

e. mirror

308. Complete the sentence: The world famous skating-rink “Medeo” is located in ... .

a. Almaty

b. Astana

c. Kokshetau

d. Aktau

e. Karaganda

309. Complete the sentence: Paul ... for his keys for a long time.

a. was/looked

b. were/looked

c. looking

d. were /looking

e. has been/ looking

310. Complete the sentence: The lecture ... by the teacher yesterday.

a. were delivered

b. is delivered

c. deliver

d. are delivered

e. was delivered

311. Choose the right variant: After a few weeks in the mountains the students ... observe the area.

a. have to

b. am allowed to

c. is able to

d. am to

e. could

312. Complete the sentence: This article belongs to....

a. she

b. he

c. I.

d. you

e. your

313. Choose the right variant: How ... museums did you visit in London?

a. little

b many

c. gew

d. any

e. much

314. Choose the right form of the pronouns: I looked for my bag, but I couldn’t find it....

a. anywhere

b. nowhere

c. everywhere

d. somewhere

e. anybody

315. Choose the right variant: 12359.

a. one hundred twenty three and fifty nine

b. twelve thousands three hundred fifty nine

c. twelve thousand three hundreds fifty nine

d. twelve thousand thirty five and nine

e. twelve thousand three hundred and fifty nine

316. Choose the right variant: Alaska is ... than Texas.

a. the most largest

b. more large

c. largest

d. larger

e. large

317. Choose the right variant: He’s ... intelligent than his brother.

a. well

b. more

c. very

d. are more

e. most

318. Choose the right variant: I’ll tell the truth when ... her.

a. I shall see

b. I saw

c. I’ll see

d. I see

e. I’m going to see

319. Find correct answer: If he didn’t like people, he ... a doctor.

a. would had become

b. will not become

c. wouldn’t have become

d. will become

e. wouldn’t become

320. Choose the right variant: What role ... George Washington ... in the American revolution?

a. had been/played

b. is/ played

c. was/played

d. did/ play

e. will/play

321. Choose the right variant: Most big towns in Britain have both a university ... of higher education.

a. and a lyceum

b. and a college

c. and a gymnasium

d. a private school

e. a kindergarden

322. Choose the right variant: ... is a document showing that a student has successfully completed a high school.

a. written report

b. advanced study of the subject

c. diploma

d. vacation

e. new approach

323. Find correct answer: ... there billions of stars in the Galaxy?

a. Be

b. Was

c. May

d. Are

e. Is

324. Choose: Present Perfect Continuous.

a. My brother have taken music lessons for three years now

b. My brother has been taking music lessons for three years now

c. My brother took music lessons for three years now

d. My brother has not taken music lessons for three years now

e. My brother is taking music lessons for three years now

325. Choose the right variant: I saw her ... the street.

a. crossed

b. having crossed

c. are crossing

d. has crossing

e. crossing

326. Complete the sentence: ... is a businessman.

a. Peter’ uncle

b. Peters’ uncle

c. Peter uncle

d. Peter’s uncle

e. Peter uncles

327. Complete the sentence: Here is ... map you need.

a. a

b. this

c. an

d. the

e. some

328. Complete the sentence: Jack ... be free tomorrow.

a. are

b. were

c. will

d. am

e. was

329. Choose the correct form of the pronouns: You must go to the shop ... closes in 20 minutes.

a. his

b. her

c. it

d. we

e. she

330. Choose the right variant: She should change ... wet dress or she will catch another cold.

a. me

b. my

c. their

d. it

e. her

331. Complete the sentence: Thanks ... coming.

a. for

b. in

c. to

d. at

e. the

332. Choose the variant: A... is a piece of special glass that you can look at and see yourself.

a. chamber

b. lamp

c. radiator

d. mirror

e. stereo

333. Complete the sentence: Astana is on the river ... .

a. Irtish

b. Tobol

c. Ishim

d. Chu

e. Aksu

334. Complete the sentence: Peter ... for his documents for a long time.

a. was/looked

b. looking

c. has been/ looking

d. were/looked

e. were /looking

335. Complete the sentence: The experiments ... by the scientist last week.

a. is carried out

b. was carried out

c. carried out

d. are carried out

e. were carried out

336. Choose the right variant: After a few weeks on the training course I ... know the new method well.

a. am allowed to

b. have to

c. could

d. is able to

e. am to

337. Complete the sentence: This company belongs to ... .

a. our

b. him

c. I

d. he

e. his

338. Choose the right variant: How ... conferences did he participate in?

a. few

b. much

c. any

d. many

e. little

339. Choose the right variant.: They looked for his keys, but he couldn’t find it ... .

a. everywhere

b. anywhere

c. anybody

d. nowhere

e. somewhere

340. Choose the right variant: 15875.

a. fifteen thousand eight hundred and seventy five

b. fifteen thousands eight hundreds seventy five

c. fifteen thousand eight hundred seventy five

d. one thousand five hundred eighty seven and five

e. fifteen thousands eight hundred seventy five

341. Choose the right variant: Mr. Fletcher met his ... friend yesterday.

a. goodest

b. the best

c.. best

d gooder

e. better

342. Choose the right variant: Honesty is ... policy.

a. better

b. the best

c. more better

d. best

e. good

343. Choose the right variant: Tom will tell the answer when ... them.

a. he saw

b. he will see

c. he won’t see

d. he see

e. he is going to see

344. Find the correct answer: He speaks as if he ... London himself.

a. visited

b. visits

c. had visited

d. has visiting

e. was visiting

345. Choose the right variant: Where ... Washington, D.C ... ?

a. does/locate

b. has been/located

c. is/ located

d. will/ locate

e. will be/locate

346. Choose the right variant: Most big towns in Britain have both a university and a college of...

a. secondary education

b. high education

c. preliminaru education

d. secondary school

e. higher education

347. Choose the right variant: ... is a document showing that a student has successfully completed a high school or university.

a. written report

b. research work

c. new approach

d. diploma

e. vacation

348. Find the correct answer: ... you know where I can change my tickets?

a. are

b. does

c. were

d. do

e. am

349. Choose: Present Simple.

a. You are a good football-player.

b. You were a good football-player.

c. You will be a good football-player.

d. You have been a good football-player.

e. You was a good football-player.

350. Choose the right variant: By the end of this century there will be 600 million people around the world... in absolute poverty.

a. living

b. having lived

c. lived

d. were living

e. are living

351. Complete the sentence: ... is a student.

a. John sister

b. John’ sister

c. John’s sister

d. John sister’

e. John sisters

352. Complete the sentence: Here is ... toy you need.

a. a

b. some

c. the

d. an

e. this

353. Complete the sentence: It ... be hot the day after tomorrow.

a. is

b. are

c. be

d am

e.. will

354. Choose the correct form of the pronouns: She must stop doing it ... is wrong.

a. They

b. He

c. It

d. you

e. We

355. Choose the right variant: I should change ... dress because I’m going to the theatre.

a. it

b. she

c. my

d. his

e. they

356. Complete the sentence: The best wishes ... the future.

a. in

b. at

c. for

d. of

e. by

357. Choose the right variant: A... is an enclosed space, especially in your body or inside a machine.

a. chamber

b. radiator

c. stereo

d. mirror

e. lamp

358. Complete the sentence: Kazakh State Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Abai is located in... .

a. Chimkent

b. Taraz

c. Almaty

d. Astana

e. Aktobe

359. Complete the sentence: They ... for me for half an hour.

a. was/waited

b. waiting

c. was/ waiting

d. were/ waited

e. have been/ waiting

360. Complete the sentence: The exercises ... by them yesterday.

a. is done

b. were done

c. do

d. are done

e. had done

361. Choose the right variant: After a few months on the training course we ... speak English quite well.

a. have to

b. am allowed to

c. is able to

d. am to

e. could

362. Complete the sentence: This room belongs to ... .

a. ours

b. me

c. our

d. my

e. we

363. Choose the right variant: How ... countries did she visit?

a. many

b. much

c. few

d. any

e. little

364. Choose the right variant.: She looked for his toys, but she couldn’t find them ... .

a. anybody

b. anywhere

c. everywhere.

d. nowhere

e. somewhere

365. Choose the right variant: 17534.

a. seventeen thousands fifty three and four.

b. seventeen thousand five hundred and thirty four.

c. one thousand seventy five and thirty four.

d. seventeen five hundred thirty four.

e. one hundred seven thousand five hundred thirty four.

366. Choose the right variant: He met his ... friend yesterday.

a. goodest

b. the best

c. gooder

d. best

e. better

367. Choose the right variant: Actions speak ... than words.

a. more louder

b. louder

c. the loudest

d. loud

e. the most louder

368. Choose the right variant: Your brother won’t tell the news when ... her.

a. he will see

b. he saw

c he didn’t see

d.. he sees

e. he is going to see

369. Find correct answer: If I were you, I ... England years ago.

a. would visit

b. will be visiting

c. would have visited

d. have visited

e. had visited

370. Choose the right variant: When ...the Civil War ...?

a. had/ended

b. did/end

c. was/ended

d. is/ended

e. was/end

371. Choose the right variant: Most big towns in the USA… both a university and a college of higher education .

a. have

b. has

c. has had

d. is having

e. to have

372. Choose the right variant: … is an important feature of university work.

a. holidays

b Research

c. vacation

d. new subjects

e. new approach

373. Find correct answer: ... there a good connection from the airport to the city?

a. Is

b. Does

c. Are

d. Do

e. May

374. Choose: Present Perfect Continuous.

a. My friend has been teaching English for 5 years.

b. My friend has teaching English for 5 years now.

c. My friend is teaching English for 5 years now.

d. My friend will teach English for 5 years now.

e. My friend are teaching English for 5 years now.

