a rich natural food source

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Cleansing Green


? Organic ? Rich in Chlorophyll ? Vitamins and Minerals ? High Digestability ? Nucleic Acid ? Nutrients

The Wizarts 4431

What is Chlorella?

Melrose Clean Green Chlorella pyrenoidosa is a single celled fresh water micro algae. It is the richest source of chlorophyll. This green super food is believed to be one of the earliest forms of life on earth, approximately 2 billion years old. Chlorella is cultured in shallow open ponds in southern Taiwan. Spring water, fresh air, sunshine and added nutrients are needed to help chlorella grow.

Common chlorella is hard to digest and use by the body. In traditional processing methods digestibility is only 40% to 50%.

Melrose Clean Green Chlorella is processed by a Patented Broken Cell Wall process. Through a special low-pressure flash expansion broken cell process, chlorella cell walls break in 3 seconds and the surface reveals numerous pores (similar to popped corn). This increases digestibility to >80%.

Melrose Clean Green Chlorella contains a wide array of vitamins and minerals. Considered to be a complete protein it is made up of 60% protein and contains all 8 essential amino acids. It is nature's richest source of Chlorophyll, thus its powerful cleansing and detoxifying ability. It is high in phytonutrients and antioxidants that can offer protection against toxins and other pollutants.

Chlorella Growth Factor

Chlorella growth factor (CGF) is a nucleotide-peptide complex found in chlorella. Researches have discovered that CGF is produced during intense photosynthesis that enables chlorella to grow rapidly. Experiments with microorganisms, animals and children have shown that CGF promotes growth faster than normal, without any harmful effects. In adults it enhances RNA/DNA function, these are responsible for production of protein, enzymes and energy and stimulating tissue repair and protection against toxins in the body.

Dr Minchinon Kimura of Japan found chlorella to contain 10% RNA and 3% DNA making it the highest known food substance in nucleic acids.

Nutritional Information

Serving size 6 tablets (3 grams)

Energy Protein Fat Total GLA Saturated Carbohydrate Sugars Fibre Chlorophylls

Nucleic Acids RNA DNA B Carotene Carotenoids Vitamin B12 Iron Folic Acid Potassium Sodium

Per serve 3g 49kJ 1.8g 0.24g 4mg 9mg 600mg 0g 0.15g 75mg

88.6mg 11mg 5.5mg 6mg 3mcg 3mg 0.8mcg 0.9mg 1.2mcg

Per 100g 1640kJ 60g 8g 136mg 0.3g 20g 0g 5g 2.5g

2950mg 370mg 183mg 200mg 100mcg 100mg 26.9mcg 30mg 42mg

Who should take Melrose Clean Green Chlorella?

Melrose Clean Green Chlorella can be used by anyone feeling sluggish and tired. Those who suffer from bad breath and body odour. Chlorella is particularly good for those with irregular bowel motions. It is important to maintain a healthy bowel and liver and increase the body's ability to eliminate wastes and improve the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Melrose Clean Green Chlorella will help to cleanse, detoxify and rejuvenate the body


Chlorella has been shown to: ? Strengthen the immune system and protects the liver ? Detoxify heavy metals, chemicals and other toxins in the body ? Normalize digestion and bowel function ? Stimulate growth and repair ? Rich in Beta-carotene, the precursor of Vitamin A Clean Green Chlorella is suitable for anyone including children.


A small number of new users cannot tolerate chlorella. If you experience gastrointestinal distress or nausea when starting with chlorella, try reducing the dosage and start again with a smaller dose, then build up slowly. However, if symptoms are severe, or persist even with a small dose, stop taking chlorella and seek advice from your medical practitioner.


Swallow 6 or more tablets a day or one metric teaspoon of powder (3 grams) a day. When taking Melrose Clean Green Chlorella, drink at least 4 glasses of pure water a day. It can be used for a short, intense detox and cleansing programme as well as a regular use for maintaining a clean and healthy body.


Available in powder 120g 500mg tablets 100, 200, 500, and 1000

Melrose Clean Green Chlorella is certified Organic by COAA


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