Research, Education and Community Outreach

Selected Research and Community Outreach

For a complete listing and full synopses of research & outreach projects, visit our website at:

|Project Title |Description |Contact Information |

| |This multi-center study aims to improve calcium intake and bone health among Asian, Caucasian, and |Contact: Janis Eklund |

|Adequate Calcium Today (ACT) |Hispanic adolescents by incorporating DVD and CD-ROM based nutrition education into their school | |

| |curriculum in order to increase their calcium intake help reduce risk for osteoporosis. | |

| |The purpose of this pilot study is to develop and test the impact of a trans-community approach to |Contact: Dr. Scott Going |

|Activa Y Sana |the prevention of weight-gain in a predominantly Mexican-American population. The target population | |

| |is at-risk and overweight 3rd and 4th grade children from three Sunnyside elementary schools. | |

|Body Image Study |This study examines the relationship between perception of a healthy body and actual body composition|Evaluation of Body Composition |

| |in a population of men and women and affords the individual an opportunity to assess their health |Contact: Rob Blew |

| |risks associated with his/her personal body composition. | |

|Bone Builders** |The Bone Builders program trains volunteers to educate women and older men on changing their dietary |Volunteer Training |

|A CHAPS project… |and exercise habits to reduce the risks of osteoporosis. |Contact: Sharon Hoelscher Day |

| | | |

|Bone Builders Physical |The Bone Builders Physical Activity program trains volunteers to educate seniors on how to |Volunteer Training |

|Activity** |incorporate physical activity into a healthy lifestyle to promote better bones. |Contact: Sharon Hoelscher Day |

|A CHAPS project… | | |

|Bone, Estrogen, Strength |The BEST study investigated the effects of hormone replacement therapy, calcium supplementation and | BEST Exercise Book |

|Training (BEST) |exercise on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women over six-years. It is not only unique in |BEST Book Workshop |

| |its design and duration, but has bridged the gap between research and community by providing | |

| |continuing education for health related professionals with the BEST Exercise Program for Osteoporosis|Contact: Vanessa Stanford |

| |Prevention | |

|City of Tucson Wellness Series |This City of Tucson employee-wide wellness series uses curriculum developed by CPAN to provide |Contact: Lauve Metcalfe |

| |education and skill development relating to physical activity, healthy eating, body image, positive | |

| |attitude and wellness strategies with the goal of improving performance at the workplace. | |

|Combined Events Development |This project, funded by USA Track & Field, provides ongoing educational support and assessment of |Sports Nutrition Consulting Contact:|

|Project |dietary practices, body composition, and biochemical markers of nutrition status to elite combined |Dr. Jackie Maurer |

| |events athletes to help promote optimal health and sport performance. | |

|Compadres for Health and |This pilot project is facilitating the implementation of the Sunnyside District’s local wellness |Teacher Training and School Wellness|

|Wellness |policy at two elementary schools and ultimately providing a template for replication at other |Planning Contact: Dr. Dan |

| |elementary schools. (2006-2007 school year) |McDonald |

|Eat, Move, Learn |Eat, Move, Learn is a multi-site trial investigating the effects of an innovative science-based |Contact: Janis Eklund |

| |web-quest curriculum on weight and body composition in 6th grade boys and girls. The intervention | |

| |will encourage energy expenditure (physical activity) and appropriate energy intake (healthy eating) | |

| |within the framework of a science curriculum. | |

|Extension Food and Nutrition |The Extension Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) provides individuals, families, and |Program Delivery |

|Education Program** |communities with the knowledge and skills that empower them to make informed choices about food and |Contact: Dr. Scottie Misner |

| |other lifestyle issues to support their health and economic/social well-being. | |

|Food Stamp Nutrition Education |The Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program (FSNEP) shapes food consumption of individuals and |Education Materials, Referrals |

|Program** |families in a positive way with the goals of health promotion/disease prevention. |Contact: Dr. Scottie Misner |

| | | |

|Green Tea Intervention for |This study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design testing the effect of green tea |Contact: Dr. Cynthia Thomson |

|Weight Gain Prevention |vs placebo on weight loss among women who have completed chemotherapy for Stage I or II breast | |

| |cancer. | |

|Healthy Active Kids** |The goal of this Extension program is to create innovative ways to promote healthy nutrition and |Questions on current projects in the|

| |physical activity behaviors in children. The Healthy Active Kids working group awarded 6 mini-grants |different counties Contact:|

| |to Arizona counties in Spring 2006 for implementation. |Sharon Hoelscher Day |

| | | |

|Healthy Weight for Life (HW4L)*|Funded as an innovative research design, HW4L used a 16-week lifestyle weight loss program, followed |On-Line Weight Loss Course |

| |by an intervention of weight-gain prevention using Internet as support in perimenopausal women. |Contact: Dr. Tim Lohman |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

|Project |Description | |

|Isothiocyanates, Limonene and|This research will provide direction regarding the appropriate measurement tools necessary to accurately | Contact: Dr. Cynthia Thomson |