375. Choose the right variant: The holiday ... Thanksgiving Day is now observed on the fourth Thursday of November.

a. calling

b. to be called

c. called

d. is calling

e. are calling

376. Complete the sentence: ... is a lawyer.

a. Sarah’s mother

b. Sarah mother

c. Sarahs mother

d. Sarah’ mother

e. Sarahs mothers

377. Complete the sentence: Here is ... ball you need.

a some.

b. the

c. a

d. an

e. this

378. Complete the sentence: It ... be very interesting lecture on Tuesday.

a. were

b. are

d. be

c. will

e. is

379. Choose the correct form of the pronouns: Nick must speak English with them. ... didn’t understand him.

a. she

b. his

c. our

d. we

e. they

380. Choose the right variant: We should buy this book, because ... is necessary for our study.

a. we

b. him

c. it

d. me

e. he

381. Complete the sentence: The best wishes... the future.

a. for

b. at

c. in

d. at

e. off

382. Choose the right variant: A ... is an object that produced light by using electricity, oil or gas.

a. stereo

b. radiator

c. chamber

d. lamp

e. mirror

383. Complete the sentence: The alpine skiing center «Chimbulac» is in ... .

a. Chimkent

b. Uralsk

c. Taraz

d. Almaty

e. Astana

384. Complete the sentence: I ... for my brother at that time.

a. was/ waiting

b. were/ waited

c. waiting

d. were/ waiting

e. was/waited

385. Complete the sentence: The experiment ... by the scientist last month.

a. were carried out

b. was carried out

c. carried out

d. will carry out

e. are carried out

386. Choose the right variant: After a few months on the training course you ... know the program well.

a. am allowed to

b. have to

c. could

d. is able to

e. am to

387. Complete the sentence: This papers belongs to ... .

a. we

b. I

c. my

d. your

e. me

388. Choose the right variant: How ... books did she buy yesterday?

a. much

b. many

c. few

d. any

e. little

389. Choose the correct form of the pronoun: She looked for her diary, but she couldn’t find it...

a. anybody

b. everywhere.

c. somewher

d. nowhere

e. e anywhere

390. Choose the right variant: 19285.

a. nineteen thousand twenty eight and five.

b. nineteen thousand two hundreds eighty five.

c. nineteen thousand two hundred eighty five.

d. nineteen thousand two hundred and eighty five.

e. nineteen thousands two hundreds and eighty five.

391. Choose the right variant:Mr Brown watched his ... favourite film on TV.

a. better

b. the best

c. the most

d. gooder

e. goodest

392. Choose the right variant: What’s the ... news?

a. latest

b. later

c. last

d. more last

e. most last

393. Choose the right variant:He will tell all the news when ... her.

a. he saw

b. he sees

c. he will see

d. he has see

e. he is going to see

394. Find correct answer: If I were you, I ... a computer

a. would bought

b. would have bought

c. will have bought

d. won’t buy

e. would buy

395. Choose the right variant:Who ... America?

a. did discover

b. does discover

c. will discover

d. discovered

e. is discovered

396. Choose the right variant: Most big towns in the USA have both a university ... of higher education ... .

a. and a college

b. and a gymnasium

c. and a kindergarden

d. and a private school

e. and a lyceum

397. Choose the right variant: Research is an important feature of university work.

a. laboratory experiment

b. leisure time

c. vacation

d. advanced study of the subject

e. new approach

398. Find the correct answer: ... Washington the first city in history to be built for the purpose of governments?

a. Did

b. Was

c. Were

d. Been

e. Have been

399. Choose: Present Perfect Continuous.

a. It rained since early morning.

b. It had rained since early morning.

c. It has been raining since early morning.

d. It is raining since early morning.

e. It will raining since early morning.

400. Choose the right variant: While ... the book I learnt a lot.

a. study

b. studying

c. having studied

d. has studied

e. will

401. Complete the sentence.

This is … flat.

a) my

b) mine

c) hers

d) him

e) thems

402. Complete the sentence.

I … in the second course now.

a) have

b) has

c) is

d) am

e) are

403. Add the sentence.

Saule and Serik are pupils. …. study at school.

a) He

b) I

c) She

d) They

e) You

404. Complete the sentence.

They enjoyed the travel very ….

a) Much

b) most

c) more

d) much more

e) more much

405. Choose the right variant.

He lives in house ….

a) ten

b) tenth

c) tenths

d) a ten

e) a tenth

406. Complete the sentence.

They go to play football very ….

a) frequent

b) much

c) more

d) most

e) often

407. Complete the sentence.

When they … home they will do this work.

a) comes

b) coming

c) come

d) came

e) to come

408. Complete the sentence.

The New York taxies are:

a) red

b) yellow

c) pink

d) white

e) blue

409. Complete the sentence.

We … listening to music now.

a) were

b) am

c) was

d) is

e) are

410. Choose the right variant.

There is … house at the end of the street.

a) –

b) a

c) an

d) the

e) any

411. Complete the sentence.

The Tower of London … in 1078.

a) were build

b) was built

c) is build

d) have build

e) has build

412. Complete the sentence.

… you speak English?

a) may

b) have to

c) shall

d) to must

e) can

413. Choose the right variant.

Are … a student?

a) he

b) you

c) she

d) we

e) it

414. Choose the right variant.

… are you? I am a teacher.

a) Which

b) Whose

c) What

d) Whom

e) Who

415. Choose the right variant.

Liz is … in her family.

a) younger

b) youngest

c) the youngest

d) the younger

e) the yongest

416. Choose the right variant.

Young people like to listen … music.

a) to

b) for

c) from

d) in

e) of

417. Choose the right variant.

Don’t … this seat.

a) take

b) taking

c) took

d) taken

e) takes

418. Complete the sentence.

If he studies at the medical university he will become ….

a) a teacher

b) a doctor

c) a writer

d) a student

e) a singer

419. Add the sentence.

Their names are John and William. … are from England.

a) she

b) we

c) it

d) they

e) them

420. Choose the right variant.

March is the … month of the year.

a) two

b) second

c) first

d) third

e) one of

421. Choose the right variant.

The colour of flag of Kazakhstan is ….

. a) blue

. b) red

. c) yellow

. d) pink

. e) white

422. Choose the right variant.

In Kazakhstan children go to … at the age of 6 or 7.

a) school

b) university

c) work

d) college

e) institute

423. Complete the sentence.

… visit their parents every weekend.

a) Them

b) Him

c) They

d) My

e) Thems

424. Choose the right variant.

Look at … boy. He is crying.

a) this

b) them

c) it

d) those

e) these

425. Choose the right variant.

I … not go to the cinema yesterday.

a) Must

b) Can

c) Am able

d) Is to

e) Could

426. Choose the right variant.

There are many … in the garden.

a) childs

b) children

c) childrens

d) childes

e) children’s

427. Complete the sentence.

English lessons … interesting for us.

a) was

b) is

c) am

d) are

e) have

428. Complete the sentence.

His name is Paul. … is from France.

a) She

b) You

c) They

d) I

e) He

429. Complete the sentence.

I am fond of music very….

a) most

b) more

c) too much

d) few

e) much

430. Choose the right variant.

He lives in house ….

f) fifth

g) fifths

h) a five

i) five

j) a fifth

431. Complete the sentence.

She visits her parents very ….

a) more

b) most

c) little

d) often

e) slow

432. Complete the sentence.

If he … us we’ll tell him about it.

a) calls

b) calling

c) to call

d) will call

e) called

433. Complete the sentence.

The room where we wash ourselves is ….

a) a living – room

b) a kitchen

c) a bedroom

d) a study

e) a bathroom

434. Complete the sentence.

Which book … you … now?

a) am/reading

b) was/reading

c) were/reading

d) is/reading

e) are/reading

435. Choose the right variant.

There are … children in the park.

a) any

b) much

c) every

d) most

e) some

436. Complete the sentence.

Yesterday Jane … to the party.

a) is invited

b) were invited

c) am invited

d) was been invited

e) was invited

437. Complete the sentence.

You … study well.

a) shall

b) has to

c) can to

d) have

e) should

438. Choose the right variant.

We invited Liz to stay with … in this house.

a) their

b) us

c) our

d) ourselves

e) our’s

439. Choose the right variant.

… are you looking for ?

a) Which

b) Whose

c) What

d) What’s

e) Whome

440. Choose the right variant.

This task is … than that one.

a) much difficult

b) most difficult

c) difficulter

d) difficultest

e) more difficult

441. Choose the right variant.

It consists … 3 groups.

a) of

b) to

c) after

d) on

e) off

442. Choose the right variant.

They … at university.

a) studying

b) studies

c) have study

d) has study

e) study

443. Complete the sentence.

If he treats teeth he is ….

a) a stomotologist

b) a teacher

c) a driver

d) a pilot

e) an artist

444. Complete the sentence.

… you speak Kazakh?

a) may

b) have to

c) shall

d) to must

e) can

445. Complete the sentence.

If he studies at the university he ….

a) a teacher

b) a student

c) a singer

d) a writer

e) a doctor

446. Choose the right variant.

March is the … month of the year.

a) two

b) fifth

c) first

d) third

e) one of

447. Choose the right variant.

… my mother came, I was reading the book.

a) Why

b) When

c) Where

d) What

e) Will

448. Choose the right variant.

… are flowers on the window.

a) That

b) There

c) It

d) Those

e) These

449. Choose the right variant.

The colour of flag of China is ….

a) yellow

b) red

c) pink

d) white

e) blue

450. Complete the sentence.

The London buses are:

a) red

b) yellow

c) pink

d) white

e) blue

451. Choose the right variant.

This is … thing.

