Student Name/Class Mythology Research Report of Information

[Pages:5]Student Name/Class _____________________________________

Mythology Research Report of Information

Research Handout Due: __________________ 1st Draft due: __________________________ Completed Project due: _________________________ Presentation Date: _____________________

You will be creating a research report and Poster (or power point presentation or diorama or 3D Model)! How exciting

___ 1. Read through this entire assignment

___ 2. Each person will research one God or Goddess from the attached list.

___ 3. Complete Research Handout. Each person needs complete the research handout, this is an individual assignment. Find information for all of the following categories.


(Minimum of 3)






Noteworthy Facts

Powers &


____4. You will go to the library (on your own time) and complete your research on the God or Goddess. You need at least 3 sources and at least one must be print (book, article, etc...)

___ 5. When you have finished your research you will turn in your Research Handout to your teacher to be graded/checked.

____6. Drafting will take place during our in-class writer's workshop, however each night you will be expected to complete the stage of the writing process begun in class.

___ 7. You will present your Power Point or Poster to the class as an oral presentation. If you finish your paper in a timely fashion you will have class time to complete your presentation/or

poster. However, if you do not complete tasks by assigned dates, this part of the project will become homework.

___ 8. You will take notes on your classmate's presentations and learn about all the Gods and Goddesses. Yes, there will be a quiz!!! The questions will come from the student presentations.

***Attachments: Research Handout, Rubric, Task + God(dess) list, report cover sheet and writing conference form***

Name: ___________________________ Date: __________ Period: _____ Mythology Research Handout

Sources: (see Bibliography Information for correct formatting) 1. 2. 3. Family Tree:

Creation Myth:

Powers and Domains: Adventure: Facts:

Mythology Research Project

Task-Students will research a figure from mythology and create a project full of information about them. Students will then present to the class.

The following information is to help guide you through this project:

1. Name of character 2. Thorough background information about the character. (Parents? siblings? married? Where is he/she

from? Where does he/she live?) 3. Special talents, skills, or traits (god of moon, strong, beautiful, ...) 4. Weaknesses or areas that cause trouble for the character (love weakness, liar, etc) 5. In your own words, retell a myth about your character 6. Create a poster that illustrates information about your character 7. Present your poster to the class. 8. Prepare to answer a few questions about your character.

1. Achilles 2. Cronus 3. Rhea 4. Zeus 5. Hera 6. Athena 7. Artemis 8. Dionysus 9. Calypso 10. Circe 11. Aphrodite 12. Pandora 13. Persephone 14. Medusa 15. Charybdis 16. Scylla

17. Sirens 18. Hestia 19. Ares 20. Poseidon 21. Hades 22. Demeter 23. Artemis 24. Apollo 25. Helios 26. Eros 27. Hermes 28. Hephaestus 29. Prometheus 30. Hercules 31. Atlas 32. Psyche

33. Theseus 34. Agamemnon 35. Menelaeus 36. Atrius 37. Pollux 38. Clytamnestra 39. Cassandra 40. Helen 41. Paris 42. Tyndareus 43. Odysseus 44. Hector 45. Priam

Mythology Research Report

Unit Goal (Task): Students will research, plan, write and revise a report of information on a God or Goddess of their choosing.

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY Organization

4 (100-85)

3 (84-65)

2 (64-55)

1 (54-0)

Information is very organized Information is organized with Information is organized, but The information appears to be

with well-constructed

well-constructed paragraphs. paragraphs are not well-

disorganized. 8)

paragraphs and subheadings.


Amount of Information

All topics are addressed and all questions answered with at least 2 sentences about each.

All topics are addressed and most questions answered with at least 2 sentences about each.

All topics are addressed, and One or more topics were not most questions answered addressed. with 1 sentence about each.

Bibliography Mechanics

All sources are accurately documented.

All sources are accurately documented.

Some sources are accurately No Bibliography submitted. documented.

No grammatical, spelling or Almost no grammatical,

A few grammatical spelling or Many grammatical, spelling, or

punctuation errors.

spelling or punctuation errors punctuation errors.

punctuation errors.

Graphic Organizer

Graphic organizer or outline has been completed and shows clear, logical relationships between all topics and subtopics.

Graphic organizer or outline has been completed and shows clear, logical relationships between most topics and subtopics.

Graphic organizer or outline has been started and includes some topics and subtopics.

Graphic organizer or outline has not been attempted.

Quality of Information

Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.

Information clearly relates to Information clearly relates to

the main topic. It provides 1-2 the main topic. No details

supporting details and/or

and/or examples are given.


Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic.

Poster or Power Point

Oral Presentation

Poster or Power point is well Poster or Power point is well

put together and contains the put together and contains

highlights of the project.

some the highlights of the

Provides an in-depth look into project. Provides a look into

what the student learned from what the student learned

the research experience.

from the research


Well prepared and rehearsed. Prepared and rehearsed.

Student provides a well

Student Provides an over-

developed over-view of the view of the selected God or

selected God or Goddess. Goddess.

Poster or Power point is put together and contains a few of the highlights of the project. Provides a look into what the student learned from the research experience.

Poster or Power Point poorly put together or missing. Shows little understanding of the selected God or Goddess.

Somewhat prepared and rehearsed. Student provides a vague over-view of the selected God or Goddess.

Poorly prepared and/or rehearsed.


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