|Breast Cancer Prevention |assess cruciferous vegetable intake as well as the utility of urinary metabolite excretion as a biomarker| |

| |of intake of these compounds among study populations with high levels of intake. These data will also | |

| |assess the utility of future cruciferae and citrus intervention trials in cancer prevention. | |

|Osteoporosis Risk Factor |This project is designed to determine the potential risk factors for development of osteoporosis in adult|Osteoporosis Risk Screening |

|Study |women and men. While the results of this research will be helpful to the community as a whole in the |Contact: Rob Blew |

| |future, on the individual level, members of the community have access to a research study that will | |

| |assess their personal risk for osteoporosis. | |

|Osteoarthritis Study |This study is evaluating the effectiveness of a long-term multidimensional intervention incorporating a |Living Healthy With Arthritis |

| |program of exercise and self-management, on improvement in physical function in a sample of men and women|Series |

| |with early knee osteoarthritis. |Contact: Michelle Cornett |

| | | |

|Partners for Healthy Active |Partners is a collaboration between the YMCA of Metropolitan Tucson, the Sunnyside Unified School |Curriculum Questions, |

|Children |District and the University of Arizona, addressing the nutritional and physical education needs of over |Implementation |

| |8,500 K-5 youth in the Sunnyside District and 500 youth participating in YMCA after school sites. |Contact: Vanessa Stanford |

| | | |

|Pathways* |This nationwide study tested the efficacy of a school-based intervention focused on the primary | Contact: Dr. Tim Lohman |

| |prevention of obesity in pre-adolescent American Indians in an attempt to prevent associated health risk | |

| |in adulthood. | |

|Pyramid Power |This collaborative research project tests the effectiveness of a coordinated school and home-based |Curriculum Development Contact: |

| |intervention to prevent the decline of physical activity in adolescents. |Jennifer Reeves |

| | | |

|Small Steps to Health & |The Small Steps to Health and Wealth (SSHW) program teaches participants 25 behavior change strategies |Questions or more information |

|Wealth™** |that can be simultaneously applied to improve health and increase wealth, and track their progress over |Contact: Linda Block |

| |time. | |

|Special Action Group for a |The Special Action group for a Healthier Community (SAG) has formed in the communities of Douglas, AZ and|Questions or how to get involved |

|Healthier Community** |Sierra Vista, AZ and has been instrumental in disseminating health information and heightening awareness |Contact: Evelyn Markee |

| |of disease prevention throughout the communities. Current focus is on changing the school environment. | |

|Sports Fitness Nutrition |Sports Fitness Nutrition Education offers research-based sports nutrition information through workshops, |Sports Nutrition Conference, |

|Education |conferences, and clinics to help health and fitness professionals use nutrition to maximize exercise |Workshops, and Clinics |

| |performance and promote optimal health. |Contact: Melanie Hingle |

| | | |

|STEPS To a Healthier U.S.** |STEPS is a partnership between the UA College of Public Health (MEZACOPH) and Yuma County Extension, |Cochise County: Evelyn Markee |

| |focused on reducing the burden of diabetes, overweight and obesity and asthma in Arizona border |emarkee@ag.arizona.du Yuma County: |

| |populations by addressing 3 risk factors – poor dietary intake, physical inactivity and tobacco use. |Vickie Steinfelt |

| | | |

|Trial of Activity for |TAAG is a multi-center study that investigated whether a school-based and community linked intervention |Contact: Dr. Tim Lohman |

|Adolescent Girls (TAAG)* |can prevent the decline in physical activity levels and cardio-respiratory fitness in middle school | |

| |girls. | |

|Tucson Challenge |This community-based model weight loss and physical activity program was created by Tucson community |Program Development Consulting |

| |leaders, the Mayor's Office and CPAN to address the nutrition and physical inactivity issues targeted in |Contact: Lauve Metcalfe |

| |the Healthy Arizona 2010 Strategic Plan. | |

| |Walk Across Arizona increases physical activity levels throughout communities in Arizona by developing |Join with Your Own Team! |

|Walk Across Arizona** A CHAPS|and maintaining community-based walking clubs. |Contact: Linda Block |

|project | | |

|Women’s Healthy Eating Study |The WHEL Study is determining whether a plant-based, low-fat diet reduces the risk of recurrence and |Contact: Dr. Cynthia Thomson |

|(WHEL) |death in women with Stage I, II, or III breast cancer previously treated by conventional methods. | |

|Yuma on the Move** |Yuma on the Move targets residents in Yuma, AZ, promoting increased physical activity through public |Walking Groups, Worksite |

|A CHAPS project… |service announcements, walking groups, worksite challenges, health fairs, and community events. |Challenges, Health Fairs |

| | |Contact: Vicki Steinfelt |

| | | |

*denotes completed projects

**denotes a Cooperative Extension-led project

CHAPS is a formal collaboration between the UA College of Public Health, Cooperative Extension, and Dept of Nutritional Sciences that combines research, education and outreach efforts in order to address community-identified health and wellness priorities in Arizona counties.




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