а) Pete’s

b) Petes

с) Pete

d) Petes’

e) Petes’s

452. Complete the sentence.

We … Anatomy every week.

a) has

b) have

c) having

d) are having

e) is having

453. Add the sentence.

Ann is Hanna’s sister. … is a student.

a) He

b) They

c) We

d) She

e) You

454. Complete the sentence.

I like coffee very ….

a) a few

b) few

c) more

d) many

e) much

455. Choose the right variant.

Open your book on page ….

a) fourtieth

b) forty

c) fourty

d) fourtyth

e) forti

456. Complete the sentence.

She writes letters very ….

a) much

b) many

c) little

d) often

e) most

457. Complete the sentence.

If you … to the chemist’s let me know.

a) goes

b) will go

c) to go

d) going

e) go

458. The place where we buy drugs is ….

a) a shop

b) a café

c) a chemist’s

d) a university

e) a school

459. Complete the sentence.

What … he … now?

a) are/does

b) am/doing

c) is/done

d) is/ doing

e) was/ doing

460. Choose the right variant.

There are… universities in our Republic.

a) a lot of

b) any

c) lot

d) a lot

e) not

461. Complete the sentence.

The shop … at 11 p.m.

a) are closed

b) is closed

c) am closed

d) have closed

e) have been closed

462. Complete the sentence.

You … to do it at once.

a) am

b) is

c) has

d) have

e) should

463. Choose the right variant.

She washed … hands and face.

a) hers

b) that

c) her

d) her’s

e) herself

464. Choose the right variant.

… do you study?

a) Whom

b) Where

c) Which

d) Who

e) Whose

465. Choose the right variant.

London is … than New York.

a) older

b) more older

c) much

d) oldest

e) the oldest

466. Choose the right variant.

Look … this picture!

a) on

b) at

c) of

d) on

e) from

467. Choose the right variant.

He … to school every day.

a) go

b) goes

c) gone

d) has gone

e) going

468. Complete the sentence.

Persons, treated at a hospital, are called ….

a) friends

b) patients

c) doctors

d) a patient

e) patients

469. Add the sentence.

Their names are Yura and Denis. … came from Russia.

a) I

b) He

c) They

d) She

e) We

470. Complete the sentence.

The place where we eat is ….

a) a café

b) a library

c) a shop

d) a theatre

e) a cinema

471. Choose the right variant.

Natasha … Kazakh fluently.

a) speaking

b) speaks

c) speak

d) have spoken

e) have spoke

plete the sentence.

If you like driving a car you may become:

a) an artist

b) a policeman

c) a writer

d) a doctor

e) a driver

473. Complete the sentence.

He … in the cinema yesterday.

a) are

b) was

c) were

d) am

e) is

474. Complete the sentence.

The room where we sleep is ….

a) a living – room

b) a kitchen

c) a bathroom

d) a bedroom

e) a study

475. Choose the right variant.

Timur is … than Aidos.

a) smaller

b) more smaller

c) small

d) smallest

e) the smallest

476. Compile a word with following letters: e,t,r,w,a

a. etawr

b. atwer

c. twera

d. water

e. rweta

477. The antonym of the word “High” is:

a. little

b. rise

c. low

d. level

e. long

478. Choose the correct word: Her … names are John and Tom.

a. of cousins

b. cousins’s

c. cousins

d. cousins’

e. cousen’s

479. Compile the sentence: Happy New Year … a great holiday of the year.

a. am

b. were

c. been

d are

e .is

480. Choose the appropriate Russian equivalent: Mike was going to call me tomorrow.

a. Майк зашел в кино за мной завтра.

b. Майк собирался позвонить мне завтра.

c. позвонил мне вчера.

d. собирался играть в футбол сегодня.

e. Майк вчера заходил ко мне.

481. Choose a word in which the picked out letter differing from others:

a. Garden

b. Gate

c. Gentle

d. Geese

e. Gaze

482. Choose the correct variant of preposition: The pupils stood … when the teacher came in.

a. of

b. under

c. up

d. over

e. down

483. Choose the correct variant of date reading: “25/06”

a. The twenty and fifth of June.

b. The twenty – fifth of June.

c. The twentieth and fivs of June.

d. The twentieth fifteenth of June.

e. The twentieth five of June.

484. Choose the correct variant of degrees of comparison of adjectives: Paul is much … than her sister.

a. youngerer

b. younger

c. young

d. youngest

e. youngster

485. Choose the correct variant of pronouns: Are there … dolls in the box?

a. nothing

b. none

c. something

d. any

e. anything

486. Choose the uncountable noun:

a. bottle

b. pencil

c. book

d. sugar

e. pen

487. Find the correct variant of predicate: The holidays … this week.

a. begin

b. was begin

c. begins

d. began

e. will begin

488. Choose the correct Russian equivalent to the sentence: She said she would phone back.

a. Она сказала, что она звонит еще раз.

b. Она сказала, что она перезвонила опять.

c. Она сказала, что перезвонила домой.

d. Она сказала, что перезвонит

e.Она сказала, что позвонит назад.

489. Choose the unnecessary word in the given group of words:

a. coat

b. aunt

c. hat

d. shoes

e. dress

490. Compile the proverb: East or… home is best .

a. South

b. North

c. West

d. North West

e. South East

491. Find the numeral:

a. twenty

b. changeable

c. heavily

d. agree

e. traditional

492. Complete the sentence: He remembered everything, …?

a. didn’t you

b. don’t you

c. doesn’t he

d. didn’t he

e. aren’t you

493. Translate into English: Она всегда рада помочь своим друзьям.

a. She was always glad to helped her friends.

b. She is always glad to being help her friends.

c. She was always glad to help her friends.

d. She is always glad to helping her friends.

e. She is always glad to help her friends.

494. Choose the correct answer: What is the capital of Great Britain?

a. New York

b. Oxford

c. London

d. Sydney

e. Washington

495. Choose the correct variant: Look! … my house over there and those are my pigs.

a. this are

b. there are

c. that is

d. this is

e. these are

496. Choose the correct variant: He asked his friend … her that night.

a. why he didn’t phoned

b. why he hadn’t phoned

c. why he hadn’t phone

d. why didn’t he phone

e. why hadn’t he phoned

497. Find the correct form of the verb: I went to see how she was and found her … .

a. were smiling

b. has been smiling

c. smiled

d. smiles

e. smiling

498. The sound “[h]” is pronounced in the word:

a. whose

b. where

c. two

d. write

e. why

499. The antonym of the word “slight” is

a. brave

b. dark

c. strong

d. weak

e. heavy

500. Choose the correct word: … pig is too big.

a. -

b. these

c. the

d. an

e. those

501. Put in the verb in the correct tense form: Look! The woman … the floor.

a. is sweeping

b. are sweeping

c. were sweeping

d. was sweeping

e. am sweeping

502. Choose the appropriate English equivalent: На телевидении слишком много фильмов.

a. On television too much films are there

b. There too much films are on the television

c. Too much films are there on television

d. There are too many films on television.

e. There are on the television too many films

503. Choose the word in which picked out letter differing from others:

a. sock

b. tongue

c. dog

d. rock

e. top

504. Form the adjective with the opposite meaning of the word “impossible”:

a. possible

b. impossible

c. ilpossible

d. inpossible

e. unpossible

505. Choose the correct pronoun: Be careful! They are looking at … .

a. yours

b. youre

c. you

d. our

e. yourself

506. Choose the question pronoun for the picked out word: We usually have supper at eight.

a. why

b what time

c. with whom

d. where

e. what

507. Choose the correct form of the verb in the Passive Voice: This magazine (to sell) everywhere.

a. are sold

b. sold

c. were selled

d is sold

e. were sold

508. Choose the correct modal verb: You … stop writing at the end of the test. Your time is limited.

a. need

b. can’t

c. might have

d. don’t have to

e. must

509. Choose the correct variant: The sky is dark … at eleven o’clock already.

a. this

b. its

c. it is

d. there is

e. this is

510. Choose the correct Participle: The … week.

a. following

b. followning

c. followeding

d. followeded

e. followned

511. Choose the appropriate word: Almaty is the most … part of Kazakhstan.

a. kingdom

b. little

c. populated

d. valley

e. wet

512. Give the definition to the word “teacher”:

a. A person who lives near you

b. A person who is helps in sport

c. A person who is fond of reading

d. A person whom you like

e. A person who gives knowledge

513. Put the necessary preposition in the sentence: I am interested … English.

a. at

b. in

c. with

d. for

e. on

514. Choose the correct variant of translation, paying attention to the suffix: “Несчастливо”

a. unhappily

b. unhappiest

c. unhappier

d. unhappiness

e. unhappiiul

515. Choose the correct variant of the degree of comparison of adjectives: My … brother doesn’t live with us.

a. eld

b. more old

c. old

d. more older

e. elder

516. Choose the correct variant of plural form of the noun: Our … are … .

a. childs/ sisters

b. children/ sisters

c. child/ sisters

d. childrens/ sisters

e. children/ sister

517. Choose the correct variant of the possessive form of noun: … fathers were talking.

a. The babies’

b. The baby

c. The babie’s

d. The babys’

e. The babies

518. Put the sentence into negative form: The boys are playing in the street.

a. The boys are not playing in the street

b. The boys don’t playing in the street

c. The boys isn’t playing in street

d. The boys not playing in the street

e. The boys didn’t playing in the street

519. Choose the correct variant of negative to the given sentence: He used to live in Almaty.

a. He didn’t used to live to Almaty

b. He used not live in Almaty

c. He didn’t use to live to Almaty

d. He used not to lived in Almaty

e. He not to use to live in Almaty

520. Compile the sentence: Her only … in her life is making money.

a. bag

b. way

c. issue

d. aim

e. uniform

521. Read the numeral: 155 000

a. One hundreds and fifty fivs thousands

d. One hundreds and fifty five thousand

b. One hundred and fifty fifth thousands

c. One hundred and fifty five thousand

e. One hundred fifty five thousand

522. Choose the correct variant: I don’t know what … if you …this letter.

a. happens/forget

b. happen/forget

c. will happen/forget

d. happens/will forget

e. will happen/ will forget

523. … working at the hardware store, John was never happy.

