Group 1: India - Mrs. Davis' World

Group 4: Japan


Directions: Read the passage below and work together as a group to answer the following questions.

Background: In 1940, a burger restaurant was opened by Richard and Maurice McDonald in California. From that start as a small restaurant, McDonald’s has become one of the world's leading food service retailer in 118 countries, with more than 34,000 restaurants serving nearly 69 million people every day. In order to cater to local tastes and culinary traditions, and often in respect of particular laws or religious beliefs, McDonald's offers regionalized versions of its menu among different countries.


Japanese cuisine is surrounded around its booming fishing and agricultural economy. They incorporate a lot of rice, seafood, and vegetables. Green tea is also incorporated into most meals and beverages served in Japan. They also enjoy flavors such as teriyaki and soy.

One of Japan McDonald’s specialties includes “Shaka Shaka Chicken” which is where you get chicken and a bag of spices and are able to spice and season your own chicken to your liking.

When McDonald’s opened up a store in Japan in 1971, they played to Japan’s preferences and incoroporated a lot of seafood including the Shrimp Filet. They now have the most McDonald’s in a single country besdies the United States with over 3,000. The addition of these restaurants has brought western culture with eastern culture through cultural diffusion as well as added many jobs to the Japanese economy.



1. Name 3 menu items that are different from the McDonald’s in the United States.

2. Why does your country have this menu item and the United States does not? Explain your answer.

3. What cultural or religious difference do you see in this country? What does McDonald’s do to respect these differences?

4. How do you think that McDonald’s was able to diffuse to your country?

5. How did technology play a part in the diffusion of McDonald’s?

6. How did transportation play a part in the diffusion of McDonald’s?

7. How did communication, such as what language people speak, play a part in the diffusion of McDonald’s?

8. What do you think would happen if McDonald’s did not respect a country’s religious or cultural preferences and beliefs when they decided on their menu?

9. In reference to the previous question, do you think people would still eat at McDonald’s? Why or why not?

10. Name a different idea, fashion statement, language, religion, or business that has diffused to other countries. Explain how you believe this happened.


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