CSC Risotto making

Risotto Research Activity

Definition of risotto

Risotto: An Italian dish made from rice cooked by intermittently adding small amounts of stock or broth. Other ingredients are added as required.

How does arborio rice cook?

SunRice Arborio Risotto Rice is grown in Australia and originates from Arborio Rice in Italy. It is traditionally used in cooking Italian Risotto, Spanish Paella, Greek Dolmades and other Mediterranean dishes. During cooking the grains swell and absorb unusually large amounts of liquid and flavour. Stirring also gently knocks the rice grains together, releasing the surface starch on each grain. This adds to the creamy consistency of the dish, perfect for an authentic risotto. Because of this it is important NOT to rinse the grain prior to cooking to retain the starchiness, hence creaminess.

Tips on risotto making

• Read all the ingredients of your recipe for risotto, and measure and prepare all ingredients in advance of cooking.


• Use only Italian short-grain rice varieties such as Aroborio, Carnaroli, Vialone, Nano, and Baldo (Arborio is the most commonly found short-grain rice). Short-grain rice has a high starch content and tends to absorb less liquid, resulting in a stickier, more compact risotto.


• Never wash the rice. Every bit of the rice starch helps make risotto creamy.

• Toasting the rice: Adding the rice to the saucepan on the heat without any liquid is an important step, because how it is done can determine the final texture of the risotto. Toasting the rice quickly heats up the grain's exterior (toast until the rice is hot to the touch and the colour should remain pearly white, not turn brown.

• It is important to add hot stock, not cold, to the rice during the cooking process. Adding cold broth to hot rice results in a hard, uncooked kernel in the centre of the grain. Add approximately 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup, at the beginning, and decreasing the amount to 1/2 to 1/4 cup toward the end of the cooking process. Adding too much broth at the end can result in overcooked risotto. Keep the broth simmering slowly while you add it to the rice. This helps maintain a constant cooking temperature.

• Run your wooden spoon across the bottom of the pot to determine when each addition of broth is almost completely absorbed.

• Begin tasting the rice about 14 to 16 minutes after the first cup of broth is added. Cook the rice until it is "al dente," or the tooth still finds a little bit of resistance when it bites in when you chew. It shouldn't be rock hard in the center and mushy on the outside. The total amount of cooking time may vary within 2 to 3 minutes. Perfectly cooked risotto should not be hard and stick to the serving spoon, nor should it be so liquid that it runs off your plate. The texture should be supple and fluid, with a creamy, slightly soupy consistency, but with body.

• You can always add simmering water if you run short on broth.


• Add any vegetables, seafood, or meat, which cook quickly, when the risotto is only a few minutes away from al dente.

• Serve risotto in preheated plates.


Questions to complete. All answers are to be in complete sentences and grammatically correct.

1. What is risotto?

2. What type of rice is used and why?

3. Explain clearly what happens when the rice grains are cooking.

4. Do you wash the rice before cooking it? Explain your answer fully.

5. What is the point of sautéing the rice before any water is added?

6. Why is it important to add hot stock to the risotto?

7. Explain clearly how you can tell the risotto is ready for more hot water to be added.

8. How can you tell the risotto is cooked? Explain the test clearly!

9. One of our outcomes in a few weeks will be to design and produce your own risotto dish.

Go to the following website:


And search for risotto recipes. Make a list of at least 12 flavouring ingredients that can be added and comment on each as to its suitability in your own designed dish. Use a table like this one:

Risotto ingredients research

|Ingredient |Comment on its good and/or bad points for your own risotto dish. |Is this one you would consider |

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