a. He was

b. When he was

c. When was he

d. Was he

e. Was he when

524. Complete the sentences with the verb: I’ll wait for you until the bus ….

a. will come

b. has been come

c. come

d. came

e. comes

525. Circle the best answer: A,B,C,D,E: You would have a lot of fun if you … .

a. went

b. go

c. have been

d. would go

e. going

526. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition: She went … speaking for hours. It was so boring.

a. by

b. on

c. in

d. up

e. off

527. Circle the best answer: A,B,C,D,E: She is late. What …?

a. was happened

b. is happened

c. has happened

d. was happening

e. is happening

528. Circle the correct answer: If you don’t take a compass, you’ll … .

a. get lost

b. get lose

c. have lost

d. lost

e. lose

529. Complete the sentences with the verb: Oh my God! it’s broken! Don’t worry.

I … you a new one.

a. am going to buy

b. am buying

c. are buying

d. will be buying

e. will buy

530. Valerie decided … flowers this year.

a. for growing

b. to grow

c. grow

d. grown

e. growing

531. Choose the correct form of the Passive voice: Everybody got a gift but I … nothing.

a. had been sent

b. was sending

c. none of the above

d. have sent

e. was sent

532. Complete the sentences with the adverb: Jane says she … to move out into the country this year.

a. want

b. is wanting

c. have wanted

d. wants

e. have been wanting

533. Circle the correct answer: … that baby. Isn’t he lovely!

a. look at

b. watch

c. see

d. look

e. do

534. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition: The TV series were based … her love story.

a. near

b. over

c. of

d. on

e. by

535. Circle the correct answer: Each person …mistakes sometimes.

a. does

b. has

c. makes

d. gets

e. knows

536. … working at the plant, Michael was never happy.

a. He was

b. When he was

c. When was he

d. Was he

e. Was he when

537. Bob wants new disk. Please give … to him.

a. they

b. those

c. them

d. its

e. it

538. Your house is bigger than … . … walls are too high.

a. our/Her

b. hers/Its

c. her/ its

d. my/her

e. us/his

539. She is busy with … son.

a. her

b. mine

c. hers

d. yours

e. ours

540. We think they have met her … .

a. somebody

b. anywhere

c. something

d. somewhere

e. sometimes

541. There aren’t … apple - trees in the orchard.

a. no

b. some

c. any

d. anything

e. nothing

542. There are a lot of … in this shop.

a. mices

b. mouse

c. a mice

d. a mouse

e. mice

543. You look very happy. What’s the news? … good?

a. Is it

b. Is there

c. Are there

d. Are they

e. There are

544. Cuba is … coffee - growing areas in the world.

a. one of the larger

b. one of the largest

c. one of the largest

d. largest

e. the largest

545. Choose the right article if it is necessary: Can you play … guitar?

a. the

b. a

c. an

d. -

e. cood

546. What is …matter with … Ainur?

a. an/the

b. the/-

c. a/the

d. -/the

e. the/an

547. … Australia is … far away country.

a. The/a

b. -/-

c. -/a

d. An/-

e. The/the

548. Choose the word of phrase, which completes the sentence best: I’ll be on vacation … next Monday.

a. in

b. on

c. at

d. the

e. -

549. Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best: What is she laughing …?

a. on

b. at

c. over

d. above

e. up

550. Antarctica is the side of … elevations in the world.

a. than the highest

b. the highest are

c. the highest

d. higher

e. and the highest

551. Choose the necessary form of the verb “to be”. There …three categories of drugs.

a. are

b. is

c. was

d. am

e. shall be

552. Choose the necessary form of the verb “to be”: A root (to be) an expanded organ of a plant.

a. are

b. am

c. is

d. were

e. aren’t

553. Put the verb “to study” in the brackets in a proper tense: Botany (to study) the arrangement and classification of plants

a. is studied

b. study

c. is studying

d. studys

e. studies

554. Put the verb “ to take” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: The patient (to take) the prescription.

a. take

b. takes

c. to take

d. took

e. will take

555. Put the verb “to grow” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Roots usually (to grow) under the ground.

a. grew

b. grown

c. is grow

d. grow

e. will grow

556. Put the verb “to try” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Since ancient times scientists

(to try) to find medicinal plants.

a. try

b. trying

c. is tried

d. was tried

e. tried

557. Put the verb “to administer” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: A doctor (to administer) me capsules and pills.

a. to administer

b. administered

c. administer

d. administers

e. will administer

558. Put the verb “to be” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: A daily cream (to be) useful for the skin.

a. am

b. to be

c. will be

d. are

e. is

559. Choose the correct variant of the verb “to be”: There … some important groups of plants.

a. am

b. was

c. are

d. is

e. been

560. Choose the correct variant of the verb “to have”: Most plants … no true flowers or roots.

a. has

b. have

c. has not

d. has got

e. having

561. Put the verb in the brackets in a proper tense: Usually the fruits (to contain) the seeds.

a. contain

b. are contained

c. will contain

d. is contained

e. was contained

562. Put the verb in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Botany is the science which (to deal) with plants.

a. dealt

b. is dealt

c. deal

d. dealing

e. deals

563. Put the verb in the brackets in Past Indefinite: Rhizomes (to grow) under the ground.

a. grown

b. will grow

c. is grow

d. grew

e. did grow

564. Put the verb in the brackets in Future Indefinite: A man with a chronic peptic ulcer (to tolerate) pills.

a. will tolerate

b. tolerate

c. to tolerate

d. tolerates

e. is tolerate

565. Choose the correct variant: … a root usually absorb water and minerals?

a. Does

b. Did

c. Has

d. Do

e. Are

566. Choose the correct variant: … the shape and positions of flowers vary?

a. Am

b. Are

c. Do

d. Does

e. Is

567. Choose the correct variant: … the fruits contain the seeds?

a. Does

b. Are

c. Has

d. Do

e. Am

568. Choose the correct variant: … there three important groups of vegetables?

a. Are

b. Does

c. Is

d. Have

e. Has

569. Give the negative form of the verb: Plant morphology (to study) the life and functions of the plant.

a. not study

b. does not study

c. was not studied

d. do not study

e. study not

570. Give the negative form of the verb: All semisolids (to have) fat substance.

a. is not have

b. has not

c. are not have

d. do not have

e. are not having

571. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice: All drugs (to keep) in drug cabinets.

a. kept

b. to keep

c. are kept

d. is kept

e. to be kept

572. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice: Usually composite fruits (to form) from many flowers.

a. was formed

b. are formed

c. will be formed

d. is formed

e. should form

573. The antonym of the word “hot” is:

a. cool

b. warm

c. cold

d. very cold

e. freeze

574. Choose the correct word: His … names are Brown and Jackson.

a. cousen’s

b. of cousins

c. cousins

d. cousins’es

e. cousins’

575. Choose the correct variant of degrees of comparison of adjectives: Ann is much … than her brother.

a. youngerer

b. younger

c. youngest

d. young

e. youngster

576. Choose the right variant.

There are many beautiful … in the garden.

a) flower

b) flowers’

c) fower’s

d) flowers

e)a flower

577. Complete the sentence.

I … a teacher now.

a) am

b) will

c) was

d) will be

e) have

578. Complete the sentence

Every day I … dinner at five o’clock.

a) had

b) has

c) am having

d) have had

e) have

579. Add the sentence.

Elisa is a student. … studies in the second form.

a) I

b) He

c) She

d) We

e) You

580. Complete the sentence.

This film is … spoken about.

a) many

b) much

c) few

d) more

e) big

581. Choose the right variant.

It’s easy for you. You can do it … .

a) themselves

b) himself

c) myself

d) ourselves

e) yourself

582. Choose the right sentence.

a) My parents were in much countries.

b) You watch TV every day.

c) Did you take some photos?

d) My wive speaks few.

e) Do it as any as possible.

583. Choose the right variant.

April is the … month of the year.

a) one

b) first

c) second

d) third

e) one of

584. Find the antonym.


a) superior

b) inferior

c) backwards

d) posterior

e) low

585. Complete the sentence.

They keep their clothes in the ….

a) wardrobe

b) cupboard

c) sofa

d) TV-set

e) refrigerator

586. Complete the sentence.

The shoes are made of … leather.

a) the

b) any

c) -

d) an

e) an

587. Complete the sentence.

Tom is in his room. He … the guitar

a) was playing

b) plays

c) played

d) is playing

e) has playing

588. Complete the sentence.

Books … to students in the library.

a) are given

b) was given

c) gave

d) gives

e) gaves

589. Choose the right variant.

… I take the book?

a) can

b) had to

c) have to

d) may

e) can to

590. Choose the right variant.

I don’t like this pencil. Give me … one.

a) this

b) these

c) that

d) those

e) its

591. Choose the right variant.

I met my … friends yesterday.

a) goodest

b) better

c) the best

d) well

e) best

592. Complete the sentence.

If you study … you will pass your exams.

a) worst

b) good

c) well

d) best

e) bad

593. Complete the sentence.

The capital of Canada is …

a) Moscow

b) Leningrad

c) Ottawa

d) Almaty

e) Kiev

594. Choose the right variant.

Doctor-cardiologist treats the patients with …

a) pneumonia

b) cardiovascular diseases

c) urological diseases

d) gynecological diseases

e) diseases of the nervous system

595. Choose the right variant.

The system is … into five groups.

a) taken

b) given

c) divided

d) belonged

e) refered

596. Complete the sentence.

You… this work already.

a) did

b) done

c) didn’t

d) had done

e) have done

597. Choose the right variant.

I saw a boy…out of the window.

a) looks

b) have looked

c) is looking

d) look

e) looking

598. Choose the right variant.

Children go … kindergarden at the eight o’clock

a) on

b) To

c) from

d) in

e) at

599. Choose the right variant.

Time … money.

a) is

b) are

c) am

d) will

e) have

600. Choose the right variant.

The teacher asked the student … late.

a) not to be

b) don’t be

c) not being

d) not be

e) doesn’t be

601. Choose the right variant.

There is … on the shelf.

a) books

b) book’s

c) books’

d) a book

e) book

602. Complete the sentence.

She … born in 1994.

a) is

b) were

c) had

d) was

e) am.

603. Complete the sentence.

Last year the students … lessons on Biology.

a) have

b) have had

c) had

d) was having

e) don’t have

604. Complete the sentence.

Jane works at a hospital. … is a nurse.

a) They

b) She

c) I

d) We

e) You

605. Complete the sentence.

There are … books on the table.

a) little

b) much

c) many

d) few

e) any

606. Complete the sentence.

Let him do it by ….

a) herself

b) himself

c) ourselves

d) itself

e) themselves

607. Choose the right sentence

a) I like dancing very much.

b) Much students passed this examination.

c) There is many money in my pocket

d) I enjoyed the party very little.

e) There were not some people in the street.

608. Choose the right variant.

He is…of the best friend.

a) second

b) one

c) third

d) one’s

e) ones

609. Indicate the antonym to ‘’ frequently’’.

a) usually

b) sometimes

c) never

d) seldom

e) often

610. Complete the sentence.

All the drugs are kept in the ….

a) cupboard

b) sofa

c) drug cabinets

d) table

e) bag

611. Complete the sentence.

This dress is made of … silk.

a) any

b) –

c) an

d) the

e) a

612. Complete the sentence.

Where are our children? They … nice pictures.

a) was drawing

b) were drawing

c) are drawing

d) is drawing

e) have drawing

613. Complete the sentence.

Yesterday we … to the party by our friends.

a) was invited

b) are invited

c) were invited

d) is invited

e) will invited

614 . Choose the right variant.

He … to do this work by five o’ clock.

a) has

b) can

c) may

d) must

e) have

615 . Choose the right variant.

I need only … pen.

a) these

b) those

c) this

d) its

e) it

616 . Choose the right variant.

Mary is … in her family, Isn’t she?

a) younger

b) the youngest

c) youngest

d) young

e) the youngerst

617. Complete the sentence.

If he sees him he will ask some … about it.

a) questions

b) story

c) answer

d) paper

e) advice

618. Complete the sentence.

The head of our country is the ….

a) prime minister

b) chairman

c) president

d) akim

e) senator

619. Complete the sentence.

Butcher’s is a shop where we can buy ….

a) sweets

b) bread

c) drugs

d) vegetables

e) meat

620. Choose the right variant.

The scull… of twenty six bones.

a) consists

b) contains

c) gives

d) composes

e) divides

621. Complete the sentence.

He … out just now, hasn’t he?

a) went

b) have gone

c) has gone

d) goes

e) gone

622. Complete the sentence.

The teacher … the students in room 26.

a) examine

b) examining

c) is examining

d) will examine

e) have examined

623. Choose the right variant.

My little brother is afraid … frogs.

a) on

b) in

c) from

d) to

e) of

624. Choose the right variant.

Knowledge … power.

a) are

b) will

c) is

d) am

e) have

625. Choose the right variant.

Mike hoped that his friend … him with this problem.

a) would help

b) helped

c) have helped

d) will help

e) is helping

626. Choose the right variant.

There are some … in the hall.

a) chair

b) chair’s

c) chairs’

d) chairs

e) chaires

627. Choose the right variant.

Washington … the capital of the USA.

a) were

b) Is

c) am

d) are

e) have

628. Choose the right variant.

Mary and her brother … wonderful voices.

a) do

b) has

c) is having

d) have

e) are having

629. Complete the sentence.

Saule and Gulnar are students. … study at college.

a) He

b) I

c) She

d) They

e) We

630. Complete the sentence.

She has … money.

a) many

b) much

c) small

d) big

e) any

631. Choose the right variant.

We did this work ….

a) himself

b) itself

c) herself

d) themselves

e) ourselves

632. Choose the right sentence.

a) He doesn’t have some time.

b) There are much buildings in this region.

c) Little childrens go to the school.

d) There are many flowers in the garden.

e) Many people lives here.

633. Choose the right variant.

August is the … month of the year.

a) first

b) eight

c) tenth

d) fourth

e) fifth

634. Indicate the antonym to ‘’ never’’.

a) always

b) usually

c) ever

d) often

e) sometimes

635. Choose the right variant.

We buy meat at …

a) chemist’s

b) butcher’s

c) grocery

d) shop

e) market

636. Choose the right variant.

The table is made of … glass.

a) a

b) some

c) an

d) –

e) the

637. Complete the sentence.

I … for my glasses.

a) is looking

b) am looking

c) are looking

d) were looking

e) have looking

638. Complete the sentence.

This comedy … on this channel every day.

a) showed

b) is shown

c) show

d) shown

e) were shown

639. Choose the right variant.

… you speak Spanish?

a) have to

b) should

c) may

d) can

e) would

640. Choose the right variant.

Don’t touch … papers. They are mine.

a) that

b) this

c) these

d) it

e) its

641. Choose the right variant.

This magazine is the … one.

a) more interesting

b) as interesting as

c) interesting more

d) interesting most

e) most interesting

642. Complete the sentence.

If he wants to study Kazakh he will need ….

a) Russian teacher

b) English teacher

c) Spanish teacher

d) French teacher

e) Kazakh teacher

643. Complete the sentence.

The Day of Constitution of the RK is on….

a) the 30 th of August

b) The 25 th of October

c) the 31 st of May

d) the 23 d of February

e) the 16 th of December

644. Choose the right variant.

My brother ….

a) don’t like reading books

b) don’t know anything

c) is a well educated person

d) know everything

e) are very strange

645. Choose the right variant.

Jane … dancing.

a) go

b) looks

c) likes

d) gets

e) gives

646. Complete the sentence.

I … never...in the USA.

a) have/been

b) had/been

c) was/been

d) were/been

e) don’t/been

647. Choose the right variant.

I saw her … the road.

a) crossed

b) cross

c) crosses

d) having cross

e) crossing

648. Choose the right variant.

Kate is fond … sport.

a) in

b) on

c) of

d) at

e) to

649. Choose the right variant.

Johnson … a famous writer.

a) are

b) were

c) was

d) will

e) have

650. Choose the right variant.

A teacher asked the students … her.

a) no to disturb

b) not to disturb

c) don’t disturb

d) doesn’t disturb

e) aren’t disturb

651.Choose the right variant.

There are no … among him.

a) girl

b) girl’s

c) girls

d) girls’

e) a girl

652. Complete the sentence.

What … your uncle’s name?

a) are

b) am

c) were

d) is

e) have

653. Complete the sentence.

Pete … biology lessons every week.

a) have

b) is having

c) has

d) had

e) have had

654. Add the sentence.

I watch this film every day. … is very interesting.

a) I

b) It

c) He

d) They

e) We

655. They enjoyed the concert very….

a) more

b) few

c) much

d) a few

e) best

656. Choose the right variant.

Let me do it ….

a) himself

b) herself

c) myself

d) ourselves

e) itself

657. Choose the right sentence.

a) My friend didn’t make some mistakes.

b) There isn’t many milk in the bottle.

c) She has much friends.

d) He spends his winter holidays in the village.

e) I have many time.

658. Choose the right variant.

The… month of the year is November.

a) fourth

b) third

c) sixth

d) first

e) eleventh

659. Indicate the antonym to ‘’ frequently’’.

a) never

b) seldom

c) sometimes

d) usually

e) rare

660. Complete the sentence.

There are many books on the …

a) wardrobe

b) refrigerator

c) table

d) chair

e) sofa

661. Complete the sentence.

It is made … wood.

a) for

b) to

c) off

d) of

e) on

662. Complete the sentence.

Listen! Somebody … … a lovely poem.

a) was reading

b) are reading

c) is reading

d) were reading

e) has reading

663. Complete the sentence.

The Winter Olympic games … once in 4 years.

a) hold

b) are hold

c) were hold

d) was held

e) holds

664. Choose the right variant.

He … attend all lectures.

a) could

b) has to

c) must

d) would

e) have

665. Choose the right variant.

Look at … picture. It is beautiful!

a) this

b) that

c) it

d) these

e) them

666. Choose the right variant.

Mukhtar is … than his brother Kairat.

a) strong

b) strongest

c) stronger

d) so strong

e) the stronger

667. Choose the right variant.

If the weather is … tomorrow we will go to the countryside

a) bad

b) fine

c) best

d) worse

e) baddest

668. Complete the sentence.

The Day Independence of Kazakhstan is on ….

a) the 30 th of August

b) the 9 th of February

c) the 25 th of October

d) the 16th of December

e) the 1st of May

669. Choose the right variant.

A theatre is a place where …

a) we dance

b) we go to see a play

c) we study mathematics

d) we cook meals

e) we have breakfast

670. Choose the right variant.

He always … to a pop music.

a) listens

b) sings

c) hears

d) hates

e) likes

671. Choose the right variant.

We … this lecture already.

a) wrote

b) write

c) have written

d) writes

e) has written

672. Choose the right variant.

Antony does not like … TV.

a) watching

b) have watched

c) watched

d) watch

e) is watched

673. Choose the right variant.

Fresh vegetables is useful …our health.

a) in

b) at

c) of

d) on

e) for

674. Choose the right variant.

Jane’s mother … a doctor at the hospital.

a) are

b) have

c) am

d) is

e) having

675. Choose the right variant.

The teacher asked the pupils … lessons.

a) missing

b) doesn’t miss

c) not to miss

d) don’t miss

e) be missed

676. Complete the sentence.

… is a dancer

a) Aiguls sisters

b) Aigul’s sister

c) Aiguls’ sisters

d) Sister’s of Aigul

e) Aigul sisters

677. Complete the sentence.

Here is … magazine you need.

a) the

b) an

c) a

d) this

e) some

678. Complete the sentence.

He … be in the village next month.

a) am

b) was

c) are

d) will

e) were

679. Choose the correct form of the pronouns:

Ann must go to the Spanish lesson. … begins at 8 o, clock.

a) she

b) they

c) him

d) he

e) it

680. Choose the right variant.

Give … this paper, please.

a) his

b) she

c) me

d) your

. e) it

681. Complete the sentence.

He is speaking … his father.

a) to

b) on

c) of

d) for

e) from

682. Choose the right variant.

Now we … an Russian article.

a) is translating

b) are translating

c) translates

d) translate

e) have translated

683. Complete the sentence.

The Congress Hall of Kazakhstan is located in:

a) Almaty

b) Atyrau

c) Taraz

d) Astana

e) Aktau

684. Complete the sentence.

She … for her friend at that time yesterday.

a) was / waited

. b) ware / waited

c) waiting

d) were / waiting

e) was / waiting

685. Choose the right variant.

After a few months of the training course they … swim well.

a) have to

b) could

c) am allowed to

d) am able to

e) can to

686. Choose the right variant.

The home task … by him yesterday.

a) done

b) is done

c) do

d) was done

e) are done

687. Complete the sentence.

This book belongs to …

a) ours

. b) me



e) we

688. Choose the right variant.

How … sisters do you have?

. a) any

. b) much

c) few

d) many

e) little

689. Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

I looked for my watch, but I could not find it …

a) anybody

b) now here

c) anywhere

d) every where

e) some where

690. Choose the right variant:


a) the twelve thousand six hundred and thirty nine

b) twelve thousand six hundred thirty nine

c) the twelve thousand six hundred thirty nine

d) twelve thousand six hundred and thirty nine

e) twenty thousand six hundred thirty nine

691. Choose the right variant:

I met my … friend last week.

a) older

b) elde

c) old

d) olderer

e) the old

692. Choose the right variant:

This film is … interesting than that film.

a) well

b) more

c) most

d) very

e) the more

693. Choose the right variant:

I’ll tell Nurlan all the things when … him.

a) I am going to see

b) I see

c) I’ll see

d) I shall see

e)I saw

694. Find the correct answer.

If … my documents, I’ll be in trouble

a) I lose

b) I’ll lose

c) I lost

d) I would lose

e) I have lost

695. Choose the right variant:

The Queen of the United Kingdom of Britain lives in …

. a) the Downing Street 11

. b) St. Paul’s Cathedrals

. c) Buckingham Palace

d) the House of Parliament

e) Covent Garden

696. Choose the right variant:

Most big towns of Kazakhstan …much historical places.

a) has

. b) are having

c) have

. d) having

. e) has had

697. Choose the right variant:

Article is a part of every magazine.

a) vacation

. b) advanced study of the subject

. c) laboratory experiment

. d) new approach

e) written report

698. Find the correct answer.

a) Who do cook the dinner in your family?

b) Who cooks the dinner in your family?

c) Who does cooks the dinners in your family?

. d) Does who cook the dinners in your family?

. e) Who cook the dinners in your family?

699. Choose the Present Perfect Continuous.

a) She is studying the new method.

. b) I have a lot of things to do.

c) She has got a new car.

d) I have broken the pen.

e) I have been working at the Hospital for 4 years.

700. Choose the right variant.

He … his friends yesterday.

a) seeing

b) see

c) seen

d) saw

e) was see

701. Complete the sentence:

This is … bag.

a) Sholpanes

b) Sholpans

c) Sholpan’s


e) Sholpan

702. Complete the sentence:

Julia … English lessons every day.

a) has

b) have

c) having

d) is having

e) are having

703. Add the sentence:

Mike and July are married … have a baby.

a) She

b) I

c) We

d) they

e) You

704. Complete the sentence:

She likes cake very … .

a) a few

b) few

c) much

d) many

e) more

705. Choose the right variant:

He works in the office … .

a) one

b) first

c) oneth

d) ones

e) the first

706. Complete the sentence:

She makes mistakes in French very … .

a) much

b) often

c) few

d) many

e) little

707. Complete the sentence

Before they … the city they should take passports.

a) will leave

b) leave

c) leaves

d) left

e) to leave

708. Complete the sentence:

The room where she cooks is …

a) a kitchen

b) a living – room

c) a bathroom

d) a study

e) a bedroom

709. Complete the sentence:

There is … beautiful picture at the end of the book

a) an

b) –

c) the

d) a

e) any

710. Complete the sentence:

What … Fred … now?

a) is / doing

b) is / does

c) are / doing

d) is / done

e) am / doing

711. Complete the sentence:

The children … not smoke.

a) have

b) might

c) should

d) cannot

e) have to

712. Choose the right variant:

That isn’t my coat. … is here.

a) my

b) me

c) the mine

d) none of me

e) me not

713. Choose the right variant:

Duman was very ill … day

a) those

b) that

c) such

d) same

e) these

714. Choose the right variant:

… are you cooking?

a) which

b) what

c) at what

d) for whom

e) who

715. Choose the right variant:

We were students at this university five years ….

a) for

b) since

c) ago

d) already

e) in

716. Choose the right variant:

Who draws pictures … than you?

a) the best

b) the most best

c) better

d) good

e) more better

717. Choose the right variant:

My mother asked “Will you come soon?”

a) My mother said me would come soon

b) My mother asked if I was come soon

c) My mother asked if I would come soon

d) My mother asked would I come soon

e) My mother fold to come soon

718. Complete the sentence:

Russia is a …

a) People state

b) Federation

c) Monarchy

d) Unitary state

e) Republic

719. Choose the right variant:

The head of the USA is the….

a) Governed

b) Lord chancellor

c) President

d) Prime minister

e) Queen

720. Complete the saying:

Almaty is located in the …

a) West

b) South

c) East

d) North

e) North – east

721. Complete the English saying:

“My home is my …”

a) castle

b) balcony

c) university

d) penthouse

e) mansion

722. Choose the right variant:

… you go to Astana next month?

a) did

b) do

c) have

d) will

e) shall

723. Complete the sentence:

If he … busy tomorrow he won’t go to the cinema.

a) are

b) am

c) is

d) will be

e) shall be

724. Choose the right variant:

She … tomorrow.

a) will leave

b) leave

c) is leave

d) be leaving

e) leaves

725. Choose the right variant:

My parents … in London last summer.

a) is

b) were

c) are

d) was

e) am

726. Complete the sentence:

… you meet her yesterday?

a) do

b) does

c) did

d) will

e) shall

727. Complete the sentence:

Their flat is better than … house.

a) hers

b) mine

c) our

d) its

e) yours

728. Complete the sentence:

He … a teacher.

a) is

b) am

c) shall be

d) were

e) are

729. Choose the correct form of the pronouns.

… shall be working at 8 o’clock tomorrow.

a) They

b) I

c) She

d) You

e) He

730. Choose the right variant.

My sister … many friends at college.

a) have got

b having got

c) has got

d) got

e) is

731. Complete the sentence:

The pen is … the bag.

a) into

b) for

c) over

d) in

e) to

732. Choose the right variant:

The … is the head of our country.

a) Prime – minister

b) Judge

c) President

d) Senator

e) Director

733. Complete the sentence:

Senate of the Parliament of RK is located in

a) Astana

b) Taraz

c) Aktau

d) Almaty

e) Atyrau

734. Complete the sentence:

He … the article now.

a) am translating

b) is translating

c) was translating

d) are translating

e) were translating

735. Complete the sentence:

The article … by me yesterday.

a) was written

b) were written

c) am written

d) is written

e) are written

736. Choose the right variant.

After a few months of the treatment she … walk.

a) have to

b) could

c) am able to

d) has

e) are allowed

737. Complete the sentence:

That house belongs to … grandparents.

a) we

b) mine

c) my

d) I

e) me

738. Choose the right variant.

How … money do you need?

a) few

b) many

c) much

d) any

e) little

739. Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

Is … in the flat?

a) nobody

b) anywhere

c) everywhere

d) nowhere

e) anybody

740. Choose the right variant.


a) the sixteenth thousand five hundred and ninety seven

b) sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety seven

c) the sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety seven

d) six thousand five hundred and ninety seven

e) the sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety seven

741. Choose the right variant.

I want to be ... pupil in our class.

a) better

b) the best

c) best

d) the good

e) the better

742. Choose the right variant.

She is ... beautiful than Dinara.

a) more

b) well

c) very

d) the more

e) most

743. Choose the right variant.

He’ll show you something interesting when he ... you.

a) meeting

b) met

c) meets

d) will meet

e) am going to meet

744. Find the correct answer.

They’ll go there if the weather ... fine.

a) are

b) is

c) was

d) will be

e) are not

745. Choose the right variant.

The Queen of GB lives in:

a) the Buckingham Palace

b) the St. Paul’s cathedral

c) Covent Garden

d) Downing street, 10

e) the Houses of Parliament

746. Choose the right variant.

Every student should...both a book and the copy - book.

a) had

b) have

c) has

d) having

e) have had

747. Choose the right variant.

Holidays are very important for students.

a) written report

b) new approach

c) vocations

d) laboratory experiment

e) study of the subject

748. Find the correct answer.

a) Who work at the hospital?

b) Who does at the hospital?

c) Who do work at the hospital

d) Does who work at the hospital?

e) Who works at the hospital?

749. Choose the Present Continuous

a) She is reading the magazine now.

b) She has read the magazine

c) She’s never read a magazine

d) The magazine is read by her

e) She reads a magazine

750. Choose the right variant.

She heard the telephone ...

a) rang

b) ringed

c) rung

d) rings

e) ring

751. Find the sentence with a possessive noun:

a) Arman’s friend

b) Asem’s good

c) She is sick

d) Askar’s late

e) It’s time

752. Complete the sentence:

My … … are very from here.

a) Friends’ houses

b) Friends houses

c) Friend houses

d) Houses of my friends

e) Friend’s house

753. Complete the sentence:

…students of our University learn foreign languages.

a) in

b) a

c) an

d) for

e) the

754. Complete the sentence:

I often … a lot of work to do.

a) have

b) was having

c) had

d) is having

e) has

755. Choose the correct item:

I am from New York.

a) How old are you?

b) What is your name?

c) Where are you from?

d) Where is your father from?

e) Where is your friend from?

756. Choose the correct word:

The climate is extreme … in Kazakhstan.

a) hot

b) regional

c) European

d) Asian

e) continental

757. Indicate the correct answer:

What is the capital of England?

a) Belfast

b) Birmingham

c) London

d) Dublin

e) Cardiff

758. Choose suitable word:

The coastline … of the United States proper is 22,860 km

a) territory

b) district

c) wild

d) length

e) region

759. Make the right choice:

She has … good sense of … dress.

a) The/the

b) A/the

c) The/a

d) A/-

e) A/a

760. Choose the right variant:

What’s the weather like in Canada? How often … there?

a) Snow it

b) Does it snow

c) Snows it

d) Snowing

e) Does it snows

761. Choose the right variant:

A new film … in this cinema tomorrow.

a) Is shown

b) Will be shown

c) Was showing

d) Are shown

e) Was shown

762. Choose the correct answer: It is … known that Berlin is a city divided between East

and West.

a) best

b) well

c) rather

d) the best

e) quite

763. Choose the correct answer:

Since we have to be there before 9 o’clock, we … take a taxi. Otherwise, we’ll be late

a) are able to

b) had better

c) can

d) may

e ) would

764. Choose the correct variant: You … take any book you like.

a) should

b) have to

c) must

d) may

e) can

765. Choose the right variant:

Look at … beautiful flowers!

a) they

b) those

c) that

d) them

e) this

766. Choose the right variant:

Date: September 30?

a) The thirtieth of September

b) Thirty of September

c) The thirteenth of September

d) Thirty September

e) September thirteen

767. Choose the right variant:

How do you say the number “101”?

a) ones hundreds one

b) one thousand ones

c) one hundred and one

d) one hundreds one

e) one and one hundred

768. Choose the right variant:

You can see the details … the computer screen.

a) along

b) in

c) on

d) by

e) at

769. Choose the right variant:

John marks are … than mine.

a) bad

b) the worst

c) the baddest

d) badder

e) worse

770. Fill in the suitable adverb in the sentence:

I … sleep with my windows open.

a) a let

b) many


d) more

e) always

771. Choose the correct variant:

“I’m writing a letter,” she said:

a) She said she writes a letter

b) She said she writes a letters

c) She said she were writing a letter

d) She said she writing a letter

e) She said she was writing a letter

772. Choose the correct variant:

A swimming pool is a place … you can swim.:

a) which

b) whom

c) where

d) when

e) who

773. Choose the best alternative.

She had an accident yesterday,…she?

a) didn’t

b) did

c) had

d) hadn’t

e) wasn’t

774. Choose the correct answer.

Do you know it is my parents’ wedding anniversary next month? They …

Married for thirty years.

a) are

b) will be

c) have been

d) will have been

e) are going to be

775. Choose the right variant:

She went to the cinema after she … had dinner.

a) was had

b) have

c) will have

d) had

e) has

776. Choose the right suffix for:


a) -ment

b) ship

c) -ness



777. Complete the sentence:

This is … book.






778. Put the correct article. This is a picture of …town where I was born:

a) the

b) a

c) -

d) an

e) any

779. Choose the right variant:

We … at the lesson.

a) are

b) is

c) am

d) was

e) were

780. Find the correct variant:

Where do you take book?

a) At the museum

b) At the library

c) At home

d) At the station

e) In the park

781. Choose the correct word:

Kazakhstan has all types of … except arctic, tropical and equatorial

a) sunshine

b) regions

c) winds

d) climate

e) days

782. Choose the correct item:

Every year the anniversary of W.Shakespeare is celebrated in ….

a) Liverpool

b) Stratford-upon Avon

c) Manchester

d) London

e) Brooklyn

783. Fill in a suitable word: Washington is the … of the USA.

a) main district

b) district

c) capital

d) region

e) territory

784. ___chocolates which I ate last night tasted very strange.

a) The

b) -

c) A

d) Any

e) An

785. Complete the sentence:

I … a headache earlier but I feel fine now.

a) Would have

b) Had

c) Will have

d) Have

e) Has

786. Find the right variant:

How many houses … built in your city a year?

a) Is

b) Have

c) Was

d) Are

e) Has

787. Choose the correct answer:

In the old days, bottles … by hand.

a) Are make

b) Is made

c) Were making

d) Ares made

e) Were made

788. Choose the right variant:

We … do our lessons everyday.

a) will have to

b) had to

c) might

d) must

e) could

789. Complete the sentence:

I …go to the doctor.

a) Ought to

b) Is to

c) May

d) Can

e) Have not to

790. Choose the right variant:

… much time does it take to go there?

a) Why

b) How many

c) How

d) What

e) When

791. Choose the right number:

He lives on (7)floor.

a) the fifth

b) the sixth

c) the fourth

d) seven

e) the seventh

792. Choose the right variant:

The house was constricted in the … century.

a) Nineties

b) Ninety

c) Nineteenth

d) Nine

e) Nineteen

793. Choose the right variant:

The phone is … the computer.

a) in

b) to

c) from

d) for

e) next to

794. Choose the correct answer:

This car is nearly … price … the one we tried yesterday, but this one appears to be in better condition.

a) different/from

b) as/as

c) the same/as

d) similar/to

e) so/that

795. Choose the right variant:

They moved … through the hall.

a) Quieter

b) Quietly

c) Quiet

d) The quietest

e) Quietest

796. Choose the correct answer:

…, I could have phoned you while I was spending my holiday in Spain.

a) If you gave your phone number

b) Had you given your phone number before you left

c) But for your phone number

d) Although you had given me phone number

e) Did you give your phone number to me

797. Choose the correct answer:

Mrs. White is scornful of the romantic idea of love and treats marriage

Simply as something … prudent women use to their advantage.

a) but

b) whose

c) whom

d) of which

e) which

798. Choose the best alternative:

… anything on television, so I turned it off.

a) There was

b) There weren’t

c) It was

d) There wasn’t

e) It wasn’t

799. Choose the right variant:

I didn’t look at the present until she … gone.

a) had

b) have

c) did

d) does

e) has

800. Choose the best alternative:

It’ll take a long time to read this book. He … reading it by the weekend.

a) won’t be

b) has finished

c) won’t have finished

d) is finished

e) will be finishing

801. Choose the right noun in a possessive case:

Where is your … handbag?

a) Mothers

b) Mother

c) Mother’s

d) Mothers’s

e) Motheres

802. Choose the noun in a possessive case:

… name was “Titanic”.

a) The shipes

b) The ship

c) The ship’es

d) The ships

e) The ship’s

803. Choose the correct answer:

Butterflies are … insects.






804. Choose the best alternative:

New York … a big city.





e)am not

805. Choose the correct answer:

I sent a letter two weeks ago and they haven’t received it … .






806. Find the synonym to the underlined words:

She spoke to her English teacher after classes.






807. Choose the right variant:

Who is responsible for government actives before the President of the Republic Kazakhstan?

a) the Depute

b) the Speaker

c) the Prime-Minister

d) the Vice-president

e) the Chairman

808. Choose the correct answer:

A lot of people go to the stadium to watch….

a) the sport events

b) singing competitions

c) drama shows

d) religious singing

e) recitations singing

809. Choose the correct article:

He bought … few books yesterday and I bought 2 ones.

a) -

b) any

c) the

d) an

e) a

810. Choose the right variant:

Have you … been to London?

a) lately

b) yet

c) soon

d) ever

e) always

811. Choose the right variant:

Grammar … by our teacher.

a) Explains

b) Explained

c)Will explain

d) Are explained

e) Is explained

812. Choose the correct variant:

The monument … away.

a) taken

b) takes

c) took

d) has been taken

e) is taking

813. Choose the correct answer:

“ Why are you in a hurry? You … be in your office before half past eight.”

a) couldn’t

b) aren’t supposed to

c) mustn’t

d) might not

e) had better not

814. Find the right variant:

You go … there today.

a) Been

b) Are

c) Has

d) Have

е) Needn’t

815. Choose the right variant:

a) Are you

b) The yours

c) Yours

d) The your’s

e) Your

816. Choose the right variant of the year nineteen fifty-seven.

a) 1975

b) 1955

c) 1959

d) 1957

e) 1956

817. Choose the right variant:

How do you say the following big number “624,112”?

a)Six hundred and twenty-four thousand, one hundred and twelve.

b)Six hundreds and twenty-four thousands, eleven hundreds and two

c)Six hundreds, twenty-four, one hundred and twelve thousand

d)Six-two-four and eleven-two

e)Six hundreds and twenty-four thousands, one hundreds and twelve

818. Choose the correct answer:

When flooding forced mane people … our area to higher ground, my niece’s family stayed … us.

a) of/by

b) at/between

c) in/with

d) from/in

e) as/among

819. Choose the right variant:

My brother is … than my sister

a) Taller

b) Most tall

c) The tallest

d) More tall

e) Most

820. Choose the correct answer:

When I came home my parents … .

a)Watched TV

b)Will watch TV

c) Are watching TV

d) Watch TV

e) Were watching TV

821. Choose the right variant:

We shall not leave for the country before my father … home.

a) Is returned

b) Shall return

c) Return

d) Returns

e) Will return

822. Choose the right variant:

The Statue of Liberty greets everybody who comes to … by sea.

a) Washington

b) New York

c) Chicago

d) Los-Angeles

e) Boston

823. Choose the best alternative:

“ …leave so early?” ”I’m afraid I do. I must finish my homework before midnight.”

a) Don’t you have to

b) Do you have to

c) Have you to

d) Don’t you have to

e) Have got you to

824. Choose the right variant:

She … thought of it yet.

a) Didn’t

b) Isn’t

c) Hasn’t

d) Doesn’t

e) Wasn’t

825. Choose the right variant:

The hotel owner informed us that he … the police already.

a) Is calling

b) Had called

c) Calls

d) Are calling

e) Calling

826. Choose the right answer in a possessive case:

The name of the boy.

a) The names boy

b) The boys name

c) The boy’s name

d) The boys name’

e) The names boys

827. Complete the sentence:

These are my….newspapers.

a) Sister

b) Sistern

c) Sisters’

d) Sisterss

e) Sisters

828. Which of the nouns is used with –an:

a) Accident

b) City

c) Pear

d) Town

e) Table

829. Complete the sentence:

a) Is

b) Has

c) Are

d) Were

e) Am

830. Which of the following adverbs has suffix –er in the comparative degree?

a) Bad

b) Good

c) Worse

d) The worth

e) Firm

831. Find the right variant: The tea isn’t…enough for me.

a) sweet

b) salt

c) small

d) large

e) favorite.

832. Choose the right variant. London stands on the river:

a) Severn

b) Thames

c) Mersey

d) Colorado

e) Blade

833. Fill in a suitable word:

The highest…is observed in Death Valley (sometimes up to 56 C)

a) Scale

b) Phase

c) Degree

d) Grade

e) Temperature

834. Put the correct article. School year begins on …1st of September:

a) the

b) –

c) an

d) a

e) any

835. Choose the correct answer.

The hotel was so awful that we wrote a letter of…to the agency when we got back home.

a) warning

b) recommendation

c) thanks

d) relief

e) complaint

836. Choose the correct variant. This film…by about thirty million people now.:

a) was being watched.

b) is watched

c) is being watched

d) will be watched

e) has been watched.

837. Find the right variant: The palace …to public in 1990.

a) has been opened

b) opened

c) was opened

d) open

e) is opened

838. Choose the right variant:

You …help your mother about the house, it’s your duty.

a) Must

b) Would

c) Might

d) May

e) Can

839. Complete the sentence:

People…to drive more carefully.

a) Must

b) May

c) Could

d) Would

e) Ought

840. Choose the right variant:

I see only two students in the room. Where are…?

a) Other

b) The others

c) The other

d) Another

e) Others

841. Choose the right number: There are (14) schools in our town.

a) Two

b) One

c) Three

d) Five

e) Fourteen

842. Find the right variant: “14/10”

a) The October and fourteen

b) The fourteenth of October

c) The fourteenth October

d) The fourteen October

e) The fourteen of October

843. Choose the right the best alternative.

The Independence Day is celebrated…the 16th of December.

a) in

b) with

c) on

d) at

e) for

844. Choose the right variant:

I met my…friend yesterday.

a) Gooder

b) Better

c) The best

d) Best

e) Goodest

845. Choose the correct answer:

…, I would lend you some money now.

a) Unless I lose my job in two weeks’ time

b) If I had gotten my salary yesterday

c) The cost of living is higher, so

d) If I have enough money

e) If I win the game

846. Choose the right form of the verb: If it …for your help, we would have got into real trouble.

a) Were not

b) Did not

c) Am not

d) Had not been

e) Is not

847. Choose the correct answer:

The river Ishim…through Astana

a) Locates

b) Walks

c) Goes

d) Runs

e) Stretches

848. Choose the best alternative:

Five minutes…too long to wait.

a) are

b) will not

c) have not

d) isn’t

e) aren’t

849. Choose the right variant:

I…the radio for 10 minutes before the car turned over.

a) Was playing

b) Had been playing

c) Is played

d) Am playing

e) Played

850. Complete the sentence:

Ann…at home when I….. .

a) Wasn’t/ had phoned

b) Has’t been/phoned

c) Were not/ has phoned.

d) Wasn’t/ phoned

e) Has been/ have phoned.

851. Choose the right answer in a possessive case:

a) The brother’s car

b) The brother car

c) The brother’s car

d) The brother car

e) The brothers car

852. Complete the sentence:

Would you like to go to…theater with me tonight?

a) These

b) An

c) The

d) A

e) In

853. Choose the best alternative.

…you got any relations?

a) Has

b) Are

c) Do

d) Will

e) Have

854. Find the right equivalent:

Year 1950

a) The fiftieth.

b) Nineteen fifty.

c) Nineteen hundred.

d) Ninety fifty.

e) Ninety fifteen.

855. Choose the correct answer: You don’t need to vacuum the carpet. I’ve….done it

a) Rather

b) Already

c) Yet

d) Still

e) Often

856. Choose the right variant:

A room or a place for the preparation and cooking of food is called a ____.

a) Kitchen

b) Dining-room

c) Hall

d) Sitting room

e) Bedroom

857. Choose the right variant:

The Clock Tower is famous for its big hour bell, known as….

a) “Small Ben”

b) “Long Ben”

c) “Nice Ben”

d) “Big Ben”

e) “Large Ben”.

858. Fill in a suitable word:

The Us has two main________ parties-the Democratic Party and the Republic Party.

a) Wonderful

b) Civil

c) Political

d) Public

e) Important

859. Choose the noun in a possessive case:

The_______ _museum.

a) City’s

b) City

c) Citie’s

d) Cities

e) Citi’s

860. Complete the sentence:

…course of study at…Institute of physical culture lasts four years:

a) The/-.

b) The/a.

c) -/the

d) The/the.

e) a/the

861. Choose the correct answer.

Since the day he______ ill_____ a lot of reading.

a) Is/he has done

b) Is/he has been done

c) Has been ill/he had done

d) Was/he had done

e) Was/ he has done

862. Choose the right variant:

John______ on the phone now.

a) Was wanted

b) Is wanted

c) Am wanted

d) Are wanted

e) Be wanted

863. Choose the correct variant: The flowers…in a warm sunny place.:

a) Should kept.

b) Be kept

c) Shall keep

d) Shall be keeping

e) Should be kept

864. Choose the right variant:

…you pass me the salt, please?

a) May

b) Must

c) Can

d) Had do

e) Should

865. Complete the sentence:

Like any top sportsman she…to train very hard.

a) Should

b) Must

c) Has

d) May

e) Can

866. Choose the correct answer:

_____people get married for financial security or because ____are lonely.

a) All/some

b) Most/we

c) Any/many

d) Your/you

e) Some/they

867. Choose the right variant: 8579

a) Eight thousand five hundred and seventy nine.

b) Eighteen thousand five hundred seventy nine.

c) Eight thousand five hundred seventy nine.

d) Eighteen thousand five hundreds seventy nine

e) Eight thousands five hundred seventy nine.

868. Choose the best alternative.

You’re walking too fast. I can’t keep….with you.

a) Out

b) In

c) On

d) Up

e) At

869. Choose the correct answer.

The bus______ we are traveling is the latest model from our company.

a) on which

b) whatever

c) that

d) of which

e) from which

870. Choose the correct answer.

a) As soon as we waited

b) When we waited

c) Before we waited

d) Until we waited

e) As we were waiting

871. Choose the correct variant. Sarah is so lonely but if she….a club, she would make more friends.:

a) Joined

b) Will be joined

c) Would join

d) Will join

e) Joins

872. The President of the Republic is the ________of the state.

a) chief ideologist

b) legislator

c) monarch

d) head

e) chief legislator

873. Choose the best alternative.

We ……orders for the new cosmetic product coming in from all over the world.

We will be rich, partner!

a) Give

b) Have

c) Take

d) Make

e) Do

874. Choose the best alternative to complete the second so that it means the same as the first sentence.

He pretended that he was reading the newspaper.

He pretended….the newspaper.

a) to have read

b) to be reading

c) to reading

d) to have been read

e) reading

875. Choose the right variant:

The results of his experiments are supposed_________ very interesting.

a) been

b) has been

c) have been

d) to be



Cleaned done

Invented built

Examined taken


Was/were (not)

Will be


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